Sri Sankalpa-kalpa-druma

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‚r” ‚r” Saºkalpa-kalpa-druma by ‚r” ‚r”mad Vi•vanŒtha Cakravart” æhŒkura PrŒrthanŒ 1. O hey Goddess of V¨ndŒvana ‚r” RŒdhe! You are the ocean of all youthfulness, good qualities, beauty, pastimes of pleasure, good fortune, romantic love and compassion. Please give me Your attention, for there is something that I have to say that You please hear from me: ÒI will become Your dŒs”.Ó You will be in the company of Your beloved ‚r” K¨§Ãa and surrounded by the sakh”s and ma–jar”sÑat that time I will serve You and make You happy. This is my only desire; I donÕt want anything else.

Prado•a-l”lŒ (The first part of the night) 8.24 P.M.Ñ10.48 P.M. 2. After dressing and decorating You with various ornaments, I will take You out on abhisŒra (the secret journey between loved ones for meeting each other). Then, after some time, when You first see K¨§Ãa from a distance, You will become shy and start to return back home. Then, by firmly holding the border of Your outer garment, I shall pull You until we arrive just in front of Hari. For my efforts, all of Your scolding and abusing words I shall enjoy as nectar pouring upon my head. 3. Seeing You thus angry, I will place my head at the feet of that nŒgara (flirtatious romantic) and give an indication for Him to take You away. Then with His two strong arms, ‚r” K¨§Ãa will firmly embrace You. At this time, seeing Your whole body trembling with sŒttvika emotions and Your hairs standing on end, the purpose of my having eyes will become successful. 4. Then ‚r” K¨§Ãa, taking You by the hand, will say, ÒO hey prŒna-priya (dearest of my heart), You please become the decoration of this flower bed.Ó Hearing these words, my happiness will know no bounds. Your voice at this time will become choked up, and speaking falteringly You will say, ÒHey MŒdhava, I am a sat” (chaste woman)Ñlet me go!Ó Then at the very moment You say this, I shall stand by Your side and chastise ‚r” K¨§Ãa. 5. Having the nature of a vŒma-nŒyikŒ, You will hold K¨§Ãa back with Your arms. You will thus be submerged in a waterfall of ecstacy and for some time remain in opposition. Your curling waistlong hair will become loosened and Your garments will become slackened. Seeing You in this condition, my life will become successful.


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Sri Sankalpa-kalpa-druma by PureBhaktiTexts - Issuu