Factors To Be Kept In Mind Before Selecting Web Hosting Provider For creating a website, a strong and steady web hosting is very much essential. It is the mirror of any company as it is the first and foremost procedure by whose help the website is understood by the customers. Every customer would definitely wish the website to be accessed whenever and at whatever time of the day.
Following are the methods indicating reasons for considering webhosting as the crucial web decision maker.
Definition of Web Hosting
A host is a place where website files are stored in an isolated computer server, as every website that is searched, is hosted on a server. Web hosting is either charged annually or monthly except for the domain name and the design costs that are considered to be the extra charges.
Selecting a reliable web hosting company is very important as it guarantees the availability of your website throughout the year. In order to avoid confusion with the existing web hosting provider, the following points will be beneficial
Recognize your Hosting Needs
Spending some quality time for searching the required site to be explained in detail with the Web Company, and finding out the right host is very important as it may land you into trouble.
Let us have a quick glance at some of the questions – -
What is the type of website that you are creating?
Is there any requirement for Windows or Linux applications?
Do you require special software (e.g. PHP)?
Does your website require special software (e.g.WordPress, Magento, Expression,Engine, etc.)?
Is the web traffic limited?
Is there a need for an email account?
How many domains can you host?
The above cited elements are very frequently presented before the clients at the time of meeting them.
At the time of selecting a web hosting provider, this factor is the most viewed factor, least an important one. It is a fact that the quality increases with the increase in price and thus, goods and reliable support, security, updates, file back-up and good quality hardware cost money and are not with the reduced hosting plan. Quoted below is the comparison of the features that each host company provides and the best that fits with your requirement can be chosen as against the other prices.
Backing of the customers
Despite of the hosting providers claiming 24x7 supports, there is no such assurance about the speedy information. Before appointing any staff for long-term hosting contract, it is essential to get a feedback of the customer by confirming the online reviews and evidences.
Being Prestigious is important
After being aware of the requirements, finding a host with a good esteem should be the next procedure which should be perfect.
To know the duration of the business the company has been into.
To be kept informed about the report and certificates from the current clients.
Supervision of agenda and data.
Selecting a host on the basis previous record that is exceptionally outstanding. While making a choice for a hosting provider, maximum of care about the track records should be considered. As no host guarantees 100% precaution, atleast 99% of it can be expected.
Keeping a record of your web host can be done with the help of monitoring tools that are free for trials and its usage is very simple and easy.
Site Backup
Just relax, if you have a web host provider doing site backups, then your files can be restored easily as there are chances of the website being crashed because of the hacker replacing your index.php file into your wordpress blog, or the whole of the database getting hacked as well as the failure caused in the hard disk because of the server.
Having more traffic on your website means your business is sure to increase. It is the task of the web host provider to upgrade your plans according to the requirements as well as to accommodate the growth in traffic if any.
E-commerce Features
If you want to run business transactions on your website, then, a web host with sufficient knowledge of e-commerce support, SSL certification, dedicated IP, and one click shopping cart software installation, are some of the most required basic elements.
Branded and Personalized emails
For the purpose of personal as well as business correspondence and for online accounts, there are number of people who maintain a separate email account for which it is advisable that email accounts which connect to your site should be included in your package provided by your web host as it will be helpful in creating your emails, keeping them aloof from the other correspondence and making your email address more impressive to match with the site.
Easy to use Control Panel
The aspects like easy access to DNS administration panel, email account, ftp access, file manager, adding domains, access to support etc, are the qualities that a user-friendly hosting control panel should possess.
Being careful about - (1) selecting a good hosting provider, (2) about the long-term perspective, (3) security and information about your website, will surely expand your business and increase traffic on your website.