May/June 2011 ● ●
elcome to this very first edition of ScriptureLinks Journal. It is my hope to publish this magazine every other month. In each issue, I hope to challenge you to grow in your walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. Whether you received this magazine in your church, or online through the ScriptureLinks websites, welcome to the family. In this issue, you’ll read an article titled “Walk in the Spirit.” This article will challenge you to look at the way you are living your life, the path you are walking on. Are you walking with the Spirit today? You’ll also read “3 Tips to a Better Life.” This article was taken from my blog. It gives you three things that will make your life in this world better. Apart from Jesus, there really is nothing that will make your life better. But, I’m sure you already knew that. There is also a Bible reading plan on the back page. The daily readings take just 15 minutes to complete. Will you make 15 minutes of your day available to God. Use that time to get into His Word. -Gerry Snyder, Jr.
ost people look at Christians through the lens of a magnifying glass. It’s like they are trying to find out why we live the way we do, why we think the way we think. Don’t get me wrong. As Christians, we have a long way to go to live up to what God expects of us. But the world looks at us differently. Maybe they are curious about our faith, or maybe they are waiting for us to prove we are human. Either way, the world looks to the followers of Jesus to show them who Jesus truly is. Are you showing those around you who Jesus truly is? If they don’t hear it or see it in you, then who will tell them? One thing that I believe we need to understand is how to walk in the way Jesus wants us to walk. All of us has heard people asking how they know the will of God for their lives. I’ve heard good Christian people argue about this topic. What I think is vitally important, even more important than the will of God for your life, is if you are walking in the Spirit. Next to salvation, I think the discipline of walking in the Spirit is the most important part of our life as a Christian. Everything else in our life hinges on the fact of walking in the Spirit. Paul wrote about this topic in
Galatians 5:16, “This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” What Paul is teaching this church at Galatia is this: If you walk in the Spirit, your old desires will pass away. I’ve came across many people on the Internet who have accepted Jesus as their Savior, who have come from a bad background. I’m talking things like drugs, homosexuality and the like. For them, it is a daily battle to keep from returning to those old sins. Paul This is the key to says, here, walking in the Spirit! that if You can only begin to we walk walk in the Spirit in the Spirit, when you realize you that your old self, will not the sin nature, has fall been crucified with into those Christ. old sins any longer. For many of us, though, we still live like we did before Christ. We still live like we are in bondage to the old life. Paul writes in Romans 6:14, “For sin shall not have dominion over WALK IN THE SPIRIT continued on page 3
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