Learning Objectives

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Learning Objectives Prepared by The National Youth Programme Committee Scouting Ireland October 2005

Scouting Ireland is built on a shared respect for the uniqueness of young people. We believe in the abilities of young people and their wish to discover and harness their own potential. We help them achieve this by providing them with the support and encouragement they need.

“We accept each young person as he or she is – a unique human being with his or her own personal

background and experience of life thus far, variations in needs, capacities, interests and pace of development.” ‘Scouting: An Educational System’ WOSM 1998

This document has been produced by the National Youth Programme Committee of Scouting Ireland, with the assistance of the Programme Development Team. We used the methodology outlined in the Renewed Approach to

Programme document as devised by the World Organisation of Scout Movements. The Educational Objectives have been developed in respect of each of the areas of personal growth outlined in the aim of the Association, building on the Educational Proposal. Educational Objectives are outlined for each Stage of Development of young people as outlined in the Stages of Development document. To inform our work, we made use of surveys completed by young members of the association, young people not involved in Scouting, adult members of the association and other stakeholders including parents, teachers and community representatives.

We also received valuable input and

guidance from Jacqueline Collier, former Director Youth Programme, European Scout Region and João Armando Gonçalves, European Scout Committee.

Character Development

Educational Objectives

Character Accepting myself and recognising my own potential for growth and what it is I can become. Developing myself in a manner consistent with a set of values and with mutual respect and understanding for others.

Commitment PrePre-Adolescence

Early Adolescence


Post Adolescence

Understand the ideas of

Show that I understand the

Show that I have principles

Demonstrate that I have the

right and wrong

difference between right

and that I understand the

confidence to live by the

and wrong

Promise and Law

Promise and Law

Be kind to others and don’t

Show that I understand the

Show that I understand that

Demonstrate my awareness

do harm

value of friendship

people are more important

and understanding of the

than things

true value of all things

Demonstrate that I can learn

Demonstrate the ability to

Identify the things that I do

Know my strengths and use

well and those that I don’t

them to strive to address my from my experiences and

do so well

areas of need

believe in myself

accept the outcome of my

Accept my abilities and be


content with them while striving to be the best that I can be

Character Development

Educational Objectives

Development & Practice PrePre-Adolescence Show that I always try to do

Early Adolescence Practice fair-play

my best

Learn about respecting


Post Adolescence

Know how to assess a

Demonstrate my ability to

situation and when it’s

take a stand and be strong

important to take a stand

in the face of adversity

Treat others with respect

others Understand what injustice,

Understand how injustice,

Explore where injustice,

Be able to identify injustice,

inequality and conflict are

inequality and conflict may

inequality and conflict occur

inequality or conflict and

affect people

and explore possible

explore ways of resolving it,


and where appropriate play my part in its resolution

Experience the power of my

Explore my dreams and

Explore how I might make

Demonstrate that I have the

imagination & dreams


my dreams and aspirations

courage to live out my

a reality

dreams and aspirations

Know the Scouting Spirit

Understand the importance

(mutual trust, loyalty,

of Scouting Spirit

comradeship, empathy and self-motivation

Live the Scouting Spirit

Physical Development

Educational Objectives

Physical Understanding my body and my physical capabilities, while developing skills through appropriate physical challenges.

Taking Care of Myself PrePre-Adolescence

Early Adolescence


Understand what food is

Demonstrate that I know

Demonstrate that I play an

good for me

the benefits of good

ongoing & active role in

nutrition & a balanced diet

maintaining my own dietary health

Know the importance of

Take responsibility for


personal hygiene and the impact it has on others

Be active & exercise

Explore & understand the

Protect and maintain my health


benefits of a healthy and

through my choice of a healthy

active lifestyle

balanced lifestyle. Be responsible for my physical development

Post Adolescence

Physical Development

Educational Objectives

Understanding/Knowledge PrePre-Adolescence Know my body

Early Adolescence


Post Adolescence

Understand how our bodies

Be comfortable with how my

Be able to identify when

are continuously changing

body functions

my body is working well and when it isn’t and have

Understand the implications

the good judgment to get

of these changes on my life

help when I need it Know how my body works

Identify my unique physical

Demonstrate that I appreciate

Understand that society is

strengths and know my

my own physical capabilities

richer because of physical


and the abilities of others


Know what affects my

Appreciate the benefits of

Appreciate my responsibility

Before I make important


choosing a healthy lifestyle.

to myself with regard to my

lifestyle choices I will

lifestyle choices, such as

inform myself of all the

choice of diet, use of

risks/benefits involved

drugs/alcohol, sexual relationships

Recognise and understand the impact of my choices on myself and others

Identify people, places and Understand the role I have

Know the personal safety

Recognise and understand

situations that may

in keeping others safe and

support structures that exist

the impact of physical

threaten my safety and

the impact of my actions on

and how to avail of them when

abuse on myself and

know how to keep safe.

the safety of others.



Emotional Development

Educational Objectives

Emotional Having the confidence and security to be aware of and express my emotions, and to understand and accept them. Learning how to deal with situations and people I meet everyday while having respect for other people’s emotions and being aware of the impact of my actions.

My Emotions PrePre-Adolescence

Early Adolescence


Post Adolescence

Understand what makes

Recognise the emotions I

Be able to understand and

Be able to recognise,

me feel the way I do

am experiencing and some

accept my emotions and the

interpret and accept my

Be aware that my feelings

of the steps I can take to

effect they have on my life

emotions, their changing

are normal and can

get along with them

nature, and the effects they have on all aspects of


my life Know that it’s okay to talk

Know that I can share my

Accept that sometimes I may

Know how others can

to people I trust about

feelings and accept help

need support and can use

support me in

appropriate support structures

understanding my

how I feel


Emotional Development

Educational Objectives

Others PrePre-Adolescence

Early Adolescence


Post Adolescence

Understand that other

Understand that people

Understand that each individual

Be tolerant of the

people have feelings

express their emotions

needs to take responsibility for

emotional needs of others


their own emotions

Know that my feelings can

Understand that the way I

Understand the appropriate way Strive to express my

affect what I do

express my emotions

in which to express my

affects others


emotions constructively

Knowledge/Skills PrePre-Adolescence

Early Adolescence


Post Adolescence

Be able to understand what

Be prepared to challenge

Be able to assess the

Demonstrate the confidence

things are challenges for


challenges I can deal with

and ability to deal with life’s

and how


me Explore what is important

Establish a set of personal

Be able to reassess my

Stand up for my personal

to me

beliefs and values

personal beliefs and values

beliefs and values

Understand that everybody

Understand that I am

Show an understanding of my Develop my potential and

is unique and important

unique and that my

unique value and potential

recognise the possibilities

uniqueness is part of my

for growth and assert my

for my future


own individuality

Intellectual Development

Educational Objectives

Intellectual Having the ability to create ideas, leading to a plan of action and carrying it through to its conclusion using common sense. Being able to plan and analyse and take on board the consequences of my actions. Having the ability to understand how a team works, and my role within it. Having the ability to evaluate a situation and follow instructions as appropriate.

Skills/Attitudes PrePre-Adolescence

Early Adolescence


Post Adolescence

Be open to challenging

Be able to set myself

Demonstrate an ability to

Demonstrate an ability to


challenges with realistic

analyse information, and

assess situations, identify


match it to my needs and

resources, make an

wants, in order to achieve a

informed choice, form my

goal; and accept that there

own opinions, and

may be more than one

recognise the best possible

solution to any problem

solution to a given situation

Recognise that I may need resources other than my own to complete tasks

Intellectual Development

Educational Objectives

Skills/Attitudes (cont’d) PrePre-Adolescence

Early Adolescence


Post Adolescence

Find out how learning can

Be open to new ideas and

Understand that there are

Be responsible for my own

be fun

ways of learning

different ways of learning


and explore them

Be able to incorporate the

Accept that people learn in

learning styles of others

different ways and that

into all aspects of my life

there are benefits to each way Be Creative Be Imaginative

Explore my capacity for

Develop my creativity,

Apply my capacity for

imagination, ideas, and

imagination, innovation and

imagination & ideas, and my



ability to be innovative and



Question Learn to make choices and

Be able to source information

Understand the implications

Demonstrate an ability to


and be able to critically

of my decisions and learn

make decisions, execute

evaluate each possibility to

from the outcomes

and review a project and

help make decisions

accept responsibility for the outcomes

Intellectual Development

Educational Objectives

Teamwork/Leadership PrePre-Adolescence

Early Adolescence


Post Adolescence

Be an active participant in

Show an understanding of

Demonstrate a commitment to

Understand how teams

a small group

the benefits of teamwork,

working with others within a

work and strive to get the

identify my role as a team


best from all members in a

member & the contribution

Understand the role, skills &

given situation

I can make, including the willingness to lead and accept responsibility

responsibilities of team membership and leadership

Social Development

Educational Objectives

Social Having a sense of belonging in a group, through friendship and interaction. Developing an understanding of social issues in my communities, and recognising my responsibility to appreciate cultural diversities. Having fun.

Interaction with People PrePre-Adolescence

Early Adolescence


Post Adolescence

Be a friend

Show what it is to be a

Understand & accept the

Show that I value the

Understand that everyone

friend and recognise the

changing nature of my

people and relationships in

is different

value of friendship


my daily life

Be welcoming and include

Recognise my unique

Recognise that my life will be

Develop the skills and

others in the things I do

abilities and the abilities of

enriched as a result

attitudes needed to build

those around me

and maintain meaningful and appropriate relationships and friendships

Explore how people

Explore the importance of

Learn ways in which I can

Demonstrate that I use my


communication and

improve my communication

communication skills




Be comfortable in expressing myself with my friends

Social Development

Educational Objectives

Cultural Appreciation PrePre-Adolescence

Early Adolescence


Post Adolescence

Demonstrate my

Be committed to the

Appreciate the importance of

Respect the social

understanding of my own

inclusion of various

difference in cultures and

integration of other


cultures in my society

traditions; treat all people with


Explore the traditions and

Explore how cultural

cultures in my own and

diversity affects the world I

other societies

live in

dignity and respect

Community & Society PrePre-Adolescence

Early Adolescence


Post Adolescence

Understand that it is

Be involved in my

Develop and demonstrate a

Recognise my roles within,

important that I am

community and help those

sense of civic responsibility.

and make a positive

considerate and help

around me when needed

Define and explore my opinions

contribution to society


on social equality and inclusion

Understand and

Understand and

demonstrate how I use the

demonstrate how I use the

Promise in my everyday

Law and Promise in my


everyday life

Spiritual Development

Educational Objectives

Spiritual Having an understanding and acceptance of myself and my value as a unique human being, and an equal acceptance of the value of others. Having respect for myself and others and the world in which we live. Having a sense of responsibility for my environment and my place in it. Developing a personal awareness of a higher being and an expression and exploration of a faith.

Practice PrePre-Adolescence

Early Adolescence


Participate in an expression

Develop my relationship with

Demonstrate that I live by

Be able to express, uphold

of faith

God through my interaction

my spiritual beliefs

and where appropriate re-

and connection with others

Post Adolescence

evaluate my spiritual beliefs/faith upon reflection

Experience the beauty of

Demonstrate an appreciation

By my choices show my

Understand and


and care for the environment

commitment to the

demonstrate a respect and

around us

preservation of nature and

appreciation for my

the environment in which I

environment (natural,


human, built), the role I play in it, the contribution I make to it, and the impact my actions have on it

Spiritual Development

Educational Objectives

Exploration PrePre-Adolescence

Early Adolescence


Be aware of the wonder of

Reflect on the wonder of God

Explore and develop my


all around me

spiritual being, and my

Post Adolescence

relationship with God, through my interaction and connection with others, nature, and the environment in which I exist See God in the world

Recognise that everyone will

Accept the need to create

Recognise my spirituality as

around me

have their own appreciation

time and space to reflect on

an essential part of my life

of Spirituality and God

my Spirituality

Take the opportunity to reflect on Spirituality in nature

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