Scott Naismith Scottish Landscape Paintings 2013: Consonance & Dissonance

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i ankenny . com scot t nai smi t h. com

Bl us t er ySk y| acr y l i candoi l oncanv as| 60x60cm | ÂŁ1400

Thr eeSi s t er sofGl encoe| oi l oncanv as| 120x800cm | £3200

+MUCHMUCHMORE. . . Thi si sj us tas el ect i onofwhatwi l l bear ound40newpai nt i ngsons how.Lookout onI anKenny . com andScot t Nai s mi t h. com f oral l t hel at es t .Manypai nt i ngsdot end t ogetr es er v edbef or et hes howopens . Youcanconfi r my ourat t endancet ot hepr ev i ewev eni ngont he6t hSept emberv i a f acebook.Si mpl yv i s i ts cot torI an’ sf acebookpageandcl i ckt he‘ EVENTS’but t on. Updat esaboutt hes howwi l l happent her eandwi l l al s of eat ur eont wi t t erus i ng #Nai smi t hSol o2013

i ankenny . com scot t nai smi t h. com

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