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Thegreatest of allGift

Welcome! Check out our ideas! Pull it out! & pass it around

I’m sure someone has already counted how many days it is until Christmas. Around our office there’s talk of decorating our desks, but I’m a staunch believer in 1st December being the start date for that. No doubt some of you have already sorted the cake and there are careful conversations about whose family to be with on 25th December, and then there’s the summer holidays to plan.

What about presents? What traditions do you have? Secret Santa? Op shop specials? And when’s the cut off date for overseas posting?

Of course, we all know that Jesus—the greatest gift of all— is the reason for the season. So how do we hold that close as we navigate everything else that society is throwing at us? In amongst the busyness of the silly season how can we keep sane and faithful at the same time?

This edition of the WAY2GO magazine contains ideas for Christmas at home and in the community around us —sharing the hope of Jesus, a gift for all.

Paper Christmas Chain

You will need: strips of coloured paper, pens, stapler (& staples!) Make a paper chain with the messages below written on each strip. For each day in December remove one chain and follow the instructions.

Talk about ‘What gives you peace.’

Talk about ‘What gives you joy.’

Talk about ‘What gives you hope.’

Say something nice to each other.

Read Jeremiah 33:14-16.

Give each other a hug.

Do some Christmas baking together.

Read Isaiah 11:1-3.

Play a game together.

Read Micah 5:2-4.

Tell the Nativity Story together.

Make some Christmas cards.

Read Isaiah 7:14.

Talk about what you like about Christmas.

Sing a Christmas carol together.

Do something nice for each other.

Eat some Christmas food together.

Read Isaiah 9:6-7.

Go for a walk together.

Draw a Christmas picture together.

Read Luke 1:26-38.

Read Matthew 1:18-25.

Read Luke 2:1-7.

Reverse Advent Calendar

Christmas is a wonderful time for many, but for others it can be a very lonely and challenging time. Rather than an Advent Calendar that is about getting something, a Reverse Advent Calendar is about giving something away. The idea is to put something in a box each day to be given to someone in need this Christmas.

Here’s a list of suggestions of what you might like to give:

Bless Others

canned food, breakfast cereal, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, pasta, rice, noodles, sauces, spreads, biscuits, crackers, cooking oil, sugar, tea, coffee, soya or long-life milk, washing powder, box of chocolates…

This could be a whole church activity, partnering with a local food bank or city mission, or another connection your church may have.

You will need: small chocolate bars, paper, scissors, pens, adhesive tape.

The end of the year is often a time of thanking people who have been a part of your year in some way. A small chocolate bar with a personalized message can be one way of doing this.

Talk about who you might like to give these to schoolteachers, swimming instructors, supermarket checkout operators, sports coaches…

Cut out some rectangular pieces of paper. These will be the wrappers. Write a thank you message on the inside of the wrapper and decorate the outside in some way. Wrap the chocolate bar and secure with adhesive tape. Pray that the people who receive the gifts will know the real meaning of Christmas.

Are you passionate about children’s ministry? Are you keen to see those in ministry encouraged, supported, and upskilled in their roles? Do you live in Christchurch, or want to? Then we have the job for you! Scripture Union is looking to appoint someone into the role of Children and Families Consultant for the Canterbury region. This is a vital role for our churches. For the job description and/or more information, please contact Liz Eichler, Children and Families Team Leader, liz.e@sunz.org.nz.

Available from sunz.org.nz/shop


This fantastic new book is the story of a grumpy owl who is desperate to find some peace and quiet. Follow his adventure and see the nativity unfold as he returns to the very place he was trying to escape from!



A poetic retelling of why Jesus came, how much he loves us and how he is always there for us. It features stunning line illustrations for children to colour in while reflecting on the words.



Check out our SUNZ Children and Families blogspot and Breakthrough websites childrenandfamiliesnz.blogspot.com | sunzbreakthrough.squarespace.com

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