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Sunday 23

Join Scripture Union Ecuador in praying for new doors to open as they face some challenging times in ministry. Pray that the Floor Ball programme will reach more young people in the community.


Monday 24

Please pray for the South East regional team as they work with Faith Guides on pioneering new mission across the region. Pray that those missions would lead to more children and young people having a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Local Mission Partners, Faith Guides and numerous volunteer children’s workers and leaders who are running clubs in schools, churches and community venues.

Thursday 27

Please pray for wisdom for Mission Enabler Geoff Brown as he seeks to equip Christian young people to reach their friends with the good news of Jesus through initiatives like Shine in Schools.

Friday 28

Tuesday 25

Please pray for Local Mission Partner SUMT on the Isle of Man as they look ahead to the busy summer term. With so much to fit in, including additional It’s Your Move and Lifepath pre-visit lessons, please pray that the team remain healthy and that God would bless their many activities.

Wednesday 26

Give thanks for children like Riley, Aimee and Divine who love going to Guardians of Ancora after-school clubs where, to quote Riley, ‘You get to play a game and find out about Jesus.’ Pray for the work of

The first of our two holidays for families with children who are adopted or fostered takes place this weekend. Pray that it will be a time of real encouragement for the families who attend. Pray also for the leaders, that they will have the wisdom and sensitivity that they need to support those who come.

Saturday 29

Local Mission Partner BSYW in Blackpool are thankful the school doors and the hearts of thousands of children have remained open to the message of hope and love that they bring. Please pray for this work to continue and grow.


Today’s children and young people without church connections are only able to learn about Jesus thanks to faithful supporters like Ron and Ann Lewis. We hear what part SU has played in their own lives and why they support us.

Ron met SU evangelist Dai Lewis (no relation) at the Greystones beach mission, County Wicklow, way back in 1955 – Dai would visit Ron’s parents to enjoy lavish Irish hospitality! Later, Ron moved to England and met and married Ann, and their four sons attended SU’s Longbarn camp which Dai had started. ‘Dai told stories round the campfire, many of which featured a boy called Gus,’ Ron recalls. ‘Subsequently SU published those stories as books.’

Ron and Ann helped found a church which they hosted initially in their Sussex home and then at a local school. Ron says, ‘Several times Dai came to lead services for children. Such was his gift for presenting the gospel that parents also hung on his every word and some came to faith. When Dai died in 2016, Bishop Paul Butler (who had come to know Dai through Longbarn) spoke movingly at his memorial which was held there.’

Guides – Ron and I still do. One of the earliest rhymes they rooted in me is based on Psalm 118: “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful truths in your Word for me”.

‘These days many youngsters don’t even know basic Bible stories. They’re under so much pressure. So it’s marvellous that SU have managed to move with the times; they’re bang up to date! And these new Faith Guides getting alongside those children to bring the hope that Jesus offers – that’s so needed, it’s something we’re passionate about and why we continue to support SU.’

Read and reflect on 1 Thessalonians 4 verses 13 to 18 – Ron’s favourite Bible passage – on the sure hope we can have of being with the Lord in eternity.

Ann grew up in Dorset. Her parents encouraged her and her three siblings to read the Bible from an early age. ‘I used SU Bible Reading

If you’d like to share your S-You story in an upcoming edition –what SU means to you and why you support us – please send a quick email to connectingyou@scriptureunion.org.uk.

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