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This Easter, please pray for our Mission Enablers and those we partner with, so that the next generation can hear Jesus’ wonderful message of hope!

Sunday 9


This Easter Sunday, praise God for raising Jesus from the dead, and for the hope that offers to each one of us! Please pray that all connected to SU are able to share the good news effectively with every child and young person in our nation, so that they too may know that hope and God’s purpose for their lives.

Monday 10

Please pray for all the young people whose lives were touched by the Derbyshire mission. Pray particularly for those who responded to the invitation to follow Jesus and for their faith to grow and flourish.

Tuesday 11

Please pray for the youth workers that Janine trained. Ask God to help them share the good news boldly and in language that young people without church backgrounds will truly understand, and journey with them towards faith.

Wednesday 12

Praise God for opening the way for youth workers in Derbyshire to develop relationships with local schools. Ask him to inspire and bless them as they set up lunch and afterschool clubs and Christian Unions, and bring others alongside them to support them in this vital work.

Thursday 13

Give thanks to God for SU Mission Enablers including Janine, Pete and Jack who feature in this edition of Connecting You. Please ask him to bless their ministry and all they do to help the next generation encounter Jesus.

Friday 14

Praise God that although Janine did not come from a Christian family, she came to faith and now shares that faith with young people in similar situations.

Saturday 15

Give thanks for our partnerships with churches and other mission organisations including The Message Trust. Ask God to bless our work together so the next generation can hear, explore and respond to the good news of Jesus and grow in faith.

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