3 minute read
Manager’s Report
By Kathe M. Barnes, CAAM, LSM, PCAM Executive Director
Interested in being on the Board – Do you have what it takes?
If you’re considering running for the board, take a few moments to ask yourself the following three questions:
Do I have the time?
As a board member, you will need to devote at least several hours of your time each month to association business. In addition to regular monthly board meetings, you will need to be active in preparing for the board meetings and be able to attend occasional special meetings. During special projects, you may need to spend a little extra time on association business. Some board members may also spend a little more time than others if they chair or work with a committee.
Can I make tough decisions when it’s required?
The primary role of the board is to conduct the business of the association. This doesn’t just mean approving the budget, but also developing and enforcing policies. Board members are required to step outside their immediate circle of family and neighbors and make decisions based on the greater good of the community.
Can I do all this and have fun, too?
It isn’t all about policies and tough decisions. Our community is only as good as we make it and establishing and maintaining a sense of community is a part of a board member’s responsibility. Planning and attending functions such as our social events.
Being a board member can be frustrating at times, but it may also be one of the most rewarding ways you’ll find to volunteer your time. If you’re interested in running for the board or would like more details about board’s responsibilities, please contact me or visit the SRCA website.
Do you have what it takes to be a good board member? Chances are - you do.
If you have a mix of some of the following traits and skills, consider running for a seat on the board. We’d love to have you. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to become more familiar with your community, grow your relationships with neighbors and our staff, and experience everything offered at Scottsdale Ranch!
If you can give others respect and expect it in return, you can help keep board discussions civil, productive and on point. We’re looking for people who can lead by consensus, not by command.
Good listening
People want to be heard. Can you listen to board members and residents with sincere interest? You may have a few ideas of your own, but everyone benefits by sharing and discussing.
The ideal board comprises a mix of management styles, professional skills and temperaments. Leaders can come from different places and backgrounds. There’s no one mode that fits all. Share your knowledge and passion with our community.
There will be four open positions for the SRCA Board of Directors’ election in April 2021. If you have the time
and desire to contribute, we encourage you to apply. We are looking for passionate residents who have it in their heart to volunteer their time for the betterment of Scottsdale Ranch. Board applications can be found on our website homepage at www.scottsdaleranch.org or in our office. Board applications are due no later than Monday, February 1, 2021. Candidates will be voted on by the membership and announced at the SRCA Annual Meeting which will be held on Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at the SRCA Community Center. Visit our website for more detailed information about the SRCA Board of Directors or I’d be more than happy to meet with you and discuss.
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