COLLAGE / MONTAGE is the subject of this year's openAIR exhibition "KUNST im FLUSS" on the banks of the rivers Urft and Olef, whose sudden swelling into a monstrous mass of water caused unimaginable devastation in Schleiden and Gemünd a year ago on the night of 14/15 July 2021 and also swept away our exhibition at the time. To this day, the sad consequences of the destructive flood are still visible in large parts of the Eifel and other regions of western Germany. Our "KunstForumEifel" in the centre of Gemuend was affected and remains so. It will probably not be able to reopen until the end of the year. Many wounds are still raw and far from healed. Many people lost their homes in the great catastrophe, and quite a few even their lives. More than two years of Corona, the great flood of 2021 in western Germany, already four months of war in Ukraine - Europe needs to reinvent itself. To do so, the component parts of globalist madness must be disassembled and reassembled in the painful awareness of a growing Western neglect of prosperity. In the "Frenzied Standstill" (Paul Virilio) of global communication space, in the boundless flood of images and information, the human being in-between must become tangible, visible again - in a newly created reality outside the fourth dimension of the speed of light in the digitally networked world, where even the machinery of war has become disembodied and invisible, disappearing as "Cyber War" in the interstellar fog of sci-fi comics. In this context, the questions raised by Kurt Schwitters concerning "Sense and Nonsense" in art must be reexamined. Against the madness of World War I, he celebrated the triumph of art over the (war) machine with the Berlin DADA circle in the early 1920s. "We laughed at everything. We laughed at ourselves, as we laughed at Kaiser, King and Fatherland, beer-belly and dummy ... only laughter guaranteed the seriousness with which we pursued our anti-art on the way to discovering ourselves." (Hans Richter) The Berlin DADA Fair of 1920 held up its distorted mirror to the questionable post-war society, Hannah Höch collaged, mounted and pasted her "Cut with a kitchen knife through the last Weimar beer-belly culture epoch" in 1919. But DADA disappeared from the public eye only a short time later. The tragic end of that period is well known. As early as 1912, collage from the hands of the cubists of the time, Picasso and Braque, led to a radical change in the artistic understanding of the image. In contrast to the traditional panel painting and the created reality of an artistic genius, the focus was now on the visible process as a new principle of the artistic appropriation of reality - similar to the later statement of the American Robert Rauschenberg in the 1960s: "I don't want a picture to look like something it isn't, and I am of the