AMC | Oct 2024

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2024 | 8 PM


Emerson Concert Hall

Schwartz Center for Performing Arts

Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta Master Chorale proudly marks our 40th anniversary this season, continuing our legacy of crafting one of America's finest choral sounds and bringing singers and audiences to a place "where music touches spirit."

Over the past four decades, we have been known as the Gwinnett Festival Singers, Atlanta Sacred Chorale, and now Atlanta Master Chorale. While there have been many transformations through the years, our mission to sing at the highest level of choral artistry remains.


• Evolved into an auditioned metro-area choir performing 4-5 concert programs each year in the same venue

• Repertoire includes more than 100 pieces every year from diverse genres and periods

• Performing accompanied and a cappella, including collaboration with organ, chamber and full orchestras, a bluegrass band, a sitar and tabla, and many other guest instrumentalists

• Created a choral series that has grown to 23 pieces, published by MorningStar Music/ECS Publishing Group

• Commissioned and premiered 8 new choral works and produced 18 recordings (available on CD and digitally)

• Developed a choral composition competition in 2024 that attracted over 400 applications and 250 submissions

• Achieved national recognition for our choral artistry, including live performances for national audiences at the 2017 ACDA National Convention and the 2024 Chorus America Convention

• Launched our YouTube channel in 2014, which now has over 7,500 subscribers, 250 music videos, and almost 3 million views


• Became a 501(c)(3) organization with a board of directors that evolved from volunteer choristers into an award-winning professional board with expertise in finance, construction engineering, church music, development, C-suite level business, the performing arts, and law

• Hired first a part-time administrative assistant, then a full-time executive director and a part-time administrator

• Created an Atlanta Master Chorale brand across all media and digital channels

• Crafted strategic plans, developed more sophisticated fundraising practices, and pivoted to digital engagement during COVID when we were unable to perform live

• Became a leader among national choral organizations, regularly sought for workshops and advice within the arts community

Whether this is your first, fourth, or fortieth season, Atlanta Master Chorale welcomes you to this year-long celebration of our successful mission: "

To inspire and enrich the lives of our community through the performance of inspirational choral music, to sing at the highest level of choral artistry, and to be a standard of excellence among performing arts organizations. "

You can mark this important 40th anniversary with a gift in any amount. May we suggest amounts featuring the number 4: $4, $40, $400, or more? As always, Atlanta Master Chorale thanks you for your past, present, and future support.

To give online, scan the QR code or visit

You may also mail a donation to:

Atlanta Master Chorale

P.O. Box 133201

Atlanta, GA 30333


Atlanta Master Chorale is a registered IRS 501(c)(3) organization. Your donation may be tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law.



In consideration, please silence all electronic devices. Audio recording, video recording, and flash photography are prohibited.

The Schwartz Center for Performing Arts is a place where teaching, learning, and performance merge to create a vital arts presence for the entire community. The concert hall was funded by and is named after Atlanta scientist Cherry Logan Emerson who earned a BA and MA from Emory in the 1930s. It houses a 14-ton Werner Wortsman Memorial Organ built by top North American builder Daniel Jaeckel, which was installed in 2005.

ACCESSIBILITY: We welcome all guests with special needs. The Schwartz Center for Performing Arts is committed to providing performances and facilities accessible to all. Please direct all accommodation requests to the Schwartz Center Box Office at least 24 hours in advance of the event at 404.727.5050 or by email at


Michael Devine, Master of Ceremonies

Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden, BWV 230 ................... Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)

Qiao Chen Solomon, Violin I

Jessica Shuang Wu, Violin II

Joseph Skeric, Viola

Guang Wang, Cello

Emory Clements, Bass

Psalm 150 (2024)..................................................................................

Eric Nelson (b. 1959)

Wade Thomas, Baritone

With a Voice of Singing (1964) ...........................................

Kenneth Jennings (1925 – 2015)

Glorious Everlasting (1950) .............................................

M. Thomas Cousins (1914 – 1972)

Geistliches Lied (1856).........................................................

Johannes Brahms (1833 – 1897)

Agnus Dei (Adagio for Strings, Op. 11) (1939) ......................

Samuel Barber (1910 – 1981)

Long Time Ago (1950) ...........................................................

Aaron Copland (1900 – 1990)

Time Is (2024) ..................................................................................

Mark Burrows (b. 1971)

Elizabeth Lamback, Soprano

Percussion: Nick Almand, Jean Goffaux, Ross Wilcox

A Seed Marks Time (2024) ..............................................................

Dale Trumbore (b. 1987)

A Little Song of Life (2016)

We Can Mend the Sky (2014)

Perry Houck, Soprano

Michael Cebulski, Percussion

Reginald Unterseher (b. 1956)

Jake Runestad (b. 1986)


To donate, join our email list, purchase albums, find us on social media, and more!


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BWV 230

Music: Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)

Text: Psalm 117:1-2

© 1965 Bärenreiter-Verlag

Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden, Praise the Lord, all nations, und preiset ihn, alle Völker! and praise Him, all peoples! Denn seine Gnade und Wahrheit For His grace and truth waltet über uns in Ewigkeit. reign over us for eternity. Alleluja. Alleluia.


Music: Eric Nelson (b. 1959)

Text: Psalm 150

MorningStar Music Publishers, Inc. (not yet published)

Hallelujah! O let all that hath life praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord in His holy temple!

Praise the Lord for His mighty acts!

Praise the Lord in His mighty firmament!

Praise Him, according to His excellent greatness!

Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet.

Praise Him with the lute and harp.

Praise Him with the timbrel and dance.

Praise Him with stringed instruments and the flute.

Praise Him with the loud, crashing cymbals.

Hallelujah! O let all that hath life praise the Lord!


Music: Kenneth Jennings (1925–2015)

Text: Isaiah 48:20b, Psalm 56:1-2

© 1964 Augsburg Fortress

With a voice of singing declare ye, and tell this; utter it even to the end of the earth.


The Lord hath redeemed his servant Jacob. Hallelujah!

Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands. Sing forth the honor of his Name, make his praise glorious.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.


Music: M. Thomas Cousins (1914–1972)

Text: Psalm 57:11 and 14

© 1950 M. Thomas Cousins | © reassigned 1959 Jubilate Music Group, LLC

Glorious everlasting.

I will praise Thee, O Lord, among the people; I will sing unto Thee among the nations. I will praise Thee, O Lord; Glorious everlasting!

Be Thou exalted, O God, above the heavens.

Let Thy glory be above all the earth. Glorious everlasting. Amen.


Music: Johannes Brahms (1833–1897)

Text: Paul Flemming (1609–1640)

© 1996 Oxford University Press | Composed in 1856, originally published 1864

Laß dich nur nichts nicht

Do not be sorrowful or full of regret; dauren mit Trauren, sei stille, wie Gott es fügt, Be calm, as God ordains, so sei vergnügt mein Wille! and thus my will shall be contented.

Was willst du heute

What do you want to worry about sorgen auf morgen? from day to day?

Der Eine steht allem für,

There is One who stands above all der gibt auch dir das Deine. who gives you, too, what is yours.

Sei nur in allem Handel ohn Wandel, Only be steadfast in all you do, steh feste, was Gott beschleußt, stand firm; what God has decided, das ist und heißt das Beste. is best, and thus it is acknowledged.

Amen. Amen.


Music: Samuel Barber (1910–1981)

Text: Traditional

© 1939, 1967 G. Schirmer, Inc.

Agnus Dei, O Lamb of God, qui tollis peccata mundi, who takes away the sins of the world, miserere nobis. have mercy on us.

Dona nobis pacem. Grant us peace.


Adapted by Aaron Copland (1900–1990), transcribed for chorus by Irving Fine (1914–1962) © 1950 by the Aaron Copland Fund for Music | Copyright renewed | Boosey & Hawkes, Inc. sole licensee

On the lake where drooped the willow Long time ago, Where the rock threw back the billow, Brighter than snow. Dwelt a maid beloved and cherished By high and low. But with autumn leaf she perished, Long time ago.

Rock and tree and flowing water, Long time ago, Bird and bee and blossom taught her Love's spell to know. While to my fond words she listened, Murmuring low, Tenderly her blue eyes glistened Long time ago.


Music: Mark Burrows (b. 1971)

Text: Henry van Dyke (1852–1933)

© 2024 Walton Music Corporation, a division of GIA Publications, Inc.

Hours fly, Flowers die, New days, New ways, Pass by. Love stays.

Time is

Too Slow for those who Wait, Too Swift for those who Fear, Too Long for those who Grieve, Too Short for those who Rejoice; But for those who Love, Time is not.


Music: Dale Trumbore (b. 1987)

Text: Lynn Ungar © 2020 from These Days: Poetry of the Pandemic Age

© 2024 Dale Trumbore (BMI) |

A Seed Marks Time is dedicated to Eric Nelson on the occasion of his 25th Anniversary with Atlanta Master Chorale, with gratitude for his contributions to the choral canon and his visionary pursuit of excellence in choral music that touches spirit. This piece is commissioned and premiered by Atlanta Master Chorale (Eric Nelson, Artistic Director) and guest conducted by Jonathan Easter.

I wonder how a seed marks time, tucked into the silent earth. Does it scratch a tally on the inside of its husk, numbering the days until spring, or does everything fade into a passing blur without the dance of bees and the steady tick of sun across the sky? And what about the dormant summer grass, lying golden under the sun? Is it passive through the drought, or are unseen roots searching thirstily for remembered moisture? I know how the sunflower turns its bright head, oriented through the hours. But what of the birds who are waiting for its seeds to ripen, or for whatever it is that sets them on their migratory way? Do they have some internal calendar with days marked in red, or do they move through a blur of time, forgetting appointments, neglecting obligations, or so lost in the work of the day that dusk goes unnoticed, and it is suddenly dark? Are they lost, or are they simply listening to the earth as it chants, low and slow: Now this. Now this. Now this.


Music: Reginald Unterseher (b. 1956)

Text: Lizette Woodworth Reese (1856–1935)

© 2016 Reginald Unterseher |

Glad that I live am I; That the sky is blue; Glad for the country lanes, And the fall of dew.

After the sun the rain, After the rain the sun; This is the way of life, Till the work be done. All that we need to do, Be we low or high, Is to see that we grow Nearer the sky.


Music: Jake Runestad (b. 1986)

Text: Warda Mohamed (b. 2000), Let My Dream Come True and two Somali proverbs © 2014 Jake Runestad (ASCAP)

In my dream I saw a world free of violence hunger suffering a world filled with love

Now awake in this world I beg, let my dream come true.

Soo baxa. (Let’s go)

Naftu orod bay kugu aamintaa. (To save your life, run with all your might.)

If we come together, we can mend a crack in the sky.




Amy Arnold

Casey Bagby

Hayley Conroy

Samantha Frischling

Meg Granum Gurtcheff

Lisa Hayes

Perry Houck

Audriana Johnson

Amy Kuhn

Elizabeth Lamback

Katie Leverett

Caitlin Norton

Megan Schuitema

Sylvia Ware


Claire Berger

Holly Botella

Emily Boyle

Calissa Dauterman

Katie Dial

Stephanie Gilbert

Jean Goffaux

Amelia Gregory

Ivy Overcash

Joy Putney

Meredith Starks

Kathryn Stone

June Webb


Michael Devine

Ameya Gangal

Scott Johnson

Mark King

Ryan Koter

Bronson Lee

Paul McClung

Andrew McLeod

Ryan Nation

Garrett Pace

Sam Potts

James Ranson

Denny Shin

James Rashaad Turner


Nick Almand

Mark Bost

Stven Carlberg

David Champion

Jared Duncan

Richard Holz

James Jones

Mark Lamback

Joseph Legaspi

Thomas McKean

Joseph Ripley

Wade Thomas

David Walters

Spence Whitehead

Ross Wilcox


Stephanie Watkins, Board Chair

Alen Amini

Sydney Cleland

Jamie Clements

Cindy Evans

Tommy Herrington

Leonard Jenkins

Eric Nelson, Artistic Director

Raymond Payne

Sally Rhoden

Charlie Rogers

Stan Segal

Mary Slaughter

Kathryn Stone, Secretary

Julie Thompson, Treasurer

James Verrecchia, Executive Director


Cheryl Bachelder

Charles Beaudrot

Ray Chenault

Rodger Herndon

Dr. James T. Laney

Marianna Magee

Toni Myers

H. Hamilton Smith

William & Carol Yadlosky

Ellen & John Yates


Eric Nelson, Artistic Director

Jonathan Easter, Pianist/Organist

James Verrecchia, Executive Director Amy Kuhn, Administrative Manager

Nick Almand, Graphic Design and Video

ERIC NELSON is artistic director of Atlanta Master Chorale and professor of music and director of choral studies at Emory University. Dr. Nelson’s choirs have performed throughout the world, including London, Rome, Berlin, Moscow, Seoul, Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and Sydney Opera House. He has conducted choirs at eight American Choral Directors Association conferences, including Atlanta Master Chorale’s performance at Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis for the National Conference in March 2017 and the Emory Concert Choir’s performance at Chicago’s Orchestra Hall for the National Conference in 2011.

Dr. Nelson’s ensembles are characterized by their variety of repertoire and for their ability to fuse technical precision with warmth of musical expression. He appears regularly as clinician, lecturer, and guest conductor for honor choirs, conventions, symposiums, workshops, and all-state festivals.

Dr. Nelson’s choral compositions and arrangements are sung regularly by ensembles throughout the United States. He is the editor of the Atlanta Master Chorale Choral Series, published by MorningStar Music/ECS Publishing Group. His compositions are also published by Colla Voce and Augsburg Fortress. He holds degrees in voice and conducting from Houghton College, Westminster Choir College, and Indiana University.

JONATHAN EASTER, Guest Conductor | Jon Easter is celebrated for his moving expressivity and musical artistry across multiple instruments and as a conductor. He performs regularly with Emory’s Concert Choir and Atlanta Master Chorale, serving as both accompanist and assistant conductor. His expertise has also been showcased in performances with Atlanta Master Chorale at American Choral Director's Association and American Guild of Organists conventions at regional and national levels.

Throughout his career, Jon has held significant positions as organist and choir director at Saint Paul’s by the Sea Episcopal in Jacksonville, FL, Roswell Presbyterian Church in Roswell, GA, and Saint Mark United Methodist Church in Atlanta, GA. He now enjoys life as a sought-after substitute and interim organist and is in high demand for his versatility and reliability. His commitment to musical excellence extends to solo and collaborative organ recitals across the Southeast, where he consistently demonstrates both technical mastery and artistic expression.

His collaborations with renowned singers, including multiple recitals with Jamie Barton—featuring a recording of Lee Hoiby’s Bon Appétit! and

participation in the Metropolitan Opera virtual Gala—further highlight his distinguished career. Jon's recordings include several Atlanta Master Chorale CDs, the University of North Florida Chamber Singers, and Crossroads Trumpets: Masterworks for Trumpet Ensemble. These contributions solidify his reputation as a dynamic and versatile musician, making significant impacts across various musical landscapes.

Jon holds an undergraduate degree in organ performance from Shorter College, where he studied with Peter Dewitt. He earned double master’s degrees in choral conducting and organ performance from Emory University under Eric Nelson and Timothy Albrecht. He also pursued additional conducting studies with Donald Nally and Martha Shaw and organ studies with Bill Evans and Alan Morrison.


, Piano | Justin Maxey is a distinguished organist, pianist, and conductor with an exceptional academic and professional background. He holds a Master of Music in Organ Performance and Literature from The Eastman School of Music, an Artist Diploma in Organ Performance from Mercer University, and a Bachelor of Music in Organ Performance from Shorter College, where he also minored in voice and piano. During his undergraduate years, Justin served as the accompanist for the Shorter College Chorale under Dr. Martha Shaw. This role provided opportunities for two European tours and a nationally released recording, "Beautiful River," recorded at Spivey Hall and available on various platforms.

Justin's talent as an organist has taken him to prestigious venues such as St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, St. Alban's, Ely Cathedral, Christ Church in Dublin, and St. Paul's in London. He has held residencies at notable American churches and performed on the renowned "Mighty Mo" organ at the Fox Theatre. His accolades include first place in the Atlanta and Rochester Chapters Quimby Competitions of the American Guild of Organists and the Atlanta Chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon performance competition. Justin was also a finalist in the 2019 Longwood Gardens International Organ Competition and received the David Spicer Hymn Playing Award at the Schweitzer Organ Competition.

Currently, Justin serves as Associate Director of Music & Organist at All Saints' Episcopal Church, Music Director and Pianist for Vespers at Lenbrook, and Collaborative Artist for Choirs at Georgia State University. He has toured with the Atlanta Opera and performed at significant events like the World Symposium on Choral Music in Istanbul, Turkey.

As one of Atlanta's most sought-after organists, Justin is frequently consulted for organ-building projects and invited to perform dedicatory concerts and solo recitals.

JACK MITCHENER, Organ | Jack Mitchener is University Organist & Artist Affiliate in Organ at Emory University. He is also Professor of Organ and Director of the Townsend-McAfee Institute of Church Music in the Townsend School of Music at Mercer University in Macon, GA.

Formally Artist-in-Residence at Peachtree Road

United Methodist Church as well as Organist & Artistin-Residence at the Cathedral of St. Philip, Dr. Mitchener currently serves as Organist at Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church in Atlanta.

He has performed extensively throughout the USA, Europe, and Asia and is a former professor at the Oberlin Conservatory, the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Salem College, and the Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School. He holds two master’s degrees and a doctorate plus two Performer’s Certificates in organ and harpsichord from the Eastman School of Music. He also received the Prix d’Excellence and Prix de Virtuosité in organ and Médaille d’or in harpsichord at the National Conservatory in Rueil-Malmaison, France while studying with Marie-Claire Alain and Huguette Dreyfus. He was the national winner in the Music Teachers National Association organ competition, winner of the Philadelphia American Guild of Organists competition and a top prize-winner in the Dublin International Organ Competition.

His recordings are available on the Gothic and Raven labels, and he is represented by Phillip Truckenbrod Concert Artists. A former President of the Board of Trustees of the Moravian Music Foundation, he served from 2018-2020 as Dean of the Atlanta chapter of the American Guild of Organists.


Donor lists reflect gifts from September 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024




Caterpillar Foundation

Sydney and Craig Cleland

Barbara and Donald Defoe

Patty Dontje

Sylvia and Samy Naguib

Mary Margaret Oliver

Ellen and John Yates


($2,500 – $4,999)

Anne Marie Alexander

Charles Beaudrot, Jr.

Carol and Michael Bohannon

Jamie Clements

Coca-Cola Foundation

Roy and Janet Dorsey Foundation

Sandy and L. Tom Gay

Berta and James Laney

Joan and Gerald Lord

Susan and James McCabe

Sally Rhoden

Helen Motamen and Deepak Shenoy

Susan and Eric Nelson

Georgia and Stan Segal

Jane and Alan Stevenson

Sally and Todd Tucker


($1,000 – $2,499)


Lua Blankenship and Dennis Kemp

Emily and T.J. Boyle

Pat and Ron Braun

Ted Campbell

Elizabeth and Raymond Chenault

Marge and Gray Crouse

Elizabeth and Robert Edge

John Eley

Cindy and Gary Frischling

Susan and Donald Garrett

Toni and Hardy Gregory

Doug Hand

Katherine Hardin

Sharon L. and Duncan M. Harle

Lisa Hayes

Peggy and Rodger Herndon

Larry Owens & Clark Simmons

Elise T. Phillips

Betsy and Dave Polstra

Mary Slaughter

Hamilton and Mason Smith

Kathryn Stone

Richard Stumm

Anne and Don Teddlie

Dr. James L. Waits

Stephanie Watkins

Donna and Bill Woolf

Carol and Bill Yadlosky


($500 – $999)


Sally Angevine

Shauna and Jason Byars

Susan and Jose Couvillion

Laura and Richard Dyer

Lawrence Easter

Philip Garrett

Harry Gilbert

Betty J. and Travis E. Halford

Carol C. and Allen Jackson Head

Rita and Chris Johnston

Eric Klem

Katheryn Klimko

Amy and Chris Kuhn

Jerry Loyd

MassMutual Advisors Association

Donna and Jack McCoy

Kathy and Rodney Milligan

Michael Nifong and John Sartain

Debra and Scott Pyron

Susan Raven

Beth and Mark Roberson

Becky and Sunny Sundquist

Julie Thompson

Angela M. Verrecchia

Donna and Brian Weatherby

Jerry and Tolly Williamson

Anna Wright


($250 – $499)


Casey Bagby

Jonathan Bauer

Katie Bossie

The Caldwell Family

Kelli Carroll and David Ross

Teresa and Thomas Coffey

Carolyn Conner

Sharon Cregier

Natalie Dupuis

Peggy Easter

Sally Frost George

Paul Frysh

Richard Fuller

Christine and Lawrence Fuller

George Hickman

Sarah and Harvey Hill

Joanne and Richard Holz

IBM Corporation

Bishop Joel M. Konzen, SM

Sally and George Lee

Betty Lemmons

Alison Main

Arina Meeuwsen

Anne Morgan and Jim Kelley

Sharon and Dan Rankin

Louise Reaves

Maggie and Charlie Rogers

Jan and Greg Smith

Liz and Wayne Stewart

Cynthia Taylor

Nancy and Jim Verrecchia

Jana and Brian Williams

Anne C. Wray


(up to $249)


Karen Adams and Jeff Pickett

Valerie Almand

Anne Archer Dennington

Mona Reiser Armstrong and John T.


Barbara and Paul Arne

Alla Balueva

Bob Bauer and Terry Simerly

Gail Legters Bell

Diana Blair

Renata Bouterse

Elaine Bradley

Chuck Burleson

Kathleen and Bernie Cleveland

Susan Collins

Linda and William Easterlin

Nancy and John Edison

BJ Erb and Bruce Crabtree

Merrill Ellis

James B. Farmer and Cynthia A. Young

Janet and Donald Filip

Howard Filston

James Fortier

Samantha Frischling

Mary Galpin

Jane and James Gole

Rob Grabenkort

James Green

Meg and Chris Gurtcheff

Sarah and Steve Guthrie

Susan and Tom Hagood

Amanda Hall

Nancy Hamilton

Faye and Tom Hammett

Barbara Pressley Hammond

Leila Hartley and James Costlow

Karen Harwell

Patty and Ken Hepburn

Raymond Herman

Edith and Lee Howington

Celia C. Hughes

Marilyn Humphreys

Pamela and Trevis Ingram

Nermin Jasani

Carol Jean and J. Timothy Johnson

Oren Johnson

Arlene Kim

Drs. Judy B. Kisla and Leslie A. Pope

Ardath and Stephen Krist

Joan Lankford

Mary Wyche Lesesne

June Lester

Rachel Lichtenwalter

Michael Linger

Marsha and Neal Little

Janet Locke

Kay and David Mainor

Janis McBroom

Craig and Becky McClung Giving Fund

Linda Marr McPherson

Laura Meadows

Cynthia S. Mendenhall

M. Lew Miller

Sandra and Simon Miller

Carol Morgan

Lisa and Joel Morris

John Nixon

Susan and Rhus Palumbo

Hilda Patrick

Jeffrey C. Pickett

Angelika Pohl and Stven Carlberg

Teresa and Peter Psyhogios

Cheryl Ranson

Stephanie Hope Reeves

Maria Rispoli

Terri and Gregory Rosenblatt

Don Saliers

Sue Sandell

Meredith Schweig

Sunny Smith

Sara Solla

Frances St. John

Karen Stitt

Gayle and Robert Suggs

Laurie Ann Taylor

Janice and Claude Turner

Theressa Virgil

Rudy Wilson

Carolyn and Max Yost

Jeanne and Richard Young

David Yurko

Charles Zapf

We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this listing. If you find an error, please accept our apology and notify us at INFO@ATLANTAMASTERCHORALE.ORG


We invite you to consider becoming a monthly sustaining donor, spreading your gift over the year. Visit to set up your recurring donation.

Jonathan Bauer

Carol and Michael Bohannon

Katie Bossie

Jamie Clements

Kathleen and Bernie Cleveland

Lawrence Easter

Samantha Frischling

Philip Garrett

Doug Hand

Amy and Chris Kuhn

Susan and Eric Nelson

Debra and Scott Pyron

Kathryn Stone

Maggie and Charlie Rogers


We welcome the opportunity to honor individuals. Please consider a gift to honor a family member or friend. Dedications and memorials will remain in concert programs for one year from the donation date.

Anonymous donation in memory of Mildred Hopkins Mainor

Valerie Almand in memory of Mike Almand

Barbara and Paul Arne in honor of Ellen and John Yates

Bob Bauer and Terry Simerly in memory of Sam Hagan

The Caldwell Family in loving memory of our friend and neighbor, Sam Hagan

Ted Campbell in memory of Patricia Campbell

Sharon Cregier in memory of Marianne Evangelista

Marge and Gray Crouse in honor of Eric Nelson

Elizabeth and Robert Edge in memory of Sam Hagan

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Edge in honor of Eric Nelson for his spectacular leadership of Atlanta Master Chorale

John Eley in honor of Denny Shin and Ameya Gangal

Merrill Ellis in thanks to Stephanie Watkins

James B. Farmer and Cynthia A. Young in honor of and with thanks to Jim Verrecchia

Howard Filston in honor of his grandson, Scott Eric Johnson

James Fortier in honor of Eric Klem’s 60th birthday

Christine and Ben Fuller in honor of Eric and Susan Nelson

Richard Fuller in memory of Sam Hagan, magnificent tenor, and with condolences to his wife Marti

Susan and Donald Garrett in honor of James R. Turner

Harry Gilbert in memory of Katie Gilbert

Barbara Pressley Hammond in honor of Jeffrey Clanton

Keith Hand in honor of Doug Hand

Sharon L. and Duncan M. Harle in honor of Eric and Susan Nelson

Karen Harwell in honor of Eric and Susan Nelson and in memory of Genie Patterson

Bishop Joel M. Konzen, SM in memory of Sam Hagan

Ardath and Stephen Krist in memory of Sam Hagan

Amy and Chris Kuhn in memory of Pat Campbell

Joan Lankford in memory of Sam Hagan, in honor of Ham Smith, and in memory of Doug Lankford

Marsha and Neal Little in memory of Cantey Bryan Mills

Janet Locke in honor of Eric and Susan Nelson

Kay and David Mainor in memory of Mildred Mainor and in honor of Eric and Susan Nelson

MassMutual Advisors Association in honor of Vic Dupuis

Craig and Becky McClung Giving Fund in honor of Dr. Paul McClung

Cynthia S. Mendenhall in memory of Sam Hagan

Anne Morgan and Jim Kelley in memory of Mac and Helen Morgan

Sylvia and Samy Naguib in memory of Cleo Mansour

Betsy and Dave Polstra in honor of Bill and Carol Yadlosky

Susan Raven in honor of Eric and Susan Nelson

Terry & Bob Simerly in memory of Sam Hagan

Jan and Greg Smith in honor of Susan Nelson

Liz and Wayne Stewart in honor of Leila Hartley and Jim Costlow

Gayle and Robert Suggs in honor of Eric and Susan Nelson

Ellen and John Yates in memory of Louise, Paul and Rosalyn Cobb and Julia Yates


Anne Marie Alexander

Carol and Michael Bohannon

Barbara and Donald Defoe

Sally Frost George

Philip Garrett

James Green

Joanne and Richard Holz

IBM Corporation

Helen Motamen and Deepak Shenoy

Mary Margaret Oliver

Sally Rhoden

Hamilton and Mason Smith

Donna and Brian Watherby

Full details on the Eric Nelson Artistic Fund including how to donate are listed on the next page. Donors will remain in concert programs for one year from the donation date.



To support our inaugural composition competition, please list “competition sponsor” in the memo line of your check or in the notes box for online donations.

Carol and Michael Bohannon

Barbara and Donald Defoe

Mary Margaret Oliver

Sally Rhoden

Hamilton and Mason Smith


from Atlanta Master Chorale

Atlanta Master Chorale established the Eric Nelson Artistic Fund (ENAF) in 2020 to honor Eric Nelson’s incredible talents and twenty-year leadership as our artistic director. The ENAF underwrites chorale travel to special performances, commissioned choral works by new or established composers, our annual composition competition, and expenses for highcaliber guest artists who perform or record with the chorale.

ENAF donations may be made online (choose ENAF from the drop-down menu), by mail (indicate ENAF in the memo section of your check), or at the merchandise table in the lobby. Atlanta Master Chorale P.O. Box 133201 Atlanta, GA 30333



Don’t forget to stop by the table in the lobby to check out our Atlanta Master Chorale merchandise! We have new 30 oz RTIC tumblers available along with our embroidered Land’s End tote bags, notecards, and magnets. And of course, we will have our latest CDs for sale.

Magnets: $1 each

30 oz RTIC Tumbler: $20


Atlanta Master Chorale’s six latest CDs are available at our merchandise table in the lobby after the concerts.

The full collection of our CDs and digital downloads may also be purchased on our website at

And Atlanta Master Chorale recordings are available on Apple Music, Amazon Music, Spotify, and other digital and streaming services.


Our Atlanta Master Chorale Choral Series, published by MorningStar Music/ECS Publishing Group, captures new repertoire premiered by the ensemble, helping to add vibrant original music to the choral field. The series features original works and arrangements composed by Eric Nelson, Atlanta Master Chorale’s artistic director, in addition to pieces commissioned by Atlanta Master Chorale from composers Ivo Antognini, Joel Thompson, and Stacey Gibbs. Pieces included in the series are chosen for their technical and expressive qualities. We hope all who sing them will find those places “where music touches spirit.”

Visit for more details including ordering information.


ATLANTA MASTER CHORALE would like to thank Bridge Catering for their generosity and support this season.

Bridge Catering, owned and operated by Chef Keith Hand, prepares delicious and affordable dishes for wedding receptions, corporate events, lunches, parties, cocktail receptions, church functions, and more. We will develop a unique menu for your event that will fulfill your culinary desires while staying within your budget.


Friday, March 14, 2025 | 8pm

Friday, December 13, 2024 | 8pm

Saturday, December 14, 2024 | 8pm

Sunday, December 15, 2024 | 4pm

Saturday, March 15, 2025 | 8pm CHRISTMAS with ATLANTA MASTER CHORALE

Friday, May 2, 2025 | 8pm

May 3, 2025 | 8pm

Tickets and more information available at WE’LL SEE YOU SOON!

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