Participation form

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IVSA Standing Committee on Veterinary Education (SCoVE) IVSA Info Office, DSR, Dyrlægevej 9, 1870, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Denmark Tel +30 6974829020 Email Website

Standing Committee of Veterinary Education (SCoVE) Essay Contest Rules The contest is opened to all IVSA members. The essay competition aims to introduce more alternative discussion and recognise student outstanding talent. There will be two winners, who will receive an award and the winning essays plus other outstanding essays will be published in the IVSA Veterinary Pubic Health journal. Every contestant must fill in the form below that accompanies the essay. Please choose one title to write about, from the topics below: “Euthanasia-­‐ maintain or let go?” “As a veterinary student how can you contribute to public education on improving the welfare of stray animals?” “Realistically, do vet truly advocate for the welfare of the animal or is it partly/more for the interest of the client, the vet, the business, or external companies?” • • • • • • • •

All IVSA members can participate. Essays must be no longer than 1000 words in length, submitted in English, type-written in black ink and double spaced, 12 font. Pictures and diagrams can accompany the text. Each essay must be submitted with a completed entry form. Essays submitted without completed entry forms will be automatically disqualified. Only one entry per member per contest, and each entry must be the work of only one member. Essay entries cannot have already been published. A consent form must be signed stating the essay is original and of the contestants writing. Any essays found to be plagiarized will be automatically disqualified and the member will be prohibited from entering any future essay competitions. Responsibility for the information and view set out in this article lies entirely on the writer. Please refrain from engaging in political and religion discussions in your essay due to sensitive issues in certain IVSA member and may be violate country laws and regulations.

Deadlines: 15/01/2015 23:59pm GMT, Deadline for a member to send the essay to the following email: 15/02/2016 Prizewinners will be notified on or before this date. Warm regards, On behalf of the committee,

Yee Nin and Michael Haung SCoVE Official member/Student welfare Coordinator 2015/2016, IVSA Standing Committee on Veterinary Education (SCoVE) Bhavisha Patel Chair 2015/2016, IVSA Standing Committee on Veterinary Education (SCoVE)

Standing Committee of Veterinary Education (SCoVE) Essay Contest Entry Form Please type or print clearly. All information and signatures are required. I. MEMBER INFORMATION Name__________________________________________________________________ Essay Title _____________________________________________________________________ Age __________ Birth Date (D/M/Y) _________________ Check One: Male _____ Female _____ IVSA Chapter ___________________________________________________________________ E-­‐Mail _________________________________________________________________________ Member’s Street Address (No P.O Boxes) ____________________________________________ City, State, Country ______________________________________________________________ Participant’s Signature By signing this form, you state that all the above is true, agree to all the contest rules, and that the submitted essay is original and is written by you. You also give your consent to IVSA for publishing the essay if it was selected. Date of Signature (D/M/Y):

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