SUNZ Adventure Magazine December 2011

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DEC 2011 ISSN 1176-5143

INSIDE: INSIDE: Ourvalues: values:Quality Quality Our SummerCamps Camps2011-12 2011/12 Summer WAY2GO2012 2012 WAY2GO


“Break Open Your Words, Let The Light Shine Out” Psalm 119:130 The Message

EDITORIAL DECEMBER 2011 Its time for a party! This summer marks 80 years of Scripture Union camping in New Zealand. After a chance meeting between Dr. John Laird and the Chamberlain family, the first camp was held on Ponui Island in the Hauraki Gulf in January 1932. This was a boy’s only camp that attracted campers from as far afield as the South Island. The camp grew in popularity and soon tents for more than 100 campers were being put up. This summer our Ponui Island youth camps for junior and senior students (coed!) will attract more than 150 attendees. A 1935 report on the Crusader Movement stated; “The movement takes a pride in its camps. Nothing is left to chance, and all is done by prayer and care to serve the physical, moral and spiritual interests of the campers”. These early camps were highly organized along military lines and included very direct evangelistic appeals. In the 1950’s Vine Martin encouraged more adventurous activities such as bike hikes, mountain climbing, and canoeing as well snow camps and wide games. Between 1950 and 1960 the number of camps reached 33 and campers 1,644, as many leaders nurtured this ‘adventurous spirit’ alongside a more conservative evangelistic approach. Chaplains were introduced to provide the devotional input and the combination of ‘high adventure and vital Christianity proved very attractive’. Training in leadership and living were always integral to a camp programme and remain so today. The enduring memory of thousands of campers is always the relational experience that is part of any programme. During the 1970’s the number of camps peaked at around 60 per year, but campers dropped to around 1000 as Bible class movements, Easter camps, other organizations and later, schools, began their own camping programmes. None of this has changed the



commitment of Scripture Union to camping with its opportunity to open the Bible, experience the outdoors, develop young leaders, and to do all this with excellence. This summer we aim to fill our camps with 450 campers. (there are 15 camps across the country) in addition to the two SUPAkidz camps in Auckland and Wellington. In total this year leadership teams will have run 22 camps for 570 campers. I’m aiming for us to double that number by 2014/15. To get us there we have appointed camps facilitators in the North and South Islands to enable the dreams and plans of our many volunteer leaders to become a reality. In addition we have a Quality Advisor in place to ensure we have met the right standards for safety and an excellent experience for campers. More camps mean more leaders and we are aiming to provide more equipping opportunities to widen and deepen that pool throughout the next two years. The following pages are full of stories to inspire you to come and be a part of this dream too. Wayne Fraser National Director All quotes and facts are taken from No Ordinary Union by Peter Lineham, Scripture Union in NZ, Wellington. 1980. 1


Many people with whom we work are reporting that young people today want to hear more about spiritual issues even at the expense of ‘fun’ times. A parent reports: We have two boys who have both attended Scripture Union Camps. Sometimes keen and enthusiastic about attending, other times resistant. We have encouraged them enthusiastically to attend regardless. We wanted our boys to have the opportunity to experience what Scripture Union Camps offered. What is it we wanted them to experience? For us it is a week immersed in a Christian community, an opportunity for our boys to live alongside young people/adults who have chosen to believe in God and who live out this faith. Amongst having a heap of fun, the leaders share honestly the difference their faith and trust in God has made in their lives. Are their lives transformed by attending Scripture Union Camps? Life is a journey, and we believe seeds have been planted during the camps our sons have attended that will bear fruit in their lives. Yes it is a short space of time, but time enough for God! Paul Martell Relationships Manager



CANTERBURY WINTER ESCAPE Its 9.00pm on a Friday night in September. Lying under the bus in the snow and darkness fitting chains is less than glamorous but the sound of happy campers getting to know each other through the floorboards above me is an inspiring noise. September saw our first weekend winter camp in the South Island, Canterbury Winter Escape. This camp gave us an opportunity to meet young people and spend time out of the city where life over the last year has been very challenging. The Winter Escape Camp offered 10 young people plenty of adventure; skiing, rock climbing and lots of games. But the thing that struck me on this camp was the way in which the young people responded to our discussions on the differences between the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. As one camper put it “If we humble ourselves and ask for forgiveness it is given”. We had a unique opportunity to sow seeds of faith into people’s lives and we know that even over three days, the impact that we had on this group of young people from a city that has lost a lot of hope (Christchurch) is that they are once again on a journey to find hope. Scripture Union holds strongly to the fact that relationship with Christ holds the eternal answer. Thankfully 10 more young people had a chance to talk about this over the weekend. We are praying that as they digest what they have heard their lives will be transformed. Ben Necklen – South Island Camps Facilitator


Comments from Scripture Union Youth & SUPAkidz Camps this year “I haven’t been on a camp before where I’ve been told the relationships with my small group is most important. I really see the value of that. I’ve really enjoyed having quality time with children so conversation about God can be more natural and they can ask questions. It is different from Sunday morning and SUPAkidz club, there is more time to talk naturally as we are in nature or eating or just chatting.” – Jess - Leader

“I love the fact that my group has decided that I’m their friend, not just their leader. One of my group has asked for a Bible, a whole Bible, not just a New Testament. The kids are just great; we are like a big sister to the girls. The leaders really bonded over the training weekend while we were learning lots.” – Rebecca - Leader



Thanks for arranging such a well organised and high quality camp. It was such a good time for my son and he has come home with a real passion and renewed interest in God. It is so good for him to be hearing these things from people at camp he looks up to, respects and trusts. (A non church attending parent)

On Friday morning the day after camp my husband and I got up in the morning to find our son at the kitchen table reading his Bible and Snap Shots Bible Reading Guide given to him at camp. (A parent)

Bonnie* had been sponsored to come to camp last year and she had made a Christian commitment at the camp. The person who sponsored her last year wanted to make it possible for her to return, but unfortunately she and her family haven’t been seen at church for a considerable time. The church had lost contact with them. Scripture Union however tracked her down and she enthusiastically accepted the offer to attend camp again. The Sunday after camp Bonnie turned up to church all on her own. *Names changed to protect the children.


...the times they are a’ changing...

Bob Dylan sang this in the ‘60s and there are some who say the song was politically out of date almost as soon as it was written. Times changed fast! Almost 50 years after Bob Dylan sang this song, the times need to change in children’s ministry. The changes that need to happen are not surface trends or superficial fads. They are deep changes, which need to happen because the emerging culture our children are living in has altered. The changes we need to make will alter the shape of children’s ministry for ever but they also have the potential to reach children for God in a profound and powerful way. What are these changes and how can we help them happen? Come along to WAY2GO 2012 and find out. We will be exploring some of the key trends developing in our children’s ministry in New Zealand. Whether you’re a new volunteer or an experienced children’s worker this conference will be vitally important for you so come as a team and enjoy it together! 8

WAY2GO is a quality children’s ministry leadership experience. Whether you’re a new volunteer or an experienced children’s worker this conference will be vitally important for you so come as a team and enjoy it together! Wellington


9.30-4.00, Saturday 10 March 2012 Elim International Church 22 Tennyson Street, Te Aro Registrations close 1 March.

9.30-4.00, Saturday 24 March 2012 Elim Christian Centre 159 Botany Road, Howick Registrations close 15 March.

Dunedin 9.30-4.00, Saturday 31 March 2012 Mosgiel Presbyterian Church 11 Church Street, Mosgiel Registrations close 22 March.

register online at


King James Bible - 400 Followers -

It is 400 years since the King James Bible was translated providing the word of God into the common language of the people of the day. This was a milestone moment in driving forward he Christian faith. In celebration of the 400th anniversary, and as an acknowledgement of those who have given us God’s word in our own language, TSCF and Scripture Union are inviting people to read through the Bible in a year, starting in January 2012. We have a dream that at least four hundred school, college and university students; graduates and supporters will join us on this journey through the Scriptures. If you haven’t read though the whole of Scripture before, or haven’t done it recently, why not join us? Doing it with a friend so you can chat over what you’ve read is a great way to keep going through the year. Please pray with us that as people delve into God’s word that they would hear the living God speak. We will provide the one year bible reading plan. So join the challenge!

To register your interest email



NEWS Births Alice Harper (currently on Maternity leave) delivered her new baby, Natalie on her birthday. They are both very well. Natalie is a beautiful baby, quiet most of the time but, Alice tells us loud when she wants attention.

Staff Kathryn Kleinjan has joined Scripture Union as our Accounts Assistant. She is already providing real help to Anitha. Paul Martell has joined the staff as the Relationships Manager (replacing Alice Harper). He has come from long experience of World Vision in the marketing area. Wayne Goodchild will be joining us in January. Wayne will be based in Rotorua where he has built strong experience in Camping ministry. He is joining the team as our North Island Camps Facilitator. Wayne is married to Cheney and they have a son Flynn. Margaret Muirhead has resigned from her ole as schools field staff in Tauranga. We are grateful for the years that Margaret has invested in Schools with us and wish her rich blessings as she pursues new interests. Rebekah Smith (Nelson Field Staff) is 31 years old and was diagnosed with MS when she was 18 - although the doctors say that her symptoms had started when she was 14; quite young really, seeing as the average age for diagnosis is about 45. This is serious for Rebekah. She has an operation planned which is revolutionary. Read her site at to find out lots more.

Eddie Bradley-Feary Eddie, Manager of Scripture Union wholesale for many years, died in Woking Surrey on 22 October 2011. Eddie brought a unique combination of commitment, passions and skills to the key ministry of Scripture Union Bookshops in New Zealand. He had a deep love and an extensive knowledge of Christian books. He was superb in his relationships with staff, SU colleagues and volunteers and everyone he dealt with. And all of this was motivated by a love for God and a commitment to build God’s Kingdom in the lives of others.

You can make a secure online donation at or freephone 0508 423 836. Or respond on the enclosed form.


LIGHT FOR THE PATH Guest Writer: Paul Dadd Auckland SUPAkidz staff

‘The Spies at Work time was almost just as great: to see the evidence for Jesus, watch the drama and learn about God.’ This is an extract from a letter I received from a SUPAkidz camper. The Spies at Work time was our time around the Bible each day. We took on the role of trainee secret agents and investigated evidence that Jesus was who he said he was. Our spy activities ranged from listening to audio recordings from the house of Jesus the night he was visited by Nicodemus to sifting through evidence bags from various scenes where Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection. Opening the Bible with children (and adults) should be fun and engaging and should encourage them to think, reflect, and ask questions. Our programme on camp encouraged the children to take an honest look at what Jesus said and did so they could determine for themselves who he really was and is. And through this process, we can expect God to meet with us and transform us.


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