Scribble Issue 3

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EversincehearingaboutthenewEnglishMagazine, now known by everyone as “Scribble”, I have been reallyfascinatedbyhowthemagazineisputtogether in such a professional and sophisticated way. Since havingsuchasupportiveEditorofScribbleatpresent, ithasallowednewmemberssuchasmyselfandother year 12’s to feel as much a part of the team as older members. The first contribution I made to Scribble was an article about our New Headmistress, Ms Sharrock, who, being such an influential part of the school, we just had to interview her and find out how literature hasinfluencedher!Amorerecentinterviewconducted for this edition features our School Librarian, Miss Hale. From finding out surprising facts such as Agatha Christie being the favourite over the more expected Harry Potter, to the revelation that fantasy and mythology novels are the most popular in the library at the moment.

LookingforwardtobeingEditor,Iaimtostarttoincorporateandintroducetheyoungeryearstothemagazine,andto English at A-Level as a whole.This could be through a“taster”into an A-level Literature essay, or an outline of the texts and genres studied at A-level to bring insight into English Literature at a higher level.There are just so many options! I think this is essential for younger years to understand English A-level and what they might think of as daunting could beunderstoodthroughataster.TheamazingthingaboutScribbleishowitcanencapsulatesomanydifferentaspectsof English, and can give those contributing the potential to take their articles wherever they want! IhopetocontinuetohelppublishtheoutstandingarticleswrittenbythekeenandcommittedcurrentmembersofScribble, includingtheEnglishdepartmentteachers,whilstputtingothermembersofstaffintothespotlightthroughinterviewing them. I also have plans for some articles to write next term and hopefully can work with Molly, the current Editor of Scribble,inordertofindoutmoreabouttheproductionofthemagazine.IwouldlovetobuildonthefoundationsMolly hasalreadyputinplaceforScribble’ssocialmediapresence,andhopefullyusethisplatformtoextendthelinksitcanallow Scribbletohave.Iwouldalsolovetocontinuethefocusonmorelocal,Shropshirewritersasacelebrationoftheamazing literature that has been written in our county. Ican’twaittogetstartedwiththeeditionintheSummerTermandIfeelreallyfortunatetobestartinganewchapterinthe life of Scribble! Let’s get pens at the ready for the next exciting edition! Thanks

Kirsty 29

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