7 things that make it Cub Scouts: 1. Sixes: Cub Scouts operate in small groups of 6 where everyone has a say and is involved. The Cub Pack programme should be based around their ideas.
2. Outdoors: Scouting is about being in the outdoors and nature, exploring the natural world and learning scouting skills. 3. Active: Cub Scouting is about outdoor activities and adventures where Cub Scouts practice their skills. 4. Participation: Each Cub Scout is involved and has a say in the Pack Forum. Sixers and Seconders help run the Pack though the Sixer Council. 5. Empowerment: Cub Scouts planning their own programme, with the support of Scouters. 6. Helping others: Cub Scouts help others through small acts of kindness and community projects. 7. Structure: Using programme cycles (Plan-Do-Review) and the Sixer Council to organise your activities.
7 things a Cub Scout should know: 1. Know and understand the Cub Scout Law
and Promise 2. Recognize the value of a team 3. Appreciate friendship 4. How to identify their own limitations and be able to set goals that are achievable yet realistic 5. How to become actively involved in their community 6. How to plan, do, and review an outdoor adventure 7. Leave No Trace