Database Access and Permission Chart Website - Volunteers

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Entity Function YM AM SL GTR GS GL DGL GQM GTC CC DCC CT CS CPC CTC PC PTC PIC PARR PYPR PT NTL My Profile View my profile Yes Yes My Profile Edit Username Yes Yes My Profile Edit Password Yes Yes My Profile Edit email address Yes Yes My Profile Edit Phone number home & mobile Yes Yes My Profile Edit address Yes Yes My Profile Edit Next of kin Yes Yes My Profile Edit Next of kin contact details Yes Yes My Profile Edit Emergency Contact Name & Number Yes Yes My Profile Edit Picture Yes Yes My Profile Access Profile Edit Yes Yes My Profile View Appointments/Positions Yes Yes My Profile View all my badges Yes Yes My Profile View all my awards Yes Yes My Profile View Training Yes Yes My Profile View my notifications Yes Yes My Profile View all my events Yes Yes My Profile View Vetting Yes Yes My Profile View Profile Comments Yes Yes Profile Creation Create Profile (Scout) Yes Yes Yes Yes Profile Creation Create Profile (Adult) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Profile Creation Section Leader Approval Yes Yes Profile Creation Membership Application Approval Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Members View Section members Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Members View All Scout Group Members Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Members View county members (Adults) Yes Yes Yes Members View county youth members Yes Yes Yes Members Search section members Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Members Search group members Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Members Search province members (Adults) Yes Members Search county members (Adults) Yes Yes Yes Members Add a member from another section Yes Yes Yes Yes Members Authorise the move of a member to another section Yes Yes Yes Members Remove a member (youth) Yes Yes Yes Yes Members Remove a member (adult) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Members View member history with Scouting Ireland (Youth) Yes Yes Yes Yes Members View member history with Scouting Ireland (Adult) Yes Yes Yes Yes Members View My Payments Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Payments View a summary of My payments Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Payments Filter My payments Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Payments Submit payment to Scouting Ireland for My Profile Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Payments Print a receipt Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Members Add member comment Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Scout Group View Page "Manage Group" for a Scout Group Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Scout Group View Scout Group Profile Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Scout Group View Scout Group Information Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Scout Group View/edit Support Log Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout Group View Asset Register

Scout Group Edit Asset Register

Scout Group View Group Census

Scout Group Create a Census

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout Group Submit a Census Yes Yes

Scout Group View Scout Group Properties

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout Group Add a property Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout Group Edit a property

Scout Group View Scout Group Sections

Scout Group View section info

Scout Group Edit a section

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout Group Create a section Yes Yes Yes

Scout Group Delete a section Yes Yes Yes

Scout Group Approve a section Yes Yes

Scout Group View Camp

Scout Group Add Camp application

Scout Group Edit Camp application

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout Group Cancel camp Yes Yes

Scout Group View Group Appointments/Positions Yes Yes Yes

Scout Group Grant Group Appointments/Positions Yes Yes Yes

Scout Group End Group Appointmet/Positions Yes Yes Yes

Scout Group View Group Payments

Scout County View page "Manage County" for scout county

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout County View Scout Groups in County Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout County View All adults in Scout County Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout County View members of Scout County team Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout County Add adult members to county team Yes Yes Yes

Scout County View County Appointments/Positions

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout County View Support Log Yes Yes Yes

Scout County View Asset Register Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout County Edit Asset Register Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout County View Scout Group Information Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout County View all adults in a scout group Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout County Add a property Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout County Edit a property Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout County Archive a property Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout County Grant County Appointments/Positions Yes Yes

Scout County End County Appointmet/Positions Yes Yes

Scout Province View page "Manage Province" for the scout province Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout Province View Scout Counties in Province Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout Province View members of Provincial team Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout Province Add adult members to Provincial team Yes

Scout Province View Provincial Appointments/Positions Yes

Scout Province Grant Provincial Appointments/Positions Yes

Scout Province End Provincial Appointmet/Positions Yes

Scout Province View Support Log Yes

Scout Province View Asset Register Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Scout Province Edit Asset Register Yes Yes Yes






View National Team Appointments/Positions Yes
Team Appointments/Positions Yes
Grant National
Team Appointmet/Positions Yes
End National
Team Yes
Adult members to National
Payments Yes
Team Yes
Activities View all National Activities Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Activities View future National Activities Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
National Create National Sub
National Activities Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Activities Book a National Activity Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
National Activities
Assign members to a National Activity Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pay for a National Activity Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
View Payments for a National Activity Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
View all Training Courses Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Future Training Courses Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Past Training Courses Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
National Activities
National Activities
National Activities
Training View
Training View
participants Yes
Training View
summary Yes
Training View Training Course
Training Course Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Training Book a place on
Training Assign members to a Training Course
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Badges View all badges Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Badges View a member's badges Yes Yes Yes Yes Badges Assign a badge to a member Yes Yes Yes Yes Badges Approve a badge Yes Yes Yes Yes Awards View all awards Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Awards View a member's awards Yes Yes Yes Yes Awards Nominate a member to an award Yes Yes Yes Awards Apply for an award Yes Yes Yes Chief Scout Award Apply for a Beaver Chief Scout Award Yes Yes Yes Yes Chief Scout Award Apply for a Cub Chief Scout Award Yes Yes Yes Yes Chief Scout Award Apply for a Scout Chief Scout Award Yes Chief Scout Award Apply for a Venture Chief Scout Award Yes Chief Scout Award Apply for a Rover Chief Scout Award Yes Chief Scout Award Pay for a Beaver Chief Scout Award Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Chief Scout Award Pay for a Cub Chief Scout Award Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Chief Scout Award Pay for a Scout Chief Scout Award Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Chief Scout Award Pay for a Venture Chief Scout Award Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Chief Scout Award Pay for a Rover Chief Scout Award Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Payments View a summary of Entity payments Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Payments Filter Entity payments Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Payments Submit an Entity payment to Scouting Ireland Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Payments Print a receipt Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Report View Section Reports Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Training Pay for a Training Course

Report View Group Reports Yes Yes Yes Yes

Report View County Reports Yes Yes Yes Report View Provincial Reports Yes Report Create and view member contact report

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Report Create and view appointments and positions contact list report

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Report Create and view census report Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Report Create and view member contact section report Yes Yes Yes Report Create and view member awards report Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Report Create and view support log report Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Report Create and view member training report Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Report Create and view member vetting report Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Adult Member AM

Member in charge of Section SL

Group Treasurer GTR

Group Secretary GS

Group Leader GL

Deputy Group Leader DGL

Group Quartermaster GQM

Group Trainer GTC

County Commissioner CC

Deputy County Commissioner DCC

County Treasurer CT

County Secretary CS

County Programme Co-ordinator CPC

County Training Co-ordinator CTC

Provincial Commissioner PC

Provincial Training Co-ordinator PTC

Provincial International Co-ordinator PIC

Provincial Adult Resources Representative PARR

Provincial Youth Programme Representative PYPR

Provincial Treasurer PT

National Team Leader NTL

Role Name Code Youth Member YM

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