AMC | May 2024

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FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2024 | 8PM

SATURDAY, MAY 4, 2024 | 8PM

Schwartz Center for Performing Arts




FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2024 | 8 PM

SATURDAY, MAY 4, 2024 | 8 PM

Emerson Concert Hall

Schwartz Center for Performing Arts

Atlanta, Georgia



In consideration, please silence all electronic devices. Audio recording, video recording, and flash photography are prohibited.

The Schwartz Center for Performing Arts is a place where teaching, learning, and performance merge to create a vital arts presence for the entire community. The concert hall was funded by and is named after Atlanta scientist Cherry Logan Emerson who earned a BA and MA from Emory in the 1930s. It houses a 14-ton Werner Wortsman Memorial Organ built by top North American builder Daniel Jaeckel, which was installed in 2005.

ACCESSIBILITY: We welcome all guests with special needs. The Schwartz Center for Performing Arts is committed to providing performances and facilities accessible to all. Please direct all accommodation requests to the Schwartz Center Box Office at least 24 hours in advance of the event at 404.727.5050 or by email at



Jubilate Deo (1990) Lázló Halmos (1909 – 1997)

Ave Maris Stella (1898).............................................................. Edvard Grieg (1843 – 1907)

Ave Maria, Virgo Serena (1485) ............................................ Josquin des Prez (1455 – 1521)

Kyrie from Mass in E-flat Major, Op. 109 (1878) .......... Josef Gabriel Rheinberger (1839 – 1901)

With a Lily in Your Hand from Three Flower Songs (2001) ................ Eric Whitacre (b. 1970)

The Universe Within You (2021) ......................................................Stephen Barton (b.1982)

To be Sung of a Summer Night on the Water, Op. 91 (1917) Frederick Delius (1862 – 1934)

The Water is Wide ......................................... Traditional Folk Song, arr. Jesse Beulke (b. 1994)

Lisa Hayes & Audriana Johnson, Soloists

Bring Me Little Water, Silvy ............................. Huddie Ledbetter "Lead Belly" (1888 – 1949) arr. Moira Smiley (b. 1976)

Nyon Nyon (2006) .............................................................................Jake Runestad (b. 1986)

O Dear! What Can the Matter Be? ............................................... Gail Kubik (1914 – 1984)

Danny Boy ....................................................................... British Folk Song (Londonderry Air) arr. Joseph Flummerfelt (1937 – 2019)

My God is So High .............................

Traditional Spiritual, arr. Moses Hogan (1957 – 2003) Wade Thomas, Bass

Little Innocent Lamb............

Traditional Spiritual, arr. Marshall Bartholomew (1885 – 1978)

The Battle of Jericho ...........................

Traditional Spiritual, arr. Moses Hogan (1957 – 2003)

Samantha Frischling, Soprano


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Music: Lázló Halmos (1909-1997)

Text: Traditional © 1990 Santa Barbara Music Publishing, Inc.

Jubilate Deo, universa terra: Make a joyful noise to God, all nations: Psalmum dicite nomini ejus, Sing the honor of his name, Venite, et audite, et narrabovobis, Come and hear God’s works, omnes qui timetis Deum, all who fear him, Quanta fecit Dominus animae meae. And I will tell you what he has done for my soul. Alleluja. Alleluia.


Music: Edvard Grieg (1843-1907)

Text: Vesper Hymn, c. 9th century

Published in 1898, Choral Public Domain Library - CPDL #76520, Editor: Pierce Cullen

Ave maris stella, Hail, star of the sea, Dei mater alma, Nurturing mother of God, Atque semper virgo, And ever Virgin, Felix caeli porta. Happy gate of heaven.

Solve vincla revis, Loosen the chains of the bound, Profer lumen caechis, Send light to the blind, Mala nostra pelle, Drive out our ills, Bona cuncta posce. Invoke for us all good things.

Vitam praesta puram, Grant us a pure life, Iter para tutum, Prepare a safe way, Ut, videntes Jesum, That seeing Jesus, Semper collaetemur. We may forever rejoice.

Sit laus Deo Patri, Praise be to God the Father, Summo Christo decus, Glory to the most high Christ, Spiritui Sancto; And with the Holy Spirit; Tribus honor unus. Honor to the three in one. Amen. Amen.


Music: Josquin des Prez (1455-1521)

Text: Traditional

Published in 1485, Choral Public Domain Library - CPDL #48744, Editor: James Gibb

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Hail Mary, full of grace, Dominus tecum, Virgo serena; The Lord is with you, serene Virgin.

Ave cuius conceptio, Hail, whose conception, Solemni plena gaudio, Full of solemn joy, Coelestia, terrestria, Fills the heaven, the earth, Nova replet laetitia. with new rejoicing.

Ave, cuius nativitas, Hail, thou whose birth, Nostra fuit solemnitas, Was our festival, Ut lucifer lux oriens, As our luminous rising light, Verum solem praeveniens. Coming before the true sun.

Ave, pia humilitas, Hail, pious humility, Sine viro fecunditas, Fertility without a man, Cuius annunciatio Whose annunciation Nostra fuit salvatio. Was our salvation.

Ave, vera virginitas, Hail, true virginity, Immaculata castitas, Unspotted chastity, Cuius purificatio Whose purification Nostra fuit purgatio. Was our cleansing.

Ave, praeclara omnibus, Hail, famous with all, Angelicis virtutibus, Angelic virtues, Cuius fuit assumptio Whose assumption Nostra glorificatio. Was our glorification.

O Mater Dei, O Mother of God, Memento mei. Remember me.

Amen. Amen.


Music: Josef Gabriel Rheinberger (1839-1901)

Text: Traditional

Published in 1878, Choral Public Domain Library - CPDL #05892, Editor: John Henry Fowler

Kyrie eleison Lord, have mercy

Christe eleison Christ, have mercy

Kyrie eleison Lord, have mercy


Music: Eric Whitacre (b. 1970)

Text: Federico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936), translation by Jerome Rothenberg

© 2001 Santa Barbara Music Publishing, Inc.

With a lily in your hand I leave you, o my night love! Little widow of my single star I find you.

Tamer of dark butterflies! I keep along my way. After a thousand years are gone you’ll see me, o my night love!

By the blue footpath, tamer of dark stars, I’ll make my way.

Until the universe can fit inside my heart.


Music: Stephen Barton (b. 1982)

Text: Jalāl al-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī (1207-1273)

© 2021 C.F. Peters Corporation

Do not be lonely, the entire Universe is within you. Do not feel small, you are the Universe in ecstatic motion.


Music: Frederick Delius (1862-1934)

Written in 1917, Choral Public Domain Library - CPDL #07753, Editor: Stuart McIntosh ©


Music/Text: Traditional Folk Song, arr. Jesse Beulke (b. 1994)

© 2022 Pavane Publishing

The water is wide, I can’t get o’er, and neither have I wings to fly. Build me a boat that can carry two, and both shall row, my love and I.

A ship there is, and she sails the sea. She’s laden deep, as deep can be, but not so deep as the love I’m in. I know not if I sink or swim.

I leaned my back against a young oak; I thought it was a trusty tree. But first it bent and then it broke; thus did my love prove false to me.

Oh, love is handsome, oh love is kind, Bright as a jewel when first it’s new. But love grows old, and waxes cold, and fades away like morning dew.

The water is wide, I can’t get o’er.


Music/Text: Huddie Ledbetter “Lead Belly” (1888-1949), arr. Moira Smiley (b. 1976) © 2006, Moira Smiley Music Publishing, ASCAP

Bring me little water, Silvy

Bring me little water now

Bring me little water, Silvy

Every little once in a while

Silvy come a running Bucket in her hand

I will bring a little water Fast as I can

Bring it in a bucket, Silvy

Bring it in a bucket now

Bring it in a bucket, Silvy

Every little once in a while

Can’t you see me coming

Can’t you see me now

I will bring a little water

Every little once in a while


Music: Jake Runestad (b. 1986)

© 2006 Jake Runestad (ASCAP)


Music: Gail Kubik (1914-1984), Choral Scherzo on a Well-Known Tune

Text: Traditional Nursery Rhyme

© 1949 G. Schirmer, Inc.

Oh, dear! What can the matter be?

Dear, dear, what can the matter be?

Johnny’s so long at the fair.

He promised to buy me a beautiful fairing, A gay bit of lace that the girls are all wearing, He promised he’d bring me a bunch of blue ribbons, To tie up my bonny brown hair.

He promised he’d buy me a bunch of red roses, A garland of lilies, a basket of posies, He promised he’d bring me a little straw hat to set off the blue ribbons That tie up my bonny brown hair.

Oh, dear! What can the matter be?

Dear, dear, what can the matter be?

Johnny’s so long at the fair.


Music: British Folk Song (Londonderry Air), arr. Joseph Flummerfelt (1937-2019)

Text: Frederic Weatherly (1848-1929)

© 1991 Hinshaw Publications, Inc.

O Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling, from glen to glen and down the mountain side. The summer’s gone and all the roses falling, it’s you, it’s you must go and I must bide.

But come ye back when summer’s in the meadow, or when the valley’s hushed and white with snow. It’s I’ll be here in sunshine or in shadow, O Danny Boy, O Danny Boy, I love you so.

But when ye come and all the flowers are dying, if I am dead, as dead I well may be. Ye’ll come and find the place where I am lying, and kneel and say an “Ave” there for me.

And I shall hear though soft you tread above me, and all my grave will warmer, sweeter be. For you will bend and tell me that you love me, and I shall sleep in peace until you come to me.


Music/Text: Traditional Spiritual, arr. Moses Hogan (1957-2003)

© 1995 JHEMS, Inc., a division of Alliance Music Publications, Inc.


My God is so high you can’t get over Him, He’s so low you can’t get under Him, He’s so wide you can’t get ‘round him, You must come in by and through the lamb.

One day as I was a walking along the heavenly road, My Savior spoke unto me and He filled my heart with His Love.


I’ll take my gospel trumpet and I’ll begin to blow, And if my Savior helps me I’ll blow wherever I’ll go.



Music/Text: Traditional Spiritual, arr. Marshall Bartholomew (1885-1978)

© 1950, 1952 G. Schirmer, Inc.


Little Lamb, little Lamb, little innocent Lamb, I’m a gonna serve God till I die.

Hypocrite, hypocrite, tell you what he do, He’ll talk about me, and he’ll talk about you,


Devil he’s got a slippery shoe, Now if you don’t mind, he gonna slip it on you.

‘Cause there ain’t no dying over there, In that heavenly land, there’ll be joy!

Just take one brick from Satan’s wall, Satan’s wall gonna tumble and fall.


‘Cause there ain’t no dying over there, In that heavenly land, there’ll be joy!


Music/Text: Traditional Spiritual, arr. Moses Hogan (1957-2003)

© 1996 Hal Leonard Corporation


Joshua fit the Battle of Jericho and the walls come tumbling down.

Talk about your kings of Gideon, talk about your men of Saul, but none like good old Joshua at the Battle of Jericho.


Right up to the walls of Jericho, he marched with spear in hand.

“Go blow that ram-horn!” Joshua cried, 'Cause the battle is in my hand. Then the lamb, ram, sheep horns begin to blow, and the trumpet begins to sound.

Joshua commanded the children to shout, and the walls come a tumbling down.


2023-2024 CHORISTERS


Amy Arnold

Casey Bagby

Claire Berger

Hayley Conroy

Samantha Frischling

Meg Granum Gurtcheff

Lisa Hayes

Audriana Johnson

Amy Kuhn

Elizabeth Lamback

Katie Leverett

Caitlin Norton

Megan Schuitema

Sylvia Ware


Holly Botella

Emily Boyle

Calissa Dauterman

Katie Dial

Stephanie Gilbert

Jean Goffaux

Amelia Gregory

Ava Maalouf

Ivy Overcash

Joy Putney

Meredith Starks

Kathryn Stone

June Webb


Huston Collings

Michael Devine

Jon Easter

Peyton Fleming

Ameya Gangal

Scott Johnson

Ryan Koter

Bronson Lee

Paul McClung

Andrew McLeod

Ryan Nation

Garrett Pace

Sam Potts

James Ranson

Denny Shin

James Rashaad Turner


Nick Almand

Mark Bost

Stven Carlberg

David Champion

Jeffrey Clanton

Jared Duncan

Richard Holz

James Jones

Mark Lamback

Joseph Legaspi

Thomas McKean

Joseph Ripley

Wade Thomas

David Walters

Spence Whitehead

Ross Wilcox

ATLANTA MASTER CHORALE has touched people’s hearts and spirits with the transformative power of choral music for more than 35 years. Renowned for our transcendent choral sound, we infuse each performance with emotional depth and a rare expressiveness as part of our mission to “inspire and enrich the lives of our community through choral artistry.” The Chorale’s exquisite blend of pitch, rhythm, text, and voice reaches beyond the stage, drawing listeners into a shared space where music touches spirit.

Our awards include the prestigious Margaret Hillis Award for Choral Excellence from Chorus America and the Prudential Leadership Award for Exceptional Nonprofit Boards presented by BoardSource. We received a grant along with operational education and support from Bloomberg Philanthropies and were the subject of a Leadership DeKalb Community Outreach Project.

Atlanta Master Chorale has performed at the Piccolo Spoleto Festival, with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, at Carnegie Hall, and at conventions of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), Music Educators National Conference (MENC), Choristers Guild, and American Guild of Organists (AGO). We were also proud to be one of fewer than 30 choirs selected nationwide to perform at ACDA’s National Conference in Minneapolis, March 2017.

Our exciting repertoire has been called “the musical language of the deeper soul” and includes treasures drawn from a broad spectrum of choral music. The Chorale performs concerts in the Atlanta area and throughout the Southeast featuring music from nearly every period and genre including newly commissioned works. Our choral series, published by MorningStar Music/ECS Publishing Group, captures new repertoire premiered by the ensemble, helping to add vibrant original music to the choral field. With our dedicated board and staff, and a roster of skilled volunteer choristers, Atlanta Master Chorale is proud to be a part of the Atlanta arts community.


Stephanie Watkins, Board Chair

Alen Amini

Sydney Cleland

Jamie Clements

Cindy Evans

Tommy Herrington

Leonard Jenkins

Eric Nelson, Artistic Director

Raymond Payne

Sally Rhoden

Charlie Rogers

Stan Segal

Mary Slaughter

Kathryn Stone, Secretary

Julie Thompson, Treasurer

James Verrecchia, Executive Director


Cheryl Bachelder

Charles Beaudrot

Ray Chenault

Rodger Herndon

Dr. James T. Laney

Marianna Magee

Toni Myers

Sandy Purdie

H. Hamilton Smith

William & Carol Yadlosky

Ellen & John Yates


Eric Nelson, Artistic Director

James Verrecchia, Executive Director

Jonathan Easter, Pianist/Organist

Amy Kuhn, Administrative Manager

ERIC NELSON is artistic director of Atlanta Master Chorale and professor of music and director of choral studies at Emory University. Dr. Nelson’s choirs have performed throughout the world, including London, Rome, Berlin, Moscow, Seoul, Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and Sydney Opera House. He has conducted choirs at eight American Choral Directors Association conferences, including Atlanta Master Chorale’s performance at Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis for the National Conference in March 2017 and the Emory Concert Choir’s performance at Chicago’s Orchestra Hall for the National Conference in 2011.

Dr. Nelson’s ensembles are characterized by their variety of repertoire and for their ability to fuse technical precision with warmth of musical expression. He appears regularly as clinician, lecturer, and guest conductor for honor choirs, conventions, symposiums, workshops, and all-state festivals.

Dr. Nelson’s choral compositions and arrangements are sung regularly by ensembles throughout the United States. He is the editor of the Atlanta Master Chorale Choral Series, published by MorningStar Music/ECS Publishing Group. His compositions are also published by Colla Voce and Augsburg Fortress. He holds degrees in voice and conducting from Houghton College, Westminster Choir College, and Indiana University.


EASTER, Piano, Organ | Known for his musicality and expressivity across multiple instruments, Easter is increasingly sought after as a collaborative organist and pianist. As a collaborative artist, Easter has performed at ACDA and AGO conventions at the regional and national levels. He also performs regularly with the Atlanta Master Chorale and Emory University’s Concert Choir as their accompanist and assistant conductor. Easter has performed solo organ and collaborative recitals at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church; Jacoby Symphony Hall in Jacksonville, Florida; the Cathedral-Basilica of Saint Augustine, Florida; and Spivey Hall. He can be heard on multiple CD recordings, including collaborations with Atlanta Master Chorale, the University of North Florida Chamber Singers, and on Crossroads Trumpets: Masterworks for Trumpet Ensemble.

In addition to his work with choral ensembles, he has worked on multiple occasions with solo artists including world-famous mezzo-soprano, Jamie Barton. As an organist and director, he has served several churches, including St. Paul’s bythe-Sea Episcopal Church in Jacksonville, Florida; Roswell Presbyterian Church and Saint Mark United Methodist Church in Atlanta, Georgia.


Donor lists reflect gifts from January 1, 2023 – April 15, 2024




A & J Fund of the Ayco Charitable Foundation

Caterpillar Foundation

Sydney and Craig Cleland

Collings Family Giving Fund

Barbara and Donald Defoe

Patty Dontje

Susan and James McCabe

Sylvia and Samy Naguib

Mary Margaret Oliver

Ellen and John Yates


($2,500 – $4,999)

Charles Beaudrot, Jr.

Carol and Michael Bohannon

Jamie Clements

Coca-Cola Foundation

Roy and Janet Dorsey Foundation

Sandy and L. Tom Gay

Marti and Sam Hagan

Berta and James Laney

Helen Motamen and Deepak Shenoy

Susan and Eric Nelson

Georgia and Stan Segal

Jane and Alan Stevenson

Sally and Todd Tucker

Stephanie Watkins

Carol and Bill Yadlosky


($1,000 – $2,499)


Anne Marie Alexander

Lisa and Jack Alexander

Lua Blankenship and Dennis Kemp

Emily and T.J. Boyle

Pat and Ron Braun

Ted Campbell

Elizabeth and Raymond Chenault

Elizabeth and Robert Edge

John Eley

Cindy and Gary Frischling

Toni and Hardy Gregory

Doug Hand

Katherine Hardin

Sharon L. and Duncan M. Harle

Carol C. and Allen Jackson Head

Peggy and Rodger Herndon

Joan and Gerald Lord

William Larry Owens and Travis Clark Simmons

Dave and Betsy Polstra

Edith and Alexander Purdie

Sally Rhoden

Mary Slaughter

Hamilton and Mason Smith

Kathryn Stone

Anne and Don Teddlie

Laura and Jimmy Trimble

James L. Waits

Donna and Bill Woolf


($500 – $999)


Sally Angevine

Ruth Brown

Shauna and Jason Byars

Marge and Gray Crouse

Lawrence Easter

Philip Garrett

Susan and Donald Garrett

Harry T. Gilbert

Lisa Hayes

Rita and Chris Johnston

Katheryn Klimko

Amy and Chris Kuhn

MassMutual Advisors Association in honor of Vic Dupuis

Kathy and Rodney Milligan

Michael Nifong and John Sartain

Elise T. Phillips

Virginia Schenck

Richard Stumm

Becky and Sunny Sundquist

Julie Thompson

Angela Verrecchia

Jerry and Tolly Williamson


($250 – $499)


Jon Bauer

Jan Buchanan

Suzanne and Randy Clegg

Teresa and Thomas Coffey

Caldwell Family

Carolyn Conner

Susan and José Couvillion

Sharon Cregier

Natalie Dupuis

Laura and Richard Dyer

Dr. Donald and Janet Filip

Sally Frost George

Christine and Lawrence Fuller

Betty J. and Travis E. Halford

Sarah and Harvey Hill

Joanne and Richard Holz

Bishop Joel M. Konzen, SM

Sally and George Lee

Betty Lemmons

Jerry Loyd

Marianna and Alan Magee

Donna and Jack McCoy

Arina Meeuwsen

Anne Morgan and Jim Kelley

Debra and Scott Pyron

Sharon and Dan Rankin

Maria Rispoli

Beth and Mark Roberson

Gayle and Carl Shaw

Jan and Greg Smith

Cynthia Taylor

Betty Watkins

Ann White Morton

Drs. Jana and Brian Williams

Carolyn and Max Yost


(up to $249)


Janet Abraham

Karen Adams and Jeff Pickett

Pauline and Ben Allison

Valerie Almand

Mona Reiser Armstrong and John T.


Barbara and Paul Arne

Alla Balueva

Gail Legters Bell

Diana Blair

Tom Boisseau

Janet Bossie

Renata Bouterse

Elaine Bradley

Sherry Britton

Heidy Brusitus

Brook Buckelew

Katy Burford Buck

Judith Burge

Chuck Burleson

Kathleen and Bernie Cleveland

Susan Collins

Katy and Adam Covington

Mary Pat and R Milton Crouch

Adelia Ann Dozier

Peggy Easter

Linda and William Easterlin

Nancy and John Edison

BJ Erb and Bruce Crabtree

James B. Farmer and Cynthia A. Young

Samantha Frischling

Paul Frysh

Mary E. Galpin

Jane and James Gole

James Green

Meg and Chris Gurtcheff

Sarah and Steve Guthrie

Susan and Tom Hagood

Amanda Hall

Nancy Hamilton

Faye and Tom Hammett

Barbara Hammond

Leila Hartley and James Costlow

Patty and Ken Hepburn

Virginia Hepner

Raymond Herman

George Hickman

Edith and Lee Howington

Celia C Hughes

Marilyn Humphreys

IBM Corporation

Nermin Jasani

Benita Johnson

Carol Jean and J. Timothy Johnson

Oren Johnson

Arlene Kim

Karol and James Kimmell

Drs. Judy B. Kisla and Leslie A. Pope

Joan Lankford

Mary Wyche Lesesne

June Lester

Rachel Lichtenwalter

Michael Linger

Marsha and Neal Little

Janet Locke

Alexis Lundy

Kay and David Mainor

Janis McBroom

Craig and Becky McClung Giving Fund

Linda McPherson

Laura Meadows

Cynthia Mendenhall

Louise Miller

M. Lew Miller

Dorie Moore

Carol Morgan

Lisa and Joel Morris

Toni and Gary Myers

John Nixon

Katharine Nodine

Lynn Freeze Burford Owen

Susan and Rhus Palumbo

Hilda Patrick

Sheila Phillips

Jeffrey C Pickett

Angelika Pohl and Stven Carlberg

Cate and Steve Pond

Cheryl Ranson

Louise Reaves

Stephanie Hope Reeves

Marcia Romero

Terri and Gregory Rosenblatt

Don Saliers

Sue Sandell

Miriam and Aston Sanson

Terry and Bob Simerly

Sunny Smith

Liz and Wayne Stewart

Karen Stitt

Gayle and Robert Suggs

Laurie Ann Taylor

Terri Theisen

Janice and Claude Turner

U.S. Bank Foundation

Nancy and Jim Verrecchia

Rudy Wilson

Anne Carson Wray

Jeanne and Richard Young

David Yurko

Charles Zapf

We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this listing. If you find an error, please accept our apology and notify us at INFO@ATLANTAMASTERCHORALE.ORG


We invite you to consider becoming a monthly sustaining donor, spreading your gift over the year. Visit to set up your recurring donation.

Jonathan Bauer

Carol and Michael Bohannon

Jamie Clements

Kathleen and Bernie Cleveland

Lawrence Easter

Samantha Frischling

Philip Garrett

Doug Hand

Amy and Chris Kuhn

Susan and Eric Nelson

Debra and Scott Pyron

Kathryn Stone

CONNECT WITH US ONLINE: Instagram: @AtlantaMasterChorale


We welcome the opportunity to honor individuals. Please consider a gift to honor a family member or friend. Dedications and memorials will remain in concert programs for one year from the donation date.

Janet Abraham in honor of Jeffrey Clanton

Lisa and Jack Alexander in memory of Lauri Sylvia Hunter

Pauline and Ben Allison in memory of Cleo Mansour

Valerie Almand in memory of Mike Almand

Barbara and Paul Arne in honor of Ellen and John Yates

Ruth Brown in memory of Jimmy Brown, M.D.

Judith Burge in memory of Sylvia Mansour

The Caldwell Family in loving memory of our friend and neighbor, Sam Hagan

Ted Campbell in memory of Patricia Campbell

Sharon Cregier in memory of Margaret Campion

Mary Pat and R. Milton Crouch in honor of Tommy Herrington

Elizabeth and Robert Edge in memory of Sam Hagan

John Eley in honor of Denny Shin and Ameya Gangal

James B. Farmer and Cynthia A. Young in honor of and with thanks to Jim Verrecchia

Sally Frost George in honor of Eric Nelson and in memory of Johann S. Bach

Christine and Ben Fuller in honor of Eric and Susan Nelson

Susan and Donald Garrett in honor of James R. Turner

Keith Hand in honor of Doug Hand

Benita Johnson in honor of Stephanie Watkins

Amy and Chris Kuhn in memory of Pat Campbell

Joan Lankford in memory of Sam Hagan and in honor of Ham Smith

Joan Lankford in memory of Doug Lankford

Betty Lemmons in memory of Cleo Mansour

Marsha and Neal Little in memory of Cantey Bryan Mills

Janet Locke in honor of Eric and Susan Nelson

Kay and David Mainor in memory of Mildred Mainor

MassMutual Advisors Association in honor of Vic Dupuis

Craig and Becky McClung Giving Fund in honor of Dr. Paul McClung

Cynthia S. Mendenhall in memory of Sam Hagan

Louise Miller in memory of Cleo Mansour

Dorie Moore in honor of Sally Rhoden

Anne Morgan and Jim Kelley in memory of Mac and Helen Morgan

Bishop M. Konzen in memory of Sam Hagan

Sylvia and Samy Naguib in memory of Cleo Mansour

Katharine Nodine in memory of Sylvia Cleo Mansour

Betsy and Dave Polstra in honor of Bill and Carol Yadlosky

Terry and Bob Simerly in memory of Sam Hagan

Jan and Greg Smith in honor of Susan Nelson

Liz and Wayne Stewart in honor of Leila Hartley and Jim Costlow

Janice and Claude Turner in honor of Emily Boyle

Betty Watkins in honor of Stephanie Watkins

Ann White Morton in memory of Cleo Mansour

Ellen and John Yates in honor of Kate Murray, Scott Morris, and Katie Woolf

Ellen and John Yates in memory of Louise, Paul, and Rosalyn Cobb, and Julia Yates

Anne Marie Alexander

Lisa and Jack Alexander

Carol and Michael Bohannon

Pat and Ron Braun

Barbara and Donald Defoe

Sally Frost George

Philip Garrett

Marti and Sam Hagan

IBM Corporation

Berta and James Laney

Sally Rhoden

Helen Motamen and Deepak Shenoy

Mary Margaret Oliver

Don Saliers

Gayle and Carl Shaw

Hamilton and Mason Smith

Full details on the Eric Nelson Artistic Fund including how to donate are listed on the next page. Donors will remain in concert programs for one year from the donation date.

THANK YOU from Atlanta Master Chorale

Atlanta Master Chorale established the Eric Nelson Artistic Fund (ENAF) in 2020 to honor Eric Nelson’s incredible talents and twenty-year leadership as our artistic director. The ENAF underwrites chorale travel to special performances, commissioned choral works by new or established composers, our annual composition competition, and expenses for highcaliber guest artists who perform or record with the chorale.

ENAF donations may be made online (choose ENAF from the drop-down menu), by mail (indicate ENAF in the memo section of your check), or at the merchandise table in the lobby.

P.O. Box 133201
Atlanta Master Chorale
Atlanta, GA


We sing for you, and we sing because of you. Without your generous support, we would be unable to continue our musical programming that touches so many. We rely on the generosity of individual donors in our community, like you, who understand and value the extraordinary quality of our music.

Your gifts help us reach thousands of people throughout the year as we inspire and enrich the lives of the people in our community and beyond. To give online, scan the QR code or visit You may also mail a donation to: Atlanta Master Chorale P.O. Box 133201 Atlanta, GA 30333 THANK YOU! Atlanta Master Chorale is a registered IRS 501(c)(3) organization. Your donation may be tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law.


ATLANTA MASTER CHORALE would like to thank Bridge Catering for their generosity and support this season.

Bridge Catering, owned and operated by Chef Keith Hand, prepares delicious and affordable dishes for wedding receptions, corporate events, lunches, parties, cocktail receptions, church functions, and more. We will develop a unique menu for your event that will fulfill your culinary desires while staying within your budget.

Learn more at or call 404.233.1582.

If your company would like to sponsor a concert or a season or if you have goods or services to donate, please contact Jim Verrecchia, Executive Director, for more information: | 404.853.9309


Don’t forget to stop by the table in the lobby to check out our Atlanta Master Chorale merchandise! We have new 30 oz RTIC tumblers available along with our embroidered Land’s End tote bags, notecards, and magnets. And of course, we will have our latest CDs for sale.


$10/ boxed set

Magnets: $1 each

End Tote Bag: $40
30oz RTIC Tumbler: $20


Atlanta Master Chorale’s latest CD “Sing On” is available at the merchandise table in the lobby after the concerts. The music on this CD is a reminder of how much we need the beauty that can only come from voices joined together in song. CDs and digital downloads also may be purchased on our website at

“Sing On” and other Atlanta Master Chorale recordings are available on Apple Music, Amazon Music, Spotify, and other digital and streaming services.


Our Atlanta Master Chorale Choral Series, published by MorningStar Music/ECS Publishing Group, captures new repertoire premiered by the ensemble, helping to add vibrant original music to the choral field. The series features original works and arrangements composed by Eric Nelson, Atlanta Master Chorale’s artistic director, in addition to pieces commissioned by Atlanta Master Chorale from composers Ivo Antognini, Joel Thompson, and Stacey Gibbs. Pieces included in the series are chosen for their technical and expressive qualities. We hope all who sing them will find those places “where music touches spirit.” Visit for more details including ordering information.


ATLANTA MASTER CHORALE is grateful for the participation and support of many friends during this season. We acknowledge and thank the following organizations and individuals for their generous support and service:


Nick Almand, Video/Photography/Design

Casey Bagby, Membership and Audition Panel

Samantha Frischling, Logistics

Marti Hagan, Editing

Branislav Marinkovic, Merchandise Sales

Susan Nelson, Volunteer

Julie Thompson, Accounting/Finance and Merchandise Sales


Atlanta ShowGuide

Talia Bromstad, Graphic Design

Bridge Catering

Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC

Alvin Moore, Decorating


Terry Adams, Box Office Coordinator

Rachael Brightwell, Managing Director

Lisa Baron, Communications Specialist

Kathryn Colegrove, Associate Director for Programming and Outreach

Lewis Fuller, Associate Director for Production and Operations

Jennifer Kimball, Assistant Stage Manager

Jeff Lenhard, Operations Assistant

Alan Strange, Box Office Manager

Alexandria Sweatt, Marketing Assistant

Mark Teague, Stage Manager

Brenda Porter, House Manager

Matt Williamson, Senior Multimedia Developer

And the Schwartz Center Ushers and Box Office Staff

And to the many Chorale volunteers, board members, and committee members for contributing their time and talents.




Friday, October 11, 2024 | 8pm

Saturday, October 12, 2024 | 8pm


Friday, December 13, 2024 | 8pm

Saturday, December 14, 2024 | 8pm

Sunday, December 15, 2024 | 4pm


Friday, March 14, 2025 | 8pm

Saturday, March 15, 2025 | 8pm


Friday, May 2, 2025 | 8pm

Saturday, May 3, 2025 | 8pm

Held at Emory University’s SCHWARTZ CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS 1700 North Decatur Road, Atlanta, GA 30307

Tickets and more information available at


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