SUNZ Adventure Magazine June 2012

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JUNE 2012 ISSN 1176-5143

INSIDE: High School Ministry WAY2GO Crusader Lodge Regional News


“Break Open Your Words, Let The Light Shine Out” Psalm 119:130 The Message



Once I thought I was pretty good at understanding youth culture. As a youth pastor I even ran events for parents filling them in on the mysteries of teenagers. Now, with one daughter having left those years and the other negotiating the ‘white water’, I’m not so sure of myself. Sure, key parenting skills and needs of young people are essentially the same, but the water we swim in is different. Currents like globalization transport trends, fashion, and values across cultures. Various media platforms which young people juggle with skill create new kinds of connections between people, connections made by devices which have potential to change who we are. Thirty percent of New Zealanders text, surf, and shop online while doing other things so that the skill of making eye contact while texting has become essential. Throw in an online world promising more connectedness and the culture defining slogan becomes “I share therefore I am”.

Youth ministry is one of the most important and rapidly changing areas of ministry in New Zealand today. Many teenagers feel lost, alone, and ill equipped to deal with life in our fast paced world. There is a solution, one that has arisen from many hours of prayer and many discussions with staff, volunteers and youth workers. We will create a National Youth Ministry that is sustainable long term, is able to reach the churches and schools within New Zealand and fulfil our vision of “Working with churches, we create opportunities for children and young people to discover and follow Jesus, grow as leaders, and influence our world.” With your help we will become an organisation that works at equipping youth, and those that work with youth, throughout the country. We will create a ministry that is of a very high calibre, accessible and affordable for everyone. We will do this by moving towards providing: • Leadership training and resources for:

Technology holds out a hope for better things yet the number one concern for young people across the globe has been identified as hope and hopelessness. The objects of hope are as varied as the 6 o’clock news, the future of the planet, meaningful jobs, deep relationships, world peace, where do I fit? Where does Scripture Union fit with this need for hope and relief from hopelessness in a global culture? Student led activity in schools supported by adults is one way. We know that leadership opportunities and accepting responsibility will teach enduring life skills and be an influence in communities. A deeply held value in our ministry is that of being relational. We know that authentic relationships reinforce the value of a person. Time spent in community experiencing real conversation lays a foundation for healthy growth. And most importantly time for quality Bible engagement provides the ultimate hope. Not only does the Bible make sense of humanity it is an introduction to the greatest hope giver of all, Jesus. This Adventure is all about transforming the lives of young people through an encounter with Jesus.

• Leaders of High School Christian groups. • Christian High School students to equip them to best live out a missional life style in their school environment. • Up and coming young Christian leaders developing links with them and groups such as TSCF. • Consultancy and support to Churches particularly in the realm of working with schools, and developing missional youth ministry. • Training and resourcing churches to impact the life of their local High School. • Camping resources and training events for churches and other youth ministries. • Major training events across the country targeted at the different groups that we are engaged with. We are called to be like Christ and to impact the lives of the youth of this nation. To accomplish this we will need more of the right people and the right resources and we need you. We need you to continue to volunteer, to continue to give and to continue to pray.

Wayne Fraser National Director



Neville Bartley National Youth Ministry Leader




Nelson College for Girls Christian Group

Waimea College Christian Group

Our goal at Nelson Girls College is – ‘Living to shine that Jesus light so bright, that every one in NGC and Nelson can see it!’ Our group ‘Infinity!’ is about supporting each other and reaching out to others in the school. We are a fun, friendly bunch of girls who want to make a difference in our school. Together with our amazing God we are able to achieve it. Within the group, we have times where some of our girls share their testimonies or open up about something God has done for them. We do fun activities like writing nice cards with an encouragement or a nice comment, and every month or so we love to come together for a shared lunch. We have a strong group of girls that attend Infinity every Thursday lunch time. We like to have fun and celebrate our awesome God together. We have a number of exciting ideas for this year’s group, and are very excited to see what God has in store for us! We are also thankful for all the help and support from Scripture Union. We have a good team of people behind us making this possible. Along side my fellow leaders we are hoping to see good things this year! God Bless! Felicia Parkin Nelson Girls College

Waimea College is a community of young people from all walks of life. With a school roll of over 1500 years’ 9-13 students, it is no surprise many are searching to find their place amongst the hustle and bustle of school life. Along with the other leaders of United, I am committed to helping my peers realize that God cares and loves them, and is ready to fill them with joy, passion, a real purpose for life, and turn them into blazing lights for Him. We are passionate about spreading the message that this generation needs to develop a relationship with Jesus. The years we are at high school are some of the most crucial in our overall development as people, and an important time to draw close to God. As leaders and representatives of God in our school, it is our job to make the most of this window of opportunity and share the love that God has given us. It is no easy task to find new and exciting ways to share with our peers the indescribable love of God, and the awesome power and passion that comes with it. In our youth culture today, religion and God are rather easily ignored, as we become consumed by the often superficial things that fill our lives. Many generation X and Y-ers believe Christianity is boring and filled with another bunch of rules to limit their lives. Many believe that God doesn’t care for them, and that God can’t exist because they can’t see Him. These messages make it very hard for teenagers today to understand the love of God, and more importantly receive the grace of God. We have set out to replace these misconceptions with the truth, and make Jesus more real to our school and our peers. We are doing this by running crazy, fun events, and putting a message behind the fun. We want them to know that Jesus loves and cares about them, and that Jesus wants to be the best friend they have ever had! Isaac Dunne Waimea College





YOUTHSERVE is about faith in action. It’s about young people walking the talk and changing their world. YOUTHSERVE has been running since 2006 as week long joint missions with local churches, and is having a real impact on the lives of young people.

Hey Rebekah and the team at Scripture Union... My name is Renata. Along with co-leader Casey, I lead ‘Eternity’, the Christian group at Marlborough Girls College. We have had a great first term this year, with over 50 girls signing up for ‘Eternity’, and 31 of them turning up for our first meeting! We started the year by talking about making your heart right with God, and watching some YouTube clips focusing on this, and we also talked about letting go of the past and trusting God. We also watched a movie called ‘Indescribable’, which was really cool! My youth pastor gave us 15 bibles for the group to use, and he has also ordered 31 ‘Word For Today’ (teen versions) that we can give the girls, so that they can connect with God every day. We’re praying and believing that God will touch Marlborough Girls College, and the group will grow to new levels. We thank Scripture Union so much for their continued support. It’s awesome to work under a group of people who care for, and believe in, youth. Scripture Union is an awesome group of people and we’re just very proud and honoured to be working alongside them. The leaders meeting that we had at the beginning of the year in Nelson, run by Scripture Union(?), was amazing. It opened my eyes, and really made me release how amazing God is and how he loves all of us, Christians or not. I have learnt lots of new skills, and have determined that God’s plan for me this year is to change the Girls College and let them know how much God loves them. Many thanks Rebecca Smith, Nelson’s youth worker, and to the whole Scripture Union team. and blessings to you all. You guys are doing an amazing job!

Andrew Solomon, a 17 year old from Avondale College in Auckland said, “YOUTHSERVE to me was an unforgettable experience. My first YOUTHSERVE was the first time I experienced the Holy Spirit. I felt like I belonged there. I met strangers who greeted me like an old friend, and the experience was simply indescribable. It fulfilled me when I saw the smiles on people’s faces when we helped them. We helped a community in need and they couldn’t stop smiling. I still remember the names of the people who lived in the cul-de-sac, many of whom weren’t only impacted by what we did, but by God also.” During a mission week in 2011 a man pulled into our free car wash on the church car park and headed indoors for a free coffee served by the coffee team. During the conversation inside he opened up about how a close family member had just been diagnosed with a serious illness and the team had the privilege of sharing Jesus and praying with him before he headed off out to his newly cleaned car. Faith and deeds in action! Not only does Scripture Union’s YOUTHSERVE serve as a fantastic tool for the church to use to make an impact in its local community, but it also makes a massive difference to the lives and faith of the young people involved. YOUTHSERVE is building a solid foundation and basis to grow young people into life long followers of Jesus.

YOUTHSERVE faith in action

Renata and the team at Marlborough Girls College





What did Fraser High School Christian group mean to me? If you eat meat, you will know that it’s chewy, at times lean and also sometimes tough. Likewise, participating in bible study was like being fed spiritual meat, being enlightened to the truth of God’s word. No doubt wrestling with truth at times, but being built up, made strong and equipped in the battle that rages around us.

Children are on the move. If we look at the world around us and listen in on the lives of the children we work with we will notice this. There is rapid change happening in our world and it is shaping this next generation in a new way. The children that we work alongside are born into a very different life than the one we lived when we were their age. They are on the move.

The aim of the Fraser High Christian group is to encourage healthy spiritual growth, build up Christians in their faith and look to the bible to find the answers to which the group members had questions. I have had a desire to serve Fraser High School since finishing year 13, and this year the opportunity arose to set aside one and half hours a week outside of my full-time study to do so. Firstly, this has meant holding a tutoring session one lunch time a week, to help students with their high school study, to get to know them, and thus open up the opportunity to share Christ with them. Secondly, it has also meant assisting the running of the weekly bible study, answering students’ questions, and helping them get to know God through his word.

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We need to be on the move too. Because if we want to stay relevant and be effective, we need to move with the children we are working with. This year our WAY2GO conferences explored three key developments in our children’s ministry here in New Zealand and talked about the deep changes we need to make in children’s ministry. Changes which need to happen because the emerging culture our children are living in has altered. Changes which will alter the shape of children’s ministry for ever but which also have the potential to reach children for God in a profound and powerful way. If you would like to know more about these changes and how they to help them happen well, why not invite us to your church? By Paul Davis

Our key verse is what Peter writes: “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” 1 Peter 3:15

Check our website to see if there is a training event near you. If there’s not and you’d like us to come to your church, email us at We will help you discover how to strengthen your ministry with the children in your church and local community.

Champion’s Challenge is a five session programme with a sports theme. It tells stories from Jesus’ life and ministry and it would be great to run during the Olympics. Champion’s Challenge is very flexible and provides everything you need to run a holiday club: drama, craft, games, Bible discovery, small-group discussion, creative prayer and more! We are giving it away to the first 2 people to ring us up and mention this magazine. If you miss out, you can buy it and other books like it at our on-line book store or ring us to order it on freephone 0508 423 836. We also have the Champion’s Challenge DVD available for hire. Just ring us and book it.




Memory Verses


Here are some practical ideas for learning some memory verses from Nigel Winder, who ran our SUPAkidz Camp in Southland. We wanted the children to learn about obeying God, and the “need to say sorry when we disobey Him. We chose 1 John 1:9 - But if we confess our sins to God he can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away”, as the memory verse. We made a large mouth, put the words on the teeth and removed them one by one as we repeated the verse. We were telling the story of Nehemiah, and how he was used by God to build the wall. We used Ephesians 2:10 – “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” We wrote the words on large tools and pegged them to a string. The children took them off and put them in a toolbox as we repeated the verse. For Jesus’ life, death and resurrection we had a large sign post with John 14:6 – “Jesus answered ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me’.” The words on each sign were covered up with folded paper, a few at a time, as the verse was repeated. The story of Elijah was about putting God first. We used Luke 10:27 – “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind”, and “Love your neighbour as yourself.” We used blue balloons filled with water as rain drops. (Just use a spoonful of water in each balloon. This is satisfyingly wet without making a mess!) Each balloon had some words written on it. The children came and popped the balloons as we repeated the verse. When it comes to teaching children Bible verses it helps to know about how memory works.

If we are not careful, then learning Bible verses can fall into short term memory. Children can learn verses one day and have no idea what they are the next week. We want to move Bible verses from short term to long term memory. There are four things that are helpful for moving things to long term memory. 1.








So, what does this mean for us when we are teaching Bible verses to children? •

Choose the verse well. Think about what translation you use – maybe the Bible the children are using in your programme is best. Make sure the verse is age appropriate and reinforces what you want the children to learn. Think about what will be most useful for the children to remember.

Choose a method that supports the meaning of the verse, so that the method helps children remember the words. Don’t just rote learn the verses, but teach understanding and application. What does it mean? When might we need to know this? How should this verse affect the way that we live?

Use different learning styles and imagery to reinforce the verse – visual, kinaesthetic and rhythmic methods are all useful.

Repetition is very important. One verse repeated for several weeks, or even for the whole term, is far better than a new verse every week. Teach the verse in a way that allows for plenty of repetition but keep the pace moving – don’t allow it to become slow or boring. Repeat the reference at the beginning and again at the end, as this is often the hardest part to remember.

When we store a memory, we are storing information. But how long we keep the information is determined by what type of memory it is. The biggest categories of memory are short-term memory and long-term memory. 1.

Short Term Memory – this type of information is forgotten when it is no longer needed regularly. Short-term memory is for information currently in use. It covers the short time that you keep something in mind before either dismissing it or transferring it to long-term memory.

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105


Spend some time reading Psalm 119 to yourself. Make it your prayer for you and for the children you work with.

Long Term Memory –This is our brain’s system for storing, managing, and retrieving information over the long term. As the name implies, this contains the memories that we hang on to for a long time - our whole lives, often enough. It is also enormous in capacity - more room than we will ever need! There are many different forms of long-term memory. It is slow to acquire but less likely to be lost or forgotten.


SUPAkidz club SUPAkidz camps are for primary aged kids! (Year 4 - 6 at school). They are well run, with trained leaders and great programmes. They include games, art and craft activities and heaps of fun. Campers and leaders explore the Bible together and learn all about our great God. Scripture Union wants to help your church change lives around you through its SUPAkidz camping ministry. We can help you in several ways: •

Leadership training: the leaders that your church sends on camp will receive excellent training, as well as develop their own personal faith in God. They will return to your church excited about ministry, with a wide range of new skills.

Developing key relationships for your church children and families: Our SUPAkidz camps provide a place for church children to invite their non-church friends along. Your children can see the camp as a great opportunity to share their faith with others and develop ongoing relationships.

Upcoming camps • July 2 - 6



• October 1 - 4


• January 14 - 18


• October 8 - 12


• January 20 - 24


To find out more about how your church can get involved in SUPAkidz camping, email us at or phone 09 379 936

Cool quotes: “I never thought I would ever become a leader. God has used me in ways I thought I would never be able to achieve.” “The best thing about camp, I think, is seeing a kid who doesn’t know anything about God become genuinely excited about reading the Bible and getting into Jesus.”

GO MAD Making a Difference in High Schools

Schools shape lives, and it’s essential that the church is a part of that shaping. Through resources, training and equipping we aim to enable the church to support Christian high school students to Go MAD (Go Make a Difference) and live out their faith in the everyday world that is their high school. Scripture Union does this through training events for students, enabling them to grapple with the issues they face as Christians in school. We also help them to think through, practically, how they can live out their faith, not just as individuals, but as part of the Christian community in their school; the body of Christ in action. I was challenged not long ago during the school holidays by a few students I’d been talking to, about how they could serve the

needs of their school. They texted me to let me know that they were busy painting the school corridor, and asked if I wanted to join them! 15 year old Damian Stephen, of Liston College in Auckland, said, “Go Mad was GREAT! Because I went mad!! Go Mad challenged you live out your faith at school. Even though it can be hard, we learnt the different ways to do it, and ways we can serve our schools and tell nonChristians about the Good News” We also provide ongoing programme resources for churches to train students to lead these student groups. By Andy Banks


It’s Your Move

d n a l w e n a n i r e Strang

It’s Your Move – a New Ministry of Scripture Union ‘Its Your Move’ is aimed at helping young people through the, all too often, difficult transition from primary to secondary school. The book, handed out after a short presentation to students, has become a best selling book for Scripture Union world wide. Here in New Zealand, our recently published Kiwi version has now sold over 4100 copies in the 17 months since its launch. Leading New Zealand Educator Colin Prentice has said that “It’s Your Move is an invaluable aid to all New Zealanders approaching high school”.


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The programme gives a church or group of churches in a local community the opportunity to make a real difference in their local schools, by offering the books as a gift. This opens doors to further connections with the schools and local community and helps build bridges, relationships, credibility and trust. Natalie Meikle, an 18 year old member of the St Michael’s Henderson ‘It’s Your Move’ team said, “It was great to be able to help and support the year 8 students at Rangeview Intermediate with their transition to high school, this through sharing our own experiences with them.”’ Former Baptist Youth Pastor and ‘It’s Your Move’ member Bex Belworthy also praises the book, saying “It’s Your Move is a great introduction to facing some of the challenges a 12 or 13 year old will come across when transitioning to high school”. The team at Scripture Union wholeheartedly agree, and invite all our supporters to join this wonderful opportunity to impact their local school.



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Auckland and Northland Sylvia Coulter, Northern Regional Director At the Summer Thanksgiving Barbecue, 80 people heard camp reports, met Wayne Goodchild (North Island Camps Facilitator), and enjoyed the massive chocolate mud cake celebrating 80 years of Ponui Scripture Union camps. At our North Shore prayer breakfast, we were excited to hear that a quarter of the 20 attendees teach Bible-in-Schools or SUPAkidz clubs. In our schools, there are great opportunities waiting for people to take them up. Andrew spoke of the privilege of working with children and then shared needs for the April SUPAkidz camp. Then came WAY2GO Auckland, a northern road trip catching up with Scripture Union people as far away as Kaitaia, a West Auckland training event for Christian secondary students, the Desert Detectives SUPAkidz camp, and the many wonderful things our staff and volunteers do to support and train Christians in their work with children and young people.


Judy Bennett, Waikato Youth Worker In one of our high schools, we have 65 nationalities represented – different cultures, ethnicities, religions and world views. Going into the high school today is to “go into all the world” (Matt 28:18-20). Our Christian students are going into this multicultural group of young people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Canterbury Richard Starling and his team have 5 “Stay Real” groups cranking in the local Christchurch schools. Some of the groups have been on kayaking trips and other outings, including 25 young people being taken to Easter Camp. These times provide value opportunities to yarn about life and grow trusting relationships. Richard is often called into family situations through the connections he has made with these kids. Thank God for all the opportunities Richard has to speak into these young people and their families’ lives and to show them God’s love. ‘SILT: South Island Leaders Training’ has recently taken place in Canterbury to connect, encourage and upskill our very valuable camp leaders. These volunteers are a great bunch, who are passionate about camping as a tool to get young people closer to God. Ben Necklen reports that 23 attended and were involved in a variety of offsite activities as a team as well as sessions on risk management and having effective God times with young people. Look out for the two winter ski camps happening in the next holidays

Top of the South


Rebekah Smith, Nelson/Marlborough Youth Worker

Nigel Winder, Southern Regional Director

Wow, what an awesome time wez are having! So far, highlights for 2012 would include the ‘Inflame’ student leader training held here in Nelson in February for all 7 High Schools. In March, it was a real privilege to have Wayne Fraser and Paul Martell come down and we travelled around Nelson, Blenheim and Picton, meeting our amazing supporters and running information nights. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting lots of new people.


It is great working with the awesome student leaders we have this year and the incredible youth workers/pastors (to mentor and support the student leaders). We have also seen our local supporters’ prayer meeting grow (a big thanks to Gordon Dewar who coordinates this) as well as the potential for a new prayer group in Blenheim.


The WAY2GO Children’s Ministry Conference, held in Mosgiel, was a fantastic day! 100 attendees from all over Otago and Southland were resourced, encouraged and trained in the amazing work they do with children. A very special thanks to our many volunteers who make sure the day runs smoothly. A children’s ministry “network” continues to meet bi-monthly in Invercargill and Dunedin to offer ongoing training and encouragement during the year. Contact Nigel Winder on 03 214 1834, if you want to know more




Otago/Southland cont’d Some more amazing volunteers have also been busy shifting the Otago Resource Library to its new premises at the Anglican Diocese offices in Green Island, Dunedin. With good parking, longer opening hours and a whole heap more resources available to borrow; you really should drop in to check it out.


Since 1982, the A/G Church Programme of Royal Rangers have been going to Mt. Ruapehu and staying at the Crusader Lodge one weekend a year. We think there is nowhere else can you find such great accommodation, at a great price, with great views in a lodge situated higher up the mountain, than the Chateau.

INVITATION TO MEMBERSHIP Are you a volunteer or supporter of Scripture Union? We would like to invite you to become a Member. Membership is a formal way of recognising a person’s willingness to be involved in ministry and align with the values and reputation of Scripture Union. It provides an opportunity to attend the Annual General Meeting of Scripture Union and contribute to discussions, vote on appointments, and be involved in decision making for ministry. In between those meetings, we’ll make sure we communicate regularly on developments in the movement.

The lodge has a large boot room, a ‘drying room’, and a bathroom at each end next to the bunk rooms. We have found, even with 32 of us there, the hot water has never run out! Upstairs, there is a lounge/ dining area with tables and chairs for meals. All crockery and cutlery is supplied as well. This, along with a great kitchen facility, including an upright fridge and an upright freezer, 2 ovens with 8 hotplates enables you to cater easily. Outside, there are all new things to be discovered and experienced. Our ministry teaches young people how to camp, enjoy the outdoors and they come away with new life skills. We have been able to incorporate these things through the use of Crusader Lodge as a base camp.

If the weather turns wet or miserable (as it has done once or twice), there are still plenty of things you can do. In the lounge upstairs there is a cupboard full of games and other activities to do, even a table tennis table. There are many walks and nature trails on Mt. Ruapehu further down the mountain with varying lengths of time. These are ideal to do, especially if the mountain is closed in. Situated between the Crusader Lodge and the Chateau is the DOC Information Centre. Here they have displays, souvenirs and video presentations of volcanoes. It is also where you can find what to do and where to go in case Mt Ruapehu erupts. DOC has always given us a good group discount for admission to the video shows. For a great week or weekend away, we highly recommend a stay at the Crusader Lodge.

We want to grow the number of members to support the leadership offered by governance and staff. Please tick the box on the enclosed letter: ‘I would like to become a Scripture Union member” and we’ll send you an invitation to membership.



You can make a secure online donation at or freephone 0508 423 836. Or respond on the enclosed form.


LIGHT FOR THE PATH LIGHT FOR THE PATH Guest Writer: Keith Vaughan SUNZ President

The Importance of the Gospel for Young People The gospel defined: God loves us, sent Jesus to die on the cross and rise again to conquer sin and death and forgive us of sin, and He’s coming back some day. There are many young people who are optimistic - if they put their mind to something, they can achieve anything. At the same time, however, they are living in a time of global financial crisis, uncertainty about securing a job after tertiary studies and renewed political unrest. How can they be assured of what the future holds for them amongst this uncertainty? Now, more than ever, there is a need for hope, comfort, protection, belonging, identity, acceptance, forgiveness, purpose and direction. Can the gospel meet all these needs? The taking away of sins and freeing of guilt are fundamental parts of the gospel, and important for young people to hear and understand. Knowing that our sins are forgiven is an essential part of why the gospel is important. In Hebrews 8:12, we are told” God will remember our sin no more” - a huge burden lifted. No man can give the assurance of forgiveness that God can. God loves us unconditionally. Romans 5:8 tells us, ”While we were still sinners, Jesus died for us”) We are loved beyond imagination, and as youth yearn for this total acceptance and love, and seek out God, the gospel becomes relevant and important. This, then, provides comfort and protection. Growing up in apartheid South Africa as a person of mixed race meant that my sense of identity was wrapped up in my political status as a ‘coloured’. The gospel, however, addresses this issue as I came to discover that my identity lay in being a child of God. That provided an identity and acceptance beyond what I was being exposed to on a daily basis, and showed me where my worth lay. Jesus said in John 10:10, “I have come that you may have life to the full”. The gospel message provides the hope, purpose and direction which many seek, but seldom find, except in being a follower of Jesus. Today’s youth love to be challenged. We could seek to attract young people solely by making the message attractive and entertaining. However, Jesus was very clear that if we were to become His followers, we would need to deny ourselves and take up our cross. This speaks of commitment, sacrifice, discipline and accountability.

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