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Welcome! Check out our ideas! Pull it out! & pass it around

Once at a conference we were asked how we first became involved in Children’s Ministry. Nearly all of us had started by being shoulder tapped and asked to help out as a volunteer. This was my story as well, a phone call inviting me to a meeting I was hesitating about going to, but I couldn’t ignore the personal touch. Reflecting on that experience, I always found the best way to find more volunteers for Children’s Church is the personal touch, the café date, the cheese scone, and the conversation around needs, expectations and dreams. Scripture Union is a volunteer movement, with many wonderful people hard at work all over the country, with a few paid staff overseeing it all. Volunteers are our lifeblood and I’m sure they are yours too. In this edition of the WAY2GO magazine we’ll look at recruiting and keeping volunteers and in particular appreciating them. ___ Liz Eichler

Children and Families Consultant, SUNZ


Some have benefited from the activity themselves and want to give back.

People volunteer for a range of reasons.

Others are values driven, motivated by the mission and vision of the team.

Some are attracted by those in the team and want to be a part of it.

But remember

Sometimes it is a combination of some or all of the above.

Ask for help – people don’t know the need unless you make it known. Be specific with expectations – exactly what are you asking them to do?

Personal approach before wider appeal – did someone say café? Go on, make the time, and if you can, grab the bill. Don’t be afraid to ask those who have said no before – their situation might have changed in the interim.


These key motivators for volunteering on page 2 are also critical to keeping volunteers. Remind them why they volunteered in the first place. Keep sharing the vision, the success stories, their own stories and intentionally allow relationship to form and grow within the team.

Value them - you can’t do it on your own so tell them how much you value them. Train them - communicate clear expectations and equip them to meet them. Include training in your team meetings. Communicate well – make sure everyone’s ‘in the loop’ as to what’s happening, especially if you’re doing something a bit different to usual. Ask for, listen to and act on feedback – how is it going for you? What would make it even better? Lead by example – a happy, healthy team gives the best of themselves because they see you doing that. Delegate - identify your volunteer’s strengths and create opportunities for them to be used. Trust them - make sure they actually have something to do so they feel they are making positive and worthwhile contributions. Thank them –

• verbally every Sunday • at every team meeting • at the end of the term with a card, an email or a phone call • with a special morning tea/ lunch/dessert • arrange for children and their parents to contact them to say thanks As a church, celebrate all your volunteers – have a Volunteers Sunday

Holiday Resources

School holidays are always around the corner in one way or another. Are you looking for fresh inspiration? Have you had a look at our Holiday Programme resources? These Bible based resources cover a range of themes including travel, exploring, being part of a team, training to be an astronaut, the Olympic Games, and many more. Check out our newest and latest resource, the Wonder Zone holiday programme from the Book of Wonders series.

$30 $28

Both available via our shop website sunz.org.nz/shop

Looking for more resources and inspiration? Check out our website and blog

sunzbreakthrough.org.nz | childrenandfamiliesnz.blogspot.com

Scripture Union wants to work with your church to create opportunities for children and young people to discover and follow Jesus, grow as leaders, and influence the world. Contact us and let us know how we can help you.

SCRIPTURE UNION IN NEW ZEALAND PO Box 760, Wellington 6140 way2go@sunz.org.nz 0508 423 836 sunz.org.nz

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