movimiento scout cat贸lico
annual report 2009
CATHOLIC SCOUT MOVEMENT • Scouts MSC Charter • Mission • Scout Method • Scouts MSC Worldwide • Collaborations • Scouts MSC in figures
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APRIL 2010 Coordination and Editing Gemma Ricomà Forés Angie Gago Flores Design and Layout Editor Margot Oller Pictures Scout MSC Image database Statistic Figures Scout MSC census Translation Noemia Cabanas m09 2Menéndez Daniel
Produced by Catholic Scout Movement Gran Vía de les Corts Catalanes, 416, 1º 4ª 08015 Barcelona Spain Tel.: (+34) 93 292 53 77 Fax: (+34) 93 292 53 78 Printed by GRImpresores Legal Deposit B-48.938-2008
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Noelia Palacios Hermida President In the report you have in your hands, we tried to show you the most significant projects and activities done by the Catholic Scout Movement during 2009. A year in which we ended the development of a threeyear Plan and we were able to collect the rewards coming from the hard work of the three previous years. During these past years we have done our bit in the growth of Scouts MSC identity, in promoting engaged citizenship and in the active participation in the Church’s mission. We have done this our way, a scout way. We have laid the foundations of very important projects for the future of the Catholic Scout Movement, including the adoption of the Scouts MSC Charter, starting point of the work of the Youth Program that defines
who we are, or the approval of the implementation of the Scout Foundation. These are some of the projects that are included in the new Three-Year Plan 2009-2012, a plan we hope can meet the current and future needs of the Movement, contributing to its strengthening and development. We also want to thank all the people who are or have been part of government bodies, work teams, Committees, collaborators and scout leaders. We truly appreciate their personal voluntary and engaged dedication to serve others, through which Scouts MSC contributes to the positive change of the world. Without all of these men and women and without the invaluable help of the professional teams, this work would not have been possible. Be prepared!
Presentation - Asturian language
Presentation - Galician language
Na memoria que tenéis nes vueses manes tentóse d’espeyar los proyeutos y les actividaes más significatives feches nel Movimientu Scout Católicu nel añu 2009. Un añu nel que se perfizo’l desendolque d’un Plan Triañal y nel que se coyeron los frutos del intensu trabayu fechu nos trés años anteriores. Nestos años aportemos el nuesu granín de sable nel espoxigue de la identidá de Scouts MSC, nel afalagu d’una ciudadanía comprometío y na participación activa na misión de la Ilesia, desendolcando la nuesa xera con un estilu, el nuesu estilu scout. Punxemos les bases pa proyeutos importantes pal futuru del Movimientu Scout Católicu, como l’aprebación de la Carta de Scouts MSC, finxu de partida del trabayu del Programa de Mozos y Moces que define quien somos, o l’aprebación de la puesta en marcha de la Fundación Scout. Estos son dellos de los proyeutos que queden recoyíos nel nuevu Plan Triañal 2009-2012 col qu’esperamos dar respuestes a les necesidaes d’anguaño y futures del Movimientu, contribuyendo al so fortalecimientu y desendolque. Dende estes ringleres, queremos agradecer el trabayu fechu por toles persones que ficieron o faen parte de muérganos de gobiernu del Movimientu, d’equipos, permanentes, comisiones, collaboradores y responsables scouts. Agradecémos-yos la so entrega personal voluntaria y comprometida nel desendolque d’un serviciu escontra los demás per aciu del que Scouts MSC contribui pa la tresformación positiva del mundu. Ensin toos ellos y elles, y ensin la valoratible axuda de los equipos de profesionales, esti llabor nun sedría vidable.
Na memoria que tendes nas vosas mans tratouse de reflectir os proxectos e as actividades máis senlleiras realizadas no Movemento Scout Católico durante o ano 2009. Un ano no que rematou o desenvolvemento dun Plan Trienal e no que se recolleron os froitos dun intenso traballo realizado nos tres anos anteriores. Durante estes anos achegamos o noso gran de area no crecemento da identidade de Scouts MSC, na promoción dunha cidadanía comprometida e na participación activa na misión da Igrexa, desenvolvendo a nosa tarefa cun estilo, o noso estilo scout. Puxemos as bases para proxectos importantes para o futuro do Movemento Scout Católico, como a aprobación da Carta de Scouts MSC, punto de partida do traballo do Programa de Mocidade, que define quen somos, ou a aprobación da posta en marcha da Fundación Scout. Estes son algúns dos proxectos que quedan recollidos no novo Plan Trienal 2009-2012 co que agardamos dar resposta ás necesidades actuais e futuras do Movemento, contribuíndo ao seu fortalecemento e desenvolvemento. Desde estas liñas, queremos agradecer o traballo realizado por todas as persoas que formaron ou forman parte de órganos de goberno do Movemento, de equipos, permanentes, comisións, colaboradores e responsábeis scouts. Agradecémoslles a súa entrega persoal voluntaria e comprometida no desenvolvemento dun servizo cara aos demais e a través do que Scouts MSC contribúe á transformación positiva do mundo. Sen todos eles e elas, e sen a inestimábel axuda dos equipos de profesionais, este labor non tería sido posíbel
¡Siempres sollertes!
Sempre listos!
Presentation - Catalan language
Presentation - Basque language
A la memòria que teniu a les vostres mans s’ha tractat de reflectir els projectes i les activitats més significatives dutes a terme al Movimient Scout Catòlic durant l’any 2009. Un any què s’ha finalitzat el desenvolupament d’un Pla Triennal i en què s’han recollit els fruits de la intensa feina duta a terme els tres anys anteriors. Durant aquests anys hem posat el nostre granet de sorra en el creixement de la identitat de Scouts MSC, en la promoció d’una ciutadania compromesa i en la participació activa en la missió de l’església, desenvolupant la nostra tasca amb el nostre estil scout. Hem posat les bases de projectes importants per al futur del Moviment Scout Catòlic, com l’aprovació de la Carta de Scouts MSC, punt de partida de treball del Programa de Joves el qual defineix qui som o l’aprovació de l’arrancada de la Fundació Scout. Aquests són alguns dels projectes que queden recollits en el Pla Triennal 2009-2012 amb el qual esperem donar resposta a les necessitats actuals i futures del Moviment i contribuir al seu enfortiment i desenvolupament. Amb aquestes línies volem agrair la feina feta per totes les persones que han format o que formen part dels òrgans de govern del Moviment, dels equips, permanents, comissions, col·laboradors i responsables scouts. Els agraïm l’entrega personal voluntària i compromesa amb el desenvolupament d’un servei cap els altres a través del qual Scouts MSC contribueix a la transformació positiva del món. Sense tots ells i elles, i sense la inestimable ajuda dels equips de professionals, aquesta labor no hauria estat possible.
Zuen eskuetan dekozuen memorian, 2009. urtean Movimiento Scout Catolikoak egin dituen proiektu eta aktibitate nabarmenak erakutsi nahi izan ditugu. Hirurteko Plana amaitu den urte honetan, azken hiru urteetan egin den lan gogorraren emaitzak jaso ditugu. Azken urteotan, gure indarrak ipini ditugu hainbat gauza egiteko; Scout MSC identitatearen hazkundean, hiritartasun konprometitu baten sustapenean eta Elizaren Msioaren parte-hartze aktiboan; gure lana estilo baten garatzen, gure estilo eskautan. Movimiento Scout Catolicoaren etorkizunerako diren proiektu garrantzitsuei hasiera eman diegu; Scout MSC Gutunaren onarpena, “Programa de Jóvenes” lanaren hasiera (nortzuk garen definitzen du), edo Eskaut Fundazioa martxan jartzearen onarpena. Hauek dira Hirurteko Plana 2009-2012 berrian agertzen diren proiektu batzuk. Eta Plan berri honekin, indarkeria eta garapena eraikitzen, Mugimenduaren gaur egungo eta etorkizuneko beharrei erantzun nahi diegu. Lerro hauek aprobetxatu nahi ditugu, Mugimenduaren Gobernu-organoan, taldeetan, iraunkorretan eta komisioetan parte-hartu duten edo ari diren pertsonei, kolaboratzailei eta eskaut arduradunei eskerrak emateko, egin duten lanagatik. Besteengan dauketen konpromizu eta borondatezko emate pertsonala eskertu nahi dugu. Haien laguntza barik, eta talde-profesionala barik, lan hau ezin izango zen aurrera eraman. Beti Prest!
Sempre a punt! m09
Structure NATIONAL BOARD 2008/2009
Juan Ramón Hinojosa Gutiérrez • President Antonio Matilla Matilla • Chaplain General Elena Barrio Hernáez • Vice President Gonzalo Pedroche Calleja • Vice President Noelia Palacios Hermida • Secretary General Ignacio Padilla Garteizgogeaskoa • Treasurer Mª Antonia Juan Gamalié • Training commissioner Elías Py Rodríguez • International Comissioner
Noelia Palacios Hermida • President Antonio Matilla Matilla • Chaplain General Javier Mora Guijarro • Vice President and Secretary General Ignacio Padilla Garteizgogeaskoa • Treasurer Gonzalo Pedroche Calleja • Training Commissioner Elías Py Rodríguez • International Commissioner
PRESIDENTS OF THE REGIONAL AND DIOCESAN ASSOCIATIONS Javier Alcázar Albandea • Scouts Católicos de Andalucía Pedro Farré Casaurran • Asociación Interdiocesana Scouts d’Aragón - MSC Emma Posada Álvarez • Scouts d’Asturies - MSC Alfonso Medina Mesquida • Federació d’Escoltisme i Guiatge de les Illes Balears Francisco Javier Ramos Pérez • Scouts Católicos de Canarias José Domingo Jaén Sancho • Scouts Católicos de Cantabria - MSC Ignacio Padilla Garteizgogeaskoa • Federación de Scouts Católicos de Castilla-La Mancha Mayte Gómez Romero • Scouts de Castilla y León-MSC Mª Àngels Sampedro López y Àlex Martínez García / Arnau García Conesa • Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya Elena Barrio Hernáez / Raquel Ledesma Somovilla • Euskalerriko Eskautak Mª de las Nieves Valero Guerrero • ADE Mérida-Badajoz Eduardo Penabad Ramos • Scouts de Galicia - Escutismo Católico Galego Gonzalo Pedroche Calleja • Scouts de Madrid - MSC Mª Fuensanta Rodríguez Cases • Scouts Católicos de Murcia - MSC Carmen Robles Galindo • Federació d’Escoltisme Valencià m09
PERMANENT WORK TEAMS Committee composed by a representative of the Council and four people appointed by a Board that coordinates, suggests and encourages the action lines of Scouts MSC - to manage the Team’s work. Faith Antonio Matilla Matilla (coordinator) • Scouts MSC National Board Manuel Antonio Couceiro Cachaldora • Scouts de Galicia - Escutismo Católico Galego Idoia Pozo Gordillo • Euskalerriko Eskautak Pablo Nicolás Cuadrado • Scouts de Madrid - MSC Diana Alvarado Paunedo • Federació d’Escoltisme Valencià Training Mª Antonia Juan Gamalié (coordinator) • Scouts MSC National Board Miquel Maydeu Bosch • Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya Chuchi San Emeterio Rubio • Scouts de Cantabria - MSC Gemma Pulido Blanca • Scouts Católicos de Andalucía Pilar Muntaner Bennasar • Federació d’Escoltisme i Guiatge de les Illes Balears Treasury Ignacio Padilla Garteizgogeaskoa (coordinador) • Scouts MSC National Board Tomás Navas Ortega • Scouts Católicos de Murcia - MSC Alejandro Cuerno Peredo • Scouts de Cantabria - MSC Iago Domínguez Álvarez • Scouts de Galicia - MSC
WORK TEAMS Operative groups for supporting, monitoring and coordinating different programs or Scout MSC services. Communication Team Gonzalo Pedroche y Javier Mora (coordinators 2008/2009) Jesús Manuel Rubio y Melo Sánchez Mendieta (in-house coordinators 2008/2009) Carlos de Miguel García Carlos Lucas Sierra International Team Elías Py Rodríguez (coordinator) Covadonga San Miguel Lorente Ana Belén García García Sergio de Pedro Blanes Rodrigo Santos Álvarez Youth Program Team Gonzalo Pedroche Calleja (coordinator) Noèlia Masdeu Domingo Guillem Mir Casanovas Juan José Estalayo Rodríguez David Pérez García
Scouts MSC is present in all the regions of Spain
COMMITTEES Advisory groups of experts, exchange of information and definition of strategies in a given field. Group Leaders Committee Oscar Montero/Erlantz Sobrevilla Guinea • Euskalerriko Eskautak Eduard López Martí • Federació d’Escoltisme i Guiatge de les Illes Balears – MSC Nerea Rodríguez García • Scouts d’Asturies Lourdes Viñuelas • Federació d’escoltisme Valencià María Martín Bermejo • Scouts de Castilla y León-MSC Iago Prado Vázquez • Scouts de Galicia – Escutismo Católico Galego Álvaro Abuín Castro • Scouts Católicos de Andalucía Miguel Ángel Urbano García • Scouts de Madrid Trini Molist • Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya Ana Salamanca Aguirre • Federación Scouts Católicos de Castilla - La Mancha Inés Abreu Alfonso • Scouts Católicos de Canarias Andrés Pérez Portilla • Scouts Católicos de Cantabria Youth Program Experts Committee Miguel González (emotional development area) Miquel Alomar (physical development area) Jordi Font (spiritual development area) Luís Cuntin (social development area) Pau López (personality development area) José María Hernández (intellectual development area)
International Committee Mario Díaz Martínez • World Scout Committee Vice President José Antonio Warletta García • Member of the ICCS World Secretariat Juan Ramón Hinojosa Gutiérrez • FEE President Elías Py • FEE Secretary Jordi Camps Aguadé • Member of the ICCS World Foundation
COMMISSIONS Operative groups for supporting, monitoring and coordinating, they are in charge of the execution of a specific task within a specific time duration. Peace Light of Bethlehem Commission Diana Alvarado Sergi Paramès World Youth Day Madrid 2011 Commission Antonio Matilla Gonzalo Pedroche Elías Py David Aperador Jaime Chapatte Milagros Martínez Pablo Nicolás International Advice for the Youth Program Björn Seellbach • Coordinator of Tailored Support Unit from the Europe Region-WOSM Mafalda Frade • National Training Team CNE – Portugal Martín Parrado • International Commissioner Les Scouts – Belgium Lars Kramm • International Team DPSG - Germany Bruno Gaudry • International Team and founder of SGDF - France Ilaria Baudone • National Training Team AGESCI - Italy Nicola Mastrodicasa • National Training Team AGESCI - Italy
COLLABORATING PEOPLE Scouts MSC representatives in different action fields. Agustín Matía Amor • Representative for law and quality in the Social NGOs National Council Daniel Lostao Sanjuan • President of Youth Council of Spain Noelia Palacios • Young Women work team- Youth Council Ignacio Padilla Garteizgogeaskoa • Representative in the Childhood Work Team – Youth Council and in the Childhood Organizations - Platform Idoia Pozo Gordillo • Board member of the Standing Committee in the Lay Forum Pablo Nicolás • Representative in the General Council of the Youth Pastoral Rafael Parodi de Porres • Coordinator of JOTI (Jamboree on the Internet) SCOUTS MSC HEADQUARTERS Montse Puigdemont Casamajor • Technical Coordinator Núria Pujantell Álvarez • Accounting Manager Ana González Jareño • Program Coordinator María Vilà i Miras • International Secretary and Youth Program Professional Margot Oller • Graphic Design Angie Gago Flores • Communication Professional Roser Vime Bosch • Receptionist Silvia Talens Pedrosa • File Clerk
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Catholic Scout Movement Founded in 1961, the Catholic Scouting Movement is the federation of Catholic associations in Spain and it brands itself as well-rounded educational movement. Regardless of any political party and not identified with any ideology, the Catholic Scout Movement aims to educate free and responsible, open and caring, committed and critical people. To achieve this, we suggest an active, customized, creative and useful education. Thousands of scout leaders work voluntarily each year to educate children and young people to be engaged in building a more just, free, sustainable and supportive society. Scouts MSC Regional Associations represent more than 35,000 children and young people aged from 6 to more than 20 years old.
m09 11
SCOUTS MSC CHARTER WE ARE AN EDUCATIONAL MOVEMENT THAT SUGGESTS BOYS, GIRLS AND YOUTH TO TAKE ON THE LEADERSHIP OF THEIR OWN DEVELOPMENT. We are an Educational Movement, a group of men and women who share the ideal of individual, society and Church from the Catholic Scouting and are committed to develop and extend its Pedagogical Plan in Spain. We are a Movement for children and young people, which also includes as educational agents scouts leaders. Families and Christian communities rely on scout leaders’ ability to take responsibility for the young people development and shape the educational environments that make Scouting possible. Our commitment to them all is articulated through an educational proposal, the Youth Program, which aims to answer their needs and aspirations at any time. To carry out our project, we have an organizational structure which must be effective, flexible, democratic and participatory for all the agents that are part of the Movement. WE ARE PART OF THE SCOUT MOVEMENT, A UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD THAT SHARES AN IDEAL OF LIFE, A WORKING METHOD AND A MISSION: TO CONTRIBUTE TO BUILD A BETTER WORLD. We are part of the Scout Movement, a universal brotherhood that wants to contribute to build a better world, according to the universal values stated in the Scout Law and Promise as shown in the Constitution of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, the ones that invite every scout to be a well-rounded, happy, socially committed person and to be open to an encounter with the Transcendence. Through our activities, performed according to the Scout Method, we support children and youth in their personal growth process, suggesting the active involvement in a non-formal educational project that allows them to take on the leadership of their own development. By means of making their educational work, the scout leaders carry out a service to others through which the Movement contributes to the positive change of the world, using their personal example as a fundamental tool and engaging in training and development processes. WE ARE PART OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, A GOOD PLACE THAT INVITES YOU TO THE TRANSFORMING ENCOUNTER WITH GOD WHERE ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO DEVELOP THEIR SPIRITUAL DIMENSION ARE WELCOMED. We are part of the Catholic Church and we feel part of its mission, the one that we develop through our educational project. Our Movement is a good place where Christian people are suggested to strengthen their faith through an encounter with Christ, the commitment to the Church, and the choice to incorporate the Gospel values to their own life. We are the Scouting proposed by the Church under a pastoral initiative and that is why we feel called to be the home of the Catholic Scouting in Spain. Through Catholic Scouting, the Christian Community opens itself up and welcomes people willing to discover and to go into their spiritual experience in depth, regardless of whether they have a religious tradition of their own or not. That is why we undertake to encourage the plurality and communion within the Church, and to contribute to Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue WE ARE A MOVEMENT COMMITED WITH OUR NATURAL, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT. We are a movement committed with society, with each and every one of the people living in the Spanish territory, especially with children and youth irrespective of their circumstances, and with their families that entrust us with part of their sons and daughters’ education. We are a non partisan movement were you can find people sharing Scouting values and commitment to democracy, and with different political and social points of view. We want to contribute to build a better world encouraging boys, girls and youth to become critical, responsible, participatory citizenry and to be actively committed with the transformation of their different social environments and open to the cooperation with all the people of the world. We put effort into networking with those organizations we can share our service with. We are aware that we are part of the natural environment and we are committed to its preservation and responsible use, promoting sustainability. We believe that our different cultural identities, both our own and the ones coming from foreign people, represent a treasure that must be known, conserved and valued through our educational project since it promotes a inter cultural social model. Adopted at the 51st Ordinary General Assembly of Movimiento Scout Católico Madrid, October 24th and 25th , 2009
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The Scouting mission is to collaborate to the education of children and young people through a system of values based in the Scout Law and Promise, helping to build a better world where people can fulfill themselves as individuals and play a constructive role in society. This is achieved: • Involving them throughout their formative years in a non-formal educational process. • Using a specific method that makes each individual be the main agent of their own development as an autonomous, supportive, responsible and committed person. • Helping to establish a system of values based in the spiritual, social and personal principles as stated in the Scout Law and Promise.
Scout Method
Children and young people are the major characters of activity programs. These programs are mainly carried out in contact with nature. They grow to become committed and responsible citizens through the game, teamwork and community service. Method adapts to children in the different Branches: • Beavers (ages 6 to 8) • Cub Scouts (ages 8 to 11) • Venture Scouts (ages 11 to 14) • Explorer Scouts (ages 14 to 17) • Rovers (ages 17 to 20)
Scouts MSC worldwide.
The Scouting Movement was founded in 1907 by Baden-Powell. More than a hundred years later, Scouting is present in 216 countries and territories and has over 31 million children, young people and scout leaders as active members. In the past 20 years, the Scouting movement has almost doubled the number of members. Most part of this growth has taken place in developing countries. The highest institution in Scouting is the World Organization of the Scouting Movement (WOSM), and Scouts MSC is part of it through the Federación de Escultismo en España (FEE). Scouting is a social force, an agent under development with a performance based in democratic values. Scouting pays attention to society needs and works in order to build a better world. We are involved in a culture of peace open to everybody, built on friendship and brotherhood; a culture that encourages diversity and tolerance. Wherever we are, we reaffirm our commitment towards peace and the environment. We put into practice our skills and talents so that we can help others, learning by action and later sharing the knowledge achieved. We have fun for a reason and we have a sense of belonging to the worldwide movement we are part of. m09 13
We are the largest Spanish youth and child association
As part of the Church, Scouts MSC is also part of the International Catholic Conference of Scouting (ICCS). This organization is a link between the Catholic Church and Scouting. The objectives of the ICCS are offering resources to Scout associations that guarantee faith education inside the Movement and promoting Ecumenism and Interfaith dialogue. Besides, Scouts MSC has relations and joint projects of solidarity, twinning and cultural and/or religious coexistence with Scout associations from Germany, Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Peru, El Salvador, France, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Portugal, Switzerland, Uruguay and others. Scouts MSC is also part of: • La Federación de Escultismo en España (FEE) (Federation of Scouting in Spain), created in 1978, currently consists of the Federación de Asociaciones de Scouts de España (ASDE) and the Catholic Scout Movement (Scouts MSC). The FEE has also an associate member, the Federació Catalana d’Escoltisme i Guiatge (FCEG). The FEE officially represents the acknowledged Spanish Scouting and the interests of more than 70,000 children, young people and scouts leaders before the World Organization of the Scouting Movement. • El Consejo de la Juventud de España (CJE) (Spanish Youth Council) a network for youth organizations, was created by law in 1983 and it is composed of the different youth councils from the Autonomous Communities and other nationwide youth organizations. Scouts MSC is founding member and keeps a close relationship, proactively participating in the youth councils from the Autonomous Communities , specialized commissions
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and task forces. Scouts MSC is also chairing the CJE since May 2008. • The General Council of Youth Pastoral of the Lay Apostolate Episcopal Commission, Scouts MSC as a non-secular movement and part of the Church maintains formal contact with the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE) through the Lay Apostolate Episcopal Commission (CEAS), and takes part in the Youth Pastoral where the common lines of work for the dioceses and the youth organizations of Lay Apostolate get pointed out and experiences and event information are shared. • Social NGOs National Council, organization established to promote the participation and collaboration among associations in the field of the Ministry of Health and Social Policies. We are part of this Council since 2006. • Chilhood Organizations Platform, a coalition of organizations that seeks to unite efforts of the national associations that work for the children’s welfare. Here, we go together with some other associations to promote initiatives for children and teenagers. • The Lay Forum, a meeting, fellowship and action point, where Catholic institutions and associations work to promote Communion and responsibility among the various lay ecclesiastical realities and the lay public presence in society.
The associations of Scouts MSC maintain collaboration agreements with diverse entities and organizations such as: • Escuelas Católicas de Madrid • ASDEPA (Asociación de amigos del Pueblo Saharaui) • Juventud Obrera Cristiana (JOC) • Xarxa per una Nova Cultura de l’Aigua • Ecología y Desarrollo • Juventud Estudiante Católica (JEC) • Proyecto Hombre • Intermón - Oxfam • DIDANIA (Federación de Escuelas de Educadores en el Tiempo Libre Cristianas) • Juventudes Marianas Vicencianas (JMV) • Confederación Don Bosco • Movimiento de Jóvenes de Acción Católica (MJAC) • Cáritas Diocesana Scouts MSC also maintains relations with the State (central government, city councils, provincial councils, Regional Governments), and with many entities and institutions both civil and religious (universities, foundations, institutes, Third Sector Platforms, Spare Time Training Schools, federations, religious orders...) m09 15
Scouts MSC in figures
The Catholic Scout Movement is composed almost for the same number of men (18,032) and women (16,669). Members are distributed unevenly throughout the Spanish territory and the groups are quite homogeneous. This is some of the data reflected in the following statistics and graphs:
Scouts MSC regional associations represent about 35.000 youth and children
Non- Voluntary Staff: The total number of professionals working at the headquarters of the different associations of Scouts MSC and the central office is 72 people. The total number of hours worked per weeks is 2,264.5 hours. In 2009, Scouts Groups of Scouts MSC organized: • 1.782 summer camps • 5.307 week-end camps • 7.179 excursions and/or day trips • 673 activities whose main goal was education for peace • 883 environmental activities
Census by branches and gender women leaders
1.472 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000
beavers cubs sc. venturers sc.explorers sc. rovers
1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000
Scouts MSC members by regions 12.000
11.000 10.000 9.000 8.000 7.000 6.000 5.079
m09 16
Fed. d’E. Valencià
55 M.S. Riojano
412 S.C. de Murcia - MSC
354 S. de Madrid MSC
S. C. de Cantabria - MSC
S. de Galicia E.C. Galego
S. C. de Canarias
A.D.E. Mérida-Badajoz
M.E.G. de Catalunya
2.181 1.266
S. de Castilla y León - MSC
Fed. S. C. CastillaLa Mancha
Scouts d’Asturies - MSC
Fed. S. C. de Andalucía
A.I. Scouts d’Aragón - MSC
Fed. d’E. i G. de les Illes Balears
Euskalerriko Eskautak
Groups in each regions
from 1 to 24 groups from 25 to 49 groups from 50 to 74 groups from 75 to 99 groups more than 100 groups
Percentage of leaders and young people
Beavers 8,1%
Cubs Scouts 25,0%
Venturers Scouts 23,5%
Explorers Scouts 15,6%
Rovers 6,7%
Leaders 20,9% m09 17
9 9 9 9 General Plan of Action 2007-2010 The General Plan of action 2007-2010 of Scouts MSC has been a three year work commitment that has revolved around four important points: 1.Growing up in our identity, as an up-to-date and alternative movement that educates for the social transformation, promoting a proposal for the creation of the Youth Program, defining and implementing an Adult Resources policy based on world politics, empowering efficient networking that makes the most of the synergy of the associations, improving management tools and aligning human resources policy with the strategy of the association. 2.Promoting engaged citizens, analyzing and defining a growth plan for the association, the communication policy and the Scouts MSC representation and postures in institutional forums, both social and scout, both national and international. 3. Taking part in the Mission of the Church, developing and communicating the model of being Church, participating in the Ecumenical and Interfaith Dialogue, promoting Scouts MSC presence and participation in ecclesiastical forums, making easier the existence of diocesan and regional Chaplains. 4. Developing our style so we can get a greater associative connection leading to the mission of Scouting, finding common work areas where everybody feels identified, accepted and comfy , seeing each of our differences as an element of collective wealth and developing new views and opinions promoting cross-curricular themes and networking.
In 2009, the stage of one National Board was ended. This stage came up after a period of Interim Committee. Of the four important points presented in these three years we highlight as important facts: • Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Scouting. • The implementation of the debate of the Scouts MSC Youth Program, adopting the Scouts MSC Charter and the Integral Development Areas of the individual And creating the Group Leaders Committee. • The change in Scouts MSC media, supporting the web 2.0 and joining online communities. Also launching advertising campaigns such as Quieroserscout m09 18
(“Iwannabescout”), Scouts en la Calle (“Scouts on the Street”) or TV ads like Hombre Cabra (“The Goat Man”) and La Mujer Salmón (“The Salmon Woman”). • We have kept direct contact with many bishops and we have had a representative in the Standing Committee of the Lay Forum. • The creation of the “Social” Permanent Working Team and the “Treasury” Permanent Working Team • Active participation in the Youth Council, carrying out its chairmanship, taking part in operative groups, in the ordinary meetings and in some training opportunities. We have maintained a close relationship with the Catholic members of the Youth Council, mainly since the celebration of the Forum “Pastoral with Youth”. • Training in different levels was provided: ITT, Course of Management, Course for Growth, Course for Scout Group Founders, Chaplains Meeting... • Talking about institutional relations, it is worth mentioning the contact with AISG Spain that makes easy the creation of associations of adults close to Scouts MSC. • A new Code of Ethics for funding was developed and the statutes and Internal Rules were reformed to adapt them to the new needs of the Movement. • Authorization was given in order to create a Scout Foundation. The Foundation would help to finance the movement and we started to work on grants to try to diversify the forms of financing • An important effort was made in order to be present in the required forums and institutions. • We count with a strong international presence, for the first time a Vice President of the World Scout Committee is a Spaniard and also from Scouts MSC and we have supported the WOSM to get over their institutional crisis. It have been a dramatic increase of young people participating in international encounters and bilateral working meetings have been strengthened. For the first time, an institutional visit to Geneva as FEE was made.
Last 2009 Scouts MSC carried out and participated in different international activities, such as Roverway, bilateral Meetings, Cimeira IbĂŠrica, Jamboree in the Internet (JOTI). Besides, Scouts MSC has been working on the update of the Youth Program. Finally, for the fifth consecutive year Scout MSC has given the 0,7% of its budget to development cooperation projects and international solidarity.
Scouts MSC Activities
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International Scouts MSC has as one of its main objectives the promotion of international relations with other Scout associations and international institutions, aiming to exchange experiences, increase its presence worldwide and strengthen bonding with other international scout and volunteering associations. Moreover, Scouts MSC offers every possible resource so its associations can do activities with scouts from any part of the world. Bilateral Meetings
Scouts MSC has participated in 2009 in two bilateral meetings with Scout Associations from Portugal and France. The Portuguese-Spanish meeting was held on November 12th-14th. In this meeting with the Corpo Nacional de Escutas, to which many members of Scouts MSC attended, a comparative analysis of the ways of local organizations to support local groups was performed and the International Iberian projects, that were going to happen in the following months, were planned. The French-Spanish meeting was held from 13 to 15 March in Paris. In this meeting with Scouts et Guides de France (SGdF), the pedagogical renewal process taking place in France was announced, it was a good opportunity to learn from their experience and propose joint cooperation in the Youth Program.
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From 20 to 28 July was held in Iceland the European Rover Meeting, Roverway. Under the motto Open Up! 263 scouts from Scouts MSC participated in the meeting and had the chance to live with thousands of scouts from all Europe. The Roverway is celebrated every three years at European level and it is aimed at young people aged from 16 to 22. This year, the Scout Association of Iceland was the host even though the event was also coordinated by the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) The Roverway has been an outstanding meeting for the Scout MSC participants who were able to experience first person the international Scouting. As well as
More than 1,500 scouts have participated in international activities this year learning physical and intellectual skills in the workshops and getting to know in depth Icelandic culture and landscapes, Scouts MSC contingent lived an emotional learning sharing the experience with scouts from other European countries.
The Jamboree on the internet (JOTI) and the Jamboree on the air (JOTA) were held during the weekend, October 17th and 18th. Both are international events taking place in the distance using the technological advances. During the weekend, scouts all over the world get connected through Internet or radio. Previously, they have worked in some educational materials to put together during the meeting. In 2009 the JOTI/JOTA had as motto: “Challenge the Climatic Change� since the event coincided with the United Nations Clima-
tic Change Conference in Copenhagen. Several Scouts MSC groups organized meetings to participate in the JOTI and worked in the proposed educational materials.
VI Interamerican Scout Summit
60 delegates from nearly every country in the region attended the Interamerican Scout Summit, on February 27th and 28th. During the Summit, the Regional Youth Program was announced and a workshop about international cooperation financing was carried out. Scouts MSC had the opportunity to maintain bilateral meetings with some scouts associations like the ones from Ecuador, Colombia or Argentina and exchange pedagogical material.
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Cimeira Ibérica (Iberian Summit)
The Cimeira Ibérica between The Corpo Nacional de Escutas (CNE) and Scouts MSC was held on November in the quinta de San João (Elvas). The Cimeira was good to exchange experiences and promote new projects between the two neighboring scout associations. 29 people coming from the two associations attended the event and worked in different fields related to bilateral relations: institutional, the regions and projects. About the last ones, some initiatives were taken forward like the Travessía, a meeting that will be held in May 2010 and the proposal to do the Way of Saint James together.
International Cooperation
For the fifth consecutive year, Scouts MSC has assigned 0,7% of its budget to development cooperation
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projects and solidarity in developing countries. Of all the projects applying, the educational and/or formative ones were prioritized, according to Scouts MSC mission. Nicaragua, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Bolivia and Morroco were the scenarios where the projects have taken place: • A. I Scouts D’Aragón. Naturaleza de altura (High Nature) (Bolivia) • Federación de Scouts Católicos de Castilla la Mancha. Los niños de la Plata (The Children of La Plata) (Bolivia) • Scouts de Castilla y León - MSC. Ruta Bolivia (Bolivian Route) (Bolivia). • Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya: La Escuelita (The Little School) (Dominican Republic); International Cooperation in Errachidia (Morocco); Work Camp “Organización de trabajo para niños” (Work Organization for Children) (Morocco); Barcelona Exchange – Missour (Morocco)
Projects Scouts MSC has started the renewal process of the Youth Program and has launched a new webpage
The Youth Program (Programa de Jóvenes-PdJ)
The renewal of the PdJ aims to place the educational proposal that Scouting offers to children and young people in a particular place and time, in other words, here and now. There are different reasons why Scouts MSC has embarked on this project. The first is based on solidarity with the smaller member associations who cannot elaborate their own proposal because of lack of resources. And the second is based on sharing a common identity as a Movement. The PdJ will benefit every member association because, on one hand, it will give the Regional Associations a Program or another one (in case they already have one) to have a reference for future renewals. On the other hand, it will allow the whole Movement to emphasize the educational contents of the Youth Program and not its structures. In order to renew the PdJ, the federation has created a Group Leaders Committee whose purpose is to guarantee that the PdJ fits the everyday reality lived in the Scout groups and encourage all of the scouts leaders from the Regional Associations to take part in the different forums were the PdJ is discussed. The renewal process of the PdJ will have three steps which are the same than the ones proposed by the RAP, a document made by the WOSM in 2000 to serve as a guide to renew the programs. In Scouts MSC each step will last a year. In 2009, the renewal general aspects were worked. First, the educational proposal was discussed: the framework document where the PdJ will settle. Second, the general educational objectives, namely, what every young person should achieve once finished the educational project proposed. At last, during this last year the different areas of Development of the individual were also discussed. In later steps of the renewal of the Youth Program, we will work in the restructuring of the educational proposal, the ages and the objectives of each branch and adapting the Scout Method to each branch. Finally, we will discuss about the kind of activities of the proposal, the role of adults in it
and the personal progress system that makes each young people take on the leadership of their own development. Inside the process, different encounters were held in order to allow the main characters to debate and exchange opinions about the PdJ. During 2009, Scouts MSC hosted a meeting for scout leaders, Desencadena, focused on today’s children and young people’s needs and expectations and how Scouting should answer them. 200 scouts coming from everywhere in Spain attended Desencadena in San Martín del Castañar (Salamanca). During Desencadena, three different dynamics were organized to work in the proposed topics. Presentations were given on the specific characteristics of the development areas (emotional, physical, spiritual, etc) and discussion groups were created to exchange the ideas proposed by the speakers. We had two experts committees, one made of people coming from the academic world and the other of expert people from 5 different countries. Group dynamics were carried out in order to discuss what objectives must have the Youth Program. Participants had the chance to be the main characters of the creation of the Scout MSC educational project.
This year, was launched. Scouts MSC wants to join the 2.0 webs and the on line communities. New communication tools have started to be used, like blogs, facebook, Twitter and Flickr. This has allowed us to increase our audience and reach more people who may be interested in our activities. The webpage also allows a better feedback through comments. It is a good way to improve communication with local scout groups and it has become a place where they can share their activities or look up handy information. m09 23
The Peace Light from Bethlehem
Scouts MSC takes part in the Peace Light from Bethlehem project that this year was inspired in the figures present in the birth of Jesus to remove the borders that prevent the creation of a better world. The Peace Light from Bethlehem is a Scouts and Guides of Austria’s initiative. A couple of weeks before Christmas, an Austrian kid travels to the cave of the birth of Jesus in Jerusalem to pick up the Peace Light. After that, during an Ecumenical ceremony in Vienna, the delegations of the different national Scout Association collect the Peace Light to take it to their countries. Scouts MSC has been involved in this project since 1999 with the purpose of carrying the Christmas message to many people as possible and encouraging scouts to actively participate in the work of Peace as members of an international movement. The aim of this year’s campaign, “To open borders”, was breaking down all the borders that prevent to send a message of Peace on Christmas. Around 400 people attended on December, 13th the collecting act of the Peace Light from Bethlehem at the parish of Sant Agustí in Barcelona. Through the representation of the crib, the meaning of the Christmas and the message of the Peace Light was transmitted to all the audience. This light was later distributed throughout Spain in more than 100 events.
Scouts MSC collected the WYD Cross
One delegation of Scouts MSC took part in the collection of the World Youth Day Cross in the Vatican, Rome. This was the first act of preparation of the XXVI World Youth Day Madrid 2011. Five representatives from Scouts MSC traveled there since the Movement is committed to the preparation of the WYD. The collection of The WYD Cross is a tradition created by the m09 24
Pope John Paul II who was also the one who promoted the World Youth Days (WYD). The Cross was collected in Rome on Palm Sunday and it was carried to Madrid where, on Good Friday, a welcome ceremony was held. Since then, and until the celebration of WYD 2011, the Cross will visit various dioceses and parishes throughout Spain.
Scout Week in Taizé
A group of people from Scouts of Murcia-MSC attended the Scout Week in Taizé from 22 to 29 August. The Scout Week was organized by the Europe-Mediterranean region of the International Catholic Conference of Scouting (ICCS). During the camp, the young people participated in Bible Study workshops and also had the opportunity to think about the scout everyday life view in the light of the Gospel. Scouts from everywhere attend
this meeting to pray and share their concerns while living together in austerity and simplicity.
Other activities
Furthermore, during 2009 Scouts MSC has done other Faith activities: • Faith Permanent Work Team meetings. • Taking part in Apostolate General Days • Attendance at the ICCS Ecumenical World Meeting in Greece. • Visits to several Bishops in Spain.
We educate in faith in a constant and transversal way us a core area
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Other activities Throughout 2009, Scouts MSC has organized and/or participated in other activities from other associations from Spain or abroad.
January January
• Meeting with officials from IE University in Madrid. • Post-Youth Pastoral Forum meeting in Madrid. • Youth Council Executive Assembly in Madrid.
February • Meeting with the INJUVE General Director in Madrid. • Apostolate General Days in Madrid • Conferences for the presentation of the report “Youth in Spain” in Seville. • Celebration of the World Thinking Day in Gibraltar. • IV Interamerican Scout Summit in Cartagena de Indias.
March March
• Travessia planning meeting in Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz). • Spanish-French Bilateral meeting in Jambville, Paris.
April April
• Days of Reflection of the Lay Forum in Madrid.
MayMay • Young Woman Working Group-CJE in Madrid. • Taizé reunion in Seville.
June June
• Visit to the World Scout Bureau and European Scout Office in Geneva. • Meeting of the Catholic Organizations of the CJE in Madrid. • Spanish-Portuguese Bilateral meeting in Madrid
• Camp Counselor Training in Gavilanes (Ávila). • Roverway in Iceland.
August August • Desencadena’09 in San Martín del Castañar • Scout Week in Taizé
September September
• ESADE Alumni reunion in Barcelona • Rossio – Summer Academy CNE
October October • Lands of Adventure ambassadors meeting in Madrid. • Scout Associations from the European Region meeting in Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) • ICCS-EM Seminar.
November November
• Youth Pastoral Forum in Albacete • Cimeira Ibérica in Elvas (Portugal) • ESADE Alumni reunion in Barcelona • International Commissioners Forum (European Region) in Malta • ICCS-EM Seminar and Council in Eslovenia • Lay Forum Assembly in Las Matas, Madrid
December December
• Meeting with the INJUVE General Director and the Board of CJE Presidents in Madrid. • VI ASDE Federal Scout Conference in Guadarrama (Madrid).
Also ordinary meetings of the council, work teams, committees and commissions of Scouts MSC and the visit to our member associations were celebrated.
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Income Tax Program
Scouts MSC has a share in the subventions awarded by the Ministry of Health and Social Policy related to the 0.7% of the Income Tax. Thanks to this funding, four social community action programs targeted to Spanish Scouts are run: promotion of children’s quality of life, health and environmental education, social promotion of youth and training and promotion of volunteers.
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Promotion of children’s quality of life The promotion of children’s quality of life program is directed to boys and girls from 6 to 14 years (Beavers, Cub Scouts and Venture Scouts). Under this program, groups and associations try to promote children’s personal and social development, making easier their social integration through an education proposal in their free time. With this program, we can state that our groups welcome a wide variety of children coming from different cultures and social background. The promotion of children’s quality of life program allows Scouting to reach disadvantaged groups, and children belonging to other cultures or with certain disabilities. The integration of all these diverse groups has different particularities which means a great challenge for the people in charge of the project since training and update are required constantly so they can answer effectively to coexistence problems (mediation, conflict resolution, violence prevention, etc). The program expects to make the children discover their social, cultural and religious environment. It also encourages environmental consciousness and respect among children.
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Alternative Proposal
With this program, Scouts de Galicia-Escutismo Católico Galego tries to offer an attractive and educational leisure alternative where social values, critical thinking skills and commitment to environment are developed. All this is carried out through activities that answer an educational method based on work in small groups, co-education, self-management, life in nature and promotion of healthy habits. In other hand, we can tell that inside the groups there is a great diversity of children coming from different cultural background (mainly Latin American, African and gypsy origin) and often there are also children coming from children’s shelters or dysfunctional families with no means of support. In addition, it is increasingly common to find young people with some kind of physical, mental or sensory disability. Therefore, the activities will aim, initially, to achieve the tolerance and respect needed to integrate children into our scout groups regardless of their origin. All this, and taking to account a situation of changes in traditional family structure (integration of women into the workforce, increase of single-parent family, new family models…) cause negative effects on children such as isolation, lack of parental control, inactivity or learning bad habits what creates the necessity to insist on education in leisure. Thus, through coexistence with other children and the Scouting basic mechanisms we try to promote conducts that can help them in their integral development and benefit their responsibility, participation, self-management, autonomy and problem solving, all in a safe environment surrounded by peers and with the help of the adults going with them in all the process.
Some figures • There are 138 disables people in Scout Groups of Scouts MSC. • 826 immigrant children are part of Beavers, Cub Scouts and Venture Scouts.
Participating associations in the program and their beneficiaries Federación de Scouts Católicos de Andalucía Asociación Interdiocesana Scouts d’Aragón - MSC Scouts Católicos de Canarias Scouts de Castilla y León - MSC Federación de Scouts Católicos de Castilla-La Mancha Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya Scouts de Galicia - Escutismo Católico Galego Scouts de Madrid - MSC Scouts Católicos de Murcia - MSC Federació d’Escoltisme Valencià Total
Other activities:
3.100 600 434 1.640 42.356 7.000 275
• Training on Immigration: “Child Diversity”. Scouts d’Aragón • Workshop on dying and making carpets with young immigrants. Scouts Católicos de Canarias. • University and online days against Child Abuse. Federación de Scouts Católicos de Castilla-La Mancha.
1.603 90 3.000 60.098
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Education for Health and Environment This program is directed to youths over 14 years old (Rovers, and leaders) and nearly every group of Scouts MSC participates in it. With this program we work on health under a generic point of view, focusing in items such as alcohol and tobacco consumption, sexual-affective education and feeding disorders among youths in member Associations of Scouts MSC. Leaders’ training is a priority and is also included in this program, in order to get leaders more and more qualified to response to the needs that youths raise them. In this sense, the Scout Group is the suitable framework to pass on values, attitudes and healthy habits. It is an alternative proposal in which we promote contact with nature and the importance of human relationship as central themes to discover the value of human life and how important is to take care of it.
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Affective-sexual education and healthy life
The education for health program of Scouts Católicos de Andalucía is based on the leaders’ and parents’ training on areas such as education for values and group dynamics. Moreover, youths enter in contact for the first time with the problems of addictions and with emotional and sexual education in their social environment. Drugs misuse prevention is the main objective of the National Plan on Drugs. Prevention pursues to make society aware and to mobilize it in order to create a culture of rejection to drugs by encouraging their own values and resources and by informing our citizens, especially boys, girls and youths, and they will develop positive, healthy and autonomous ways of life. Associations are very important in prevention, as they are social structured platforms which are working on initiatives concerning the different issues that affect everyday life, So they become excellent platforms to prevent drugs consumption. Associations have several features that make possible their intervention in prevention: • As they belong to the community, they know its characteristics, needs, interests and resources. • They are nearby referent points for the community. • They generate a sense of membership and identification with the social structure, getting closer to the community normative frame and common language. • They have the capacity to multiply technical actions, and to adapt them to the target community. • They facilitate relationships, communication and exchange.
• They are areas where members learn attitudes and values as solidarity, cooperation, taking responsibilities, engagement and participation. • They make possible to acquire compromises towards society, by offering ways of participation in order to strengthen the identification with the social and democratic values. Some figures: • 75 seminars on the Education on Health and Environment Program, where: • 28 seminars on emotional and sexual education • 26 seminars on alcoholism and nicotine poisoning • 21 seminars on eating behavior disorders
Other Activities: • Youth Programs: healthy life habits and environmental education. Different activities like workshops for young people and speeches for parents about affectivity and sexuality have been done. Balearics Island Federation of Scouting and Guiding. • Like my grandmother used to say: workshop “Eating healthy”; Talks about the effects of tobacco in youth, workshops on renewable energies. Catholic Scouts of the Canary Islands. • Health education: gathering with associations that raise awareness on AIDS. Castile and León Scouts Federation.
Participating associations in the program and their beneficiaries Federación de Scouts Católicos de Andalucía
Asociación Interdiocesana Scouts d’Aragón - MSC
Moviment Escolta i Guiatge de Mallorca
Scouts Católicos de Canarias Scouts Católicos de Cantabria - MSC Scouts de Castilla y León - MSC
251 4.200 500
Federación de Scouts Católicos de Castilla-La Mancha
Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya
Scouts de Galicia - Escutismo Católico Galego Scouts de Madrid - MSC Scouts Católicos de Murcia - MSC Federació d’Escoltisme Valencià Total
180 1.247 135 5.000 17.796
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Social Promotion of Youths MSC is engaged with all those immigrant youths and teenagers with problems in integration and it encourages their incorporation to scout groups by these programs directed to boys and girls over 14 (Venture Scout and Rovers). The sincere approximation to other cultural or religious reality facilitates common work in scout groups and opens their minds to the different realities existing in their areas. Educating in Human Rights and Generating Democratic Attitudes through the rejection of antisocial behaviors of violence and racism, the scout method serves as a link among people from different origins and cultures, and it helps to encourage integration habits. As a result of it, we observe a progressive cultural enrichment of the different members and the acceptation of different cultures by everyone.
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Engagement and values
Scouts d’Aragón - MSC is carrying out a non-formal whole educational program to promote activities in different growing areas: solidarity, integration, interculturality, promotion of participation, etc. This program has two levels, by one hand, the associative activities, in different areas and which are the result of the work that the different leaders are carrying out and, by the other hand, the group activities in which the groups complete the program with their own activities. For the program development, they use the scout active methodology, where the young people are the centre of the activity and make part of all the levels in developing projects, from their conception to the final celebration. The central themes of all the activities in 2009 were: • Strengthening the engagement of youths towards the Millennium Objectives. • Promotion of equal opportunities and coeducation. • Promotion of democratic values and participation, rejecting violent and antidemocratic behaviors. Different levels of action were set out: • Information actions: Several information actions were done, at both formal and informal levels. At a formal level we stress the seminar “Creating a better world” and the seminar “Active citizenship. To make it real, responsibility of all of us” • Training actions: Besides the seminars, there were Days “We are different, we are equal” • Publications and campaigns: The different training and information actions have a diffusion part and a part of pedagogical resources to use in the scout groups. • Education and coordination actions: They constitute the core theme of the program; the next activities were done:
Other Activities: • Workshops: Gender role in a couple. Water month. The fortnight of earth, the fortnight of ecological consumes. Andalusia Catholic Scouts. • Migrants youth exchange; folkloric diversity, migration and enviromental workshops Canary Island Catholic Scouts
• Workshops on “Equality of opportunity, ¿Reality or Utopia?”, the workshop Adelna-T and The interactive workshop “We are”, on interculturality. • There were also travelling activities, a methodology used to strengthen the relationship among youths and to promote the rural environment, as the dynamics “The world we dream about” Some figures: • 23 seminars on integration • Most of Scouts MSC Associations make workshops on coeducation • 826 immigrants in the Associations
Participating associations in the program and their beneficiaries Federación de Scouts Católicos de Andalucía
Asociación Interdiocesana Scouts d’Aragón - MSC
Scouts d’Asturies - MSC
Scouts Católicos de Canarias Scouts Católicos de Cantabria - MSC Scouts de Castilla y León - MSC Federación de Scouts Católicos de Castilla-La Mancha Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya
311 2.037 300 968 3.000
Scouts de Galicia - Escutismo Católico Galego
Scouts de Madrid - MSC
Scouts Católicos de Murcia - MSC Total
135 10.066 m09 33
Volunteering Promotion and Training The volunteering promotion and training program is directed to scout leaders, mainly young university students. Nearly all the Scouts MSC Associations participate in this program through awareness, actions, volunteering information and training. Attendance to courses and seminars provides a good experience to all the participants and connects them to our social reality. The main idea is to offer an active and participative pedagogy to promote a critic conscience and to help self-steem and self-training. In this sense, s/he makes up her/his mind to collaborate in volunteering actions with other entities and to make campaigns on volunteering information and conscience. Every Association has its own pedagogical team with a Training Director, several Assistant Leaders who coordinate and lead the educational needs and the “teachers”.
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The Federació d’Escoltisme Valencià (FEV) makes a Volunteering Training Program based on the idea that Scouting can be an adequate place for the personal growing and for the development as adults. The program revolves around Scouting as a place for social change. The project encourages the personal growing of FEV leaders and moreover, it is useful to develop a modern Youth Program, capable to respond to the future educational challenges. The Federació wants to promote the access to a training offer that meets everyone’s needs, in coordination and in collaboration with the Escola de formació de la Federació d’Escoltisme Valencià (approved by the Valencian Youth Institute IVAJ) The training program was created after having realized that, in today’s society, we need better and better leaders, people more and more engaged.
Participating associations in the program and their beneficiaries Federación de Scouts Católicos de Andalucía Asociación Interdiocesana Scouts d’Aragón - MSC Scouts d’Asturies - MSC Moviment Escolta i Guiatge de Mallorca Scouts Católicos de Canarias Scouts Católicos de Cantabria - MSC Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya Scouts de Galicia - Escutismo Católico Galego Scouts de Madrid - MSC Federació d’Escoltisme Valencià Total
2.200 750 38 54 123 293 3.500 397 1.100 4.500 12.683
Moreover, it appears after having realized that this society is full of inequality and that it is urgent to educate supportive and engaged people. Volunteers’ training is fundamental to help learners to explore their potential capacities. The program encourages cohesion and interpersonal relationship among volunteers and it increased their compromise to have an active role in society. Some figures • 43 training courses for leaders were done • More than 98 monographs were held • About 8000 hours were devoted to training
Other Activities: • Seminars “ 20th century Volunteering” Leadership and team management”, “Growth and new technologies”. Aragón Scouts- MSC • Realization of scout promoting materials, collaboration with the Athletic Club in Epiphany evening. Galicia Scouts-Escutismo Católico Galego.
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Financial Report This report reflects the economical situation of the Catholic Scout Movement as a Federal structure. We don’t consider here every Member Association’s Accounts. If we take into account the money that every Association administers, and we add it to Scouts MSC’s own accounts, the total financial amount would be over 12 million Euros.
INCOMES 2009 PRIVATE INCOMES Sales and other incomes from commercial activity Membership fees Groupama Advertising in Magazine Kraal Financial Entities European Organizations Other incomes
Central Administration
2,108.60 138,798.70 4,904.96 450.00 5,288.46 6,783.55 37,766.14
842,493.41 €
PROJECTS Training Activities 0’7% Cooperation to Development International Projects International Projects Income Tax Programs
585,681.65 35,198.87 4,800.00 10,360.00 11,558.33 461,626.68
829,893.99 €
12,599.42 €
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7% 29%
57% Income Tax Program
Training Activities
0’7% Development and cooperation 1% Internal Grants 1% International Projects
Percentage of expenses distribution Promotion of children’s quality of life
Health and environmental education
19% 9%
CLEAR ACCOUNTS As a sign of its engagement to a clear and open financial administration, MSC fulfills all the principles stated in the Fundación Lealtad’s Guide “Transparency and Good Manners in NGOs”. Moreover, the MSC annual accounts are audited by an external auditor.
Social Youth promotion
Promotion and training of volunteering
Scout Shops Brownsea · Calàbria, 88 · 08015 Barcelona Tel.: 93 424 25 66 · L’Aventura · Balmes, 17 · 46021 Valencia Tel.: 96 315 32 44 · La Tienda · Atocha, 115, 3º dcha · 28012 Madrid Tel.: 914 294 321 Scoutsur - Cádiz · Hospital de Mujeres, 26D, 2 · 11001 Cádiz Tel.: 956 22 68 57 · Scoutsur - Huelva · Lucena del Puerto, 12 · 21002 Huelva Tel.: 959 283 366 ·
Obra Social
Kenia · Avda. Alexandre Rosselló, 7 · 07002 Palma de Mallorca Tel.: 971 72 10 60
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Magazines of the Associations
Kraal 49
Kraal 48
Memoria 2008
MSC has published in 2009 two numbers of the magazine Kraal, the magazine for scout information distributed in every member association. Kraal has two main functions, an educational one and a promotional one, and it deals with different themes as social engagement, solidarity, immigration, environment, family, education form peace, etc. Moreover, Scouts MSC has published the Corporative Report as a summary and introduction of all our activities.
• MÁSTIL, three-monthly magazine of Scouts d’Asturies MSC • SCOUTSUR, magazine of the Federación de Scouts Católicos de Andalucía • FESCOUT, monthly magazine of the Delegación Diocesana del MSC de Jerez • DARZZE, three-monthly magazine of Scouts Católicos de Huelva • SOL, annual magazine of the San Jorge de Cádiz Scout Group • EL CORREU, three-monthly magazine published by Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya • EL CALIU, two-monthly magazine of Antics Escoltes i Guies de Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya • GOITIBERA, Magazine of Euskalerriko Eskautak • SCOUTS PRESS, free four-monthly magazine of the Federació d’Escoltisme Valencià • S’AGUAIT, magazine of the ADE Escoltes de Menorca • SOCA, annual magazine of the Moviment Escolta i Guiatge de Mallorca • L’ULL, annual magazine published together by the Federació d’Escoltisme Valencià, Moviment Escolta i Guiatge de Mallorca, Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya and ADE Escoltes de Menorca • RAID, six-monthly magazine of Scouts de Madrid – MSC • SIEMPRE ALERTA, three monthly magazine for boys, girls and youths of Scouts de Madrid – MSC • ALISIOS SCOUT, three-monthly magazine of Scouts Católicos de Canarias • INFOSCOUT Y PALESTRA SCOUT (bulletins) and EL CURSOR, annual magazine of Scouts de Castilla y León - MSC • EL CUÉVANO, six-monthly magazine of Scouts Católicos de Cantabria MSC • XORNAL SCOUT, four-monthly magazine of Scouts Galicia - Escutismo Católico Galego • LA CIMA DIGITAL, monthly magazine of the Federación de Scouts de Castilla-La Mancha m09 38
MSC Headquarters Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 416, 1º 4a 08015 - Barcelona (España) Tel.: (+34) 93 292 53 77 Fax: (+34) 93 292 53 78
Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya Rbla. Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer, 10 08197 - Valldoreix (Barcelona) Tel.: (+34) 93 590 27 00 Fax: (+34) 93 590 04 92
Scouts Católicos de Andalucía C/Limones 18, 3ª planta 11403 - Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) Tel.: (+34) 95 634 97 28 Fax: (+34) 95 634 60 05
Euskalerriko Euskautak C/Desemparados 1, 3º 01004 - Vitoria Tel.: (+34) 685 73 77 40
AI Scouts d’Aragón-MSC Coso 131-133, 2º, Izq 50001 - Zaragoza Tel.: (+34) 97 620 05 11 Fax: (+34) 97 620 43 75 Scouts d’Asturies MSC C/San Isidoro 2, 3º 33003 - Oviedo Tel.: (+34) 98 522 73 33 Fax: (+34) 98 522 73 33 Scouts Católicos de Canarias C/ López Botas 8 35001 - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Tel.: (+34) 928 31 32 95 Scouts Católicos de Cantabria MSC C/Rualasal 5, 2º 39001 - Santander Tel.: (+34) 94 222 63 64 Fax: (+34) 94 222 63 64 Federación de Scouts Católicos de Castilla-La Mancha C/ Salamanca 9, 1-B 02001 - Albacete Tel.: (+34) 96 766 30 00 Fax: (+34) 96 766 30 00 Scouts de Castilla y León - mSc C/González Dueñas, 1 47010 - Valladolid Tel.: (+34) 98 326 37 56 Fax: (+34) 983 26 38 59
Scouts de Galicia - Escutismo Católico Galego Rúa Altamira, 2 15704 - Santiago de Compostela Federació d’Escoltisme i Guiatge de les Illes Balears Plaça Reial 10, 2n 07702 - Maó (Mallorca) Tel.: (+34) 97 136 88 63 Menorca: Mallorca: Scouts de Madrid - MSC C/Atocha 115, 3-Dcha 28015 - Madrid Tel.: (+34) 91 429 43 21 Fax: (+34) 91 429 03 27 ADE Mérida-Badajoz Carretera de la Corte, 79 06009 - Badajoz Tel: (+34) 656 94 22 63 Scouts Católicos de Murcia - MSC Mar Mediterráneo 6, bajo Izq 30009 - Murcia Tel.: (+34) 96 828 52 02 Fax: (+34) 96 828 52 02 Federació d’Escoltisme Valencià C/ Balmes, 17 46001 - València Tel.: (+34) 96 315 32 40 Fax: (+34) 96 315 32 42
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