3 minute read
From Your Homeowner Liaison
By Sonja Perez, CAAM, CMCA SRCA Homeowner Liaison
Palm Tree Trimming & Bulk Trash
As I write this article, we are in the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic and are still in a very unpredictable time and do not know what the future looks like.
One thing I can predict about the future at this time, is palm trees blooming and needing to be trimmed.
Long time Valley residents know this is the time of year palm trees grow seed pods and fruit. We all know this annual occurrence can be messy and unsightly. I can attest that the calls to the office increase substantially regarding untrimmed palms and the mess they are creating for neighboring yards and pools. But we do want to warn about trimming trees before they bloom/seed. If that happens, you will need to have them trimmed again when they do bloom/seed.
Having your tree(s) trimmed after the seed pods and fruit emerges ensures a full year to enjoy a properly trimmed, clean tree. If you have palm trees on your property and have not scheduled trimming with your landscaper or tree trimmer, now is the time to do so. Unless unusual circumstances exist, the expectation is that all palms need to be trimmed by August 15th. If you are unable to meet that goal, please contact our office.
Please keep the City of Scottsdale bulk trash service schedule in mind when planning the tree trimming. If you have your trees trimmed and you are not within the placement and pick weeks, your trimmer/landscaper must haul away the trimmings. You cannot leave the trimmings in the street or on your property where they are visible.
Per the SRCA guidelines bulk trash items and landscape debris may be placed, no more, than five (5) days before the scheduled week of pick up. Please see the June thru September 2020 schedule below.
Please refer to https://www.scottsdaleaz.gov/solid-waste/brushbulk-collection for specifics regarding bulk trash and landscape debris placement.
City of Scottsdale Collection Services
Upcoming Weeks of Brush Collection:
June 22nd & July 27th
The earliest items can be placed out is the Wednesday prior to the week of pickup and must be placed out no later than 5:00 am on Monday the week of the scheduled pick up. Residents, please be considerate of your neighbors - do not put your items out before the designated dates. Please be patient as the City has all week to pick-up in our area.
Please separate your brush and bulk pickup into two piles – one for green waste and one for everything else. The piles will be picked up by separate trucks during your designated brush and bulk pickup week.
*Please refrain from placing trash containers or bulk trash where it blocks the sidewalk and would prevent pedestrians or wheelchair bound residents from passing along the sidewalk.
Always feel free to contact the SRCA office with any questions you may have. We are here to help!!
Attention Lake Residents:
The SRCA Board of Directors has approved a Watercraft Tow Policy to charge $75.00 to homeowners who require their boats to be towed or rescued. This is to cover the cost of SRCA labor and use of equipment. This service is provided on a staff available basis only. If you are leaving for the summer, please make sure to loosen your dock chains or ropes that secure your boat, allowing for your boat to rise with the levels of the lake during a storm. This helps protect your boat and dock in case of another active monsoon season.
Also, we’d like to suggest that if you know a neighbor who stays in town for the summer that SRCA can contact in the event we are unable to get a hold of you in regards to your boat, please call the SRCA office at (480) 860-2022 to give us their contact information. Please make sure we have your current contact information such as phone number and email address.