TAJIMA USB LINKER Changes data input method of your designs Transfers design data with more ease and higher speed, using USB stick. Prevents data corruption when designs are saved to the embroidery machine.
FEATURES New design data input
Easy connection
This device allows design data
Just connect this device to the
stored in a USB stick to be loaded
parallel or serial port of your Tajima
i n to yo ur Taj i m a e m b r o i d e r y
embroidery machine, using a
machine, in the same way that
special cable. That’ s all ! Then
data on paper tape or floppy
select and transfer the design
disks are used for data input.
data that is stored in a USB stick.
Data storage in large capacity Design data up to 680,000,000 With a USB stick (2GB): 680,000,000 stitches!
stitches can be stored on a 2GB 1,416 times more!
USB stick.
Display of design information
T ] PEACOCK 5329 st 3 COL : 10 4 X+ : 123.0 X- : 130.1 Y+ : 50.1 Y- : 50.5 2
The screen displays the file name, stitch count, number of colors, size and a thumbnail image of the
PRESS PSET, PRE, MODE With a 2HD floppy disk (1.44MB): 480,000 stitches
1 name Design 2 Needles 3 Colors 4 size Design
(MB) 2000
design to be transferred to the
*Display Image
embroidery machine. It is very easy to search for the designs on the stick.
Design data management in folders
Recurrence of tape operation
The device can recognize design
The machine can be started as soon as the embroidery machine
data saved in the folder on the
started to read the design data from the USB stick.
USB Stick. This facilitates design
Design Design_01
data management.
Conformity with CE Marking This product conforms to CE requirements (EU consumer safety,
Flower_02 Flower_03
health or environmental requirements).