Discussion of Place Management and Thomas Street

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Paper to IPI Pleanáil Journal Title: ‘Thomas Street, Dublin – challenges and potentials for transforming a street’. Richard Hamilton MIPI MRTPI AIPM and Stephen Coyne MIPI Abstract:

Most town centres and traditional main streets in Ireland are experiencing significant problems from economic decline, expressed in the built environment through vacant retail units, derelict and unkempt building stock, deterioration in the condition and appearance of streets, and an overall of loss of attraction to visitors, workers and residents alike. One response to the decline of our urban centres and streets currently advocated in government guidelines and by a number of retail groups is Place Management; a bottom-up partnership response to urban renewal which may include Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), Town Centre Management (TCM) and 'Town Teams'. The paper is essentially the story of the motivation and need to set up a Place Management partnership group in Thomas Street, frequently highlighted as one of Dublin's great streets. It discusses the process of attracting retailer and business involvement, engagement with public bodies and institutions (including financial institutions), and the development of a forum /steering group on behalf of local business. The authors have been involved in a voluntary capacity with the fledgling Thomas Street Business Association (TSBA) from its inception through to the end of the initial start-up phase, having brought all parties together, engaged with various state bodies and progressed to proactive measures. The second half of the paper briefly discusses the potential of the organisation and models and similar initiatives it could follow. The paper critically considers if Place Management provides the right answers to the challenges our urban centres face, and whether it can be sustained given the challenges in establishing such partnerships.

Part I: Introduction Perhaps the greatest challenge in modern urban planning is giving effect to plans. It is a curious paradox of the discipline that, often after years of intensive work and consultation by planners to develop a vision or a plan, the realisation of that plan is left to a myriad of other players. This is particularly evident in the approach of modern planning to the management of the centres of our towns and cities. These centres are complex, multi-layered places; physically, socially, economically and politically. Town and city centres are formed by an intricate and rich tapestry of culture, heritage, architecture, activity and business that is the essence of the authentic urban experience that so many of us value. However, this diversity and legacy also makes the ongoing development of urban cores highly challenging, and means these locations are often unsuited to simplistic planning approaches or development and investment models1. As we have seen for much of the past four decades in Ireland, the typical approach of councils to the development of town and city centres was to engage with commercial developers as partners through the planning process. However, the approach of these developers - sometimes with architects, sometimes without - has often been to simplify that which is highly complex and fragile, and to apply blunt and generic approaches that distil complex street scenes down to simplistic spreadsheets of apartment numbers or commercial floorspace. This approach of comprehensive development, requiring plot 1

This is discussed with some eloquence in Jacobs, J (1961) The death and Life of Great American Cities, Random House, New York, Chapter 22, The kind of problem a city is.

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