That Was Then. This Is Now.
T he Value Of S imp l icit y Back then things were simpler. Time seemed to go a bit slower. Now, every day is packed to the brim with commutes, conference calls and deadlines. In today’s increasingly complicated world, simplicity has never been more important.
The smart voice and data solution that simplifies the way you connect for business. Simply put, Telesphere offers highly advanced, easy-to-use phone and Internet service that works FOR you. Wherever and whenever you’re working.
K eeping Th in gs E as y A trailblazer in the business telecommunications industry, Telesphere keeps things easy. So, you get the power of a fully featured, fully hosted telecom solution, completely managed and maintained by Telesphere. With Telesphere you can resign the hassles of confusing phone systems and multiple vendors to history, giving you the time to focus on the future of your business.
What makes Telesphere so powerfully simple?
4-Digit Dialing
• Turnkey phone and Internet service • No expensive equipment to purchase or store • Single provider with 24/7 support • Easy management of calls, contacts, voicemails and emails • Private, secure VoIP connection
Click to Dial
Nationwide 4-digit dialing makes your west coast office feel like it’s down the hall from your east coast office. Free nationwide long distance is included.
Dial a contact by simply clicking on any number in your Outlook directory or highlighting and clicking any number in your web browser.
Voicemail to Email
Simultaneous Ring
• Built-in redundancy and disaster recovery • Straightforward per-seat pricing • No maintenance contracts
Incoming voicemail messages appear alongside your email, so you can play a message from your desktop, file it for safekeeping or forward it to your entire team—all with point-and-click convenience.
T H e t e l e s p h e r e d iff e r e n c e A Custom i z e d VoIP Bu sine ss So lution For Ev e ry B u siness Telesphere can provide complete voice and data solutions, from connections and hardware, to service and monitoring, or supplement your existing telecom solution with the latest telecom features.
Telesphere Complete™ Fully hosted, fully managed phone and Internet service, complete with business-class IP phones, installation and comprehensive user and system features.
Telesphere Select™ The same excellent service and features of the BusinessSphere Complete solution, tied in with your existing compatible IP phones.
Telesphere Connect™
Telesphere Fusion™
The T-1 connection your system needs to realize its full potential. Gain access to the latest features and benefits using your existing phones and phone system
One unified telecom solution, fusing Telesphere’s full-featured service with your existing Internet connection. No waiting for your ISP contract to end.
One number can ring in several locations at the same time—at the office, at your home office and on your mobile. That way you never miss a call, even when you’re on the road.