Spring 2010
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Spring 2010
The Quicks REMIX Quicks TheThe Word is OutREMIX What Are You Waiting For! Something Old Something New
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THE QUICKS · P.O. Box 581 · Smyrna, TN 37167 · 615.459.5119
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Spring 2010
departments 3: Up Front
Gerry Snyder, Jr. Preacher/Publisher/Writer gerry@scripturelinks.org
Tim McLaughlin
4: Events
Contributing Editor tim@scripturelinks.org
6/7: Jesus=The Way
Contributing Editor dave@scripturelinks.org
Dave Perisho
10: Last Word 10: Bible Reading Plan Let me be the first to welcome you to ScriptureLinks Journal. I hope and pray that God uses this magazine to draw you closer to Him. I hope and pray that you find something in this issue that you can use to help you build your faith in Him. In this issue, you’ll read two great articles. One is titled “Discover Jesus.” This article will challenge you to discover who Jesus is. You know, many of us don’t know Jesus like we should. I believe this is a result of not spending time with Him-daily. How often do you sit down and read the Word of God? Is it part of your daily life to study the Word and pray and seek the will of God for your life? If not, why not try it out. You will not be the same. Another article that you’ll read is titled “True Repentance.” Have you truly repented for the sins in your life? In Psalm 51, you’ll find some valuable principles to help you truly repent for your sins. You’ll also find a Bible reading plan in this issue. Join me as I strive to read through the Word of God this year. Each issue will feature the reading plan. Be sure to visit our website and sign up for our FREE weekly e-mail newsletter! -Gerry gerry@scripturelinks.org Front Cover Photo: Photo taken at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Taken by Gerry Snyder, Jr. This picture reminds me of our life. The stream represents our path in life. The rocks represent the trials or difficulties we face. The water may be rough-but it still goes through.
David Sturgeon Contributing Editor david@scripturelinks.org Contact Us: ScriptureLinks PO Box 511 Decatur, TN. 37322-0511 423-454-4311 www.scripturelinks.org magazine@scripturelinks.org Facebook.com/scripturelinks Twitter.com/scriptureteach Blogtalkradio.com/scripturelinks
ScriptureLinks Journal is published quarterly by Gerry Snyder, Jr. for ScriptureLinks. No part of this publication can be copied without the written permission of Gerry Snyder, Jr. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture is taken from The Holy Bible, Authorized King James Version. ScriptureLinks Internet Ministry is the teaching ministry of Gerry Snyder, Jr. ScriptureLinks Internet Ministry exists to show the love of God to people throughout the world, helping them to understand the Word of God, and learn to apply the Word of God to their lives. www.scripturelinks.org | 3
Spring 2010
March 2010 7. Concert: Rocky Flatts Pope Avenue Baptist Church 301 Pope Street, Athens, TN. 37303 Service: 10:45 AM. No Admission Charge. Be prepared to give generously to the Love Offering. Sundays: Sunday School @9:45am. Pope Avenue Baptist Church Wednesdays: Think About It in your e-mail inbox. Sign up! Thursdays: Talkin’ Scripture @6:30 pm. www.blogtalkradio.com/scripturelinks Watch for our new Videocast! www.youtube.com/scripturelinks
April 2010 25. Concert: Scenic City Quartet Pope Avenue Baptist Church 301 Pope Street, Athens, TN. 37303 Service: 10:45 AM. No Admission Charge. Be prepared to give generously to the Love Offering. Sundays: Sunday School @ 9:45am. Pope Avenue Baptist Church Wednesdays: Think About It in your e-mail. Thursdays: Talkin’ Scripture @ 6:30pm www.blogtalkradio.com/scripturelinks Watch for our new Videocast! www.youtube.com/scripturelinks
May 2010 30. Concert: Redeemed Ministry Pope Avenue Baptist Church 301 Pope Street, Athens, TN. 37303 Service: 10:45 AM. No Admission Charge. Be prepared to give generously to the Love Offering. Sundays: Sunday School @ 9:45am. Pope Avenue Baptist Church Wednesdays: Think About It in your e-mail. Thursdays: Talkin’ Scripture @ 6:30pm www.blogtalkradio.com/scripturelinks Watch for our new Videocast! www.youtube.com/scripturelinks 4 | scripturelinks journal
Spring 2010
We all
know how important witnessing is. Yet many of us, me included, don’t share our faith with others like we should. How many times have you felt prodded to talk to someone in line at the grocery story, but ignored the prodding and stared blankly ahead? Maybe the reason is because you are not confident enough in your knowledge of the Bible to share your faith. Maybe you don’t really have the faith you claim to have. Maybe you don’t really understand who Jesus is; therefore you can’t accurately explain Him to someone else. Whatever the reason, witnessing is essential to our walk. This article is not going to challenge you to share your faith. Rather, it is going to challenge you to discover who Jesus is, and why you should be sharing your faith in Him with those around you. Even those behind you in line at the grocery store. Look with me to the book of Colossians 1:15-19. We read, “Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature; for by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers; all things were created by him, and for him; And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. And he is the head of the body, the church; who is the beginning, the first born from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell.” Wow, there is a lot in that single verse of Scripture. Let me break it down into easier to digest nuggets of truth. You can begin to see the supremacy of Jesus right in verse 15. “Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature;” Paul is teaching the church at Colossae, and us as well, about Jesus. To fully understand what he is teaching, let us back up to verses 13-14. “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son; In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:” Paul is teaching us what we have in Jesus. For those who have given their lives to Christ, we have been delivered (or saved from) the power of darkness. In
other words, we have been set free from sin. Sin no longer has any power over us. We have been delivered from sin, and taken to the Kingdom of God. We left the kingdom of sin, that is what Jesus saved us from, and he delivers us to the Kingdom of God. You are saying “Wait a minute, I’m still working each day, and I am still struggling with old habits! Did I miss something?” No need to worry. You see, God could have taken us to his Kingdom at the very minute we gave our lives to Christ. But He didn’t. One day, and I believe very soon, we will be taken to Heaven to be with Jesus forever and ever. Look at verse 14, “In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:” Encarta World English Dictionary defines the word redemption as “improving of something: the act of saving something or somebody from a declined, dilapidated, or corrupted state and restoring it, him, or her to a better condition.” It also defines redemption as “redeemed state: the improved state of somebody or something saved from apparently irreversible decline.” Jesus saved us from our decline because of sin. He restores us to a right standing with God, because of His shed blood on the cross. That in itself is reason enough to worship Jesus and praise His name. In verse 15, Paul identifies who this redeemer is. “Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature.” Paul never identifies Jesus as the person, but it is implied as so. He identifies Jesus as “the image of the invisible God,” None of us, including this church to whom Paul was writing, has ever seen God. Yet, for those who followed Jesus during His earthly ministry, they had seen God. How? Because Jesus is the image of the invisible God that is what Paul is teaching. If you had seen Jesus, then you had seen God. That is the way it is. Jesus proves the existence of God. We, even today, can know and understand the existence of God because of the witnesses of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Paul goes on “the firstborn of every creature;” This is teaching us that Jesus was present during the creation. Genesis 1:26 says, “And God said, Let us (Continued on page 6)
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Spring 2010 (Continued from page 5)
make man in our image, after our likeness...” Notice, God did not say “I’ll make man in my image,” or “I’ll make man after my image.” No! Instead he said that He would make man after “our likeness…” This single verse proves the existence of Jesus and the Holy Spirit during creation. I really don’t think God was talking to Himself when he said those words. Anyway, Jesus is the image of the invisible God, and the creator of all creatures. I’ll say this again, that is reason enough to worship Jesus and to praise His name. But, Paul gives us more. Verse 16 says, “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers, all things were created by him, and for him;” Since we determined that Jesus was present during Creation, we can understand that all things were created by him and for him. Everything you see outside your window was created by Jesus. In my adult Sunday school class, we had determined that “all things” mean just that-all things! While Jesus may not have personally created the computer that I am typing this article on, He did give someone the ability to invent the computer. He gave someone else the ability to design it. He gave someone the ability to build it. To another he gave the ability to write the software for it. Everything around us was created by Jesus. And they were created for Him. You can use your computer to look up pornography and view pornographic films and pictures. You can also use that computer to look up Bible verses and meanings to better understand the Word of God. You can use that computer to stay in touch with missionaries around the world. All things were created by Jesus, and they were created for Jesus. It’s when man comes along that the intent of God for things gets messed up. Let me rephrase what I’m saying. It is when evil desires creep into man that things gets messed up. Notice, in verse 16, that Paul even reveals some of the things that Jesus created, and that were created for Him. Note that this is not an exhaustive list, but a list that the readers of this letter would likely understand. “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers; all things were created by him and for him;” Look at this list. All things that are in heaven, in earth were created by Jesus. This includes the trees, oceans, mountains, and everything on earth. All things visible and invisible were created by Jesus. This includes the clouds, the sun, and the stars which are visible. But also things like the air we breathe, the dew that waters the ground. All things were created by Jesus, and they were all created for Him. Verse 17 says, “And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.” We already determined that Jesus was present in the creation, but it is important to note the end of that verse. “and by him all things consist.” I looked up a definition for the word consist in Encarta World English Dictionary. It defines consist as “be based on something: to be based on or defined by something.” So it would be correct to say that Jesus is our base, all things are based on Jesus, or all things are defined by Jesus. Do you live your life in such a way as to base your decisions on Jesus? I remember years ago the big thing was “WWJD.” What Would Jesus Do was the question that we all asked ourselves before making a decision. All our decisions should be based upon Jesus. Sadly, though, it seems that we take time to think about what Jesus would do, and then we do the exact opposite. (Continued on page 7)
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heard a statistic on the radio the other day that said 47% of the people sitting in church believe there are multiple paths to Heaven. I was stunned. How could people who are hearing about Jesus in church so misled. Then it hit me. In an attempt to make the church relevant to our society, the church has watered down the Gospel of Jesus. In many churches across our land, Jesus is nothing more than a prophet, not the one and only Son of God. How could we be so misled? We read in John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.’” These very words prove that Jesus is the one and only way to get to the Father. Look at what He said. Jesus is: The Way The Truth The Life This is it. There is no other way to the Father (who is in
Spring 2010 (Continued from page 6)
Heaven) than through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Look, again, at this verse. This principle that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life is so important, that He felt the need to say it again. Look at the second half of this verse. “no man cometh to the Father, but by me.” The only way to the Father runs through Jesus. My friends, there is not multiple ways or multiple paths to Heaven. All religions do not go to Heaven. In fact, what I’m writing about is not even a religion. It is a relationship that you can have with God through the sacrifice of His one and only Son, Jesus. That is what it is. Jesus is the way to Heaven. Jesus is the truth-His words are the truth. Jesus is the life-you can’t have eternal life in Heaven without Jesus. No one comes to the Father any other way than by Jesus. The church doesn’t need to become more relevant to our worldour world needs to come back to the church. The only way that will happen is if we, the children of God, start living like Jesus is theway, the truth and the life. It begins with you. Are you ready? -Gerry Snyder, Jr. gerry@scripturelinks.org
Verse 18 says, “And he is the head of the body, the church; who is the beginning, the first born from the dead; That in all things he might have the preeminence.” Christ is the head of the body. What is the body? The body is the church-and he means the worldwide church. Paul is not referring to a local congregation or a denomination. My friends, as a Baptist, my enemies are not the Methodists, or the Pentecostal church. In many churches today, that is what happens. Instead, churches need to work together because Jesus is the head; He is the source of our church, but also the authority of the church. He is the source of our church, without Him would we even have a church? Without Jesus, there be a church? Jesus is the authority of our church. He founded the church with his death and resurrection, and the church was created by Him for Him. Look further into that verse and see that Jesus “is the beginning, the first born from the dead.” No one else has risen from the dead before Jesus. He conquered death when He rose from the grave. He did that to have supremacy over all things. Finally, verse 19 reads, “For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell.” It pleased God the Father that all fullness should be from Jesus. All things were created by Jesus. All things were created for Jesus. All fullness comes from Jesus. And it pleased God the Father. Amen! I hope that, through this article, you’ll understand better who Jesus is, and why He deserves our worship and praise. I also hope that you gained new confidence on who Jesus is, so that you can share the faith you have in Jesus with all those around you.
Think About It is our FREE weekly e-mail newsletter. In each issue, you’ll read an inspiring and faith challenging article that will help you build up your faith in God. You’ll also be among the first to find out the topic on Talkin’ Scripture. Plus, you’ll be updated on all ScriptureLinks events, and more. Wow! That’s a lot of stuff for FREE. Stay up to date with Think About It. Subscriptions are free! To subscribe: Visit our website: www.scripturelinks.org Be sure to respond to the confirmation e-mail. www.scripturelinks.org | 7
Spring 2010
Jesus to pay for that sin, and that by believing in Him we can have eternal life in Heaven. This proves the love that God has for us.
We read in verses 1-2, “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.” David is crying out to God for mercy. He wants God to wash away, and cleanse him from all his sin. Have you ever reached a point in your life that you, like David, cry out for forgiveness? Sometimes we go on through life doing the same thing day in and day out, not giving a second though to anything. Then one day it hits you that you are living in sin. Or maybe you fall into temptation, and you feel like you have sunk so far that there is no escape. So you cry out to God for help. That is the point that David is in here. He is crying out, asking God for mercy. We see a picture, here, of true repentance. This prayer of David is more than just saying “God I’m sorry.” As we study the rest of this chapter, we will see that David had a true change of heart.
In verses 3-9 David is repenting for his sins. Verse 3 says, “For I know my transgressions and my sin is always before me.” David struggled with his sin, and it consumed his thoughts. Think about how you felt when you realized you were lost-the thought of your sins consumed your thoughts as well. Verse 9 says, “Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity.” David appeals for mercy from God, then asks God to turn His face from the sins of his life.
hen I first read this Psalm during my nightly devotions, I was humbled and shocked all at the same time. In this Psalm, David provides for us step by step instructions on how a sinner who comes back to God. David had sinned with Bathsheba, was confronted about it, and now is coming back to God. Some Bible scholars teach that this Psalm gives the steps for a sinning saint to come back to full communion and service to God. Either way you look at it, this Psalm gives to us the steps toward true repentance. Let’s dig in.
David is asking God for mercy, according to two characteristics of God. One is his unfailing love. God loves you unconditionally. John 3:16 says that “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This verse proves the unfailing love of God. This verse doesn’t say that God loves the sinless. It says that He loves the World-and that includes you and me. It is the sin that is present in our lives is what God hates, and what separates you and me form a Holy God. That is why God gave his one and only Son, 8 | scripturelinks journal
The second characteristic that David reveals is the great compassion of God. Compassion means “sympathy for the suffering of others, often including a desire to help.*” That is what God has for each person lost in sin, sympathy for their suffering, and a desire to help them. Since sin is evil, and it separates us from God, God wants to help us overcome sin. Unfortunately, it is us that doesn’t want the help. God loves you, and desires to help you in your suffering. Will you let him. David has appealed to the mercy of God because of the unfailing love of God and His great compassion.
In verse 10 is where we see true repentance come into play. “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” David appealed for forgiveness of his sins, then he wants to make sure he doesn’t fall into sins again. Look at what he asks of God. “Create in me a pure heart.” David wants a clean heart, a pure heart, that is cleaned from the darkness of sin. Jesus said in Matthew 5:8, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” A heart that is wicked, and dark from sin will not see God, only those who have a pure heart. A pure heart comes from accepting the gift of God– the one and only Son of God. David asks God to create a pure heart-one that will not fall into sin. He goes on to ask God (Continued on page 9)
Spring 2010 (Continued from page 8)
to “renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Steadfast means “firm and unwavering in purpose, loyalty, or resolve.*” David wanted a spirit in him that was firm and unwavering in the life that God wanted. He wanted a pure heart, and that enables you to stand firm in your faith. Do you desire these things in your life?
give you a spirit that follows Him. God loves you and is waiting to hear from you. Will you truly repent today? Article by: Gerry Snyder, Jr. gerry@scripturelinks.org
*definitions from www.bing.com, Encarta World English DicVerse 12 says, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation tionary and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.” Did you ever notice that when there is sin present in your life that your joy is gone? That is a truth that David discovered. David asks God to create a pure heart in him, to renew a steadfast spirit, and now to restore his joy. He wants the joy of uninterrupted fellowship with his Creator. That only comes from a pure heart that is not tainted by sin. Finally, he asks for “a willing spirit to sustain me.” A willing spirit is Sunday January 31 one that willingly fol10:45am: Sunday March 7 lows what God wants LakeSide 10:45am: done. He wants a spirit From Madisonville, TN. Rocky Flatts that will follow God and His desires. My friends, these are the steps to true repentance in life. David knew he sinned, and he knew where to find forgiveness. He found it through the grace and mercies of God. Do you desire the truly repent of the sins of your life? Have you come to a point where you realize that you have sinned and you are separated from God? If so, then seek the face of God and ask for His forgiveness. Ask God to create a pure heart in you. Ask God to refresh your steadfast spirit. Ask God to restore your joy, and
Sunday April 25 10:45am: Scenic City Quartet From Chattanooga, TN.
Sunday June 27 6:00 pm: Testimony From Chattanooga, TN.
Sunday October 31 10:45am 2X2 Quartet From Cleveland, TN.
Sunday May 30 10:45am: Redeemed Ministry From Ooltewah, TN. Sunday August 29 10:45am: The Servants From Ardmore, TN.
Sunday January 31, 2011 10:45am: Mercy Road Quartet From Nashville, TN.
All concerts are held at Pope Avenue Baptist Church in Athens, TN. Pope Avenue Baptist Church, 301 Pope Street, Athens, TN. 37303. No admission charge for any concert-a love offering will be received. Please plan to give generously to the love offering. Concert lineup and dates are subject to change without notice. ScriptureLinks accepts no responsibility for typographical errors, changes to the date, times or artists. Always confirm dates prior to traveling long distances. http://www.scripturelinks.org/concerts or call 423-507-4995 www.scripturelinks.org | 9
Spring 2010
Thank you fans and friends for voting Redeemed, New Artist of the year 2008! If you would like to have our latest project, “Remember When” (A collection of the olds songs we use to sing.) please go to our web site and click on the links tab; you will find an order form for both our current projects. Our distribution center ships within 48 business hours. You may use your credit card or pay pal. Redeemed has signed a national contract and our dates are becoming much farther away. We already have several dates scheduled in the mid-west. We desire your prayers for God’s protection as well as for the concerts, we want to reach people and see God change lives in every service. We hope to see you soon at our next concert. Also, we NEED a part-time bus driver to help us on long trips, must have current CDL and be a non-smoker. Contact Redeemed for more information. www.redeemedministry.com, or call Lonnie Walker @423-645-5592. Thank you. 10 | scripturelinks journal
Spring 2010
In this issue of ScriptureLinks Journal, you read several articles about Jesus. Do you truly know Jesus? Sadly, many times we really only know a little bit about Him. Yet, if asked about your favorite celebrity or sports athlete, you could speak volumes about them. Why? Because we spend more time reading about celebs or athletes than we do about Jesus. That is why I urge you to take time each day and open the Word of God. If you don’t know what to read-use the plan that will occupy this space each issue. Get into the Word-learn about Jesus and allow Him to change you from the inside out. Will you make some time in your schedule and study the Word? God will reward you for the time you spend reading His Word. I remember when I graduated High School, my parents ran an ad in the newspaper. In the ad they quoted a saying “Spend Time On Your Knees, And You Will Walk Straighter.” I’ve never forgotten those words, and I spend time each day in prayer and study of the Word of God. Will you join me in this?
Have you made that commitment to accept Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and Savior? If not, then what are you waiting for? Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." That single verse tell of your need of a Savior. Everyone of us has sinned, and that sin is what separates you and God, and that sin is why Jesus came. Will you accept Him today? Just pray a prayer like this, and mean it from your heart. "Father, thank you for sending Jesus to die for me. I know I'm a sinner, Lord, please forgive me for my sins. Thank you for raising Jesus. If give my life to you. AMEN." By praying that prayer, I firmly believe that you are a saved Christian. Will you let me know? Send an e-mail or write to us.
Join us as we read through the Bible cover to cover. 52 Week Bible Reading Plan Epistles The Law History Psalms Poetry Prophecy Gospels Week (Sunday) (Monday) (Tuesday) (Wednesday) (Thursday) (Friday) (Saturday)
1 Rom 1-2 Gen 1-3 Josh 1-5 Ps 1-2 Job 1-2 Isa 1-6 Matt 1-2 2 Rom 3-4 Gen 4-7 Josh 6-10 Ps 3-5 Job 3-4 Isa 7-11 Matt 3-4 3 Rom 5-6 Gen 8-11 Josh 11-15 Ps 6-8 Job 5-6 Isa 12-17 Matt 5-7 4 Rom 7-8 Gen 12-15 Josh 16-20 Ps 9-11 Job 7-8 Isa 18-22 Matt 8-10 5 Rom 9-10 Gen 16-19 Josh 21-24 Ps 12-14 Job 9-10 Isa 23-28 Matt 11-13 6 Rom 11-12 Gen 20-23 Judg 1-6 Ps 15-17 Job 11-12 Isa 29-33 Matt 14-16 7 Rom 13-14 Gen 24-27 Judg 7-11 Ps 18-20 Job 13-14 Isa 34-39 Matt 17-19 8 Rom 15-16 Gen 28-31 Judg 12-16 Ps 21-23 Job 15-16 Isa 40-44 Matt 20-22 9 1Cor 1-2 Gen 32-35 Judg 17-21 Ps 24-26 Job 17-18 Isa 45-50 Matt 23-25 10 1Cor 3-4 Gen 36-39 Ruth Ps 27-29 Job 19-20 Isa 51-55 Matt 26-28 11 1Cor 5-6 Gen 40-43 1Sam 1-5 Ps 30-32 Job 21-22 Isa 56-61 Mark 1-2 12 1Cor 7-8 Gen 44-47 1Sam 6-10 Ps 33-35 Job 23-24 Isa 62-66 Mark 3-4 ©Copyright 1995-2009 Michael Coley Used With Permission http://www.Bible-Reading.com www.scripturelinks.org | 11
Spring 2010
Talkin’ Scripture is your Thursday Night Bible Study! Join with others from across the country as we open the Word of God. Each episode features special praise music by some of the best songwriters in the world, a Bible study on topics relevant to your life, plus something to laugh at, and something to think about with sound bites from the best ministers around the country. Join us , or download each episode for listening later.
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