1 minute read
Scout Promise
from Sea Scout Book
Being a Scout brings with it responsibilities. One of these is to live up to the Scout Promise. The Promise and Law is
very important to Scouting as it sums up what a Scout should be. The Promise
is a personal commitment by you to do the best you can.
On my honour I Promise that I will do my best, To do my duty to God and to my Country, To help other people and to keep the Scout Law.
Geallaim dar m’onór, Mo dhícheall a dhéanamh, Mo dhualgas do mo Dhia agus mo thír a chomhlíonadh, Cabhrú le daoine eile Agus dlí na nGasóga a choimead
On my honour I Promise that I will do my best, You are making a personal commitment to the “Best” of your ability, not to anyone else’s best. Every Scout is an individual and your best is a personal challenge. To do my duty to God and to my Country, Observe your religious beliefs and above all respect those of others.
Our Country provides us with clothing, food, employment, education, health care, housing, etc. For example we can do our duty by observing and obeying laws and those who enforce them, the Gardai. What would the Country be like if there were no laws, imagine if it was optional which side of the road you drive on, everybody trying to go in different directions at the same time?
Respect our Country – pollution, litter, and the environment. Respect the National flag, respect for other Countries and their customs and cultures.
To help other people and to keep the Scout law. As you go through your day to day life, try to help someone in whatever way you can. Sometimes a small bit of help can be of great benefit to the person in need of help.