How to write a Scout CV

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How to Write a Scout CV A Scout CV is a document outlining your scouting experiences and achievements, that can be used to apply for roles in Scouting. To see the current volunteer roles available in Scouting Ireland, click here: The following document is a sample template of a Scout CV. There are many different ways to present a Scout CV.

Scouting Curriculum Vitae (Insert name here)

Name: Phone Number: Email address: Date of birth: Address: Scout Group: Scout County: Scout Province: Current Role(s): Group: [Your group] (Insert any relevant experiences and achievements that you have on a group level, see examples below) County: [Your county] (Insert any relevant experiences and achievements that you have on a county level, see examples below) Provincial: [Your province] (Insert any relevant experiences and achievements that you have on a provincial level, see examples below) National: (Insert any relevant experiences and achievements that you have on a national level, see examples below) Other Relevant Experiences: (Insert any other relevant experiences and achievements that you have from outside scouting, see examples below) Qualifications: (Insert any relevant qualifications that you have, see examples below)

Scouting Curriculum Vitae John Smith John Smith 086 123 4567 7th of July 2003

123 Main Street 1st Louth Scout Group Louth Scout County North East Scout Province Current Role: County Venture Representative for Louth Scout County Group 1st Dublin Scout Group (2010-present) Assistant Patrol Leader (2014) Patrol Leader (2015-2017) Venture Executive member (2017-present) Beaver Leader (2018) County Louth Scout County County Venture Representative (2019-present) Assistant Patrol Leader for the Shield Team (2016) Patrol Leader of the Shield Team (2017) County Youth Rep Chairperson (2020) Provincial North East Scout Province General staff at Camp North East (2016) Subcamp staff at Camp North East (2018) Provincial Programme Team (2017) Provincial Youth Representative (2019-present) National Phoenix Team member (2016) Phoenix Team PL (2017) Achieved the Venture Challenge Badge, Certificate and Woggle (2019) Achieved the Crean Challenge Badge, Certificate and Medal (2018)

Other Relevant Experience Student Council in Louth National School (2017-present) Captain of Louth County Gaelic Team Qualifications REC 3 Course Stage 6 Emergencies Adventure Skill Badge Cub Chief Scout Award Scout Chief Scout Award Bronze Gaisce Award

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