11 minute read

“Deus Ex Musica” Malichi Greenlee


Malichi Greenlee | 3rd Place



EXT. DREAMY PARK -NIGHT A LONELY MAN pelouzes at a piano. He sees a dull rose on the piano shelf, stops his music, and slams his head to the keys. A RUNAWAY WOMAN appears. Arm on suitcase, leg bouncing. Waiting for the train. Lonely Man is fabbergasted by her presence, and his music stumbles to an end. The Woman pays no attention. The Man frantically fips through sheet music and lands on, “For the One” He looks at her. She checks her watch. Oblivious. He sets down the music, psyches himself up, and breathes. Hands shaking, he fumbles the frst chord. He whips his head to her. Nothing. Relief. He starts again. Music fowing. INT. UPRIGHT PIANO - CONTINUOUS Within the piano, a CREATURE rises to life, expanding within the space, unraveling many arms, and revealing an inhuman face. With its many spider-like arms it plucks the piano strings and reaches for an ELECTRIC BLUE glowing canister labeled “SEROTONIN,” and releases the valve. EXT. DREAMY PARK - CONTINUOUS The Woman lays eyes on Lonely Man for the frst time. His eyes meet hers. He continues playing. INT. UPRIGHT PIANO - CONTINUOUS The Creature releases a HOT PINK split canister. “Estrogen/Testosterone.” EXT. DREAMY PARK - CONTINUOUS The Woman starts to move in. The Man plays with more razzmatazz. INT. UPRIGHT PIANO - CONTINUOUS The Creature eases out a little “Adrenaline” from a red canister.

EXT. DREAMY PARK - CONTINUOUSTheir hearts beat. Sweat beads on Man’s brow. The Woman is an arm’s length away.

INT. UPRIGHT PIANO - CONTINUOUS The Creature pulls on one last valve labeled “Oxytocin.” EXT. DREAMY PARK - CONTINUOUS The Woman makes her way to the piano and sits beside the Man. The music slows. She takes the rose. With the fnal chord of the song her hand lands on his. He stops playing. INT. UPRIGHT PIANO - CONTINUOUS The piano is empty. No Creature or canisters insight.



John Anderson | Page 18

John Anderson is a retired home builder who has been living in Phoenix for the past 3 1/2 years. John and his wife lived in Willow, Alaska for 40 years before moving to the desert. John’s work has appeared in several newspapers and a handful of magazines After taking a long creativity break, John is pleased to have started writing again.

Emma Brown | Page 74

I am a sophomore at Scottsdale Community College, and I’m majoring in biology. I am in my second semester of sculpting, which has been an amazing experience. I was born and raised in Scottsdale, Arizona, and I’m very excited to continue with sculpting. Media: @instagram.com/emma_laurel_brown/?r=nametag

Ann Capps | Page 81

I am a middle school teacher taking creative writing classes as a creative outlet. I enjoy using words as a “paintbrush” to create art.

Lori Dortch | Page 60, 62

Evolving, growing, feeling and sensing, I snap pictures, write and experiment with selfhealing through visual storytelling. Attempts are made to live in the moment, while nostalgia summons me back to her seemingly curated past. When not reminiscing, hopeful future entices me forward. To honor myself, I’m pursuing an art degree — fnally joining together what trauma formerly impeded — while unconventionally trudging forward into uncharted waters as an empty nest mother. Pressing in, I must experiment with failure and success by exposing myself to historically creative techniques and mechanical processes. Expression through photographic composition, coupled with symbolically meaningful text, is my soul.

Kathy Dwyer | Page 29

After moving around the world as part of a military family, Kathy Dwyer settled in Scottsdale in 1971 and loves the beautiful public libraries and the city’s insightful urban planning. She lived on the East Coast and worked as non-proft manager/director in Central Park, American Museum of Natural History, Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum, and South Street Seaport Museum. Seven years ago, she moved back to Scottsdale to care for her ailing Father and work/volunteer at Scottsdale’s McDowell Sonoran Conservancy. Kathy is inspired and thankful for her insightful gifted professor, Kim Sabin, and her wonderful talented creative classmates. Media: @linkedin.com/in/kathryn-dwyer-7a0ab6a/

Antonio Folcarelli | Page 79

I was born and raised in northern California, but my writing fourished at Scottsdale Community College. Writing runs in the family, English is my major, and I want to do as much with it as possible!

Media: @antoniojfolcarelliportfolio.wordpress.com/ Media: @instagram.com/antonio.ofcourse/

Audri Fox | Page 90

I am a dreamer, I am a reader, who is irrevocably in love with flm. There are three things in this world I know for sure. First, I am a dreamer constantly living in between worlds of imagination and fantasy. Second, I am a reader today, so tomorrow I can lead. Last, but most importantly, that I am completely and utterly in love with flm.

Joanne Gallery | Page 35

What I need most of all is color, always, always.

D Gonzales | Page 69

I like to create things that make people think and wonder about their lives and to look at things in a totally diferent way for their future.

Malichi Greenlee | Page 106

I am in my second year at SCC in the School of Film and Theatre. While my main focus is motion picture production, I have studied story theory and screenwriting as well, and in my free time, I also write music. After I graduate I plan to continue creative writing, whether it be for my career or my own personal interests. Media: @vimeo.com/user161373084 Media: @instagram.com/malgreens8/

Natalie Hazzard | Page 36

I enjoy using my surrounding as inspiration and recently I’ve been focusing on capturing objects in close detail to fne-tune my art capabilities. I use a variety of mediums in my work to execute my work such as charcoal, ink, and watercolor to experience everything I can in the world of visual two-dimensional art. Media: @instagram.com/nataliehazzard/

Steven Herrera | Page 56

Sixty-one year Old freshman, pursuing my new found passion: “Writing”

David Hofmeister | Page 45

Much to the detriment of my skin, I am a lifelong resident of Arizona. To escape the hellish heat growing up, I became obsessed with flm and books. Storytelling has been the love of my life. I challenge myself to write stories worthy of the reader’s time. Furthermore, I hope my love for the craft rings through to them in a meaningful way. Storytelling is not limited to the page, though, something which I have learned as a flm student pursuing editing. My goal is to bring those two mediums together and make art that inspires in these unprecedented times.

Nicole Kalucki | Page 87

Graphic design truly is my passion, as I’ve found even the most challenging and tedious of tasks just make me want to work harder and become better. I am also passionate about continually learning new techniques and honing my skills, which is why I am currently pursuing design, creative branding, and digital process management. Media: @nhkdesigns.com

Elaine Karcher | Page 33

Creativity. I really love to see people doing something creative that benefts everyone. It is public art that makes me want to be a better person and reach out to others bringing something good to them. Several years ago I helped orchestrate two public pieces in an elementary school setting and found it to be very rewarding. My two degrees are in Art Advertising and Interior Design. After studying art for years and attending workshops, I value my continued education taking painting classes at Scottsdale Community College.

Melissa Kennedy | Page 63

I am a graphic design student at SCC with a passion for photography. My work combines both of these skills to create vibrant and unique images.

Ariane Lee | Page 27, 52, 82

I am an aspiring writer of urban fantasy fction. How this Midwestern farmer’s daughter ended up loving to write about the big city, no one knows. I spend most of my time traveling with my husband, hanging with my willful coonhounds, and trying to get the words in my head down on paper before I forget them. Media: @instagram.com/perpetualentanglement/

Gary Lidman | Page 88

I am extremely passionate about graphic design in all aspects from print to digital. I love facing new challenges head on and am constantly pushing the limit of what I can do as a designer.

Media: @gmldesign.co

Clif Mendivel | Page 92

I like to create things that make people think and wonder about their lives and to look at things in a totally diferent way for their future.

Media: @instagram.com/pakajahjuana_productions/

Carlos Mendivil | Page 68

I am a proud member of the Southern Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma. Currently, I am attending Scottsdale Community College pursuing a AAS degree in Network and Systems Admin.

Xianna Montoya | Page 34

I am Xianna Montoya, and I am an artist based in Arizona. My artwork surrounds memory and familial bonds with a focus on capturing nostalgia and hidden emotion. Media: @instagram.com/xianna_art/

Kristina Morgan | Page 39, 77

I write because I must. I’m a poet who just happens to write personal essay and short story, also. Writing is a matchstick waiting to be struck. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than to toil over words, and yes, I mean toil! My thanks to Sandra Desjardins for always being in my corner, pushing me. I am a better writer because of her.

Ericka Oden | Page 32

My name is Ericka Oden, and I am a sophomore studying business and entrepreneurship at SCC. Drawing and painting is a true passion of mine, and I am excited for the opportunity to share that with other SCC artists!

Beverly Robb | Page Cover

I have been taking painting classes with Robert You for several years since retiring from teaching art to elementary and middle school students. I am married and have three grown sons. In addition to painting, I spend time golfng, hiking, and sewing. Media: @beverlyrobbart.com/

Robert Rosen | Page 23

I am a writer, videographer, son, husband, father, grandfather and retired corporate hack. Within each of those titles are great stories. I work to fesh out their humor, drama, lessons and entertainment hoping that they will bring readers something to enjoy with the added goal of evoking emotions and deeper thought. Media: @anysummersunday.com/ASS/product/why-did-you-let-me-do-that-and-otherstories/

Stephen Rubin | Page 13

After more years then I care to reveal, I have found writing. And now I can spend all my days learning and fnding more skills. And enjoying that special Buzz that comes every time I put pencil to paper.

Sunny Sabin | Page 85

I love combining heart and humor in my artwork. I’d say my biggest infuences are nostalgic song lyrics and personal memories from my own childhood. My favorite pieces to create involve a visual narrative. Media: @sunnysabin.com/

Katy Schultz | Page 47, 72

Being an artist and writer is as much a part of my identity as is being a mother, partner, and friend. I strive in my creative endeavors, as well as relationships, for honesty, vulnerability, and bravery. Living and working within these parameters strengthens these connections and drives my work deeper and results in more fulflling and consequential pieces.

Mateo TreeTop | Page 66

I am Mateo TreeTop I’m Hunkpapa Lakota from Fort Yates, North Dakota. The reason way I have written this Spoken Word Poem was that I was researching a man Named John Trudell and was inspired by his poetry and style. He was a modern Native Leader that is controversial, due to him burning an American Flag, which is the subject of this poem. Trudell had his own reasons for his actions which I hope this poem will inspire others to look into Trudell’s work to learn more about him and his way of thinking.

Brielle Walkney | Page 61

I have been shooting flm for the last year as a hobby and have furthered my education at SCC. Photography is a way as an artist to empower and express myself; as well as push myself to learn constantly. My long term goal is to receive my BCBA and open a business that empowers individuals with autism through the arts. Media: @instagram.com/g0ldenwalrus/

Nikolas Williams | Page 86

I got my start in art with drawing and painting. Eventually I developed an interest for digital art and design. Most of my inspiration comes from Art Nouveau, movie posters, and metal/rock band shirt designs. One of my favorite things to design is posters. When designing a poster, I strive to go beyond just making an efective design. I try to create something that will make an impact, something that will be memorable.

Media: @nikolaswilliams.myportfolio.com

David Zwicky | Page 71, 75

I am retired from working in the hospice feld and recently returned to Phoenix after years. Now focusing my energies on my life long interests in writing and creating art.

Media: @zartsspace.com/

9000 E. Chaparral Road Scottsdale, AZ 85256


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