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NIGEL WINDER | SUNZ Children and Families Consultant, Otago & Southland


mall children are the best at asking 'why?' questions, often moving onto the next question before you have finished answering their first question—like some tennis ball serving machine with the dial turned right up. Their rapid-fire questions can be profound and deep, but also outright left field and completely random and out of context. Questions like… Why do I have two eyes, but can only see one thing? Why can't I see my own eyes? Why can't I see inside my own head? Why do my eyelids stay open during the day when I am awake, and closed at night when I am sleeping, without me telling them to? This is only a small sample regarding one


part of the body. But what it does show is that small children have an in-built thirst for knowledge and understanding about themselves and how the world works. As Christians who believe we are created beings made in the image of God—who has a plan and purpose for our lives—what better place to have small children, large children and adults discover the answers to questions than the Bible itself. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Through Bible engagement we meet God and get to answer that BIG 'why?' question that really matters—"Why am I here?"

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