3 minute read
Sea Scouting Ireland
from Sea Scout Book
Welcome Aboard: Welcome abroad – to the challenge and adventure of Sea Scouting, a programme combining the tradition of the past with the technology of the future.
Opportunity for Challenge & Adventure Sea scouting is involved in a wide range of activities, some are water-based other are shore-based and some are even a combination of shore and water. A Sea Scout should be amphibious. When getting out on the water, Sea Scouts can use a variety of craft:- from rafts, powerboats, and canoes to large sailing yachts. But no matter how you get afloat, you’ll discover a thrill that you just can’t get anywhere else.
The outdoors is no place for the unwary and the Scout motto, “Be Prepared”, is seriously practiced here. The challenge is being able to take your vessel from point A to point B, while being ready for whatever you may encounter along the way. This is what makes Scouting great.
Its not just about activities such as camping, sailing, hiking and canoeing, its about developing in you the skills such as teamwork, decision making, problem solving, leadership and self reliance. Opportunity for Friendship: Even if you know nothing about surviving the “Great Outdoors”, don’t worry you will. You’ll have a chance to grow and share your experiences with others. You can meet other Scouts at local, regional, national or inter-national events.
Opportunity for Service: Scouting has been of service to communities across the world. Service can be expressed in individual good turns or in organised projects involving your Watch or the whole Troop. In rescues at sea or facing emergencies on shore, Scouts have saved lives and property.
Opportunity for Leadership: Sea Scout programmes are planned and run by the youth members, with the support of adult Leaders. As being a member of a boat’s crew teaches you teamwork, so does being a member of a Watch. As you gain experience you will be given the opportunity to contribute to the leadership of the Watch and Troop. The leadership skills you learn in Scouting will last your lifetime.
Sea Scouting Ireland
Opportunity for Advancement: In Scouting, you are acknowledged for the things you learn and do. The Sea Scout progressive training programme rewards the effort you put into it and not necessarily whether you get it right or wrong. Scouting believes in a “Doing your best” approach. Each level of advancement marks your growth as a Scout and a potential leader. The pinnacle of the progressive scheme is the “Mariner” badge, the highest Sea Scouting award.
Sea Scouting’s Traditions: Seafaring has traditions that go back hundreds of years. Sea Scouting has adapted these traditions to its programmes and in the process has created a tradition of its own. In this book, you will see names and phrases that are not used in “Lands-person” language. These terms and practices continue to exist because they have a purpose. As a Sea Scout, you become part of that tradition and you get to play your part in shaping that tradition for future Sea Scouts. Your Duties as a Sea Scout: When you become a member, take part in the activities. Dedicate yourself to the ideals of Scouting by trying to live up to the Scout Promise and Law, they’ll keep you on the right course.
Participate wholeheartedly in the meetings and activities. Don’t be afraid to offer suggestions. The Troop’s programme is based on your needs and desires as well as those of the other members. Voice your opinion on who your Watch Leader should be, but do it with consideration. Then give the Watch Leader your full support.
Your Troop operates on a budget. Pay your dues and lend a hand when there is need to earn funds. And don’t hesitate to ask your Skipper for help when you need it. He or She is there to see that you don’t go too far off course.
How to Join: To join you must be 11 years of age or in some Troops 12 years of age. You can stay in Sea Scouting until you are 17 years of age or again some Troops only up until 16 years old when you can move on to Ventures or become an instructor. Sea Scouting is for everyone. Tell your friends!