Train the Trainer
Have you ever considered a role training other Scouters for their Woodbadge? This year Scouting Ireland will train 64 new Trainers to help deliver the Woodbadge Training scheme. The training has been recognised over many years as being an excellent programme with many graduates stating that “it was the best Train the Trainer they had ever attended” and how it had helped them in their professional careers. (School Teacher and Professional Trainer).
The second Train the Trainer Course will be held later this year, the dates are yet to be finalised. The criteria for those wishing to attend is:

• Have successfully completed their Woodbadge Or
• Completed Stage 1 – 4 of the Old Woodbadge scheme Or
• Completed their Being a Scouter Training and either the Youth Led Programme or Scouting Together
• Complete 4 years as a Scouter or Rover / Scouter
• A commitment to completing their Woodbadge within 2 years
The course is run over 3 weekends and there is no cost for the weekend. The Department has given a grant to Scouting Ireland that allows us to deliver Training to 64 Adults. It is a stipulation of the scheme that all participants must attend and complete all 3 weekends.

Training will commence April 15th and will be completed across April/May/June 2023.
Completion of the Training Course does not guarantee a position on a Training
Panel. To apply to attend this Training Course please Click Here