Scribble Issue 1

Page 26



Representations of Gender in the Harry Potter Series by Miss B Lord


OR: Contrary to the male characters, Hermione often shows fear. For instance ‘[Herminone] was still flat against the wall, her mouth open with terror’ when she is faced with a troll which Harry and Ron save her from. Heilman (2003) acknowledges that Hermione’s knowledge is important but only contributes to Harry’s adventures and not hers. Additionally, her knowledge is anti-intellectual as she is interested mostly in magic of the lower order as taught in Divination class. Moreover, the stereotypes in Hermione's characterization are reflected in her hysterical, timid and fearful behaviour, as well as the language Rowling uses to describe her behaviour. These are typical terms connected with the "weaker" sex (crying, sobbing) and in the novels they are never used to describe male characters. This is mirrored in Hermione’s female peers: the only girl in the Tri-Wizard tournament is Fleur who performs worst of all and Cho Chang is the only female seeker in Quidditch who chases Harry instead of the snitch (Heilman, 2003: 226). Thus it could be argued that Rowling replicates the gender conventions

of modern society in the creation of a hegemonistic magical world which features only 115 females compared to the 201 males mentioned in the novels as a whole.


GAINST: Dresang (2002) argues that the novels are feminist in nature as she refuses to view Rowling’s writing as female subjectivity. Drawing on an interview with Rowling, Dresang suggests that Rowling created Hermione in her own image as she ‘embodies [Rowling’s] own flaws.’ Furthermore, female characters become more prevalent as the series continues as Rowling adds numerous female characters into the history of this world and into the present action. For instance, in The Order of the Phoenix, Harry picks up a photograph of the original order in which those women who had been hidden right at the back appear at the forefront of the picture (p174). This seems like an apt metaphor for the transformation of gender presentation in the series. Lastly, while few women are in top positions of power in the series and often take the shape of a ‘helper woman’ archetype, there is one position that is given great


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