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NIGEL WINDER | SUNZ Children and Families Consultant, Otago & Southland

Small children are the best at asking 'why?' questions, often moving onto the next question before you have finished answering their first question—like some tennis ball serving machine with the dial turned right up. Their rapid-fire questions can be profound and deep, but also outright left field and completely random and out of context. Questions like… Why do I have two eyes, but can only see one thing?

Why can't I see my own eyes?

Why can't I see inside my own head?

Why do my eyelids stay open during the day when I am awake, and closed at night when I am sleeping, without me telling them to? part of the body. But what it does show is that small children have an in-built thirst for knowledge and understanding about themselves and how the world works.

As Christians who believe we are created beings made in the image of God—who has a plan and purpose for our lives—what better place to have small children, large children and adults discover the answers to questions than the Bible itself.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Through Bible engagement we meet God and get to answer that BIG 'why?' question that really matters—"Why am I here?"


Through Bible engagement we discover our God-given mission, our purpose for existing, and we hone our values to be in line with God's. We are encouraged to stay the course of living a faithful and obedient life lived for God.

And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. " Matthew 22:37

Business coaches, mentors and those helping organisations develop a clear mission, purpose, values, and strategic plans always begin with the 'why?' question — 'Why does your organization exist?' By answering this question, organisations can stay focused on their core business with a clear sense of purpose about where they are going. It provides a filter for all decisions to ensure the business stays on point and doesn't become so thinly spread that the quality of what it offers diminishes. Likewise, as followers of Jesus, we should want to be thirsty for a greater knowledge of God our Creator to whom we have pledged our submission and allegiance.

As we grow in our understanding of His love for us, we will want to reciprocate that love by seeking His will and purpose for our lives so we can faithfully obey Him.

This is what the Lord says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go." Isaiah 48:17

As children of God, let's not neglect coming to our patient and loving Father with all our questions about life, seeking the answers He provides in the Bible. We might need to wait for an answer expectantly and patiently before we move on! A questioning heart is a seeking heart and God honours that in His desire to be known by us.

wisdom. We all benefit then, rather than some being passive participants. • Explore and understand the cultural context of each story and seek to apply its truths to our own context.

• Approach the Bible with an eager and willing expectation of meeting God and being changed by that encounter.

• Acknowledge that the Bible can be a very difficult book to read, and that an explanation won't always be clear.


• Seek the help of the Holy Spirit and other experts to help us understand it.

• Engage with God through the Bible ourselves, so those we work with see its living effect on our lives.

Bible engagement is at the heart of all we do at SUNZ, helping children, young people (and the adults working with them) discover together in community the transformative nature of engaging in God's Word.

Here are some things we recommend when helping others with their Bible engagement:

• Regularly take a bird's eye view of the whole story.

• See Jesus as the central character from beginning to end.

• Place each story we explore in the context of the whole story.

• Understand how different stories inform each other, growing our understanding of God.

• Engage in the story together, bringing our own contexts, questions, and collective If we engage with the Bible, we may just get to see inside the head and heart of God and begin to see things around us through His eyes rather than our own. Let's keep our eyes open to the truth and leading of God through His precious and wonderful gift to us—His Word.

Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. Psalm 119:18

Try praying this prayer the next time you engage with the Bible.

Lord, give me eyes to see You. Give me ears to hear from You. Give me a mind that is increasingly knowing You. Give me feet and hands ready to follow and obey You. Give me a heart that is overflowing with worship of You. May Your Spirit lead and control mine. Amen.

Thriving faith! That is our vision for the children, young people and families of Aotearoa. Scripture Union New Zealand is o ering to journey with your church over a year to address this challenge. We will facilitate a whole church consultation, and support you to develop a strategy for the future. Our desire is to see healthy churches, where people of all ages thrive in their faith!

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