Scouting Together - Training Course Details Please note that this information is only relevant for members who are booked to attend a Scouting Ireland Training Course.
You will need to bring the following items with you:
Scout Neckerchief (which is required to be worn for the duration of the course). Your usual overnight gear, including a towel, wash bag and sleeping bag. A pen and note book. Code of Good Practice (issued at Being A Scouter) or can be downloaded from Optional - If you have any resources you would like to share at the Course Scouts Own.
Pre Course Learning – Please ensure the following is completed prior to the course. As discussed during the Safeguarding Session on Being A Scouter you need to bring a copy of your Section’s Code of Behaviour to the Scouting Together Course. If this is not in place you should discuss drafting one for use within your Section with your fellow Scouters and youth members. The draft should be brought to the course. Please refer to Scouting Ireland’s Code of Good Practice. Please note the following points in relation to this course: This is a two day programme of training and certification will only be provided in respect of attendance for the entire course which includes the overnight element on Saturday night. Registration is at 9am Sharp and the programme begins shortly thereafter. Late arrival may preclude you from course certification. All your course meals will be provided. Please advise the Course Leader in advance (by text message or email), of any dietary requirements you may have. Accommodation for Friday night may be facilitated, you need to contact the Course Leader if you require this. Religious Services, due to timing constraints it may not be possible to facilitate attendance at religious services, however Course staff will able to advise on local services times. A Scouts Own will be held over the weekend which offers a time for spiritual group and self-reflection. Like with all Scout Training Courses, this course offers a full intense programme which requires your full attention and participation and this end it has been decided that consumption of alcohol over the weekend is prohibited. We ask for your support and understanding with this request. This course is for you if you have:
Undertaken The Story of Scouting eLearning Module and The Story of Scouting Training Course. (Registered youth members transitioning to adult Scouter roles, are not required to undertake these modules). Successfully completed the Scouting Ireland Garda Vetting process. Successfully completed the Being a Scouter (BAS) Training Course or Stage 3 Foundations in Scouting on the previous Wood Badge Training Scheme Completed the Scouting Ireland Induction Process (which includes your Mutual Agreement with your Group Leader) Commenced working with your Programme Mentor in your section.