Scribble Issue 1

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S C R I B B L E Shrewsbury High School Literary Magazine, Issue 1 (July 2018).

Harry Potter - Critical Eye Has Harry Potter been given Dementor’s kiss?

‘Egnilsh Wtih Dyleixa’ What’s it like studying English with Dyslexia? Our editor discusses her experience.

William Blake - Exploring the canon Poet William Blake is gradually becoming canonical. Read Mr Aldridge’s article to find out why.

Famous Shropshire writers

Wilfred Owen is regarded as the greatest World War I poet, but did you know he hails from Shropshire?

Introduction to Old Norse Icelandic Literature Part one introducing medieval Icelandic prose and poetry.

Virginia Woolf - A study of Females in Literature Who is Sarah Teasdale?

An exploration of the feminist American poet’s work.

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