Advisor/Chaplain County Programme Coordinator County Training Co-ordinator Scout Province:
Provincial Commissioner Provincial Training Coordinator Provincial International Coordinator
Programme Commissioner Training Commissioner International Commissioner Communications Commissioner Camp / Scout Centre Manager National Secretary National Treasurer Chief Commissioner (Adult Resources) Chief Commissioner (Youth Programme) Chief Scout
Explanation: The role of County Commissioner is extremely time consuming and demanding and often the workload is too great for any individual voluntary Scouter to successfully deliver. Currently if a County Commissioner is unable to attend a meeting or function it falls to the CPC/CTC who’s roles are already demanding. The appointment of a DCC would aid the CC in his/her role thus delivering quality scouting & support to their county. This is particularly relevant in larger counties. (National Management Committee)
Rule 80
That Rule 80 be altered to read as follows: CARRIED The agenda for the Annual General Meeting of the Scout County Board shall include, inter alia, the following: a. b. c.
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting Report of the County Commissioner Adoption of the Annual Scout County Report as prepared by the County Secretary
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