WAY2GO Magazine January 2024

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Welcome! Check out our ideas! Pull it out! & pass it around

Back to School February looms, as does getting back into the usual rhythms of the school term. Some families look forward to this, others do not. This can often reflect how the past couple of months have been. December is traditionally a mad rush to the end of the year, with prize-giving and end-of-year assembly, and then there is also the ‘silly season’ to contend with. January is usually slower with holidays and (hopefully) fine weather, with the usual routines ceasing, or at least slowing down. The start of the school year can bring about all sorts of emotions— from excitement to fear—for both children and parents! It’s a good idea to chat about how you’re all feeling, and to pray together as well. I firmly believe in the need for and the importance of prayer. Not only can you be praying for your children, but they can too, for themselves and their friends. In this edition of the WAY2GO magazine we will explore some prayer activities you can use at church and/or home to help everyone get ready for school.

___ Liz Eichler

Children and Families Team Leader, SUNZ

ISSUE 1 | 2024 15


Prayer Stations These pages outline 5 prayer stations to help your children and families prepare their hearts and minds before they head back to school. You could use these: •

As part of your Sunday morning session with the children

The children could then invite their parents and take them around after church

Or as a whole church prayer experience

You will need 5 tables. Set each station up on a table and spread the tables around the room. Put what you need for each prayer station in the middle of the table. The children can go through the prayer stations in any order. You could play some reflective music quietly in the background. If you have enough helpers, you could have a someone on each table, helping the children read the instructions and praying for them as they engage with the station.


many prayers You will need: • One dice w • 'God knows ho r often I pray fo 1:9, you’ – Romans r pe printed on pa

inted • Instructions pr e on paper: Roll th die. Pray for that le number of peop e at school. Thes ds, en fri e ud cl can in rs, he classmates, teac admin people...

This resource is based on ideas from childrensministry.com

16 www.sunz.org.nz



You will need: • A school backpack with heavy books in it • ‘Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest’ – Matthew 11:28, printed on paper • Instructions printed on paper: Put the backpack on your back and talk with Jesus about things that feel heavy and hard at school. Take the backpack off and thank Jesus for helping you carry those burdens and giving you rest.





You will need:

• A cardboard box or similar and a variety of toys you mi ght find at school, e.g. ba lls, ropes, card games, blocks • ‘Be kind to each oth er, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Ch rist has forgiven you’ – Ep hesians 4:32, printed on pape r • Instructions printed on paper: Choose a toy that you might find at school. Hold the toy in your hands as you pray silently. Ask God to he lp you be a good and kind frie nd as you play at school.


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You will need:

You will need:

• A whiteboard and whiteboard markers

• Large heart shapes pre-cut from paper or light cardboard. Felt-tip pens.

• ‘Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God’ – Philippians 1:3, printed on paper • Instructions printed on paper: Write a teachers name on the whiteboard. Pray and thank God for that teacher. Ask God to help the teacher have the energy and wisdom they need to do their job.

• ‘He fills my life with good things’ – Psalm 103:5, printed on paper. • Instructions printed on paper: Draw something you love about school on a heart. Thank God for the opportunity to enjoy that good thing.

ISSUE 1 | 2024 17

s e c r u o s Re


Available from sunz.org.nz/shop

IT’S YOUR NEXT STEP Starting big school can be a scary thing! There are so many things to find out about, so many new people to meet and choices to make. If you, and your little one is about to take that next step, then It’s Your Next Step is for you. | $5.00

IT’S YOUR MOVE! It's your friendly guide to moving to High School. Inside you will find lots of advice, together with stories about real people who have already moved. There are poems and stories, puzzles, and jokes, plus a space to collect all your friends’ signature. | $5.00

AROUND THE TABLE PODCAST As promised in our July edition, here is the podcast that came out of a gathering of children’s ministry enthusiasts late last year. This podcast is a collection of stories from Aotearoa about great ways to bring the generations together in life and ministry. It's perfect for church leaders, and across ministry areas. Listen on


Apple Podcast

and www.baptist.nz/series/around-the-table/

LOOKING FOR MORE RESOURCES AND INSPIRATION? Check out our SUNZ Children and Families and Breakthrough websites

sunzbreakthrough.org.nz | childrenandfamiliesnz.blogspot.com 18 www.sunz.org.nz

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