16nj news 02

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Jamboree News

Vol.2 Aug.2, 2013

集え スカりトの仲間たち

We are Scouts!



Jamboree News vol.2 Aug. 2, 2013

いよいよ開幕ゞャンボリヌ Let the Jamboree begin! The Scout Promise

On my honour I promise that I will do my best To do my duty to God and my Country To help other people at all times To obey the Scout Law The Scout Promise On my honour I promise that I will do my best To do my duty to God and my Country To help other people at all times To obey the Scout Law

島根県連盟 出雲第 8 団 倧國裕皀くん モルゞブ共和囜 サりザンさん Yuki Oguni, Izumo Troop8 Shimane Prefecture. ちかいずおきお唱和写真 Sausan from Republic of Maldives

開䌚宣蚀 倧䌚長 奥島孝康 Declaration of Opening Takayasu Okushima, Camp Chief 今回の倧䌚のテヌマは「“和”WA: a spirit of unity」です。これは、幎埌の䞖界スカりトゞャ ンボリヌず同じテヌマです。 挢字の「和」は、たずたりunity、調和harmony/ a spirit of unity、協調harmony、 そしお「日本」を意味する文化的抂念を内包しおいたす。スカりト諞君には「和」ずいう蚀葉のも぀ 粟神を理解し䞖界の仲間ずの和をひろげおほしいず願っおいたす。

The theme of this event is “Wa”,“A Spirit of Unity”. This is the same theme as the World Scout Jamboree two years from now. The kanji character “Wa” can mean unity, harmony, peace, and the very essence of the Japanese character. I hope that all scouts will be able to understand the meaning of “Wa”, and to expand the ring of harmony to scouts throughout the world.


Jamboree News vol.2 Aug. 2, 2013


君達は未来だ You are the future!

スカりトたち ぞのメッセヌゞ

messages to the scouts

ボヌむスカりト日本連盟スカりト芪善倧䜿 犏岡゜フトバンクホヌクス 王貞治 䌚長 Sadaharu Oh, president of the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks.

*Sadaharu Oh is a Legendary baseball player and manager, who has hit record 868 Home runs as player and guided Japan's National Team to the Champion of the World Baseball Classic as manager. このゞャンボリヌで倚くの出䌚い、倚くの人が熱い想いの内に力を合わせるこずの玠晎らしさを君たちは䜓隓する でしょう。䞀人ひずりの力が䞀぀ひず぀結び぀くこずによっお、本圓に倧きな力になる。私は䞭・高・そしおプロ ずずっず野球に打ち蟌んで来たしたが、振り返っおみお、本圓に倚くの人に支えられおきたこずを実感しおいたす。 スカりトのみなさん頑匵っおください。 You will have a great experience in this Jamboree, meeting many people and being passionate to come all together. When everyone do their own best, it will turn out to be the big power. I have been playing baseball in Jr. and Sr. high school and Professional baseball team, and now I feel that I've been supported by many people. All the scouts, do your best.

APR スカりト委員䌚 チャオ・シュヌ・ポヌ委員長

Dr.Chao Shou-Po, Asia-Pacific regional Scout Committee

スカりティングで調和ず連垯ず平和を匷めよう。 Scouting is for fun, so let us all enjoy as much as possible. Scouting is for friendship, so let us all make as many new friends as possible. Scouting is most importantly for the improvement of mutual understanding and mutual respect among us. So I suggest that all the participants work as hard as possible to share your experiences and ideas with, and to learn as much as possible from scouts from different countries, from different cultures and from different religions so as to improve our mutual understanding and mutual respect. スカりティングは楜しいものです。このゞャンボリヌを倧いに楜しみたしょう。 スカりティングは仲間を䜜りたす。できるだけたくさんの新しい友だちを䜜りたしょう。 スカりティングは盞互理解を深め、お互いを尊重したす。囜、文化、信仰の異なる仲間ずの亀流を持ち、お互いの理解 を深め、互いに尊重しあいたしょう。スカりト諞君には「和」ずいう蚀葉のも぀粟神を理解し䞖界の仲間ずの和をひろげ おほしいず願っおいたす。

歓迎の蚀葉  山口県 山本繁倪郎 知事 Welcome Message by Shigetaro Yamamoto, The governor of Yamaguchi Prefecture どうぞ、皆さんには、様々な亀流を䜓隓しおいただくずずもに、矎しい自然や豊かな文化など本県の倚圩な魅力を十分 に味わっおいただきたいず思いたす。䞭略 私は、未来、そしお地域を創っおいくのは、「人の力」であるず考えおいたす。 本倧䌚は、日間の掻動を通じお、新たな発芋ず感動が生たれ、なにより囜内倖の様々な仲間ずの出䌚いず友情の茪は、 皆さん䞀人ひずりを高めおいく舞台ずなるものず確信しおいたす。

In this Jamboree, we are planning to welcome you to all the cities and towns in this prefecture. You will see the great nature and rich culture. And we hope you will enjoy meeting with local people. I believe “People” can only create a future and the community. In this camp, you will spend 9days. You may find a lot of new things, meeting lots of people, as well as new friendship including those who comes from overseas. Such experience will grow yourself up.

文郚科孊省 スポヌツ青少幎担圓 山脇良雄 倧臣審議官 Speech by Yoshio Yamawaki, Ministry of Education, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry Deputy DIrector-General 皆さんは、日頃からボヌむスカりト掻動を通じお、野倖掻動や奉仕掻動などを積極的に行い、心身共に鍛えられおいる ず思いたす。皆さんの掻動は、仲間たちず切磋琢磚し、リヌダヌシップや協調性を逊うなど、青少幎が倢を持っおたくた しく心豊かに成長する䞊で、倧倉有意矩な掻動です。たた、それらは、瀟䌚で求められるコミュニケヌション胜力や自立心、 䞻䜓性、協調性等を育むこずができる非垞に意矩のある掻動ず考えおおりたす。 ここにお集たりのスカりトの皆さん、本倧䌚のテヌマである「和わ」のずおり、䞖界䞭の倚くの仲間たちず、これか ら始たるキャンプ生掻を通じお、友情を深め、互いの文化に觊れ、楜しく、思い出深いゞャンボリヌにしおいきたしょう。

Through the scouting program, you will develop your physical strength and mental abilities. I believe scouting also develops communication skills and co-operativeness necessary to deal with modern society. In keeping with the jamboree theme, “WA”, it is my hope that all the scouts and scouters here will develop new friendships, deepen cultural understanding, and create lifelong memories of your experience here.


Jamboree News vol.2 Aug. 2, 2013


The People who are supporting Jamboree 掟遣団サポヌト郚 Contingents Support Dept.

1. 囜内・囜倖の倚くの指導者の方々ず連 携を深められるこずです。 2. 楜しく頑匵ろう。

1. We are working to cooperate with many scout leaders from Japan and the world. 2. Enjoy JAMBOREE!

倧䌚運営スタッフ郚 Human Resources Dept.

1. 参加スカりト皆さんの掻動をサポヌト し、さらに運営スタッフのサポヌトを するこず。 2.「いた」を楜しもう

1.We support the Jamboree management staffs who are to support the participating scouts. 2.Enjoy what’s happening NOW!

情報通信技術 ・参加者登録郚

ホヌムステむ郚 Home Hospitality Dept.

1.HoHO を通しお、お互いの囜を理解するため、 䌝統・文化・生掻習慣を孊び合おう 2. 囜際理解は、スカりト同士の心ず心の亀信 からスタヌトする。ぜひ積極的に友情を深め よう

1.Through HoHo, learn the tradition, culture, and customs of foreign countries!! Bring our friendship to 23 WSJ!! 2.International understandings start from our hearty communications. Let's enjoy our friendship activities!!

ゲストサヌビス郚 Guest Service Dept.

1. 予定が倉わるこずが倚いが、人ずの亀 流は喜びであり、倉化ぞの察応の楜し さがある。 2. 埌茩から憧れられるようなカッコむむ スカりトになっおほしい。

1.We enjoy having communications with people and corresponding to the change. 2.Be a scout who is respected by younger scouts.

堎内プログラム郚 On Site Programme Dept.

サブキャンプ郚 Sub Camp Dept.

1. 参加者のみなさんの笑顔 2. い぀も笑顔を

1.We are glad to see the participants smiling. 2.Keep smile.

マヌケティング・ コミュニケヌション郚 Marketing and Communication Technology Dept.

1. ゞャンボリヌを盛り䞊げ、思い出づく りのお手䌝いをするこず。 2. ゞャンボリヌをい぀楜しむのいたで しょっ

1.Helping this Jambree memorable foe participants, and recognized for more people. 2."NOW IS THE TIME" to enjoy the Jamboree!

宗教郚 Faith and Beliefs Dept.

Information Communication Technology Dept.

1. ゞャンボリヌにやっお来る皆さんず最 初に䌚えるこず。りェルカムセンタヌ の運営 2. ようこそゞャンボリヌぞ

1.We are the first to meet the people coming to Jamboree. 2.Welcome to Jamboree!!

1. 倚くのスカりト達ずふれあうこずが出 来るこず。 2. 倚くのプログラムに参加しお䞋さい

1.We are delighted to meet a lot of scouts. 2.Try many of our programs.

1. すべおのスカりタヌが、信仰を持぀こ ずを願っお。 2. "Harmony" いのち茝く心の絆を深めよ う。

1. We pray for all scouts to have their belief of their own. 2. “Harmony” Let’s enhance our hearty fellowship.

Jamboree News vol.2 Aug. 2, 2013

むンタビュヌ interview


1. この郚のやり甲斐、喜びはここだ What we do and what we are working for. 2. 参加しおいるスカりトたちに䞀蚀メッセヌゞ A message to all the participating scouts.

堎倖プログラム郚 Off Site Dept.

1. 堎倖プログラムで山口県地域の良いず ころを芋お、芋聞を広めお䞋さい。 2. 暑い山口を芋お頂きたい。

1. We’d like you to see and learn the good things in Yamaguchi area. 2. Please feel the passion of Yamaguchi locals.

安党・救護郚 Safe Dept.

1. 参加したスカりト・指導者の良い思い 出䜜りのために、期間䞭の完党ず健康を 守る。2. ・自分の健康ず安党は自分で 守る。・生掻ルヌルは、自分たちで䜜っ たルヌルだから、必ず守ろう。

1.To keep safe and health of the participating scouts and leaders and help them to enjoy Jamboree life. 2.Keep your own safety and health. Keep the rules to stay safe and healthy.


広島平和プログラム郚 Hiroshima Peace Programme Dept.

1.8 月 3 日に広島で行われる広島ピヌス プログラムの運営を行っおいたす。

1.We are managing the Hiroshima peace program held on 3rd August.

䌚堎運営郚 Site Manegemennt Dept.

Ceremonies Dept.

1. 光、音、歓声が 13000 䜙人を芆う時、感 動が生たれる。それが我らのやり甲斐だ 2. 困難を喜びぞ、その喜びを分かち合い、閉䌚 匏で最高の笑顔を芋せおくれ

1.When over 13000 people are in the light, music and cheerful voices and they are all impressed, that’s what we are working for. 2.If you encounter any difficulty, turn it into the joy. Share the joy and show us your best smile in the Closing ceremony!

茞送郚 Transport Dept.

1. 参加スカりトが楜しいキャンプラむフ を送れるこず。 2. 暑いですが、楜しいキャンプを。

1. メむンパヌキングぞの車䞡入退堎をス ムヌスに誘導出来るこずは喜びだ 2. 䌚堎内でのルヌルを遵守しおください。

1.To help scouts enjoy camping. 2.Enjoy hot and cheerful camping life.

1.Safe and trouble-free guide at the main parking area. 2.Please keep the rules in the site.


Food Dept.

Treding Dept.

1. 長いキャンプ生掻を楜しく過ごしお頂 くため、安党でおいしい食材をサブキャ ンプに届けるこず。 本郚食堂では矎味しかったず耒めお頂く こずです。

1. 日本党囜、䞖界各囜のスカりト達ずの コミュニケヌションを楜しめるこず。 2. 珟地限定商品・UK・BSA・KOREA のグッズも販売しおいたすので、ぜひ お越し䞋さい。

1.We are working to deliver safe and tasty foodstuffs for your joyful camping. 2.We are also delighted to hear that people coming to staffs’ cafeteria saying 'delicious' 'Oishi'.


1.At the Scout shop, we don’t just sell the goods but enjoy communication with scouts from all over Japan and the world. Enjoy your shopping. 2.We have many exclusive products and U.K, BSA, KOREA goods.

16NJ 実行委員長 Jamboree manegement Directer

思いっきり楜しめ Enjoy as much as you can!


Jamboree News vol.2 Aug. 2, 2013


スカりトショップ開店 Scout shop opening ceremony 8 月 1 日午前 9:00 スカりトショップがオヌプンしたした。オヌプニングセレ モニヌには、アメリカ、むギリス、韓囜、そしお日本のそれぞれのスカりトショッ プの責任者がテヌプカットを行い、埅ちわびたスカりトたちが店内に抌し寄せたし た。今回は 16NJ の蚘念グッズに加えお終わったばかりのアメリカナショナルゞャ ンボリヌの蚘念品、むギリス・韓囜のグッズも賌入できたす。

Scout shop has opened on Aug.1, 9;00AM and Opening Ceremoy was held. The Scout goods manager from U.S.A., U.K., Korea, and Japan joined the opening ceremony. As soon as they cut the tape, the scouts rushed to the shop. In addition to the 16NJ memorial goods, you can buy the memorial goods of U.S.A. National Jamboree (just held) and other U.K. and Korean goods.

熱䞭症に泚意 Preventing heatstroke. 蒞し暑い䌚堎で熱䞭症にかかるスカりトが、既に数名発生しおいたす。熱䞭症を防ぐために以䞋のこずに気 を付けたしょう。

There have been some scouts suffering from heatstroke. To prevent yourself from heatstroke;


Always wear your hat and avoid the direct sunlight as much as possible.


Wear clothes that absorb sweat and release heat.


Drink water frequently. (You may be sweating a lot even if you don’t realize.)

めたい、汗がたくさん出る、筋肉痛、頭痛、吐き気などが出た堎合、無理をせず、すぐに近くの指導者に盞談し、 氎分の補絊、涌しいずころで䌑憩などずるようにしたしょう。

If you feel dizzy, pain in muscle, headache, or vomiting, consult a leader nearby, drink enough water and take a rest in cool place.

郚取材班が集めた ゞャンボリヌレポヌト

到着したスカりトたちのコメント Messages from the scouts arrived at Jamboree site!

〈倧阪 13 隊〉ただ人も少なくサむトの広さが際立぀䞭、高橋寛史君 (13) は隊の名前が入った而に着替えおくれ、 誰よりも元気な姿を芋せおくれたした。この而姿はゞャンボリヌ期間䞭、隊の男子がステヌゞで披露する機䌚が あるのだそうです。暑い日差しに負けない圌らの勇姿にご期埅ください。

Hiroshi Takahashi (13) changed his wear to Fundoshi (loin cloth) style. The boys of the contingent are going to show the outfit on stage during Jamboree. 〈滋賀 3 隊〉テントを立おおいた倩野陜茝くん (12) は「なんかおかしいな。やっぱりい぀もずは違う。」ずゞャン ボリヌの独特な雰囲気に少し戞惑いを感じおいるようでした。

Hiroki Amano (12) building his tent, was saying “Something is different from usual.” He seems to be feeling the atmosphere of the Jamboree. 〈愛知 10 隊〉愛知県は囜内で最倧芏暡の 30 個隊の参加です。スカりトたちは、 「愛知よりも暑い」ず早くもお疲 れモヌドかず思いきや、楜しみなこずを聞くず「売店」 「亀流䌚でのコスプレ」ず元気な返答が返っおきたした。

30 contingents joined from Aichi prefecture which is the biggest contingent groups of this Jamboree. Those scouts from Aichi first seemed to be tired, but when we asked what they are looking forward, they answered in chorus “Scout shop!” and “Costume party!. 〈倧阪 19 隊〉 「挫才で、盛り䞊げ䞊手の男になっお孊校倖の友達を぀くる」ず尟厎俊之君。気合たっぷりの姿にた くさんの元気をもらいたした。

Toshiyuki Ozaki was really cheerful saying “I’m going to show my Manzai comedy to make a lot of friends out of school.”

【郚  岡厎菜菜子・倏目朋晃】

写真販売のお知らせ You can see and buy your jamboree photo from LIVEPHOTO's website below. LIVE PHOTO にお、各隊のスナップショットやゞャンボリヌの各堎面の様子をダりンロヌド販売しおおりたす。随時曎新䞭 ですので、倧䌚公匏サむトのトップペヌゞの「写真販売サむト」からチェックしおください。

サむト URLhttp://www.livephoto.jp/search/eventsearch.html ID16nj

パスワヌド (Passward)yamaguchi 販売元囜際航空写真株匏䌚瀟

Jamboree News vol.2 Aug. 2, 2013


JAMBOREE HAS STARTED! I have never seen so many scout gathered in one place before. I am already too excited from day 1! And I am looking forward to programs that will starts tomorrow!

今日の犏倪 Today's FUKUTA IS INTERNATIONAL! がくも぀いに䞖界でびゅヌ★犏

8 月 1 日倜から突撃蚪問開始。次号から報告蚘事掲茉予定皆さ んお楜しみに Fukuta's Sub Camp Visit has started on the night of Aug. 1. Reports will be on next issue!


Jamboree News vol.2 Aug. 2, 2013

今日のテヌマ Today's Voice

私の倧切な仲間・絆 Who are your "good Fellows"? My important companion / bond

The scouts in the world.

My family.

My best friends.

My friend's smile :).

Everyone who are supporting me.

My friends who are always ready to cooporate.

My patrol members.

I love every scouts!!

People who are living with me are most important.

My family, and all participants of this Jamboree


Whom I can trust and have good times together with laughter

All the human being

Whom I can laugh together

Everyone living in this world

My little brother

My best friend who can laugh and cry together

このゞャンボリヌでたくさんの良い友達 に出䌚えおよかった。ありがずう日本

Trusting each others is the key

All participants of this Jamboree are my "good fellows"


次回のお題は  Next Voice

あなたのパワヌの源は What is your Source of power? What makes you go and be more storonger the most? 発行 2013 幎 8 月 2 日 第 16 回日本ゞャンボリヌ郚 Published by 16NJ MC on Aug.2, 2013

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