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for the path MOLLY WOTTON | SUNZ Youth Camp Leader


When thinking of community, I look at the small snippet of scripture from the book Proverbs chapter 27 verse 17: “As iron sharpens iron, so does one person sharpen another” or “Just as iron sharpens iron, friends sharpen the minds of each other”. This verse for me highlights the choice and privilege we have, to be intentional about who we walk through life with. Take the classic fruit example for thought, if a mouldy apple is placed next to a perfectly ripe apple, eventually that apple will become mouldy also. It’s similar with people. If we are spending time with unhelpful people whose influence is not so great, it can transfer and affect us significantly. Perhaps you spend time with someone but leave feeling drained or not heard/cared about. Alternatively, If we are spending time with others who are focused, motivated, exciting, joyous, encouraging and invested in us… Surrounding ourselves with that energy can do wonders! As I’ve become a young adult, I’ve noticed how important it is to be intentional and selective when it comes to community. And though ´selective´ it is not intended to exclude people, but rather ensure that the people you do chose to have close by are ones that will lift you up, support you and ultimately push you to be the best version of yourself. From a faith perspective this could look like fellow believers who encourage you spiritually and perhaps bring the Imago Dei out of you - your true self, who God made you to be. You may also surround yourself with people not of a faith background who possibly do the same, maybe even motivate you in your career and to chase your dreams… Finding people who lift you up is how you can curate a community you would like to be a part of. God has generously gifted us many people to meet/cross paths within life and in the current world climate of Covid, we in Aotearoa are in a position of even greater privilege! We can physically meet with these communities and people in person, with minimal consequences. And because that’s our norm, it’s easy to take it for granted. Maybe now, the middle of the year, when temperatures drop and it’s harder to get out of bed, this time of year can get a little slumpy… But maybe now is actually a great time to reflect, thank God for our privileges, look at the people you surround yourself with. I encourage you to invite God into that journey, have peace knowing he’s got your back. And with God, we have the ability to choose who we spend our time and energy with. Find people who sharpen your iron, uplift you and when you see them your cup is left full and overflowing, not empty.


Whāia te iti kahurangi, ki te tuohu koe, me he maunga teitei.’ Kia ora tātou, ko Laura Molly Jane Wotton tōku ingoa e rua tekau mā rua ōku tau. Nō Tāmaki Makaurau ahau, engari, kei te noho ahau i roto i o Wānaka i Te Wai Pounamu mō ngā kaupeka hotoke! ‘Seek what it is that you value most, and if you must fall, let it be to a lofty mountain.’

Hello. My name is Laura Molly Jane Wotton. Yes, I have two first names – Laura and Molly – and I’m known by both! I’m 22 years old and I come from Auckland but in the winter seasons I live and work in Wānaka in the South Island. The whakataukī I referenced is one I hold dear to me as I walk through life with big dreams & ambitions! I was first involved in Scripture Union as a camper attending Pōnui Junior in 2013, I went on 5 camps as a camper and 2 so far as a leader. Pōnui holds a very special place in my heart and from there I have learnt valuable skills and made lifelong friends. I’m so grateful for how this Scripture Union camp has impacted my life. As a youth leader It’s an honour to be able to influence those younger than me by sharing life experiences, wisdom, advice and showing love through Christ. But, it really is a beautiful two way relationship! I learn just as much from the youth as they learn from me. And being from the strange generation between 1995 - 2002, not quite a millennial but not quite Gen Z either…I can still relate and have lots in common with the epic youth of Gen Z! Currently I’m in Wānaka going into my 5th winter season here… for the last 4, almost 5 years since I finished high school I’ve been pursuing a career as a professional athlete in free skiing. I compete in the discipline of slopestyle, and at the moment I’m trying to qualify for the 2022 winter Olympic Games… This sport is incredibly cost demanding and Covid-19 has added extra challenges that make it even more unaffordable. Nevertheless, I still do everything I can to achieve my goals. Behind the scenes, I put in a huge amount of hard work to ensure I can keep skiing and doing what I love… Yes it can be overwhelming at times. However, the reality is, I’m blessed to be living this life and following my dreams! Extra bonus - God is in the waka with me! Right by my side he continues to open doors, present opportunities and work wonders in my life! Like any big pursuit, where I am now has come at a cost. Sacrifices have been made and many challenges have rocked the boat, but still I’m here and wouldn’t change a thing… Every experience I have walked through has taught me valuable lessons and from them, a strong, resilient, dedicated and passionate young woman/ athlete stands to continue striving today.

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