Scribble Issue 1

Page 8


Secatibe runtum earum sincilla velenimus auta nobit raecus di omniet

by Molly Huxley

ENGLISH WITH DYSLEXIA ‘EGNILSH WTIH DSYLEIXA’ With over four billion copies of her novels sold and translated into at least 103 languages, you probably wouldn’t expect that a person with such a great success in the literary world would have problems with reading and writing. However, she did, she was dyslexic. Her name? Agatha Christie.


tudying English Literature for A-level is perhaps an unlikely choice for someone who couldn’t spell English properly until they were 13. I’d get my work handed back to me and even the title would have a spelling correction on it; if I had a penny for every time a teacher wrote ‘SPAG” on my work I’d be able to

pay someone to write it all down for me! I never understood why I didn’t get spelling nor why the words on a page never made as much sense to me and just got branded as ‘stupid’ or I was often misunderstood in lower school for not concentrating. But, as it turns out I wasn’t careless, I am Dyslexic.


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