Bulletin 03 / Dec 2017
#MootPerĂş20 18
III Interamerican Scout Moot is getting closer Dear brothers and sisters in scouting: Only 7 months remain to start the largest gathering of young people in the Interamerican Region, in Peru. Expectation generated around the III Interamerican Scout Moot tells us about the great interest to be part of this experience. The following information is dedicated to guide you in the registration process.
An ambitious program • • • • •
Based on the historical and cultural development of the Inca Empire. Intended for adventure experiences. To be a space of interculturality. Contribute to the development of communities. Contribute to a culture of peace by Creating a Better World.
An opportunity Creating a Better World Young scouts will execute projects in the Andean Communities. We estimate that during 10 days we will implement around 100 integral projects in different areas, being an opportunity for interaction of young people with the community to develop exchange experiences: a space for interculturality, within the framework of sustainable development objectives and those of the Educational Project of the Scout Movement.
Registration Fee Fee or contribution of participation includes transportation from Cusco Airport, or from the bus station of the same city, to the place of the event and vice versa, event kit, all meals from the lunch of July 27th to the breakfast of the August 5th, 2018, as well as all activities and transportation specific to the event’s program.
From Feb 01 to Abr 30 2017
From May 01 al Oct 30 2017
From Jan 01 al Feb 27 2018
Category D: Bahamas, Canada, United States, Aruba, Curaรงao. Participant
International Service Team
Category C: Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Costa Rica, Chile, Dominica, Grenada, Mexico, Panama, Saint Lucia, Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela. Participant
International Service Team
Category B: Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Suriname. Participant
International Service Team
International Service Team
Category A: Nicaragua, Haiti
Fees in American dollars. If you have paid Pre Registration you must deduct it from the corresponding Registration Fee. According with the 3/16 resolution adopted by the 26th Interamerican Scout Conference, participation fees includes all charging bank fees from Peru. Bank charges generated by sending the participation fees to Peru through the banking system must be assume by the country of origin. *Prices in American Dollars.
Registration Process
Steps for Registration 1. Be registered or be an active member of the National Scout Organization (NSO) at your country. 2. Have made the payment of 100% of registration fee to your NSO. 3. You will receive a link with Registration Form from your Head of Contingent. (Read Head of Contingent Address Book on Page 8).
Recommendations before completing the form: a. Use only uppercase. b. Try to verify and complete all the data, even when they seem irrelevant. c. Complete the data in the forms with uppercase letters without accents or blank spaces. d. The photograph must be in color, on a white background, without dark lenses, or headwear and in JPG format.
Head of Contingent List All participating National Scout Organizations must appoint a Head of Contingent and accredit to the organization of the III Interamerican Scout Moot Peru 2018 by email in order to be the intermediary between their NSO and the organizing committee of the event. Here you can find the contacts available in your country.
Head of Contingent
Sandra Gutiérrez
Celeste Winters
Rodrigo Rocabado Zapata
Francisco Siqueira
Cristian Lara
Pedro Ballen
Costa Rica
Emilio Solera Badilla
Jorge Maldonado
El Salvador
Oscar A. Benitez
United States of America
Ron Thomas / Dave Shelburne
Claudia Mejía Paz
Dulce Sánchez
Ayda Picado Yousif
Miriam Anduray
Alex Yáñez
United Kingdom
Hannah Hartley
Dominican Republic
Agustin Tiburcio
South Africa
Inge Neumann
Rafael Herize
Glossary Participant: Is a young person who is from 18 to 25 years of age, member of an NSO and attends the III Interamerican Scout Moot as part of a National Contingent (Delegation). Young people, men and/or women will be grouped in international teams of 10 members. Contingent Staff or CMT (Contingent Management Team): Is the team responsible for its own delegation or contingent. Is encouraged to be made up of young people of the same age as the participants to participate in the Moot program or adults over 25 years old. A member of the Contingent Staff must act as the Head of Contingent (See page 8). Registration fee of the Contingent Staff or CMT is the same as the participants. International Service Team (IST/EIS): They are the adults or young adults, men and women, over 25 years old, members of a national contingent or delegation, who having applied to the International Service Team (IST/EIS), carry out some of the scheduled tasks of the III Interamerican Scout Moot. IST members of a contingent can not exceed the number of young participants. The registration fee of the members
of the IST/EIS is different from participants or members of the Contingent Staff. IST/EIS arrival must be in the morning of July 26th and the departure will be from the morning of August 6th. All meals will be included. Contingent or National Contingent: Is the group of young participants, members of a contingent or contingent staff and members of the International Service Team (IST/EIS), of the same National Scout Organization. Head of Contingent: Is the person who represents a National Contingent and with whom Moot’s Organizing Commission exchanges information. As described in Bulletin No. 2, the Head of Contingnet is a volunteer adult, active NSO member over 25 years old and accredited as such by his NSO. When the Contingent is formed only by young participants, between 18 and 25 years of age, one of them may exercise this function. In the same way it must be accredited by your NSO. Fee: Is the amount of money paid by the participant, individually to the NSO for the purposes of organizing the event.
ay ic r é m A e d s e n e Los jóv l Cusco a n á r a g e ll o d n del Mu rica and e m A m o r f h t u o Y Cusco o t g in m o c e r a the World de 2018 o t s o g a e d 5 l a del 27 de julioth to August 5th, 2018 from July 27
ootpe www.scout.org.pe/m
Comisión Organizadora III Moot Scout Interamericano Perú 2018 Asociación de Scouts del Perú Av. Arequipa 5140, Miraflores, Lima 18 - Perú t: +51.1.445-2431 e: mootcuscoperu2018@scout.org.pe