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Tips for Organizing Your Shop

With judging underway for the GNAA Beautification Awards for Best Maintenance Shop, here are a few suggestions for creating an organized shop. The four significant areas are Safety, Supply Storage, Equipment Storage, and Working Space.


Safety is the number one priority in keeping your shop organized. It is critical to make sure the shop is clear of hazards for the safety of your maintenance team. Make sure to keep a stocked first aid kit and store flammables and toxic chemicals in a safety cabinet. Have a spill kit on hand for any spills. Make sure to store liquid and heavy items on a low shelf. Clear all exits and keep the floors clean.

Supply Storage

Finding a convenient method to store supplies is key to the success of your maintenance shop and team. Grouping like items together and placing frequently used items in an easy-to-access place are just a few ways to help get organized. Labeling boxes and shelf space is also very helpful for your team to understand the process of keeping a shop clean and organized. The easier it is for your team to find what they need to complete a task, the quicker they can complete it.

Equipment Storage

Equipment storage plays a key role in organization. Equipment is considered the most expensive asset in a maintenance shop, and maintaining the condition of your equipment is how you control the cost. Secure ladders and tools with sharp points or blades. Mark items that need repair so your maintenance team will not further cause damage to your equipment. Check manufacturer specifications to help maintain larger equipment like washers, dryers, and golf carts.

Working Space

Assigning designated spaces in your shop for specific tasks or every different type of repair. Projects such as screen replacement, drawer repair, door slab preparation, custom cutting blinds, motor repairs, and appliance servicing and testing can easily have specific spaces in your maintenance shop. If space is limited, try rearranging temporary services on top of one another.

More Information on Best Maintenance Shop Judging

The Best Maintenance Shop Award judging is based on the following criteria: Safety (SDS current and categorized, shop door locked and secure, fire extinguisher registration current, first aid kit and adequate supplies including eye wash, emergency contact numbers posted, lockout/tagout kit, and bloodborne pathogens supplies/requirements), Hazardous Conditions (personal protective equipment, chemical storage requirements, HAZMAT communication, condition and storage of equipment, pressurized vessels properly stored, adequate lighting, and trip hazards), Organization (cleanliness of shop, exterior appearance of shop, supplies categorized such as HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Appliance, etc., supplies labeled with part numbers, inventory purchased, equipment inventory with serial numbers, parts list, site map, and refrigerant logs) and Other (including repair reference/materials, preventive maintenance program, vendor contact list, and employee contact list).

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