Volume XXI Issue 03

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2 November, 2017


The Scripps Voice

since 1996

Your School. Your Issues. Your Paper.

JFK Files unravel gov’t conspiracies By Rena Patel ‘19 Copy Editor


he assassination of former President John F. Kennedy has fueled conspiracy theorists for almost fifty years -- until now! The government released thousands of documents concerning the Kennedy assassination on Oct. 27th and historians and conspiracy enthusiasts alike have been pouring over the documents since then, trying to decipher what truly occurred during the President’s fateful visit to Dallas on November 22, 1963. JFK was assassinated on Friday, November 22, 1963 at 12:30pm while riding in a presidential motorcade with his wife, Jackie Kennedy, Texas Governor John Connolly, and Connolly’s wife, Nellie, in Dealey Plaza when he was shot twice, once in the neck and once in the head. He was pronounced dead upon arrival at Parkland Memorial Hospital. That much, is indisputable. The rest however, has been analyzed more than a literature student has analyzed Moby Dick. Video footage of the assassination from amateur cameraman Abraham Zapruder remains one of the only intact videos of the assassination. Little footage, government secrecy,

Photograph courtesy of CNN.com.

and Oliver Stone’s 1991 film JFK, have contributed to one of the most complicated conspiracy theories to date. Mobsters, Fidel Castro, the Soviet Union, and even JFK’s Secret Service Agent and his wife Jackie have all been targeted in various theories. The government had planned to release all documents related to JFK’s assassination on Oct. 27th, which was mandated by John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992. However, the law did state that the sitting president at the time of the record release

could withhold some documents if they could cause governmental harm. President Trump has withheld over 500 documents citing these concerns, however, it seems that the majority of the withheld documents are in relation to Jack Ruby, the man who killed Lee Harvey Oswald (JKF’s assassin). Trump is legally allowed to keep these documents under wrap until April, so we’ll have to wait to fit all the pieces together until then, but right now, we seem to have more than enough material to shovel through and make sense of. Whether or

not these documents will bring us closer to discovering the truth or will simply be more fuel for an already large fire is yet to be determined. Until the release of the remaining documents, however, interested readers can content themselves with the release of new information about the United States’ convoluted attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro. As revealed on Oct. 27th, the United States’ Cold-War-era plots to overthrow communist Cuba reached a fever pitch around the time of Kennedy’s assassination. A recently-declassified government memo documents the haggling which took place between Cuban exiles and mafia “businessmen,” arguing over a fair price for one Castro assassination (or alternately, a discounted package deal to take out both Fidel and Raul along with Che Guevara.) As the United States monitored these private backdoor deals, government officials also debated means of sabotaging or overthrowing Cuba’s government, including the suggested use of biological warfare to destroy Cuban agriculture.

continued on page 2

We should not advertise consent as ‘Sexy’ By Hannah McCarthy Potter ‘20 Staff Writer


he Consent is Sexy Campaign (CIS), has been adopted by various colleges and universities as a means of, “sparking conversations about consent, to reduce levels of sexual assault, and reduce levels of abusive attitudes and behavior,” (consent). The CIS campaign is helpful for creating awareness about the importance of consensual sex; however, the campaign does only that. It opens a needed conversation in a cheeky manner and stops there. When the majority of DOS approved parties’ assert the necessity of sexual consent by stating, “Please, always remember that consent is sexy

Inside This Issue:

AND mandatory” our community attempts to broach the topic of consent in a palatable manner. Yet, out community then ignores the needed next steps which we must take to combat the epidemic of sexual assault on college campuses. Although the CIS campaign does start a necessary conversation about consent, by equating consent with sexiness, we undermine the necessity of sexual consent. We effectively ignore that consent may also encompasses a no, a statement that need not be sexy, and refuse to acknowledge the systems that promote sexual assault.

continued on page 2 Graphic courtesy of Gabrielle Garcia ‘19.

Page 4 - Metrolink

Claremont’s connection to LA may be in jeopardy

Pages 6-7 - #metoo

Analysing the viral hashtag giving voice to survivors

1030 Columbia Avenue | Claremont, CA 91711 | Box 839 email: scrippsvoice@gmail.com | Volume XXI | Issue Three

Page 8 - Cars & Korea

How my grandpa used driving to reject colonialism

2 • News Sources

JFK Assaintation Files Equally sinister, but perhaps more ridiculous, were plots to assassinate Castro via poisoned wetsuit or exploding seashell. But the surface-level hilarity of the U.S. government’s half-baked plans to kill a rival political leader should not lead readers to overlook the gravity of the recently-released documents. In addition to the proposal of biological warfare, details of the infamous Operation Mongoose included suggestions to “sink a boatload of Cubans enroute to Florida” and “foster attempts on the lives of Cuban refugees,” in order to blame the Castro regime for the ensuing chaos. The conspiracy theories and media frenzy surrounding the JFK assassination are endlessly fascinating, and the public can hard-

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ly be blamed for wanted to know the truth about that afternoon in Dallas. However, the deeper story within the released documents may be located in the U.S.’s attempts to justify military intervention in Cuba, and our government’s dangerous (and seemingly unhinged) efforts to portray Cuba as a dangerous and irresponsible world power. As the Trump administration continues to delay the full release of classified documents, the world will continue to speculate exactly which hidden stories they may reveal. *If you’d like to do a little digging through primary sources on the JFK assassination, head over to Denison Library and ask about reserving their JFK files.

Consent is not ‘Sexy’ The Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines sexy as, “sexually suggestive or stimulating, and generally attractive or interesting.” Yes, consent can posses these components: however, consent does not equate to sexiness. Part of sexual consent may encompass a verbal “no”, and by parallelling consent to sexiness, our community ignores the possibility of receiving a no that is not sexy. By telling students that consent is sexy as a means of promoting consensual sex, our community perpetuates the misconception that sexual consent is inherently unappealing. We continue the notion that students do not actively seek consent as a result of the topic of consent seeming too uncomfortable to talk about. This bolsters students feeling the need to sugar coat

Continued from page one

consent when discussing its importance, which directly decreases the gravity of such dialogues. Our community should not feel awkward asserting the necessity of consent. We must teach students the value of having adult conversations about what they want or do not want. Reading a partner’s body language to determine if they feel comfortable or uncomfortable is something all human beings should take part in and converse about without feeling stigmatized. By advertising consent as sexy in order to prevent sexual assault, our community neglects the prevalence and power of a rape culture. We ignore that the majority of sexual assaults on campuses are committed by, “perpetrators who plan and premeditate their attacks, using

http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/ article/0,28804,1860871_1860876_1861003,00. html https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/26/us/politics/ jfk-files.html http://www.cnn.com/2017/10/26/politics/jfk-filerelease-highlights/index.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/jfk-assassination-records-the-promise-of-revelationsderailed-by-cia-and-fbi/2017/10/27/71434862bb38-11e7-9e58-e6288544af98_story.html http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/aliens-to-sugar-addictions-the-ten-weirdest-kennedy-assassination-conspiracy-theories-8953884. html https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/27/us/politics/ jfk-files-cuba-castro-cold-war.html h t t p : // w w w . n p r . o r g / s e c t i o n s / t h e t w o way/2017/10/27/560352638/jfk-documents-highlight-talks-on-clandestine-anti-cuba-ops http://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/jfk-docs-ciaplotted-to-bomb-miami-kill-refugees-and-blame-castro-9782696

sophisticated strategies to groom their victims for attack, and to isolate them physically (Lisak & Miller, 2002).” By doing this, our community does not hold systems and values that promote sexual assault assailants accountable for their actions. Sexual assault will not end until we all take personal responsibility for living in, and furthering a culture that supports and allows one person to take advantage of and violate another’s human rights. Sources Consent Is Sexy , 2011, www.consentissexy.net/ about-faqs. “Sexual Assault Statistics.” One In Four USA, www. oneinfourusa.org/statistics.php.

QUEERING SAFER SEX By Hayley Van Allen ‘21 Queer Columnist hen I walked into the CARE Center last Tuesday evening, I was ready to get my sex education on. The CMC Advocates had planned an event for CMC Sex Week called Queering Safer Sex. The talk was just over an hour long and presented by professional sex educator Ashley Manta from the O.School. I was excited to see how the event went, but still felt a bit apprehensive. Never in the history of my K-12 public education have I had a truly inclusive sex education that wasn’t based on fear and shame. Because of this, I’ve always had to do my own research online to get a remotely comprehensive sex education that was LGBT friendly. With my previous experiences in mind, I was excited to see how Manta approached the event. Manta introduced herself as a sex educator from the O.School, a shame-free, pleasure-based online platform for sex education. The school offers online courses on how to unlearn the harmful ideas often forced upon students at middle and high schools across the world. The classes are based on creating a more comfortable and safe relationship to sex for everyone, often focusing on experiences specific to those who don’t identify as heterosexual or cisgender. Manta quickly diffused any tension or discomfort in the room by making light jokes and being completely open about her own relationship with each topic she brought up throughout the event. Much of the talk was structured around the “Safer Sex Elevator Speech.” The purpose of the speech is to open up dialogue about having safer and more enjoyable sex between you and the other person. Manta described the speech consisting of 7 parts; parts 1-6 were about your STD status, the sexual safety precautions you wanted to take, and different personal preferences for conduct in bed. The last part of the speech is to check in with the other person and ask for their speech in return. Manta explained that the more you practice, the easier


The Sex Elevator Speech 1. Share Your Results – When were you last tested for STDs, what did you get tested for, and what was the status of those tests?

Photo courtesy of Healthline.

and quicker giving this speech becomes. She emphasized the importance of being fully clothed in a private space where both people could easily leave while giving the speech because it helps ensure that anything said is genuine and respected. After giving us her own 2 minute elevator speech, Manta moved the conversation to ensuring safety while having sex and the risk of STDs. She demonstrated the many different methods to prevent skin to skin contact and explained why they were so important. An emphasis was placed on the the fact that you can’t tell what STD someone may have just by looking at them. Often people assume that someone doesn’t have an STD because they’re “not that type of person,” but in reality anyone can have an STD. There is no real justification to consider those with an STD as being “dirty” as opposed to someone who is clean because there’s nothing dirty about STDs; they’re just something that happens. Manta explained that that’s why it is so important to use protection when having sex because you never know for sure the other person has an STD. Manta finished the talk by answering some anonymous questions from the audience. After that everyone who attended was welcomed to take condoms and a few other “party favors” that the O.School had brought to the event. I left the talk feeling more educated about safe sex and empowered by my own sexual agency.

2. Share Your “Win with Me Info” – What is your current relationship status and sexual orientation, and what, if any, relationship agreements do you have that the other person should know about? What pronouns do you use? Any dirty talk words they should use/not use? Any potential triggers you might have or safewords they should know about? 3. Share Your Safer Sex Protocols & Needs – What are your Safer Sex Protocols? What are your emotional safety needs? Your physical safety needs? What about aftercare/post-sex needs? 4. Update Since Last Tested – Quick rundown of any risky sexual things you’ve done since you were last tested. Did a condom break or slip off? Recently forgot to take your birth control? 5. Something I Like – One or two things that you know you like sexually (or might want to do with this person). 6. Something I Don’t Like – One thing you know you don’t like sexually (or that you aren’t up for today). 7. Last step: “And How About You?” – Then ask the other person, “And how about you?” and listen to what they say and how they say it.

2 November, 2017 • The Scripps Voice • Volume XXI • Issue Three

Features • 3

The Scripps Voice Staff Editors-in-Chief Mel Gilcrest Maureen Cowhey

SEX COLUMN Luena Maillard ‘20 Sex Columnist

What’s the difference between a fetish and a kink? Is there even a difference? - Confused

Advisor Christopher Dennis Design Editors Gabrielle Garcia Emilie Hu Sarah Wong Copy Editors Priya Canzius Rena Patel Business Manager Anna Liss-Roy Webmaster Emma Wu Shortt Columnists & Staff Writers Hayley Van Allen Leta Ames Janet Asante Priya Canzius Rose Gelfand Eve Kaufman Hanna Kim Elena Lev Luena Maillard Eve Milusich Zizzy Murphy Hannah McCarthy Potter Ittai Sopher Priya Thomas Lizzie Willsmore Photographers Anoushka Sameer

Hey ‘Confused’!

There actually is a difference, although the words are often incorrectly used interchangeably. It can be a little confusing, but basically, anything can be a kink. Now what can get confusing is that any kink can be a fetish. The KEY difference is that a kink is something you enjoy having in sexual scenarios, and a fetish is something you need for sexual scenarios to take place. I’ll give an example: someone who has a foot kink gets turned on by feet and enjoys interacting with feet during sex, but wouldn’t need feet to get turned on or have sexual experiences occur. A person with a foot fetish, however, would not be able to get turned on or have sexual scenarios without being stimulated by feet in some way. Photograph courtesy of Dr. Kat Smith.

Can you explain the fetishization of races? attracted to Asian women because they - Anonymous consider them “submissive”, liking POC Hey ‘Anonymous’! Racial fetishism occurs when a person fetishizes people belonging to a different race or ethnic group. It inherently relies on racial stereotyping, as it involves the desire for a person of another race or ethnicity because they are expected to have certain stereotypical characteristics. Some more overt examples could include a person being

in general because they are “exotic”, or a person being attracted to black men because “they have large penises.” Let it be clear that racial fetishism is not only racist but dehumanizing, as it promotes the erasure of the individual, since you are not viewing the person you are attracted to as a whole being. It is harmful and is unfortunately far too prevalent.

I have trouble orgasming if my partner cums first. When he does orgasm, I feel like the sex is over and I feel insecure asking to continue. How do I communicate to him this subtly or in a way that won’t make me super embarrassed?

- Hopelessly Overthinking This Hey ‘Hopelessly Overthinking This’!

Comments and letters can be submitted by emailing scrippsvoice@gmail.com or by visiting our website at www. thescrippsvoice.com. Please review our guidelines online before submitting feedback. The Scripps Voice is a student forum and is not responsible for the opinions expressed in it.

Communication is a crucial part of any relationship, including a sexual one, and I do think you need to express what you are thinking to your partner. The problem is, as usual, that this is easier said than done, especially when involving sex. You must remember that sex is a two-way street, your pleasure is just as important as your partner’s, and if you are feeling unsatisfied you’ll need to voice it or likely nothing will change. There is no definition for when sex should “end”, and your own pleasure should not be dependent on whether you come before your partner. If you need to be subtler in your approach, an idea would be phrasing it positively in terms of whatever they were doing/what you want them to do after they orgasm and you do not. An example could be: “that felt so good, please keep going” or “I’m

Image courtesy of Langley Communication Services.

so close, can you please [insert preference here].” Your partner should not be making you feel embarrassed or wrong for asking or trying to discuss this. You might feel a little uncomfortable, but it is always essential that your needs have a voice in a sexual relationship.

2 November, 2017 • The Scripps Voice • Volume XXI • Issue Three

4 • News




espite being the second largest city in the United States, Los Angeles isn’t exactly known for its public transportation system- that is unless you account for notoriety. Generally considered a mess, the LA metro is highly limited, and in need of serious improvement. LA as a city was built on the foundations of car culture- the open roadand is therefore inaccessible as a city. That being said, there are still some ways to get around by using public transport: buses, the metro light rail lines, and the commuter rail, also known as the Metrolink, which is run by Amtrak.LA has undergone various metro expansion projects, including the extensions of the Red Line in Hollywood and the popular recently opened Santa Monica line.The next project announced, involving the Metrolink, will also have a serious impact on the way LA county residents commute, hopefully taking LA transportation to yet another height. The Metrolink allows for people from suburban areas and smaller cities around LA to commute downtown for work, school, and culture. They connect communities that would otherwise be isolated, including our city, Claremont. However, Amtrak is a private railroad company with a lot of political sway. They own and operate many tracks across the country, including ones that could serve a more public purpose. Los Angeles Metro recognizes this, and wishes take advantage. The Metro has plans to make a contract with Amtrak, giving the Metro full access to the rights of the rails, and effectively allowing a government takeover. The proposal promoted the extension of the Gold Line to east LA county along the San Bernardino tracks, an Amtrak entity, all the way to Montclair. This past june a memo was released delineating a new proposition- the Gold Line Foothill Extension Phase 2B. This project aims to extend the government operated Metro East, sending the Gold Line out as far as Montclair, running along the previously existing San Bernardino Metrolink Line. This would mean $1.75 trips to and from the city, and trains running all day long and through the night. While this will certainly be a step forward, the Metro’s construction proposal could hinder accessible transportation. Furthermore, it makes one question why there would be a need to work on preexisting lines, when there are dozens of other needs that have yet to be met. The cost of this project will be around $1.4 billion dollars, a fund that could easily be used toward places that don’t even have Amtrak rails, which is something the whole extension seems to revolve around. Furthermore, coopting existing rails instead of building new ones will unfortunately mean that commuters in the San Bernardino area will no longer have fully functioning lines while construction is underway. In fact a consequence of this progression may be detrimental for our community. There have been many discussions around the closing of the Claremont station- a closing which is projected to last until 2026. Trains are vital to any city, as many can’t afford cars and other means of transportation.

Photo courtsey of Oakshade at English Wikipedia.

Everyday at least 400 people commute from the station, and this would effectively strand those dependant on it. So what does one do when it becomes apparent that societal progression will come at a cost? In the long run, the Claremont community will benefit greatly from , but for the eight years it takes to do so, many people, especially those without any other means of transportation, will unfortunately have to take the brunt of the burden. The question is then raised about why the government would even consider an option that will negatively affect the population. Shouldn’t the government be protecting everyone under its auspices, rather than taking a more utilitarian approach, excusing the wreckage brought onto other people’s lives by comparing it to the benefits that the whole society will reap? Why sacrifice the livelihoods of anyone you have a responsibility to?


It seems like a logical solution to such a complicated problem would to simply find an alternative to the plan at hand. It is uncertain what steps would need to be taken to reconcile this reality, but the current plan will have serious consequences. But what would be some possible solutions to this problem? There are some obvious ones, such as setting up a shuttle, like the ones we have between CGU and Scripps, between the Claremont station and another station that isn’t at risk of suffering a similar fate. Another option, which was proposed by Claremont City Council, is to make a separate temporary station, thereby keeping the Metrolink in operation, and potential separating the Metrolink from the Light Rail altogether. Regardless of what recourse is taken, it is imperative that it be done in a timely and effective fashion. The Claremont City Council understands the seriousness of the situation, however LA Metro, although holding good intentions, doesn’t think in a very small scale. The final verdict will eventually be announced after numbers have been crunched, and costs have been analyzed. Though this is a step in the direction that LA transportation desperately needs, it’s important it be done in a conscious way that doesn’t negatively impact locals and those that depend on public transportation.

Photo courtsey of Trainorders.com.

Original Puns by: Elena Lev ‘??

Which Middle-Earth inhabitant loves frozen yogurt?

Froyo Baggins

What do you call a depressed pineapple?


How do prime ribs get to know one another? Meat and greets!

2 November, 2017 • The Scripps Voice • Volume XXI • Issue Three

Opinion • 5

Sorry Claremont, Stag Party was disgusting

By Anna Liss-Roy ‘20 Business Manager


n October 6, representatives from 5C student government distributed a “Letter of Solidarity” to all students, regarding sexual assault on campus. It asserted, “We, the Event Heads of Associated Students of Claremont McKenna College, Scripps Associated Students, Pitzer College Student Senate, Associated Students of Pomona College, and Associated Students of Harvey Mudd College, are in solidarity with communities affected by domestic violence and sexual assault.” The letter emphasized a collective aim toward creating “inclusive social events” and urged student DJs and performers to avoid supporting artists associated with any type of abuse. The email was well written, concise, powerful, and had the timing worked out better, it may have even carried some weight. But, almost comically, the email was sent out around the same time that invitations to “Stag Party”, a DOSapproved party at CMC, were being circulated. The Stag Party event was thrown in honor of Hugh Hefner, best known for his role as founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine, who died on September 27. The description for the Stag Party event referred to Hefner as “our everyday hero and grandpa goals,” and asked its invitees to “join us in mourning his legacy this Spicy Saturday Night,“ by dressing up as Hugh in one of your less tasteful robes, or as a spicy bunny ready to pounce (rawr). Or a nun if you believe boys and girls should leave room for Jesus.” The “Letter of Solidarity” appeared in our inboxes nearly two weeks after Hefner’s passing, during which time social media was flooded with posts paying tribute to a man fondly characterized as a legend, an inspiration, an icon-- good ol’ Hef. Aspects of his image seem to cater to every group: he’s openly bisexual, he donated to feminist causes, and if you couldn’t care less about social justice, he was a goddamn sex warrior! Hefner’s legacy is difficult to separate from that of Playboy’s. Indeed, the magazine itself pioneered unexplored terrain; its strategy of filling pages with articles and photographs of scantily clad women allowed its majority-male readership a sneaky means of satisfying their sexual desires. It also normalized female promiscuity, portraying male sexual appetites as dominating and inherently deserving of satiation. But a small investigation into Hefner’s attitudes and treatment of women casts a nefarious shadow over his sexually liberated, pro-woman proclamations. Numerous accounts over the years have revealed Hefner used his enterprise to wield power and influence over women, resulting in decades of exploitation. Several women, including famous ex-girlfriend and Playboy Mansion resident Holly Madison, have come forward with disturbing accounts. Madison and others detailed instances of assault, manipulative behavior,

pitting women against each other, pressuring women to use drugs, and restricting their rights within the Playboy Mansion. Hefner was also accused of prohibiting the women he dated from talking about their experiences. No charges were ever filed against him. This disturbing information is not hard to find, and Hefner’s history of controversy and alleged assault is well known. So why was CMC allowed to hold a party remotely pertaining to Hefner and his Playboy empire? And, more importantly--why did anyone show up? Over the past few weeks I’ve observed the posts memorializing “Hef” on social media, but felt fairly confident that despite his “progressive” image, Hefner’s maltreatment of women and perpetuation of harmful, antiquated gender roles would be condemned at Claremont. After all, on liberal arts campuses like the 5Cs, there tends to be a heavy emphasis on buzz words like feminism, e q u a l i t y, f r e e s p e e c h , inclusion, support. But on a campus so determined to celebrate and support gender equality, it seems t h a t to o m u c h o f o u r energy is expended loudly condemning blatantly sexist and homophobic offenses, and not enough of our focus is dedicated toward detecting more normalized, underrated forms of sexism--something as innocent as a party theme. Many students at the 5Cs identify as supporters of gender equality, and that’s largely representative of liberal arts colleges throughout the nation. But these same people took great joy in adorning their bodies with bathrobes, suit jackets, cigars, slides-- all the props associated with the legacy of a man who profited off of the subjugation and exploitation of women. It’s fun to celebrate promiscuity, and maybe events like Stag Party are all just a big joke. But if sexual assault and exploitation is a joke, then support for survivors must also be a joke. If a manifestation of sexual assault and sexism can be considered funny, when does the humor start becoming someone’s reality? Who decides what’s a joke and what’s harmful? It seems that the organizers of Stag Party are as cushioned from the violent and stigmatized reality of sexual assault and hierarchical gender roles as Hefner himself was. Even if the party was intended to mock an overly sexual grandpa, even if it was all a laugh, introducing a theme that involves some people wearing lingerie and others dressing up as a known sexual predator isn’t exactly harmless. This theme legitimizes Hefner’s legacy and perpetuates the harmful gender-based power dynamics that he used to trick women into thinking they

“Hefner’s history of controversy and alleged assault is well known. So why was CMC allowed to hold a party remotely pertaining to Hefner and his Playboy empire? And, more importantly--why did anyone show up?”

were being sexually liberated, when in reality their nudity was used to perpetuate the idea that female bodies and sexuality exists solely for male pleasure. If this party had had a different name, like Lingerie Party, I would have faced no moral dilemma and would have happily attended. But at a Playboy-themed party, the choice to show off your body is no longer empowering because it is framed under the context of Hefner’s narrative that female nudity exists for solely for consumption. But how do you bring this up? It’s not an easy conversation in general, let alone on a Saturday night. I struggled to start a productive discussion with my survivor-supporting, self-proclaimed feminist friends who dressed up as Hefner, partially because of my own anger, but also because of their refusal to expend energy analyzing the violence and power dynamics that their costumes were normalizing. They were feminists, after all. How could their costumes really be problematic? Just as Hefner used his progressive political stances and philanthropy to dismiss any conversation about his treatment or portrayals of women, many people, particularly students at liberal arts schools, and particularly men, tend to use the term “feminist” to shield themselves from being held accountable for their problematic actions. I wish that Playboy-themed parties wouldn’t be approved on campus, but the problem transcends institutional responsibility. I ask to everyone who showed up on Saturday: what message are you sending to survivors on campus? How can you claim to support them if you think sexual assault and sexism are sexy? If you don’t see Saturday’s theme as threatening, might it be because you are lucky enough to have various intersections of privilege that mean you may never be the one to face the consequences? The path to justice and equality begins with accountability. In order to truly condemn Hefner and his dark legacy, we can’t just form stricter regulations on which parties get approved. We must fight against the normalization of genderbased power dynamics. We must reject fond depictions of a man whose harmful impact has been sold to us in the shiny package of sexual liberation. But we must also hold each other and ourselves accountable for our own problematic actions and stop using personal identifications to evade responsibility. You’re a feminist, so what? How does that influence the way you perceive your environment, the way you analyze literature, the way you treat others, the way you listen? We must become attentive to the ways in which systems of domination are embedded in hookup culture, in party culture, and even in the classroom. We must dedicate ourselves to educating each other and to becoming more receptive to honest feedback, even if it’s delivered angrily. Until we hold ourselves accountable as a community, every party may as well be Hefner-themed. And after Saturday, I won’t be able to look at a silk robe for quite a while.

“It’s fun to celebrate promiscuity, and maybe events like Stag Party are all just a big joke. But if sexual assault and exploitation is a joke, then support for survivors must also be a joke.”

2 November, 2017 • The Scripps Voice • Volume XXI • Issue Three


#MeToo 6


( C o n t e n t W a r n i n g : Di s cu s s i o n o f S e x ua l V i o l e n c e )


n October 15th, Alyssa Milano tweeted:

By Rose Gelfand ‘21 Staff Writer


he tweet itself garnered 68,000 replies and 25,000 retweets, and there were more than 12 million Facebook posts, comments and reactions in less than 24 hours, by 4.7 million users around the world. While Milano’s tweet opened an important widespread door for a current conversation about sexual assault, many credited Milano with starting the Me Too movement, even though it was actually started in 2006 as a program of Tarana Burke’s organization, Just Be Inc. On their website Tarana writes that “the me too Movement™ started “in the deepest, darkest place in my soul.” She tells the story of a young girl named Heaven who, while she was a youth worker, told Tarana about her mother’s boyfriend molesting her. Tarana became incredibly emotional and directed her to another female counselor and told Heaven the other woman could help her better. Tarana writes that “I will never forget the look on her face. .. I watched her put her mask back on and go back into the world like she was all alone and I couldn’t even bring myself to whisper…me too.” This experience inspired her to create the movement that has now sparked a worldwide conversation about sexual violence. For days, my Facebook feed was flooded with #MeToo posts, critiques and thoughts. I was apparent-

Alyssa Milano’s initial Twitter post.

ly not alone in this fact, as Facebook reports that 45% of users had someone they’re friends with post about the subject (holy cow). Some people simply posted the hashtag without explanation, while some chose to share vulnerable stories of their experiences with sexual violence, and others posted and engaged in thoughtful and important discourse on the subject.

I watched mask back on into the world all alone...

I read so many brilliant and nuanced posts on the gendered language of the initial post, the ways race complicates narratives of sexual violence, potential issues with lumping assault with harassment, whether or not it places responsibility on victims to speak out, and so much more. There were many people encouraging folks who’ve perpetrated sexual violence or harassment to own up to the harm they’ve caused, and others arguing her put her that these posts were triggering and and go back centering abusers like she was in a movement intended to be about healing. Many folks found it empowering to see the sheer

number of posts, and many others shared that they felt uncomfortably pressured to say what they did not want to broadcast publicly. At first, I felt obligated to share personal experiences that I otherwise would not post about on Facebook, which made me uncomfortable. Even though I am someone who engages in conversations about sexual violence a lot, it isn’t really the sort of thing I use Facebook for. I shared a couple posts about how we shouldn’t have to out ourselves as survivors and how it shouldn’t be about “giving people a sense of the magnitude of the issue” because one woman should be enough, but then I read some posts by Nikkita Oliver and Israa Ismaeil about how knowing they were not alone saved their life (Nikkita Oliver) and how Me Too also allows survivors a space to acknowledge their experiences without having to relive it through talking about it/specifying what happened to them (Israa Ismaeil) These posts, as well as some of the posts my friends wrote, definitely shifted my opinions and made me interrogate my feelings. What I ultimately came to realize is that I’m here for #metoo, but I think the intent should be shifted. I don’t think the point should be for people (men) to “get the magnitude of the issue,” as that will never work and frames it in a way that puts responsibility on survivors to fix the problem when we’ve known it’s been this widespread forever. (Plus even if it wasn’t widespread, you should still care regardless). With a shifted intent though, I am so here for #metoo because I am here for survivor solidarity. I am a fan of the simplicity of the phrase, as it allows people to acknowledge their experiences without having to specify what’s happened to them. Seeing all the posts, especially from older women in my life made me think a lot about people in my life who I wouldn’t typically think about experiencing sexual violence having definitely experienced it. Because of this, this movement definitely made

me feel less alone and made me think about sexual violence in much broader context. However, survivors should ABSOLUTELY never be made to feel as though they’re obligated to share their trauma if they don’t want to. That’s not okay in any sense and folks should only post or share their experiences if they feel as though it is empowering for them and they genuinely want to. I also thought a lot about how I felt about people who’ve perpetrated sexual violence posting some form of “I did that” in an attempt to take responsibility. I absolutely think we need to start having perpetrators take responsibility and change their actions but I don’t believe capitalizing off of the #MeToo movement is the place to do it. The comments sections of the posts I did see of this nature were essentially full of people (mostly women) patting people (mostly men) on the back for admitting the harm they’ve caused, centuring abusers in a movement about empowering survivors. That being said, we absolutely need to have a wider conversation about intended and unintended perpetration of harm, how one can both be a survivor of and perpetrate sexual violence and abuse, and the ways in which we as people (and especially men) need to be more conscious of the impact of our/their actions. As Danez Smith posted, “All men should be asking “who has a story about me?” So often, people (especially men) do things that make people (especially women) feel uncomfortable without even thinking about it. Many close male friends have done things

that make me feel uncomfortable without intending or knowing it. You can commit sexual assault without intending to do it. Everyone needs to develop a constant self awareness, where you are consciously thinking about the effect of your touch and words and actions on the people around you. You need to ask the

This movement definitely made me feel less alone and made me think about sexual violence in a much broader context.

2 November, 2017 • The Scripps Voice • Volume XXI • Issue Three

people around you what they think, practice radical affirmative consent and LISTEN (it goes without saying this is something people of all genders need to start doing). However in addition, specifically men need to start thinking critically about how they can use their male privilege to intervene and change the culture around sexual violence. I’ve had so many male friends recently describe some sort of situation where they felt uncomfortable because another man was trying to talk to them about a woman in a sexually violent or objectifying way and they came to me to commiserate about how uncomfortable they felt. I get that it’s uncomfortable, but those conversations need to be had and I will never be in a space where a man will trust me with that and where I can correct him and/or have him listen and respect what I think about it. One fantastic resource I saw for this was an #ItWasMe Men’s Discussion Group, for men to discuss what inhibits conversations about perpetrating sexual violence, “reading #metoo / #itwasme posts

and processing together, bystander, call out, call in, and man-to-man accountability strategies, sex, sexuality, pornography, relationships, love, dating, what kinds of help there is available if we think we’re at risk of engaging in abusive behavior, characterological Violence, power/control, and male fragility, toxic masculinity, etc.” (sign up: https://tinyurl. com/metoomalesupport) I also really hope that this movement leads to conversations amongst survivors of how different people navigate sexual violence differently. On the night #MeToo went viral, a man tried to shove me against a wall with a shopping cart and called me a “fat bitch” for trying to get my friend out of where he’d cornered her. No matter your attractiveness, body weight, etc. you can (and do) experience sexual violence. However, sexual violence intersects with other forms of oppression (racism, queerphobia, transphobia, fatphobia, ableism etc.) and we can exist in solidarity while also discussing how it affects different people differently.

8 • Features


Escaping the Chains of Japanese Colonization

Photographs of the author’s grandfather. Photos courtsey of Hanna Kim.

By Hanna Kim ‘21 POC Issues Columnist Author’s Note: The topic of this essay has been adapted from my personal essay for the Common Application.


never knew exactly where we would end up. Grandpa’s old, battered Lexus gave me a death stare as I slipped into the driver’s seat. I had never shaken the memory of the battery dying in the middle of the freeway when I was 10. Nevertheless, I was thrilled at the prospect of getting my license, a feat that had not yet been achieved by most of my friends. I turned the key in the ignition, and the engine sputtered a few too many times. I was on edge, preoccupied with maintaining the speed limit, keeping the appropriate distance behind the cars in front of us. Grandpa’s speed limit is 10 mph under the legal limit. While cars honked behind us, Grandpa said, “Slow, slow, slow” in a relaxed coo, as cars continued to pass us. Every time I pulled out of the driveway, I felt simultaneously excited and totally stressed. Some days, Grandpa navigated us on local roads, past my favorite bookstore from my childhood and the hotel where my parents married. Other days, he navigated us onto the bustling, intimidating San Diego Freeway to see the Mt. Soledad Veterans’

Memorial and the hospital where Grandma delivered babies for over 40 years. One day, Grandpa shared why he loves driving so much. He explained how San Diego’s expansive, winding roads deviated completely from those of his childhood. When he was growing up, the Japanese occupied Korea before the outbreak of World War II. Korea’s education system was infiltrated and Japanese officials forced all children to learn Japanese, assigning them Japanese names, which Grandpa still refuses to utter. Grandpa lived in Korea during a time when the majority of the population was profoundly impoverished. The Japanese robbed every Korean citizen of their possessions. Only the wealthiest families could afford cars. For many years, Koreans have called themselves the people of ‘han manh-eun yeogsa’, which roughly translates as ‘people who experienced unfairness, suffering, and despair throughout their history.’ Despite South Korea’s past, Grandpa is proud of how far his country has come since he left. Every year he returns, he is in awe of the electronic billboards, exceptional public transportation, and cultural pride that is evident on the streets of Seoul. Grandpa’s childhood under the Japanese represented a restriction of personal freedom.

Our drives ignite appreciation for my own personal freedom, a freedom that I am granted by residing in the US. I am free to speak the language I grew up with and to be called by the name my parents gave me. And I am free to explore and meander, driving where I want to drive without restriction. Some of my friends do not see the point in getting their driver’s licenses or driving with no strict destination. They are exercising their freedom not to drive:.Why would they go through the grueling process of lessons, DMV appointments, and tests when they could be driven anywhere by a parent, or even a taxi? Grandpa left Korea at its poorest and most defeated state, not only seeking a better life for himself, but to assure that his family would be allotted the freedom that he wasn’t granted in Korea. While Grandpa taught me always to have my head on a constant swivel, to signal 100 feet before a turn, and to be aware of cyclists on the right, I will forever be grateful for his most important lesson: driving is not just about getting from A to Z, but soaking in the surroundings, treasuring your personal independence, and sometimes, wandering with no destination in mind. Although Grandpa’s old Lexus may stop sputtering one day once and for all, Grandpa’s lessons,to appreciate blessings in the spirit of exploration,will always remain with me.

2 November, 2017 • The Scripps Voice • Volume XXI • Issue Three

Features • 9

What’s the deal with waste?

ASANTE'S ADVICE COLUMN DEAR JANET, I’m not sure if my crush seems interested. We’ve been vibing more but in front of his friends he kinda brushed me off. Please help. DEAR CRUSHING SCRIPPSIE,

By Leta Ames ‘20 Sustainability Columnist


n the great words of Ilana Glazer of Broad City, “reduce, reuse, recycle, Rihanna”. These wise words could only be improved with the addition of “compost”, but that’s not quite as catchy. So how can you reduce, reuse, and recycle? Well here’s the answer to your S.O.S. According to the EPA, Americans throw out over four pounds of waste a day and only about one-quarter of that is recycled or composted. So where does all that waste go? One the first problems with the waste we create is that much of it does not make it into a proper disposal stream. Landfills have their issues, which I will discuss in more detail later, but waste that is not composted, recycled, or thrown away becomes a huge problem. A United Nations report in 2001 estimates that waste in the oceans, which much of improperly disposed of waste does end up, caused up 1 million sea bird and 100,00 marine species deaths. These animals become entrapped in the waste or ingest it. A lot of this trash actually sinks to the bottom of the ocean, but large patches of small bits of plastics congregate to certain areas due to ocean currents. According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, these waste areas are not large islands of trash, but large areas with significantly more trash than normal. There are other ways that these plastics get into the ocean, some larger pieces come from lost cargo of shipping containers and smaller pieces can come from the microbeads in beauty products. Many of these shipping containers are coming to the United States and there is no official estimate for how many shipping containers fall off of ships each year, but according to the Monterey Bay monitoring system, hundreds to thousands of these containers fall off each year. Microbeads make their way from our sinks through the sewers and into the oceans. These plastics and other wastes pose not only an issue for the health of animals and the ecosystem as a whole, but they also can be found in the fish that is consumed by humans. So when waste does make it into a landfill, although it is contained, landfills can still leak out toxic liquid, or leachates, into soil and water ways. Additionally, the fact that there is continuous waste piled on top means

that landfills are eventually sealed causing the materials to decompose anaerobically releasing methane gas into the atmosphere which contributes to climate change. The way that the waste piles up in landfills also means that degradable materials, such as paper or food, do not. Landfills also have the problem that they eventually fill; space is limited on our earth and landfills are also already placed in low-income and minority communities. Landfills are a clear example of environmental injustice and environmental racism. The best thing you can do to keep things out of the landfill and the oceans is to reduce how much you buy and therefore throw away. This goes hand in hand with the nest “r”, “reuse”. Things like bringing a reusable mug, reusable bags, patching old clothes, buying used, are just a few things you can do. If they are no longer reusable or it’s an item that cannot be reused, it’s best if you can recycle or compost it. Look up what’s recyclable in your local area and while you’re at school check out the signs posted by many recycling bins or look on the Claremont city website to find out what’s recyclable here. Additionally, some companies offer discounts if you bring back their packaging, such as Lush. Recycling not only diverts waste from landfills, but also saves energy when items are produced from the recycled materials. When buying products it is good to choose those that are made of recycled materials, this creates a use for the recycled materials after they are processed. Composting is beneficial in the same way as recycling in that it diverts waste from landfill and can improve soil quality. One thing to remember is that industrial composting is different than backyard composting. Backyard composting, like what is done in the Scripps garden behind Browning can take vegan food scraps. Bins that are in the door first floor kitchen are emptied into the garden compost. Industrial composting varies by location, so if your local area offers composting check to see what is compostable there. Industrial composting is coming soon to Scripps; in the dining hall you will soon be able to compost all food waste! Overall there are lots of opportunities to reduce, reuse, recycle, and Rihanna (and compost). It’s important to remember that they go in that order, Rihanna music can be dispersed throughout the steps.

Please make sure that your crush is respecting you as a person. I am a firm believer in valuing self-worth. If he is treating you well when you’re alone, but not when he is with his friends, it can be hard and confusing to decipher which version is the most authentic. My advice is to not take the gamble and find a more consistently respectful person. It is also possible that he would get teased by his friends for demonstrating interest in you (thank you, toxic masculinity!), so if that’s the case, maybe you should ask him if he is interested in you privately. Whether he is into you or not, it is more than okay to mention the moment he brushed you off and how that made you feel. Wishing you the best of luck, Janet Asante

2 November, 2017 • The Scripps Voice • Volume XXI • Issue Three

10 • Features

Wilkommen, bienvenue, welcome!

By Rena Patel ‘20 Copy Editor

Image courtesy of the Pomona College Theatre Department

“We have no troubles here. In here [the cabaret] life is beautiful. The girls are beautiful. Even the or four perfectly marvelous days, the Theatre orchestra is beautiful.” However, the looming threat of the rise of the and Dance Department for the Claremont Colleges at Pomona College transformed Seaver Nazi regime seeped through the the crevices of Theater into the seedy 1930s Berlin nightclub, the every aspect of the show from the lighting, music, Kit Kat Klub, which was center stage for many of acting, until there was nothing you could do but the storylines in the department’s production of watch in horror as fear of the other tore Berlin apart. I had first come across Cabaret almost four years Cabaret under the direction of Assistant Professor of Theatre and Dance at Pomona College, Giovanni ago when I was part of my high school’s production team. To me, it was like reading a favorite childhood Ortega. From Oct. 26 to 29, patrons of the show were book after growing older. Watching Cabaret during immersed in the lives revolving around the club, a time of heightened political tension and growing from American writer Clifford Bradshaw (Evan animosity towards the “other” made the experience Fenner PO ‘18) and alluring British club star Sally much more urgent. Every line, every move, every Bowles (Amy Griffin SCR ‘18), to the ever-present decision was deliberate. And above all, it was a and elusive Master of Ceremonies (Juan Zamudio warning to not dismiss events of history so quickly. The final scene of this show, is, in my humble PO ‘18), as well as those from life outside the club like Fraulein Schneider (Emma Elliot SC ‘19) and theatre kid opinion, the most crucial. Each Herr Schultz’s (Roei Cohen PO ‘21) timid romance, production is always different. My high school and Ernst Ludwig’s (Tomas Negritto PZ ‘19) shocked its audience of rich conservative parents dubious baubles. From the first act, it seemed that by dropping two giant Nazi banners (which would the MC’s opening remarks were true: never again see the light of day) from the catwalks.


And Pomona’s production did not disappoint. Being up in the tech booth during my own production of Cabaret deprived me of the experience of observing audience reaction to the ending, but as the hiss of the gas chamber filled the theater, I heard an audible gasp from the audience that made room for chilling silence as the stage went dark. This show has always served as a cautionary tale and as a reminder of what a country divided in hate is capable of. And as the United States grows increasingly fraught with violence and discrimination against minorities under a regime that’s been compared to the likes of Hitler, Cabaret’s message is more dire than ever. “So where are your troubles now?” the MC had asked during the final scene of the show. “Forgotten? I told you so.” Four years ago, under the pressure of finishing the show without collapsing from the lack of sleep and stress of show week, I would’ve heaved a sigh of relief and agreed, but as the orchestra hit the final note of the show, my troubles, and the troubles of today, were nowhere near forgotten.

Amy Griffin SC ’18, playing Sally Bowles, and the Kit Kat boys and girls perform “Don’t Tell Mama” in the “Cabaret” dress rehearsal on Oct. 24.

Photo courtesy of Meghan Joyce, The Student Life.

2 November, 2017 • The Scripps Voice • Volume XXI • Issue Three

ANYA COOPER The Wave:Why Me?

Arts & Entertainment • 11 A Serial Story by Elizabeth Willsmore

Previously on The Wave: Anya Cooper, once the most sought after engineer in her field, has been out of work since one of her creations, the Sea Wall, collapsed, causing Seattle to fall into the Puget Sound and killing multiple people, including her Gramps. A few years later, Anya, still suffering from nightmares and PTSD, receives a phone call from Susie Shipton, the head of Clarke Industries, asking her to be the lead engineer on a top secret assignment - an underwater habitat for humans to live in once rising ocean levels destroy the coast of Florida and California, leaving millions displaced and the continental US overcrowded and underresourced. Anya has just learned that her Gramps worked with Clarke Industries on a previous iteration of the project, but her choice to accept the secret assignment forces her to come to terms what happened in Seattle a few years back, bringing painful memories back to the surface. et me see if I’ve got this right,” Anya began, subconsciously stroking the bridge of her nose in concentration. “You want me to build an underwater base, one with enough space and stability to house humans once rising ocean water levels obliterate all the coastal cities. And, you’re asking me even though the last project I built collapsed, caused the destruction of Seattle from cascading flood waters, and killed my own grandfather in front of me?” “Yes,” came Susie’s single, assured response, her dark eyes fixed and unblinking. Anya felt the familiar tightening within her chest as her breathing came fast and shallow. Cortisol raced through her veins like icy liquid metal. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt hot tears pricking at the corners, the smell of salt water clogging her nostrils as Gramps’ voice echoed throughout her Illustrated by Emma Wu Shortt ‘20 mind once more. Suddenly, Anya felt a cool hand gripping her shoulder as she dimly recalled that Susie was still in the room. “I can’t build again because Gramps raised me to be stable and solid and “Anya, Anya . . .” Gramps’ frenzied cries grew weaker, until Anya realized it wasn’t him but Susie repeating her name softly, her hand pressing a gentle fearless and I repaid him by building the wall whose destruction ended his life.” rhythm into Anya’s shoulder. As she finished speaking, Anya felt her chest begin to deflate, as if finally “Anya,” Susie said again, her voice oddly gentle. “Anya it wasn’t –“ “Stop.” Anya stood up, roughly pushing Susie’s hand off her shoulder saying the words she’d keep inside for years released a weight from her body. and turning to face Susie, stepping close until they were practically nose Susie merely gazed at Anya unblinkingly, her dark eyes glittering in sympathy to nose. “I know what you’re going to say. That it wasn’t my fault, that it as she probed the latter’s face, searching for the words to communicate what could have happened to anyone, that the Sea Wall would never have been at this point was almost unspeakable. Trembling slightly, Anya walked over to the concrete wall and slid down able to sustain the pressure from that storm, whatever it is you were going it, staring at some unseen point in time only visible to her. Susie silently to say I’ve heard it all before!” By now Anya’s voice had become thick with pain, catching every few approached Anya, her ever-present nude pumps glinting in the dim basement syllables in both sadness and frustration. She stood tall, stretching to her lighting as she knelt, tentatively reaching a hand out and placing it on Anya’s arm. full height, her russet curls vibrating with barely contained fury. “Do you want to know why I chose you for this project?” Susie began, “Everyone tells me it wasn’t my fault, that I shouldn’t feel bad, that the data shows it would have collapsed regardless, that firing me was merely a her voice as even and rhythmic as ever. Barely registering the words, Anya nodded imperceptibly, a single tear legal rather than moral commentary.” Her voice lowered to a deadly whisper, each word frighteningly calm and measured. Breathing deep, Anya looked silently winding its way down her cheekbone. “You killed your grandfather,” Susie said, gently but bluntly, “not many up at Susie, fixing her with a withering stare, causing the latter to fear even engineers can say that. Your design failed and he died as a result.” for breathing too loudly. glared at Susie, heat rising into her face as “You all think I’m broken from what happened, Susie merely gazed at Anya sheAnya responded furiously, “What’s your point, Susie?” that the wall collapsing somehow drained me of unblinkingly, her dark eyes Taking a deep breath in, Susie lightly squeezed my will to create, to design, to build again. Do you Anya’s forearm before digressing further. “You’ve want to know the first thing Butcher’s Engineer glittering in sympathy as she already lost the most important person in your life, Co. told me when they fired me? They said I was a fine engineer, the best they’d seen, but that any of probed the latter’s face, searching you have no family left, you’ve been blacklisted from the engineering world, and you haven’t been able my future work would be ‘too much of a liability.’” for the words to communicate to even think about any of this without reliving it Anya paused and looked at Susie who was what at this point was almost all, over and over again. You have nothing left to wordlessly shaking her head, lips opening in an lose, Anya. Do you know how many engineers we attempt at comfort, then closing as she observed unspeakable. talked to who asked what was in it for them? They the raw anguish in Anya’s burning eyes. Slowly, Anya took a step closer until she and Susie were practically touching, her all worked for the Big Water companies – hiring them would mean making a safe haven for the corporate executives and leaving those most affected gaze unyielding. “When the Sea Wall fell, everyone assumed I would never get over the to fend for themselves.You have no one else, no other demands, no one to blow to my reputation, they said I’d never be able to build again, that no compromise your judgement.” Susie paused, staring unblinkingly at Anya with her dark intense eyes. engineer had ever faced such a singularly destructive failure,” she choked “This was my call, Anya. I chose you because your wall killed your Gramps, out. “What broke me wasn’t that the Sea Wall collapsed, or that Seattle was destroyed, or even that my career was jeopardized. In all the meetings, because I believe, even if you aren’t OK now, that loss has made you more all the council sessions, all the investigations, no one acknowledged that capable of remaining objective than anyone else.” Susie stood up and extending her hand out to Anya. because of my mistakes, Gramps died. They didn’t realize I didn’t care “It’s your choice, Anya. Don’t build the Wall, live in the memory of about my reputation, about any of it, because I’d just killed the man who that day for the rest of your life. Or, you can come with me, you can create raised me and who had been my only family for years.” Anya took a deep breath, her voice eerily calm now that she’d finally again, you can do what your Gramps would have wanted, and use his death admitted it, finally told someone the real reason she couldn’t think of as motivation to do better, save more people.” Susie’s voice dropped to a blueprints without hearing Gramps’ last cries for help echoing on an whisper as she fixed Anya with an unblinking, unwavering stare. “So what’ll it be?” endless loop.


2 November, 2017 • The Scripps Voice • Volume XXI • Issue Three

12 • Features

BOBALICIOUS DEFINITION MAKE MY BANK GO BROKE-O: A Comprehensive Ranking of Claremont Boba

By Emma Wu Shortt ‘20 Webmaster


Tocaja Tea rating: 4/5 Boba rating: 3/5 Price: $ Ah yes the ever popular Tocaja. If you ever need a sweet study spot with hipster vibes I cannot recommend this joint enough. Although many would disagree, I would say Tocaja boba is a more westernized boba tea, albeit still delicious.

Tea rating: 5/5 Boba rating: 4/5 Price: $$

T & Joy Tea rating: 5/5 Boba rating: 5/5 Price: $$ If you’re looking for traditional Taiwanese tea, you cannot go wrong with the delicious tea here. My personal favorites are the Jasmine Milk Tea, and if you’re looking for something a little fancier, I’d try the Hokkaido Milk Tea. The boba is delicious with a hint of honey and brown sugar and it is always made fresh twice a day so no crunchy middle or sour aftertaste! If you’re an adventurous tea drinker, I recommend trying their Cheese Crema topping: it’s tangy and reminiscent of cheesecake!

There’s a reason that TPumps has migrated here all the way from foggy Francisco: their tea is simply amazing! If you’re a picky boba drinker this place is for you, as they give you the option to specify your sweetness levels! Although their honey boba is delicious, it simply cannot compare to T & Joy’s. Try it out and let me know if you disagree!

Coop Store Tea rating: 3/5 Boba rating: 2/5 Price $ Oh boy...well I thought I’d include the Coop just for convenience’s sake. But I don’t know if I would really categorize their boba tea as real boba. However, I can vouch for their Passionfruit Green Tea; it’s very good!

Faces of Scripps Interview by Anoushka Sameer ‘21 Staff Writer & Photographer


Sanamluang Tea rating: 4/5 Boba rating: 3/5 Price: $ Although Sanamluang is technically a Thai restaurant not a boba shop (try their Fried Rice and Tom Kah Soup seriously...they’re incredible!), they had to make it on this list. This is because their Lychee Boba Slushie is so freaking good I cannot hype it enough. Also I’ve heard some great things about their Thai Tea! Photograph of Sonia De Mello ‘18. Photo by Anoushka Sameer ‘21.

hen I first arrived on campus, there weren’t many international students. I saw international communities at the other Claremont Colleges, but not so much at Scripps. So, as an International student myself, I wanted to do something about it. Starting the international student mentorship program this year has allowed me to strengthen the interactions between international students, which has been really great. I guess a prominent aspect of my life has always been to form cross cultural connections, bring people from different backgrounds together and do things to make people feel included in different cultural contexts – so this has been my way of attempting to do that at Scripps. -Sonia De Mello ‘18.

2 November, 2017 • The Scripps Voice • Volume XXI • Issue Three

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