2 minute read
Scout Law
from Sea Scout Book
1. A Scout is to be trusted. This is one of the most important facts about a good Scout; you can be trusted to speak the truth and to carry out any job to the best of your ability.
2. A Scout is loyal. Loyalty is faithfulness and a form of honour. You will not let people down; they can rely on you. When you become a member of a Watch, your Watch will rely on you and you will rely on them.
3. A Scout is friendly and Considerate. There is a lot to being a true friend, it means giving and not only taking, discussing and not arguing, caring for other people and for all living creatures. Being considerate means thinking of others before yourself and offering help before being asked. 4. A Scout is a brother/sister to all Scouts. As you grow older you will get more chances to meet other Scouts. You should start by being real friends with the Scouts in your own Troop and other Scouts in your District. This friendship should be regardless of what Troop they belong to, what church they attend, or it they are rich or poor. Perhaps you will get the opportunity to attend a Jamboree and meet Scouts from other Countries – they will speak different languages, some will be different colours from you, but they are all Scouts and therefore your friend. As a Scout you have more the 25 million brother and sisters in more than 150 Countries.
Scout Law
5. A Scout has courage in all difficulties. You have special responsibility to be courageous because through your Scout training you will learn how to cope with different emergencies. There is also the mental and spiritual courage, the courage to stand by and stand up for what you believe to be right. The courage needed to live by the Scout Promise and Law.
6. A Scout makes good use of his/her time and is careful of possessions and property. Time wasted is time lost forever, but making use of your time means dividing your time so that you live life to the full. If you are one of those people who complain about being bored, now is the time to change, stop and look around you, there always are things to do – you are in control of your life. Be careful not to be selfish, make time for other people. Being careful of possessions includes other people’s as well as your own. Never forget that every material thing around you had to be paid for and made by someone. Its important to realise now that anything destroyed or damaged will effect someone. Think how you would feel to find some of your belongings damaged?
7. A Scout has respect for him/ her self and for others.. Self respect for a Scout means living up to the ideals set in the first six Scout Laws, but also you must keep yourself clean, healthy and strong in body and mind. Respect for others springs from respect for yourself; you need to be able to respect yourself before you can respect others. You must respect others for their beliefs, minds, and opinions, you don’t have to agree but you must accept their right to those views.