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Sea Scout Uniform
from Sea Scout Book
The Sea Scout uniform is a symbol of the fraternity of Scouting and the Scouting way of life. These are principles that you can be proud of. Of course the mere wearing of the uniform will not give you these qualities, but the very fact that you wear one should keep you aware of what is expected.
It is a privilege to wear the Sea Scout uniform, but it is also a responsibility. Anything you do while wearing it reflects upon all the Sea Scouts. So it becomes your responsibility to keep your uniform correct, clean and cared for, with badges correctly and firmly sewn on.
Sea Scouts wear a navy-blue jersey with SEA SCOUTS or GASOGA MARA embroidered across the chest. Below the embroidered letters, the Membership Badge is worn on the left and the “World” Badge on the right. The “Ireland” badge (optional) is worn above the letters on the right, and the Charge Certificate Badge(s), on the left. The Scout belt is worn outside the jersey, and carries a clasp knife on the left and a whistle on the right . A white lanyard is worn around the neck and is attached to the knife at the belt. Trousers are navy blue. Socks and shoes are black.
The Sea Scout cap (Troop optional) has a white top and no peak. A “tally band” is worn around the brim lettered SEA SCOUTS or GASOGA MARA. The tally band is tied with a bow on the left side, or sewn at the back and left as two “tails”, depending on Troop custom.
Informal wear When semi-formality is desirable but full uniform may not be appropriate, uniform T-shirts or “Sweat shirts” are often used. Many Troops have their own for wear at regattas, camps, and other activities. These may be worn with a neckerchief.
When outdoors on activities wear your neckerchief. It will help to keep the sun off your neck