Scouting Ireland, National Office, Larch Hill, Dublin 16, Ireland. T: 01 4956300 | F: 01 4956301
Open Call – National Cub Challenge Review Project Team A Project team is to be formed of suitable experienced members to review the National Cub Challenge. The team will review every aspect of the event and develop new approaches, organisation and other relevant recommendation so that the event full reflects the aims of Scouting Ireland, section programmes and needs and expectations of our members. Terms of Operation can be seen HERE. Applications are via Microsoft form link below. Closing date for applications is 16th December 2022 National Cub Challenge Review Project Team
Reg. No. 397094, Charity No. CHY3507, Reg. Office - National Office, Larch Hill, Dublin 16. Scouting Ireland is a company Limited by guarantee exempt from using the word "Limited".