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25th February 2020


Dear Beaver and Cub Scouters,

Following on from mailings earlier in January please see a link to the JamBeag 2020 information pack CLICK HERE and to view the event flyer detailing the theme and event detail CLICK HERE.

Date 29 May – 1st June th

Event JamBeag

Venue(s) Larch Hill, Castlesaunderson

Section(s) Beavers, Cubs

The bookings for the event are being taken through the Membership Management System at https://my.scouts.ie.

Information on how to make your booking can be found in the National Activities & Events Booking Information Document. We look forward to welcoming your Beavers and Cubs to these events at Larch Hill and Castlesaunderson!

Yours in Scouting,

Mike Randall Project Manager (Events and Conferences)

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