Connecting You Autumn 2021

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Autumn 2021


We bid farewell to long-serving staff member, Steve Hutchinson

Faith Guides: Helping young people learn to fly Investing in the next generation of leaders

Contents 4

‘I’m handing on the baton – but not hanging up my hat!’

In December, Steve Hutchinson leaves our staff team after 40 years. We asked him to share memories, and tell us about what the future holds for him and the team he leaves behind.


Faith Guides: Helping young people learn to fly

Nadine Misakabo is a Faith Guide, based in Middlesex. Read about her own faith journey and why she’s passionate about her role as a Faith Guide.


In training: The next generation of youth mission workers

Your faithful support enables us to invest in children’s and youth workers of the future, like Josh, Matt and Ydson who are on sports ministry placements with SU. We caught up with them to find out what they’ve been up to in this somewhat unusual year!


A gift to bless future generations

We’re extremely grateful to David Shillitoe for pledging a gift to Scripture Union in his will. He shares what part SU played in his own journey of faith, and how he wants to enable future generations to have the opportunity to hear about Jesus.

story for Connecting You, or a suggestion on how we could improve our service to you, please contact the editor:


Connecting You is Scripture Union’s supporter and prayer magazine, keeping you up to date with what God is doing through the work you support.

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Published by Scripture Union, Trinity House, Opal Court, Opal Drive, Fox Milne, Milton Keynes, MK15 ODF © Scripture Union 2021 Registered Charity 213422 Limited Company 00039828 Registered in England and Wales

Old friends and new “ Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us … run with perseverance the race marked out for us” Hebrews 12:1 Once again it is a joy to share with you the latest edition of Connecting You, full of stories about how God has been using Scripture Union. It is such a privilege to be part of a movement that has been revealing Jesus to children and young people for 154 years! And while none of us have been around quite that long, there are many who have dedicated large parts of their lives to SU, and I am so thankful for the longstanding selfless service of these volunteers and staff. I’m sure you’ll join me in giving thanks for the many young lives that have been changed through the dedication of these wonderful, servanthearted individuals. At the same time, there are many new faces joining us in mission all the time, including trainees (see page 16)

and Faith Guides and the churches they are part of (page 12). As they set out on this new adventure to share God’s good news with the 95 in this season, I’m praying that this will be the start of a lifetime of fruitful service that will impact the younger generations in their communities. And of course, there’s you! Whether you’ve been praying with us for a day or for decades, thank you! I am so grateful for your support in this way – as a great cloud of witnesses who hold us and the mission of Scripture Union in prayer as we persevere towards the goal. I look forward to continuing to pray with you for years to come.

Myles MacBean, National Director

Don’t miss our latest Mission Report Turn to the centre pages to find our latest Mission Report. Last year was a year like no other, with much having to be cancelled or postponed, but God truly blessed the work of Scripture Union in new and different ways we couldn’t have foreseen. Thank you for all your ongoing support – from your prayers, to your gifts and time – it truly does make such a huge difference to this mission we’re on together to reach the 95. Thank you!

Mission Report Year ended 31 march 2021

“Though the mountai ns be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed” Isaiah 54:10 (NIV)


‘I’m handing on the baton – but not hanging up my hat!’ December marks the end of an era as Mission Enabler Steve Hutchinson leaves our staff team after 40 years. He shares some of his best memories – and introduces his colleague Hannah Legge who will be continuing to support Faith Guides and churches in Gloucestershire. 4

Steve’s mother worked for CSSM, forerunner to Scripture Union, so he spent many STEVE childhood summers HUTCHINSON at beach missions, eventually becoming a group leader at Bude. Then he felt God calling him to work with children and Scripture Union. After completing Bible college, he joined the SU movement in 1981 as an evangelist.

could run clubs themselves. Soon after, SU’s publishing department started producing holiday club resources regularly. ‘Later we started a Great Wood camp for children who wanted to know more about Jesus. Four years on we needed more space so we prayed for a field – God provided one and we started the Lagger camps which are still going strong.’

So, what next?

Fellow Mission Enabler Hannah Legge is Steve recalls, ‘Apart from a Bible, all set to broaden my tools of the trade were a her reach and cassette recorder, a projector and pick up Steve’s a screen. Back then, churches contacts when he rarely did outreach themselves; leaves, enabling we did it for them. I also led the good work to HANNAH LEGGE Criccieth mission which meant continue in the area. I only had enough time over to Hannah herself found faith run a couple of holiday clubs in the on a camp. ‘I went to church summer. So I put some material I’d as a child but it was only at 17 written into plastic bags – I called on a Christian camp that I truly it the DIY Holiday Club Kit – and encountered God’s phenomenal gave them to churches so they grace and love for myself.


‘I didn’t want other young people to miss out, as I so nearly did. So I committed myself to sharing the good news of Jesus with them, first as a youth worker then as a school chaplain before joining Scripture Union nine years ago. ‘These days, we help churches to do mission themselves because young people need to be rooted in a Christian community, even if they never go to a Sunday service. But many churches struggle to even connect with children and young people not in church. So a key part of my role is to mentor, train and equip

Taking the long view will help churches to build solid foundations for the future

church members to be Faith Guides, who will in turn connect and then journey with those young people, enabling them to explore faith, respond and grow. ‘I know that a long-term approach works. Two teenagers recently preached in my church, having been through a leadership academy which I help to run as a volunteer. And a lad from the youth group I led 14 years ago now leads a youth group himself. Taking the long view will help churches to build solid foundations for the future.’ Talking of the future, Steve may be retiring, but he’s not hanging up his hat just yet! We’re delighted that he plans to volunteer, continuing in his passion to share the message of Jesus with even more children and young people. Thank you, Steve, for all your wonderful service and for being an inspiration to so many.

Your support enables the work to continue Steve says, ‘I’m fortunate to have had the faithful financial support of many wonderful people down the years – thank you all. I know Hannah is going to do a fantastic job, so if you are able, please do invest in her and my other colleagues, as you have so generously invested in me.’ We have Mission Enablers like Steve and Hannah working right across England and Wales. You can support them and enable their vital work to continue, by giving a gift at localoutreach. Your partnership in reaching the 95 really does make a difference! Thank you.




Please pray for those who have given faithful service in sharing Jesus with children and young people.

Sunday 29

Give thanks to God for Steve Hutchinson – for his years of faithful service in leading children and young people on the path to faith. Ask God to bless him on the next stage of his journey.

Monday 30

Ask God to bless Hannah Legge as Steve retires and she takes on the support of those churches and projects which he has been involved with.

Tuesday 31

Ask God to bless all those volunteers who have given their time and energy to run missions and holidays – including Linda Patterson who has just stepped down as a leader of SU Harriers sailing holidays after an incredible 30 years!

Wednesday 1

We really appreciate all those who regularly pray for the work of Scripture

Union – pray with us as we give thanks to God for your commitment.

Thursday 2

Give thanks for all those who have faithfully supported SU and mission for many years through making financial gifts – including supporters like David (see page 24) who are leaving legacies to enable future generations to hear the good news of Jesus.

Friday 3

Praise God for his faithful provision enabling the mission work of the SU movement to share Jesus with many generations of children and young people.

Saturday 4

Please pray that God will continue to sustain all those involved in SU’s mission for time to come, so that many more children and young people can explore the difference Jesus can make to the challenges and adventures of life.


Prayers Sunday 5

This month Scripture Union Slovakia publishes a new resource consisting of 23 lessons for children from Mark’s Gospel with questions, activity sheets and craft ideas. Pray that there will be a good take up and that children will grow in their love for the Bible.

Monday 6

Local Mission Partner Actios in St Neots give thanks for the faithful prayers and generous giving of their supporters during the pandemic and for their two part-time schools workers who have moved on to new ministry. Pray for them as they seek to appoint a new worker.

Tuesday 7

Please pray for Eddie Nock, SU’s Communications and Marketing Manager, and the rest of his team. Ask God to help them develop clear and inspiring communications that effectively share SU’s vision and help widen and deepen connections with the movement.

Wednesday 8

Pray for all those who have been involved in our holidays and missions this summer, that as they go back to school they will hold onto the truths they have learned and continue to 8

explore and grow in their faith. Pray for activity leaders and team members as they prepare against this background.


Thursday 9

Maggie Barfield (Ancora Mission Leader) is working with many Scripture Union movements around the world who are using Guardians of Ancora and associated resources in their own countries. Pray for the mission impact of these materials and for effective communications between all those involved.

Friday 10

Please pray for Local Mission Partner Future Vision in Sudbury, Suffolk, as the team return to work in the schools. Pray for the Open the Book teams who need new volunteers and for Ian and Liz as they begin new initiatives in the high school.

Saturday 11

Pray for the finance team as they resume work after time off during the summer, especially as they process expense claims at the end of summer events, and interact with suppliers and other international movements, and process donations received in support of SU’s work.



Sunday 12

Last September, very few SU groups in Scottish schools were able to recommence. Pray that volunteers will be willing to return to leading groups and that senior pupils who have been trained as leaders will be bold enough to take up the challenge to start an SU group where none currently exists.

Monday 13

Pray for fresh ideas and opportunities for outreach as Local Mission Partner Ministry of Sport based in Nottingham prepares for their delayed launch next year. Pray for fresh connections with churches and renewed enthusiasm for events and initiatives that gather people to hear the gospel through the medium of sport.

Tuesday 14

Faith Guides in local churches are an integral part of the Revealing Jesus framework. Ask God to call and envision more people to sign up as Faith Guides, so they can accompany children and young people in their community on their faith journey.

Wednesday 15

Pray that Mission Enabler Sarah Davison will have continued opportunities to share the Revealing

Jesus framework with those who have a heart for young people in the North. Pray for wisdom and creativity as she supports Faith Guides and that they will see the lives of children and young people being changed by Jesus.

Thursday 16

Thank God for our faithful supporters, and pray that he will bless and encourage them, and provide for all their needs.

Friday 17

National Mission Partner Festive asks us to pray for sixth formers starting a new year, that they would look for opportunities to share Jesus with friends. Pray also for their monthly ‘Scattered’ online events which equip and encourage sixth formers in evangelism.

Saturday 18

Mark Oliver (Sports Ministry Consultant in the North), requests prayer for the churches and Local Mission Partners in disadvantaged communities who have run ‘holiday hunger’ programmes this summer, that the connections they have made with the 95 will lead to further opportunities for young people to meet Jesus.


Prayers Sunday 19

Scripture Union South Africa are grateful to the Lord for his faithfulness, enabling them to continue to function. Pray for continued financial stability and provision as they implement a new budgeting system for 2022.

Monday 20

We are seeing the number of Faith Guides in the North of England grow and our staff team love working with them to implement the Revealing Jesus framework. Pray for the team including Lucy Pearson as she returns from maternity leave, and for the many children and young people who are encountering Jesus in the region.

Tuesday 21

Local Mission Partner CLiKS engages with 17 Primary Schools in Keighley, West Yorkshire. In 2019 over 1,500 children visited a church for an SU programme. Pray that with a new worker hopefully in place soon they will be able to restore relationships after school closures.


Wednesday 22


The new supporter relations system will be going live very soon. Many people have been involved; pray especially for the core staff team of Mark Green, Ian Gooding, Gill Russell, Meri Suokas and Stephen Vis, asking that things will go smoothly and that there will be no adverse impact on our supporters.

Thursday 23

Pray for Tanya Pencheva in her work as a Development Hub assistant, managing deadlines and giving support to her colleagues as they focus on creating new resources to help churches reach the 95.

Friday 24

Please pray for the finance and gifts team (Tracey Bell, Alicia Wallace, Maureen Okwara and Susannah Quinn) as they work on the new gifts processing system, asking that they may use the new system to its full potential.

Saturday 25

Please pray for workers Linda Gardner and Dan Budhi of Local Mission Partner Doncaster Schools Worker Trust and their volunteer helpers. Ask God for clear vision, continuing easy access into schools and freedom to teach about Jesus, and for more volunteers for Open the Book teams and filming work.

Prayers Sunday 26

Scripture Union Italy asks us to pray for the Italian Bible notes Per l’Ora che Passa, that they would be more widely distributed among the churches.

Monday 27

Local Mission Partner Missional Generation works along the M62 corridor from Liverpool to Hull. Pray that a new project launched this month encouraging young people to respond to climate change will connect young people with the community giving them an opportunity to share their love of Jesus.

Tuesday 28

Pray for Content Assistant, Annabel Moule, who has been working on a seasonal booklet Jesus is the Light to communicate the love and light of Jesus around Halloween. Pray that the booklet will be widely used and will bring hope to many.

Wednesday 29

Please pray for Ben Poch as he takes on the role of Head of Regional Mission. Pray that he will settle into his new role quickly, leading our regional teams as they seek to equip more Faith Guides.

Thursday 30


Pray that as Grow Communities regroup after the summer break and reflect on how they will grow together in their Christian faith this term, they may understand how to build lasting and meaningful relationships within the community.

Friday 1

This weekend sees the residential for Amplify, when young people who are on the year-long programme for young evangelists come together to be equipped to share Jesus with their friends and others. Pray that they will be inspired and encouraged as they spend time learning together.

Saturday 2

It is almost a year since the launch of the Revealing Jesus mission framework. Pray for God’s ongoing guidance as we continue to learn from the real-life experience and feedback, seeking to refine our strategy and methods to better serve the church and young people of England and Wales in their ever-changing context.



Helping young people learn to fly Last autumn when we launched the Revealing Jesus mission framework, and since then, we have had many people partner with us as Faith Guides. Mission Enabler Isaac Rocke from SU’s South East Team is currently working with 13 Faith Guides, including Nadine Misakabo in Kenton, Middlesex. She shares her own faith journey, and why she’s passionate about her role as a Faith Guide. 12

‘I went to church as a child,’ Nadine says, ‘but when I had a frightening and upsetting experience as NADINE a teenager, sadly my church was very unsupportive. So I walked away. ‘But I never lost my faith. After my son was born, I struggled with depression – I felt very isolated and so I reluctantly decided to try church again. I wasn’t sure where else to go. ‘There was a church right opposite my house which ran a nursery. I started taking my little boy every day and on Wednesdays; while he was there, I would go to the church’s community kitchen downstairs. But I had little confidence and kept myself to myself.

‘When lockdown came and church closed, the pastor broadcast services on YouTube. So I said, “If they’re going on YouTube, we’re going to do Sunday Club online too.” I knew children needed something more interactive, so we used Zoom and worked it out as we went along. ‘Our children’s worker had suggested before that I take over from her but I wasn’t ready. However, I was now. She connected me with Scripture Union and I went to the Revealing Jesus launch online. It was about taking a relational, longterm approach to mission – really caring about young people and understanding their needs first, or why should they listen to you about faith? And then the opportunity to share Jesus would arise in due time. It really felt freeing, and it was like my own experience as an adult.

It was about taking a relational, long-term approach to mission ‘Then I began going to church on Sundays. I sat right at the back; I almost didn’t want to be seen. It was a small church, not many people, and although they were friendly and welcoming I wasn’t ready for that, so I ran off at the end of the service. But they showed me such love and acceptance that I kept going back – they never put pressure on me. Soon I was sitting at the front of the church, they got me singing in the choir, and my real inner healing started.


First steps

‘I’m still at the beginning really, because of lockdown and the restrictions. But I’ve done art and craft activities for young people from outside the church and organised a “blended” Christingle service that was online and in church at the same time. Now I’m working closely with Isaac at SU to plan a concert and a spoken word event.

It’s not about retaining them; it’s about helping them learn to fly. When I first came to the church I was concerned with my own needs. The church listened and supported me. And in time I was ready to become part of the church community.

‘I want to be a Faith Guide because when I was young, I didn’t get support from my church when I needed it most. I don’t wish other young people to have that same experience. I want to create a safe space for them, where we help them stand on their own two feet, but also where they can come if they fall down. It’s not about retaining them; it’s about helping them learn to fly. And to discover along the way that God wants to help them to fly too.’

Could you also become a Faith Guide? If you’re passionate about seeing the 95 come to know and follow Jesus and are willing to be there for the long term, you too could be a Faith Guide. You don’t need any experience or qualifications, just the commitment to walk alongside these young lives as they find and grow in faith. Find out more at


Mission Report Year ended 31 march 2021

“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed” Isaiah 54:10 (NIV)

Over the next few pages, you’ll find just some of the highlights of God at work over the past year, made possible thanks to your support Last year was a challenge, to say the least. But as we reflect, the words of Isaiah 54:10 seem appropriate: ‘Though the mountains may be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken’! Our Revealing Jesus mission framework launched in October, offering churches a way to engage with the 95% of children and young people who aren’t in church. Over 1,000 of you joined us for the online launch (and over 4,000 more have caught up since!), and we’ve been so encouraged as the first Faith Guides have registered, completed their training and got to work. While lockdown meant we had to cancel our holiday programme for the first time in 100 years, it also created opportunities for creativity, in a whole host of ways. It might have stopped us going out, but it didn’t stop us from sharing God’s love with children and young people in brand new ways – through video resources, activities to try at home, online holidays and missions, and much more that you’ll read about over the next few pages. Thank you for your part in that. I am forever grateful for your partnership in prayer, giving and volunteering.

Myles MacBean, National Director

In October, we launched the Revealing Jesus mission framework, inspiring and equipping Faith Guides to walk alongside the 95 as they journey into Faith. We’re committed to providing Faith Guides with 1-2-1 coaching and exclusive resources – helping them to make initial connections with the 95 and foster long-term relationships that will see them find and grow in faith. By the end of the financial year, 109 people had signed up as Faith Guides from 73 churches. Through your support and with God’s blessing, we’re looking to see those numbers multiply throughout this year and beyond, providing many more of the 95 with the opportunity to explore the Bible, respond to Jesus and grow in Faith.

Find out more at

Working together The 95 Campaign We’ve been so encouraged to see so many people join the 95 Campaign this year, adding to a thriving community of thousands passionate about introducing Jesus to the youngest generation. During the year, 2,404 people joined the community, bringing the total of members to 12,828 .


Mission partners Working alongside our Local Mission Partners really helps to multiply mission opportunities! We have 67 Local Mission Partners, with 1 new trust coming on board this year. Between them they employ 120 workers.

Volunteering Even with lockdown making all of our in-person holidays and missions impossible, there were still 753 known opportunities for volunteer involvement across the movement – the equivalent of 661 working weeks, or 14 full-time staff. An amazing 559 volunteers stepped in to make our online holidays and missions possible. All of them #SUperheros!

Mission in lockdown When lockdown first struck, we didn’t let that get in the way of mission - we just had to do things differently! From online events to daily video content, your support made it possible for us to develop and roll out new ways to help churches reach out when they couldn’t go out!

Innovative video series Our staff team quickly set about transferring their mission skills to video. Within a matter of weeks, 3 new video series were born, featuring regular engaging Biblefocused content on social media for children and families during this difficult time:

Make & pray


Supporting you

This series of Bible-themed make-at-home craft activity videos had over 30,000 views, amounting to nearly 830 hours of watch time!

This video series to help teenagers explore what faith in Jesus really means today, had over 33,000 views and a total watch time of 942 hours.

These videos to support adults during lockdown had 837 views – a total watch time of just over 22 hours.

Summer online Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic meant that none of our holidays or other in-person events could run this year. But thanks to your support and amazing, passionate volunteers, we were able to adapt quickly and take many of our events online! We ran 35 online events in total – 10 missions, 2 reunion events, and 23 holidays. 1,398 children registered in total!

My daughter felt immediately ‘at home’ with the team and other young people, and was able to chat about and explore her faith further.

Free online training Another great new initiative born out of lockdown was a programme of online training sessions, providing expert mission advice via Zoom to help churches connect with the 95 during lockdown and beyond. We ran 13 free sessions, with over

4,000 people attending.

Shine online Shine in Schools is about equipping Christian young people to live for God at school. Even though schools were shut for a large part of the year, we were still able to provide tips, ideas and encouragement for Christian young people through Shine Online. Around 120 young people and 50 team from right across the UK and Ireland were part of Shine Online. YouTube videos with the theme of Fearless were also added to YouTube as Lockdown began, and the two aimed at mainly non-Christian young people have been viewed about 150 times.

Race, ethnicity and millennials During the year, we turned even more of our attention to matters of race and ethnicity, and the wants and needs of millennials, in a concerted effort to ensure all our activities continue to be as inclusive as possible. We’ve begun working through how we can become a more trusting community, how individuals’ stories can best be told and their voices heard more often and more clearly, how they might bring into their SU work more of the experiences and gifts God has given them, and how we can strengthen even further our culture of encouragement and upbuilding. All to enhance our mission reach and impact.

Leaving Lockdown Our Leaving Lockdown resources were designed to help churches take their first steps into socially distanced Mission. The series saw the creation of a new range of QR code-scanning treasure-trail resources, that have helped churches connect with families in COVID-compliant ways.

1,849 people downloaded one of the resource packs, which resulted in over 15,000 QR code scans. I am using In Search of Hope to create a trail around our village recreation ground, and it’s attracted an encouraging number of non-church families already!

Find out more about the In Search of… series at Read about how one church added a twist to their Christmas trail at

Resources for Mission It’s your move Even with school closures, It’s Your Move helped many year six pupils make the move to secondary school this year, and a brand new workshop video enabled teachers or volunteers to run a virtual It’s Your Move workshop.

122,937 copies of the book were sold, and the new workshop video was downloaded 640 times. The Teacher’s guide was downloaded 393 times, alongside 404 lesson plan downloads. Wonder Zone & Book of Wonders Restrictions meant that most churches were unable to run a holiday club this year, so we produced a series of videos to enable churches to run a virtual Wonder Zone holiday club (with a science and faith theme) instead. 426 people downloaded the videos. The Book of Wonders also landed this year, helping children to explore the wonderful world God created. 3,222 copies were sold.

Jesus died for me? 29,390 copies of our new beautifully illustrated rhyming

Easter storybook, Jesus died for me? were sold, helping churches to share the good news of the Easter story with the 95. An animated video was also produced to further bring the Easter story to life!

Guardians of Ancora Our Bible game app celebrated its fifth birthday during the year! Since its launch in 2015, the app has continued to grow in both popularity and reach, with 29,156 downloads this year, and an estimated total player count (since launch) of 1,648,431. The app is now available in 5 different languages (English, Welsh, Albanian, Serbian and Portuguese) with Spanish and isiZulu versions in development. There are 27 partnerships with English-speaking SU movements, 5 with Spanish-speaking movements and 2 Portuguese-speaking SU movements. A new Guardians of Ancora collection of resources was made available exclusively to Faith Guides in the Faith Guide Hub, helping them to use Guardians of Ancora in mission.

Mission through sport Although many of our activities and events had to take place online this year, mission through sport made it possible for us to share the good news of Jesus with over 1,500 children and young people face-to-face, working with over 40 churches.

2 significant sports partnerships and collaborations were established (with Gloucester Diocese and KICK). We began to establish cohorts of Faith Guides specifically interested in sport and physical activity. In North East England, we completed a successful Revealing Jesusfocused mission through sports trial, aimed particularly at reaching out and make connections in areas of significant poverty. This will now be rolled out in other areas of England and Wales.

Global connections There are over 130 Scripture Union movements active in 120 countries around the world, providing children all over the globe with the opportunity to discover the love of Jesus. More than 30 of the national movements partner with Scripture Union England and Wales to use Guardians of Ancora in their ministries.

Finances We are so thankful to you for your gifts, time and prayers that make a huge difference to the work of Scripture Union, providing many more children and young people with opportunities to explore the Bible, respond to Jesus and grow in faith. Thank you so much for your continued support.

Here’s an overview of the money we received during the 2020/21 financial year, and the ways in which it was spent.

Total income




Donations and legacies

Other, including investments



Publishing sales

Holidays and missions

Total Expenditure



Face-to-face mission (including holidays and missions)


Commercial publishing



Content creation


International activities

£236,000 Advocacy

Cost of raising funds

None of this success would have been possible without people generously giving what they could. If you supported us in that way, THANK YOU – this success is yours too. Could you give a gift and ensure even more is possible next year? This is a summary of Scripture Union’s financial activities for the year ended 31 March 2021, extracted from the full Trustee’s Report and Financial Statements which have been audited. A full statement of our financial activities can be found in our Trustees’ Annual Report and Financial Statements, a copy of which can be obtained by contacting us on 01908 856135.

To Donate online, visit

Thank you! Your ongoing prayers, financial support and volunteer hours are hugely appreciated and vital in making the mission of Scripture Union possible. Your support helps us take ideas and make them a reality. It helps us roll out those ideas to hundreds of churches and, ultimately, provides many more children and young people with the opportunity to explore the Bible, respond to Jesus and grow in faith. Thank you so much for all that you do to help make this possible.

With 95% of all under-18s not in church, the task of reaching them is huge. But so too is the opportunity!

Scripture Union is a registered charity (no. 213422) and a limited company (registered no. 00039828). Registered office: Trinity House Opal Court, Opal Drive, Fox Milne, Milton Keynes, MK15 0DF. Registered in England and Wales.



Sunday 3

Please pray for the visits to eight provincial schools being undertaken by Scripture Union Solomon Islands as part of their strategy to establish SU fellowships in schools and to appoint provincial SU coordinators who will look after the programmes in schools, churches and communities.

Monday 4

Give thanks to God for the ongoing partnership that Scripture Union has with South West Youth Ministries. Pray for a successful year for the trainees (See next page), as we work together to equip them to go out to reach the 95 in schools and the communities in which they are based.

that they will inspire children and young people to want to learn more about the Christian faith and experience it for themselves.

Thursday 7

The events team are already working on the summer holiday programme for 2022. Please pray for them as they book sites and put together budgets for the coming year. Pray for holiday leaders as they too start to pray and plan for the future.

Tuesday 5

Pray for Susannah Quinn as she juggles two roles; as finance and gifts administrator while continuing to help with processing volunteer applications for the mission events team. Ask for wisdom to serve both teams really well with attention to detail.

Wednesday 6

Please pray for Local Mission Partner Southport and Area Schools Work Trust as they work in schools, asking especially for new opportunities for Hettie and Tabz to teach lessons. Pray

Friday 8

Pray that Central Region Support Worker Karen Quinney would be able to adjust and adapt to the new supporter relations system and that she would be a support and encouragement to the regional team as they build up their face-to face work.

Saturday 9

The SU Council meets today. Pray for Penny Boshoff, President, as she leads the meeting and that the discussions will be fruitful and enhance SU’s ministry.




The next generation of youth mission workers Your faithful support enables us to look at mission in the long term and develop the youth and children’s workers of the future. Josh, Matt and Ydson are on sports ministry placements with SU in partnership with SWYM (South West Youth Ministries), as well as studying theology. We caught up with them to find out what they’ve been up to in this somewhat unusual year! 24 16

Two years ago, with the help of an SU Good News Fund grant, a Bristol church set up a basketball club to build connections with the 95. Matt and Ydson have been helping to run it. Matt says, ‘We coach young people in basketball skills and have team talks where we discuss health and wellbeing, Christian spirituality and what that looks like in the world today. In time, we’ll also invite them to Christian residentials where they can explore faith. Sport is a great way to connect with young people, especially those who don’t fit conventions, and to discover that God values and loves them.’ Because the Bristol churches weren’t ready to return to face-to-face youth work, Matt and Ydson were seconded to Glo Church in Torbay, which is where SU Mission Enabler Toby Chant and our third trainee, Josh, are based. Glo Church operates out of a retail unit in central JOSH Paignton. During

lockdowns, the team has been refurbishing it to create a centre with café, office, recording studio and hall.

Rekindling relationships

Toby says, ‘The lockdown interrupted the relationships Glo Church had been building with local youngsters. So when restrictions lifted, Matt, Ydson and Josh did a week of outdoor sports sessions with local teenagers, inviting them back to the church café for a meal afterwards. It really helped rekindle those relationships. Now many of those young people are dropping into our café on a Friday afternoon or

Sport is a great way to connect, especially with those who don’t fit conventions evening.’ Josh says, ‘We play sport with them, sometimes I do some DJ’ing, or we just hang out and chat.’

25 17

towards working with young people in your local area? Wow!” When you’re present, a bit courageous and creative, it’s amazing the opportunities that come.’

Josh has also been helping a church in a local village to build relationships with local children and young people ahead of them employing a youth worker. The three trainees have also helped launch an exciting beach project which Glo Church staff and volunteers will operate from April to October each year. It’s a selfsustaining social enterprise designed to make the church visible and reach non-church children and young people in their space. ‘We rent out paddle boards,’ says Ydson. ‘Just being here and mentioning that this is a church project tends to spike some interest – people are like “The church does this? And the funds go

The three trainees have discovered more about themselves too. Josh says, ‘I’ve learned how important it is to plan, and to ask for help. I’ve also learned to pray before making big decisions!’ Ydson says, ‘I’ve learned not to knock something till you’ve tried it. And to do the best that you can with what’s been given to you, like the parable of the talents.’ Matt says, ‘I’ve learned how great it is to be part of a team – SU’s Margaret Lilley has been brilliant at challenging me and helping me develop. And I’ve learned that my way isn’t necessarily God’s way. I was adamant I didn’t want to do youth work, but look at me now!’

When you’re courageous and creative, it’s amazing the opportunities that come

Investing in the future At SU, we believe it’s so important to invest in the leaders of the future, like Matt, Ydson and Josh. If you are able to give a gift and help us to commit to that investment, please visit donate or read on for some fuel for your prayers.




Please pray for the next generation of Christians sharing Jesus

Sunday 10

Praise God for Matt, Ydson and Josh, for all that they have learned during their time as trainees and for their willingness to give their time and talents to share the good news of Jesus with the next generation.

Monday 11

Ask God to bless and guide these three young men as they make prayerful choices about what to do to serve him in future.

Tuesday 12

Give thanks to God for Toby Chant, the SU South West team and the churches they work with as, together, they develop exciting new ways to build connections with the 95 and help them explore, respond and grow in faith.

Wednesday 13

Please pray that many more churches across the country will grasp the importance of sharing

Jesus with children and young people and commit to invest in this vital work.

Thursday 14

Give thanks too for all who have committed, with the blessing of their church, to become Faith Guides and journey with children and young people as they discover more about Jesus.

Friday 15

Ask God to bless and guide Faith Guides and their churches, to open doors of opportunity and enable them to derive great joy in this vital work.

Saturday 16

Pray too for all young Christians who are learning how to share their faith effectively through SU programmes such as Amplify and Shine. Ask God to raise up more young Christians with a passion for sharing their faith with future generations.

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Prayers Sunday 17

Continue to pray for SU movements that operate in restricted countries and face many challenges. Pray that God will bless them with courage, wisdom and protection.

Monday 18

Next year’s holiday club material will be based on the popular Diary of Disciple books. Pray for those finalising the work on this and that the material will enable children to learn about and relate to Jesus in fresh and creative ways.

Thursday 21


The events team and the Development Hub are working on resources that Faith Guides can use to run their own short residentials, to help their groups begin to experience the benefits of going away together. Please pray that as they are developed and trialled, they will provide opportunities for children to explore faith and respond to Jesus.

Friday 22

The relationship between Grow Communities and the church is really important. Join us in praying for them today, for good links, friendships and support between the two.

Tuesday 19

Please pray for the Communications and Marketing team as they seek to promote our new autumn resources, the Diary of a Disciple Holiday Club and Jesus is the Light. Pray that they will find creative ways to reach new people with these resources.

Wednesday 20

Please pray for Local Mission Partner Artless Theatre Company as they tour their new show If Prison Walls Could Speak in partnership with Release International, performing in over 100 churches in the coming year. This October they are touring Kent and East Anglia. 20

Saturday 23

Mission Enabler Isaac Rocke asks us to pray for the 13 Faith Guides he works with across London, that the Revealing Jesus framework and training will help them reach the 95 in their local churches and communities. Pray particularly for churches and Local Mission Partners who work with ‘hard to reach’ children and young people in inner city areas of London.

Prayers Sunday 24

SU Trinidad and Tobago thank God for ministry to two Senior Homes and one Children’s Home – care packages were given to these homes and were well received. Thank God for those who gave towards the care packages and pray that this will open doors for further ministry.

Monday 25

Pray for the team in the south east, as they inspire churches to take the gospel to the 95 through training and supporting Faith Guides. Pray that as they speak with church workers and volunteers across the region, churches will want to partner in this great mission.

Thursday 28


Pray that Database Manager Gill Russell and the rest of the data team will be able to give the support the organisation requires in the change to the new supporter relations system, helping them to gain a good understanding of how it can make our processes more efficient and serve our supporters more effectively.

Friday 29

Many of the holidays and missions run great programmes for Tuesday 26 developing young leaders. Please Local Mission Partner Graceworks pray for the group of staff and works in schools in the London Borough volunteers who of Havering through prayer spaces, are thinking assemblies and Christian Unions. through how Pray for Jay and Bradley as they visit we can support primary and secondary schools. them better and extend this work.

Wednesday 27

Children in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, Spain and many other countries are playing Guardianes de Ancora (Guardians of Ancora in Spanish). Thank God for Julio and Davi and others who made this possible; and pray for the impact of this global mission opportunity.

Saturday 30

Please pray that Local Mission Partner Christian Schools Workers Hastings will be able to reconnect with schools and that they will be able to build strong relationships with the young people they work with. Pray too that they will be able to build a strong and united team.


Prayers Sunday 31

During lockdown SU India missionary Aesa Rooban took the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus with the children with good results. Pray for the camps in India which enable children to grow in their faith.

Monday 1

Pray for Content Developer Esther Calvert-Jordan and Ancora Mission Leader Maggie Barfield as they work on brand new Faith Guide collections for ages 14–18. Pray too for Content Developer Leanne Sheppard who is creating a new Faith Guide collection for ages 5–8.

Tuesday 2

Please pray for John Settatree as he heads up the work in Wales and leads the team seeking to ensure that SU’s work is relevant to the context, needs and regulations of Wales.

Wednesday 3

Teachers and students in schools in and around Reading are supported by Local Mission Partner Reach. Pray for the team as they deliver lessons and assemblies, support those leading Christian Unions and provide pastoral care to individual students.

develop faith at their own pace and in their own way. Pray that the published resources and the groups will provide an environment in which faith can grow.

Friday 5

On this day characterised by bonfires and fireworks, pray that God puts a fire in the hearts of central region’s team of staff, volunteers, Faith Guides and Local Mission Partners as they share the good news of Jesus with the 95.

Saturday 6

Pray for Sports Mission Leader Richard Witham as he leads the piloting of a number of local sports projects throughout England and Wales in areas with high levels of deprivation, during the second half of this year. November is an important month as we collect stories and data from Faith Guides and churches and begin to pray and evaluate the future potential of this approach.

Thursday 4

Pray for the ongoing work of Rooted, as it aims to help young people 30 22


Prayers Sunday 7

Thursday 11

Monday 8

Friday 12

This is the global week of prayer for Scripture Union around the world. Let’s join with others around the world in praying for SU ministry. Resources for prayer can be found on the SU Global website

Please pray for our growing network of Faith Guides and Local Mission Partners across Wales as they gear up for outreach events throughout the Christmas season.

Tuesday 9

Please pray for Richard Shaw, Director of Mission Development, and the conference planning team as they put the final arrangements in place for the Revealing Jesus conference at the end of the month.


Pray for the Scripture Union Board as they meet today, asking for wisdom and direction and giving thanks for the trustees who freely give their time and skills to oversee the governance of the movement.

The pandemic has given rise to greatly increased levels of anxiety among children and young people. Pray that Christians, including SU staff and volunteers, Local Mission Partners and Faith Guides in churches, might have wisdom in knowing how best to support them, and that they might find security and peace in Jesus.

Wednesday 10

Many of the holidays are great at equipping children and young people for mission. Please pray for the group of staff and volunteers who are thinking through how we can share these ideas more widely across the holiday programme.

Saturday 13

Pray for those staff members such as Grace Inwood (Facilities and Office Management), Adelaide Nketsia (HR), Tracey Bell who leads on the processing of Gifts and many others who support the movement in ways that are less visible but are key to its operation.


A gift to bless future generations We’re extremely grateful to David Shillitoe for pledging a gift to Scripture Union in his will. He shares what part SU played in his own journey of faith, and how he wants to enable future generations to have the opportunity to hear about Jesus. 24

In the 1950s, David went into the family metalworks business. It included a stay David in Gateshead, Shillitoe then a major shipbuilding centre where he found faith at St George’s church. He recalls going to an SU rally in Newcastle where he was given a badge with the SU lamp on it and was introduced to SU Bible reading notes. Just weeks later, David’s work took him to Lorraine in France. He says, ‘I wanted to find a church – there was one nearby so, in trepidation, I

went and knocked on the door. It opened, and there in front of me stood a young man (he turned out to be the pastor’s son). And he was wearing a Scripture Union badge! It was a sign the Lord was looking after me, so I went to that church while I was there. ‘Later, back home in Barnet, I started travelling to Gateshead each summer to help St George’s with missions in Saltwell Park. Poor families sent their children there to get them out of the house. We played games, and when it was raining we had talks in the nearby theatre. It was an uphill struggle for the pastor, Reverend Underhill because these children didn’t have a religious background. And now that’s even more widely the case. I’m right behind what SU is doing to reach the 95 – I’ve enjoyed reading about their work in Newcastle in recent issues of Connecting You. I know from experience that it’s not easy – which is why I want to support them through my will.’

I’m right behind what SU is doing to reach the 95

Find out more about leaving a legacy to SU We’re so very grateful to David. If you would like to support SU with a legacy to help tomorrow’s children discover faith, please contact Kathy Brooks, our Legacies Manager, at kathyb@scriptureunion. or, or call 01908 856120.




Sunday 14

Pray for SU Laos as they share the gospel through Facebook and encourage Christians through their YouTube Channel and sermons shared on church web pages, and for their online Bible ministry training for volunteers in churches.

Monday 15

As work comes to completion on the next Faith Guide Hub collection at the end of the year, Content Developer Leanne Shepherd asks us to pray that she would be able to continue to maintain a healthy work/life balance.

Tuesday 16

Ask God to continue to reveal himself to children and young people as they study the Bible together in their Grow Communities. Pray that they will find comfort, guidance, acceptance and life in the words they read.

Wednesday 17

Local Mission Partner Mustard Tree Trust who works in Morpeth was unable to run the normal Lifepath 34 26

event this year so took it on the road visiting schools. Pray that all those Year 4 children who were involved will continue to think about what they experienced.

Thursday 18

Local Mission Partner Impact Schools Team working in Llanfyllin, Llanfair Caereinion and Welshpool praises God for his provision over the past year. Pray for workers Darren and Huw as they connect with children and young people, and for young people who are exploring faith to respond to the good news of Jesus.

Friday 19

Pray for Esther Adedoyin who has recently joined us as Database Assistant that she would know God’s wisdom and guidance as a new member of the team, become more efficient in the role and manage expectations well.

Saturday 20

Pray for the Development Hub team as they start planning materials for Easter 2022. Pray for clear vision and direction as they look for ways of helping the 95 to see the meaning and importance of the death and resurrection of Jesus.



Sunday 21

Please pray for God´s guidance for the Scripture Union movements who form the Pacific Islands Community as they are praying and working towards a new SU ministry in Samoa.

Monday 22

Thank God for the way he has blessed us financially through this year so far. Pray that he will grant success to our trust and foundation applications, so that more children and young people may come to know him.

Tuesday 23

After so many months of lockdown, please pray for new vision and energy for those running Guardians of Ancora clubs in schools, churches and community venues. Pray especially that children will encounter Jesus and discover why he is such good news for everyone.

Wednesday 24

The holiday and mission leaders will be joining with the wider SU movement at the Revealing Jesus conference this coming weekend. Please pray for a great time of refreshment and encouragement for them as they meet together, that they will be inspired and encouraged for the year ahead.

Thursday 25

Local Mission Partner Cynllun Efe work exclusively in Welsh; so here is their request in two languages. Gweddiwch dros ein gweithiwr Susan Williams, yr ymddiriedolwyr a’n partneriaid; dros gysylltiadau newydd wnaed yn ystod y pandemig; a thros adnewyddu hen gysylltiadau. Pray for our worker Susan Williams, trustees and partners; for new contacts made during the pandemic and for renewal of old contacts.

Friday 26

Thank God that during the lockdowns Local Mission Partner Watford Schools Trust was able to provide online assemblies for schools. Pray for the team as they resume more normal ways of working.

Saturday 27

Pray for members of the Development Hub team working on daily Bible reading guides for July to September 2022, which are going to print around now, that as they put the finishing touches to the material, they may be able to ensure that the guides communicate effectively.

35 27

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Luke 10:2 Will you prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to partner with us financially, so that workers can be sent out to the harvest fields? You can make a donation using the form that came with this magazine, by calling 01908 856 000 or at Thank you!

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