SUNZ Adventure Magazine December 2015

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ISSN 1176-5143


Camping for a new generation INSIDE

E3 Wilderness Expedition Our Young Leaders Man Up Camp

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Around this time the now Department of Conservation offered land for a building of some kind through a connection to Scripture Union. And into the mix a character credited

Waynes Pic

with pioneering much of SU’s adventurous camping activities, Doc Martin, had been agitating for a permanent camping venue in the National Park for some time. Martin Yeoman took the vision and drew it on paper. Many skilful people came together and turned those drawings into a real building. And many more people over the years have given their time and resources to maintain this venue for hundreds of young, and not so young, people to enjoy. It’s a great story but even greater



are the stories that could be told of lives touched and changed within the temporary communities that have come together in this

his year we celebrate 50 years since the SU Adventure Lodge, formerly known as Crusader Lodge, was opened on the

slopes of Mt Ruapehu in the central North Island. Like many great ideas the building of the lodge was the result of a convergence of events that could only be orchestrated by God. A gift to the movement in memory of a cherished son who tragically died in a tramping accident provided the funds. Amongst this young man’s belongings the family discovered a Crusaders guide to Bible reading and were thankful for that influence.

place through all those years. Programmes and activities are just the skeleton of an effective camp. What adds the flesh is the relationships formed, faith that is shared from the Bible, and experiences and challenges in an environment that stretch people not only physically but spiritually and emotionally. And in the midst of all that God shows up and does something unique and special that will change lives for good. That is why SUNZ believes in camping and has continued to innovate and provide the best environments possible for young people to experience life in its fullness.


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CONTENTS FEATURES 04 Camping for a New Generation Neville Bartley


08 Why SU Camps? 10 E3 Wilderness Expedition Ben Necklen 14 Man Up Camp Wayne Goodchild


20 A Place to Encounter God Nigel Pollock 22 Storytelling Camps Steve Adams



12 Our Young Leaders


24 In Memory of Wayne Fraser 25 Light for the Path Andrew Shepherd



26 Out and About




RESOURCES 28 Resources For Life

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Camping for a

new generation By Neville Bartley SU YOUTH MINISTRY LEADER


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amping with friends or family has been

through personal face-to-face interactions

part of my heritage and the source of many

are missed by this generation who so often

great stories for me – and also, I am sure,

interact through modern technology. Camping

for many other adults. However, for many

has become a transformative experience

younger people camping is a whole different

that takes young people to places they don’t

thing that may not involve living under canvas.

normally go — physically, mentally, emotionally

In my day we went back to basics and it was

and spiritually. In a loving, caring environment

pretty rough and ready. Today many young

where God is present there is opportunity for

people expect camping to involve comfortable

youth to truly grow, to discover who they are

accommodation with catered meals and

created to be and work out where they fit into

modern technology, and arrive at Scripture

the big scheme of things.

Union NZ camps never having camped in a tent or slept out under the stars.

Strangely enough, one of the biggest challenges to our camping ministry is parents.

Young campers today have very busy lives and

They have become risk adverse, super

different expectations than in the past but

protective, and so focused on success for their

regardless of the changes in contemporary

children that they see camping as a pointless

society, camping is as relevant as ever. A camp

use of time. But to follow Christ is a risky life,

held over several days challenges campers to

so why not equip our youth to handle risks

step outside their normal daily routine and be

well? Let’s empower them by putting them

challenged by new locations, new people, lack

into places that will enable them to grow into

of comfort and perceived risk. As they face the

adults who are secure in their faith and in

challenges away from their normal places of

themselves, and who can make an impact on

security, they learn more about themselves

our world.

and more about where their security should really come from. At our camps, young people

Adventure-based camps are a pivotal part

discover that the key to finding strength and

of Scripture Union camps’ future as we aim

security in their lives is through developing

to connect with youth campers on a really

their faith in God.

authentic level. In coming camping seasons we will be bringing back some adventure

Today young people are more connected

camps of the past, but with a twist. Our new

globally than ever before, but ironically they

‘bike camp’ will use the developing cycleway

are also seen as a very socially disconnected

network. ‘E3 camp’ turns camping into a tough

generation. Many things adults have learnt

adventure journey to challenge students as

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F E AT U RE they unpack the challenges ahead as they leave high school. The return of a ‘guysonly camp’ is planned to give young men an opportunity to explore what it means to be the men God created them to be. Alongside revitalizing these past camps, we are developing totally new camps. Weekendlong ‘Storytelling camps’ will help young people place themselves in the Bible story and consider how it helps them to grow and develop. Creative arts camps are planned to enable young people to use their creative gifts and passions to impact the lives of those around them. Partnerships with other organisations may help us develop camps that will appeal to a new range of young people — the sports area is in our sights. We began moving into leadership development with ‘Exodus Prime – Young Leaders camp’, and also hope to develop camps to equip youth leaders and youth pastors. We don’t have the resources to compete with today’s big businesses of technology and entertainment, but the experience a young person can have on camp is truly the most authentic and relevant type of growth. Tomorrow’s camps may look nothing like those that some of us remember, but our aim is still to create an environment for youth to grow and to discover God. With a lot of prayer, passionate volunteers and a commitment to quality, I believe we can continue to run camps that are relevant, exciting, challenging, and life-changing.


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We asked camp leaders, campers and parents of campers about SUNZ’s recent youth camps “I did enjoy the camp, met some good people, and it was a good growing experience for me.”

“My kids have returned from the Ponui Extreme camp, so excited. They claim it is the best camping experience ever!”

“I have just spent the last week on Ponui Island as a leader and have come back buzzing. It is encouraging and rewarding to see New Zealand adolescents loving the outdoors, loving life without being attached to their cell phones, and most of all loving the Lord.”


“Thank you very much. Both our kids really enjoyed the snow camps. We think it's a brilliant thing you do!” “We are a Christian home, yet struggle with finding a youth group that is not too outreach-based, to have conversations with our children around real topics and his Christian faith. The staff at the camp last year did a great job! We are already planning which year 11 camp he might join! We're thinking the Wanaka based cycle one would be great.” 8

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“Thanks for another awesome camp. My kids came back exhilarated as usual!!!”

“I had an absolutely brilliant time leading at camp, with plenty of good mountain days, and good small group study times. Everyone got to know each other quite well being a smaller camp and there was quite a close family atmosphere. And once again it was the highlight of my term :)”

“My son really enjoyed the camp and is looking forward to next year. Thank you for running such a good camp for our teenagers to be able to go to.”

“The camp was awesome! It was great to see that everyone participated and they (the campers) are well on their way to a relationship with Christ. As a camp leader I got a lot out of it too.”

“My son had a great time at camp - thanks so much to the leaders for their commitment to the campers.”

“Our boys had a fantastic time at their first Snow Blast Camp in the holidays. Please pass on our appreciation on to the great team of leaders! Congrats on doing such a great job! They'll be back with mates next year!”

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E3 wilderness



n this age of consumerism, society is characterised with quick fixes, instant gratification and immediate communication. In contrast, values such as ‘faith’ and ‘leadership’ don’t develop overnight. Whether it is 40 years in the dessert or Jesus withdrawing to pray, the Bible has many examples of when God has used creation and the wilderness to transform lives and help people grow closer to him. The wilderness is a place of transformation. As a teenager I was given the opportunity to go on a wilderness expedition through my high school. While I attended my church youth group and had some good friends, I had never taken the time to intentionally think about my 10

character, faith and what values I wanted to carry through life. Suddenly, the wilderness became a place where I connected with God. It became a place where I developed a greater understanding of our purpose as Christians and how best to be leaders in our communities. E3: Wilderness Expedition is a camp tailored for year 12 and 13 students who are on the journey to finish high school. We believe this is a crucial age to look at how our faith will be put into action as youth leave high school. The Expeditions are run as a partnership between Scripture Union NZ, Adventure Specialties Trust and AROCHA NZ, believing

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that wilderness experiences help us to develop our faith, character and appreciation for God’s creation around us. E3 runs for 10-11 days with a small group of 12 students. There are two camps running in the South Island, Otago and Canterbury, each with their own flavour and adventure challenges. The journeys have a strong SUNZ ethos with studies taking place each day and a 1 day solo experience for each student. Whether we are cooking apple crumble on the open fire, watching the sun set behind the rafts or sleeping out under a fly in the high country, E3 takes students through amazing country via a variety of modes of travel.

The journeys aim to create a temporary community where we can practice leadership, ask the hard questions around our faith and lend a helping hand to each other. As one of our previous students commented “We started off as a bunch of strangers and ended up like a close knit family” As Jesus used the wilderness as a transformational tool, my prayer is that students will be equipped for the next stage of life, empowered for the journey and explore God’s good creation.

For more information about E3 please contact Ben at ADVENTURE December 2015

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Our Young leaders

t Scripture Union NZ we have an amazing group of young people who volunteer their time to lead on our camps. We asked a couple of them how they have been impacted by our camps and how our camps have helped them on their spiritual journey.

nicola froud

How has SUCAMPS helped you in your spiritual walk? I was asked this once, and it made me write out my camp experiences in order, and at that point I saw that each camp had developed a different part of my faith, and there was purpose and reason behind the order I’d had these experiences. Mangawhai Marine 2009 was the first I’d heard and been encouraged to set aside a daily devotional time, and it became a priority in the wake of that camp. The following summer Ponui Junior 2010 expanded how I saw worship, how I saw the role that Christians had with each other,


praying with each other and testifying to each other - and the following summer I went to Craigieburn Capers 2011. I came away with appreciation for spoken messages and what I could get from them, and I came away refreshed from possibly the best landscapes in our country - nature always has that effect. Ponui Senior 2012 encouraged me to write my testimony for the first time - and also to believe I had one, and that it was worth hearing, and that it was as important as the more dramatic testimonies I’d heard. All of them helped me network and I have some solid friendships today thanks to camping! What motivated you to move into a leadership role with our camps? It feels like a bit of a privilege to have been on as many as I have - and its long been an organization so highly esteemed by my mother’s generation and even by grandad’s long involvement with Scripture Union. They’ve passed on a bit of a legacy of leading and directing! Mum had my brother and I poring over the camp brochures long before we were old enough to go, and enthralled with all her stories from years as camper, leader and director. I never doubted I would lead too. It’s partially also a wanting to give back, and it’s partially a fantastic medium to encourage an easily influenced age-group, and it’s partially not being able to give up the beautiful summer memories.

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How being has a leader on our camps helped/ encouraged you on your journey? Suddenly the focus was so so much wanting to take conversations deeper, bringing small groups into uncrossed territory that would show that faith discussions aren’t stale. The gospel doesn’t change but it’s meaning for us, or applicability to us, perhaps should. As a leader, all the conversations had - the little ones over breakfast, the snatched ones between games etc., have as much value, and become very kid-centred; the motive becomes showing interest in them at all costs, and so leadership learns to be ever-present and instinctual.

daniel cutmore

How has SUCAMPS helped you in your spiritual walk? SUCAMPS have been one of the most important shaping influences in my faith. Throughout my teen years I struggled with maintaining a ‘closeness’ to God at times, and I would find that between camps I would drift away slowly when I failed to give him the time of day. After failing to maintain a personal relationship with God for a while, I would find myself at camp once again, where

I was surrounded by Christian influence and God’s presence. Within the time on camp, I was spiritually invigorated and I found myself firing for God when I left. These short boosts of ‘God-ness’ showed me what it really was to be a Christian, and I knew that that was how I wanted to live. So without SUCAMPS, I don’t know where exactly I would be in my faith right now, but I do know that thanks to them my faith has survived to the point where I no longer need the camps to sustain my faith, and my relationship with God is becoming forever more personal and real, closer to what I experienced at camp. What motivated you to move into a leadership role with our camps? I have always felt that SUCAMPS has been part of the defining influences in my life, and the leaders which I have met over my time as a camper have been people who inspired me and gave me something to aim towards. Since even my first camp, I have always wanted to return as a leader so that I can influence the lives of campers and help them in their walk with God. Giving back, in a sense. What’s one thing have you learned as a camper that has/will stick with you through the future? One thing I have learnt at camp is an ideal that I have carried with me and try to live by, in that the world is a broken place and love is the only cure. To show love towards anyone and everyone is what Jesus did during his time on earth, and living that way is just how he would live if he were on earth now. The importance of love.

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Man Up camp



couple of years ago I was fortunate enough to attend a Scripture Union camp in Australia called “GENTS CAMP”. This camp was unique in that it was for boys only. It was a huge camp with 2 sites of over 150 campers each. The activities themselves were not anything especially amazing, but everything had a bit more of a boyish slant to it. A bit rougher, a bit wilder, a bit louder, a bit cruder, and the campers loved it! Being on this camp inspired us to explore how we could establish an equivalent boy’s camp here in New Zealand. We knew that establishing a single gender camp such as this needed to be relevant to NZ, rather than just replicating another Australian program. After much thought we came up with “Man Up Camp”, a week for boys to be boys and where they can start to become men. Of course this then begs the question of what it means to be a man. What is a “real” man? We looked into what it meant to be a “real man” in today’s world, but we found it very hard to define. In some places and situations there was just a lack of a male presence. No one to teach, to lead, to support our young boys or even just create an environment for them to just observe what guys do in just every day, ordinary life. 14

Fortunately, as Christians we have a source other than society to base our identity on – Jesus. He was tough but gentle, he was strict but merciful, he was quiet but authoritative, he was a leader but obedient. Through the challenges he faced he showed me what being a “man” meant. This camp is for those boys who lack that “manhood” in their life, and we show them how Jesus can fill that gap. We see the camp acting as something like rite of passage for these boys, to have fun but also to be challenged as they develop formative values and camaraderie with other campers. Alongside this we want to use senior campers as group leaders, mentoring them in their leadership, and get older men as camp dads and grandads to guide and encourage them. As you read this I’d love for you to become excited about this camp but more than that, to understand the heart of it too. For boys in years 7-9 this is an opportunity to change the way they see themselves and start on the path to manhood with a clearer picture of what that looks like. Please pray and support us in this endeavour.

For more information about Man Up Camps please contact Wayne at

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mag for child

Issue 52


GO to the WAY2 of ideas full ’s It e. in az mag ho work with for people w r churches and ei th children in mmunities. local co

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is Jesus?

Every Christmas it seems as if less and less children know the answer to this question and now recent research by the Bible Society1 shows that 36% of children say they’ve never even read, heard or seen the story of the birth of Jesus. This is a serious challenge for us as people who know and follow Jesus. As the time to celebrate Jesus’ birth approaches, we need to think about how we can tell the children we know who Jesus is. We need to think creatively about how to tell them the facts of the story of Jesus and there are some great ideas for doing that in this WAY2GO magazine. Take a look at them and enjoy using them. But if the story of Jesus is to mean anything, it needs to be more than just information. We need to help children understand that the story of Jesus is part of a bigger story - it is part of the story of God’s love for us. The way we tell it needs to help children understand that they are part of God’s big story too - God knew that one day they would be born and he wanted them to have a way to be friends with him too. Make the most of the time you have with your children this year and may God bless you as you work with them.

Hilary Hague Team leader, Children and Families SUNZ 1 2015 Biblical Literacy Survey, Bible Society NZ.

Who is Jesus? is an interactive Christmas leaflet especially designed to help children discover what the Bible tells us about Jesus. It’s produced by SUNZ and the Bible Society and you can order them online at Adventure Dec15.indd 15

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Are you looking for simple activities that don’t create too much chaos, and aren’t relegated to the rubbish bin on arriving home? Here are a few of our favourite ideas to help you explore the Christmas story with your children and wider church.


Amber Sky Records (www.amberskyrecords. com) have a good selection of Christmas music. If your children like to get up and dance, check out ‘Go tell it’. Hillsong has produced a beautiful new song called ‘Peace has come’. It is a great one for the whole church to sing together.


You will need a clear plastic bauble that is fillable. These are available from Trade Me or The Warehouse. Squirt some clear glue inside your ornament and swirl it around to create a pattern. Place fine glitter into your ornament and shake it around so it covers the glue. You might like to add some small star shapes or tinsel.


Check out http://www. /thenativity-story.html for a fabulous nativity scene that you can print out on card and fold. This is a great activity for a family to do together in the weeks leading up to Christmas.


CHRISTMAS FONTS Are you creating your own resources? have a great range of Christmas themed fonts just waiting for you to download. And they’re all free!


DVDs is hard to beat. They have a series of four short DVDs that tell the Christmas story, with the narration coming straight from the Contemporary English Version of the Bible.

Scripture Union has a series of photographs, taken in the places where the Christmas story happened. This excellent resource shows children that Jesus was born in a real place and time. Contact Annette on for more detail.

Check out our blog for more! You can follow us at Adventure Dec15.indd 16

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God’s Big Rescue a family time activity

Use the Jesus Storybook Bible and make either Advent bracelets or key rings to help your families spend time together and explore the story of Christmas at the same time. Just give each family a pack containing all they need, and every day they can read the Bible story together and add the appropriate bead to each child’s bracelet/key ring.

WHAT TO DO Make up packs for each family. Each family will need a pack containing: • The Jesus Storybook Bible available from SUNZ for $19.99. •

A copy of the bookmark on the side of this page. These can be downloaded from our website

An organza bag for each child containing 1. the following beads - a silver heart and a gold heart, a star, a big beautiful bead to represent Jesus, 3 purple beads, one sparkly bead, one each of green, grey, gold, blue, and yellow beads. (A good brand of beads which include a sturdy plastic bracelet is L’ll Rosie Pony Beads.) 2. Either a plastic band or shoe lace for the bracelet or a key ring with a shoelace attached.

Give out the packs in church and suggest that families make a regular time each day to do their packs together. Tell parents that this is a good opportunity to build quality relationships and talk and pray as a family. Suggest they find a comfortable place and turn the TV off and don’t answer the phone. Bedtime can be good, or on the sofa after dinner. Remind them that reading the Bible is more than just learning information about God. The Bible is the story of his love for the world and for us. Pray that families will meet with God and be transformed by him as they read.

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Big Rescue

Find out about God’s big rescue and discover what it has to do with Christmas!

There’s something to do every day. Read the pages from the Jesus Storybook Bible and add beads to your bracelet or key ring as you go to help you remember what God did because he loves you. December 15 - The Story and the Song - page 12. Choose the silver heart to remind you how much God loves us all. December 16 - The Beginning: A Perfect Home – page18. Choose the green bead to remind you how God made the world and everything in it because he loved us. December 17 - The Terrible Lie – page 28. Choose the grey bead to remind you how sad God felt when things went wrong. December 18 - Operation “No More Tears” - page 144. Choose the gold bead to remind you of the baby God would send to rescue us all. December 19 – Get Ready! - page170 Choose the sparkly bead and get ready to celebrate!

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Is this you?

December 20 - He’s Here - pages 176 - 179. Choose the blue bead to remind you of Mary and what God said to her. December 21 - He’s Here - pages 180181. Choose the yellow bead to remind you of the straw in the stable where Mary and Joseph had to stay. December 22 - He’s Here - pages 182 183. Choose the big beautiful bead to remind you of God’s son, baby Jesus. December 23 - The Light of the Whole World - page 184. Choose the star to remind you of the star and the shepherds.

December 24 - The King of All Kings -

page 192. Choose the purple beads to remind you of the wise men who came to see Jesus.

December 25- Choose the gold heart

to remind you how much God loves you.

SUNZ is looking for someone to join the Children and Families staff team in Wellington. This person will have plenty of experience with children and they will also be able to inspire, train and equip adults and work with churches. If you think this sounds like you, contact Hilary at for more details.

Mosaic: Celebrations $22.99 Christmas…Easter… Pentecost…If you’re in a church with not many children and limited space or resources and you’re wondering what to do, this Mosaic book will help! It has 12 children’s group sessions full of activities suitable for 2- to 14-yearolds, all meeting together plus a bonus all-age service for the whole church to enjoy together. Check it out along with all the other Mosaic books in the series on our website or freephone us on 0508 423 836.

Our WAY2GO Children’s Ministry Conferences dates are set for 2016! • Auckland 14 May 2016 • Dunedin 28 May 2016 • Wellington 11 June 2016 Book the dates in now and bring your team along for creative high quality WAY2GO leadership development. SUNZ also trains and equips leaders all year round so email us at if you would like us to come to your church in the first term of next year.

Now use your beads tell God’s story as you celebrate Christmas. Scripture Union wants to work with your church to create opportunities for children and young people to discover and follow Jesus, grow as leaders, and influence the world. Contact us and let us know how we can help you. Scripture Union in New Zealand – PO Box 760, Wellington 6140 – 0508 423 836 –

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A Place to Encounter God





remember my first day at SU Camp. About 20 of us ran screaming down a bank covered in daffodils to join a game of football. It was about 35 a-side. I touched the ball twice and scored a goal. Little did I know as the whistle went for dinner that this was going to be a week that would change my life forever. It was at a place called Croftinloan in Scotland. Over the next few days we were introduced to new camp games like “Ragger”, “Crocker”, “Hacker”, “Cross Country Football” and “Danish Longball”. We played wide games in the woods, swam, toasted marshmallows and had fun. I met a group of adults who were unlike any I had encountered before. They were mostly university students and teachers. They laughed, encouraged, played sport with us and led our small group time. There was something about them which was different. I later understood it was their Christian faith. Our dorm leaders were called Peter and John, I still heard from them occasionally over the next 30 years. There were simple services in the evenings with songs, games, quizzes and talks. It was here that I was introduced to someone else. His name was Jesus, he loved me, died for me, was alive today. I read a booklet called “Journey into Life”. It took a few more camps for that journey to become a reality for me but I have no doubt the first steps were taken at Croftinloan.


I went on to be a leader at camps and to lead Sports Camps and Family Camps. Over the years I saw many young people’s lives transformed. Camps have an impact because we live in community. We experience the gospel through many channels of word and action. Together we are more like Jesus than we are on our own. One of the songs I remember singing as a young leader was “and they’ll know we are Christians by our love”. The camp community is a powerful witness and a tangible welcome. Camps are also special because of the places they take place. Encountering God in creation is a breath of fresh air, no less so for a generation more used to looking at screens than through windows. I have met many Kiwis who hold Ponui Island dear as the place they came to faith. Many of the Christian campsites in Aotearoa have significant mana through years of spiritual work. I believe in camps. I consider them to be a highly effective means of mission and discipleship. People often say that relationships started on holidays never last. In my case a relationship started on a Scripture Union holiday has been foundational to my life ever since. And not just me. I fully expect a number of those Croftinloan footballers who ran through the daffodils to be beside the Crystal Sea. Who knows, there might be a few boys and girls from Ponui who could give us a game.

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T to s fu


Start uni here LAUNCH 2016 february 8-12

kapiti coast

TSCF’s summer camp is for school leavers to kick-start their year with current uni students – exploring the Word, having fun and beginning new friendships.

We connect Christian students and help them share the good news of Jesus. We explore how the Bible relates to the whole of life – studies, relationships and the world’s big issues. We have been doing this in New Zealand for 80 years. If you are up for a challenge and excited by the opportunities of faith as a student, join us. ADVENTURE December 2015 21 Adventure Dec15.indd 21

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Storytelling camps By Steve Adams SU YOUTH CONSULTANT

Christian Camping NZ has been around for some time and every camp puts a spin or their own personal flavour into their camp. Whether it’s their location or some crazy activities, it’s these things that make these types of camps unique, and the same goes for our Scripture Union NZ camps. Our all new storytelling camps are the opportunity for campers to experience God’s story. Here we will have the opportunity to bring God’s storybook to individuals and meet


their needs. It is a weekend/week camp that will help campers to journey along a bible story and become part of the experience, encountering their own struggles and issues along the way. A storytelling camp has the ability to meet the camper at their level and inspire them as they read and reflect on God’s story. Of course there will be lots of room for the crazy SUNZ activities, making for a fun time. SUNZ’s upcoming storytelling camps are another

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avenue to allow campers to experience something different. The opportunity to experience God’s storybook, storytelling camps will aim to meet the camper at their level and inspire them as they read and reflect on God’s story. This SUNZ camp allows the camper the opportunity to go a little deeper into God’s word. Stories invite us into another world, and can help transform the way we view our own journey. God’s story was not written to entertain us; they are portals into a greater understanding of ourselves. God’s story reveals so much to us that it can set us free to be the very person that God created us to be. And with so many stories there is so much we can reflect and learn as we journey along. Over the course of a storytelling camp the

camper will have the opportunity to STEP into an episode of the story of God through a large storytelling session. They will SIT in that episode through an engaging small group time and WALK in that episode through a hands-on experience. They will have the opportunity to SPEAK out their discoveries through a creative time of response whether they feel comfortable sharing in small groups or in the larger group. It is our intention to use God’s stories to inspire youth to apply the truth and principles of what we learn from the Bible to their own spiritual journey.

For more information about SUNZ’s upcoming storytelling camps please contact Steve at

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In Memory


Scripture Union NZ recently said farewell to two special supporters of our ministry.

Kevin J O’Sullivan

Kevin O’Sullivan was an extremely generous and God-centred man with an outrageous sense of humour and astonishing optimism. Kevin enjoyed a 50-year working life and fantastic reputation as a lawyer in Palmerston North — following his passing a colleague proclaimed ‘There goes a professional legend’. Privately, he devoted 30,000-plus hours to dozens of trusts, charities, and humanitarian and social work. Kevin’s ‘extraordinary, professional, spiritual, and inspiring life’ was one of informed faith always seeking a deeper faith. Kevin would read 3-4 newspapers a day alongside his Bible and developed an extreme capacity for work and strong concern for people. As a student in a Crusader group he met the ‘real God’ and that translated into a life motivated by service. Kevin served Scripture Union in NZ as a council member from 1948-77 and as chair from 196369. Even while living with cancer he did not despair and everyday produced opportunities for humour, service, growth, and harmonica playing. The Scripture Union NZ office will miss his newsletters full of his discoveries about life and generous sharing of his resources. 24

Kevin J Simpkins

It it is clear from Kevin Simpkins’ professional credentials that Scripture Union NZ was fortunate to have his support. Kevin had served on the Finance, Audit, and Remuneration Committee at Scripture Union NZ and was still providing us with valuable and wise financial guidance whenever asked. He had extensive experience in financial reporting and standardsetting and a particular interest in the public and not-for-profit sectors. He had previously been New Zealand’s Deputy Controller and Auditor-General, and the current AuditorGeneral gave a glowing tribute to Kevin’s skills and integrity. Kevin was appointed Chairman of the Accounting Standards Review Board in 2009 and inaugural Chairman of the External Reporting Board from 2011-2014. In 2011 Kevin was awarded the American Express Outstanding Service to the Profession Award at the NZ Institute of Chartered Accountants Leadership Awards. Other interests and passions also made this man. At Kevin’s service his love of music was acknowledged through music from family members. Kevin was a South African who had participated in many sports, and had become a very vocal All Blacks supporter. He passed away while walking with friends in the Wellington bush on a brilliantly sunny Labour weekend— which seems fitting given his enthusiasm for enjoying the outdoors of New Zealand. We give thanks for this ‘good and faithful servant’.

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for the path By Andrew Shepherd NATIONAL CO-DIRECTOR OF A ROCHA AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND I am fortunate to live in a part of Aotearoa New Zealand where bird-life is abundant. Tui, bellbird, silver-eye and kereru frequent our garden, alongside numerous exotic species. Recently I have been reflecting on how often birds appear in Scripture and the relationship between humanity, birds and their joint Creator. Psalm 84 offers a beautiful portrait of humanity and birds finding shelter and delight in the presence of God. The joyous singing of those on pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem (v2) is echoed by birds in the sanctuary offering their own songs of praise (v4). Such imagery – of humanity and other species worshipping God together – is particularly poignant in light of the contemporary ecological challenges we face. Habitat destruction, pollution and climate change are pushing large numbers of birds (and other) species to extinction. Voices in God’s choir of creation are being silenced forever – primarily due to the greed and violence of human activity. In Genesis 6-8, God’s despair at human violence and wickedness leads him to allow

the waters to re-inundate the face of the earth. Only Noah, ‘blameless and righteous’ (6:9), is saved from this cataclysmic event. Noah and his family’s future is inextricably tied up with that of the other species (and, in particular the dove) who join them as climate-change refugees in floating exile. Sent out from the ark, the dove returns, its presence of peace required by the ark-dwellers as they look out to the watery chaos that surrounds them. Sent a second time, the dove returns with a token – a freshly plucked olive leaf – a symbol of new life, an emblem of hope for those on the ark. And then, released a third time, the dove ventures forth, summoning humanity into the newly emerging world. As the 21st century continues, rising sea-levels will not be confined to biblical stories but will be our own reality. Will we, like Noah, be obedient and led and guided by God’s Spirit of Peace take leaps of faith? Like Noah, will we seek the well-being of other species, creating sanctuaries of biodiversity and hope? Or, will our fate be that of the enemies of God, those who having desecrated God’s creation face the consequences of their actions – becoming victims to birds of judgement (Rev 19:17-18)?

Dr Andrew Shepherd has a long involvement in Scripture Union’s camping ministry and this month will be leading the E3 Otago Wilderness Expedition. For more information about Dr Andrew Shepherd and A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand see: ADVENTURE December 2015

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Out &


Waikato/Bop GRAHAM FULLERTON On the 29th August we welcomed the 2015 SUMMIT Base Camp to Hamilton.

Auckland/Northland SYLVIA COULTER Auckland’s large and varied city welcomes newcomers from many places. Last week, Andrew Ramsbottom led four primary school assemblies, telling Peter’s story with over 500 children, some homegrown, and some from afar. It’s the same in the high school groups Andy Banks visits, and our adult training sessions encourage Christians of many ethnicities. We work with traditional kiwi congregations, but as we look ahead we want more staff and volunteers to help Scripture Union NZ move beyond this mould to learn from and to serve Christians with other cultural expressions of faith. Please help us with ideas and contacts.


Approximately 80 people attended this all day meeting of SUNZ staff along with a goodly number of SUNZ volunteers. Mark McConnell from Laidlaw College was the guest speaker and we were challenged to consider how secularisation was/is a factor that we as Christians have to face up to. He took us to Esther and to Mordecai, drawing out some interesting parallels between what they faced in their day and what we as a parachurch organisation, and the Christian Church, face in our day. As it was for the Jews then, exiles living in a culture that was not their own, so it is for Christians and Christian organisations of today. We too are living in a culture not our own and we too are in the minority. However, we are ‘in the kingdom for such a time as this’. How then do we engage with the culture that surrounds us? That is the challenge that SUNZ faces and a one that we will address. Watch this space! We in the Waikato do thank you all for coming to visit us.



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Wellington HILARY HAGUE We’re a busy lot here in Wellington this term. SUPAkidz Clubs are in the middle of their programmes for the term and we’ve been particularly excited to see the club at Naenae Primary start up again with a full team of leaders. Sixty five children have been turning up which is more than a third of the school and the children have enjoyed every moment. In the words of one boy: “I’m 1000 and 50 and 100 times glad you’re back.” We’re getting ready for the January SUPAkidz Camp now. The theme is ‘Shipwrecked’ and it is based around the stories of Peter and Jesus. Look on our website if you would like to know more about it. Our new resources centre is humming. We’ve just held our Christmas Get Together for children’s ministry leaders in it. If you haven’t checked it out yet, pop and have a look and say hello to us.

Canterbury BEN NECKLEN Spring 2015 has been our busiest in the past 4 years. Sunday 18th October saw a great group of supporters and volunteers gather in Christchurch for lunch and prayer. Nothing beats intergenerational prayer focusing on youth growing closer to God through camping! We have also have been on the road with our second leaders training event in Wanaka and a new junior camp in Queenstown. The Leaders Weekend exceeded expectation and gathered 20+ leaders to upskill and to be reenergized, and the new Queenstown camp was a great success with 21 campers. It has also been exciting to be working with A Rocha and Adventure Specialities Trust as we get ready for two South Island E3 expeditions running in December.



NIGEL WINDER It was great having a combined youth and children’s camp leaders training weekend in Wanaka a couple of weeks out from the Spring camps. It was heartening to hear that some leaders on camp found themselves in situations where specific things covered in the training were relevant and useful. Both the Polar Explorers SUPAkidz Camp and the Queenstown Spring Caper Junior Youth Camp went very well with lots of positive feedback. We are looking forward to the local summer camp offerings. Wayne Fraser (National Director), Ben Necklen (South Island Camps Facilitator), Aaron Douglas (Youth Consultant) and myself recently hosted gatherings at the end of November in Invercargill, Gore and Dunedin sharing some of the great stories coming out of this year’s local ministry. God has been very good!


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The long wait is finally over check out the online resources at: The new web store is now live so be sure to take a look at the wonderful selection of resources. We will be adding a growing selection of ebooks over the coming months, so be sure to visit the site often.

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The Voice is a faithful dynamic equivalent translation that reads like a story with all the truth and wisdom of God’s Word. Through compelling narratives, poetry, and teaching, The Voice invites readers to enter into the whole story of God, enabling them to hear God speaking and to experience His presence in their lives. Through a collaboration of nearly 120 biblical scholars, pastors, writers, musicians, poets, and artists, The Voice recaptures the passion, grit, humour, and beauty that is often lost in the translation process. The result is a retelling of the story of the Bible in a form as fluid as modern literary works yet painstakingly true to the original manuscripts.

NLT Study Bible for Guys:

An edition of God’s Word created for guy’s ages 11 to 14 based on the best-selling “Life Application Study Bible.” Packed full of notes and features, the “Guys Life Application Study Bible” is easy to use and helps answer the questions preteen guys may have about God and life. The notes help them learn to think biblically about real issues they face, such as self-esteem, friendship, and peer pressure. Designed to leave readers to make their own decisions about real-life situations while being pointed to Scripture for answers.

NLT study Bible for Girls:

An edition of God’s Word created for girls ages 11 and up, based on the best-selling “Life Application Study Bible.” Packed full of notes and features, the “Girls Life Application Study Bible” is easy to use and helps answer some of the questions preteen girls have about God and life. Discovering God’s will for their lives has never been this much fun! Features: “What Now?” Learn how to make good choices in tough times “I Survived!” Personal survival stories from older teens about how they made it “Amazing Facts” Bible trivia “At a Glance”—the lives of famous women in the Bible—good and bad—become lessons for teens “Is It OK?” A reality check on what the Bible says about the questions that are really on your mind. 2-color interior; 16 pages of full-color illustrations about Bible times Book introductions and timelines Charts and 3-dimensional maps.

CEV Youth Bible:

Make sense of the world - and your place in it - with this funky little hardback Bible! The perfect fit for your bag or backpack. It features the Contemporary English Version and includes a help section, a dictionary and maps to help you explore God’s Word. ADVENTURE December 2015

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WHAT ABOUT THESE GREAT DEVOTIONAL BOOKS Looking for a devotional guide for your children or grandchildren? Then be sure to check the great range we now have in stock: Here’s a few of the range available: The One Year devotions for pre-schoolers:

Watch your young children grow in their understanding of God as you meet with Him together using this One Year devotional. Each reading pairs a Little Blessings illustration with a short Bible verse and devotional thought that gets you and your child talking about the simple truths of Scripture. A fun, rhyming prayer completes each devotional. A great way to get young children interacting with Scripture daily.

Youth Devotions 2:

Josh McDowell’s Beyond Belief message is the foundation to launch a spiritual revolution among youth. This is a revolution to equip churches and families to raise up a generation of young people who have been transformed by Christ and the cross, who are empowered to live crossgrain to the culture and are committed to share Christ across all cultures. In this second installment of Josh’s best-selling youth devotions, Josh provides 365 daily encounters with the one true God who is beyond our belief in love and grace.

NIV Adventure Bible Book of Devotions:

Grab your spyglass and compass and set sail for adventure! Like a map that leads to great treasure, this revised edition of the NIV Adventure Bible Book of Devotions takes kids on a thrilling, enriching quest. This yearlong devotional is filled with exciting fictional stories about kids finding adventure in the real world. Boys and girls will learn more about God and the Bible, and be inspired to live a life of faith---the greatest adventure of all.

Jesus Calling 365 Devotions for Kids:

Devotions written as if Jesus is speaking directly to a child’s heart. Based on her original Jesus Calling, this version has been adapted in a language and fashion that kids and tweens can relate to their everyday lives. After many years of writing in her prayer journal, missionary Sarah Young decided to listen to God with pen in hand, writing down what she believed He was saying to her through Scripture. Others were blessed as she shared her writings, until people all over the world were using her devotionals. They are written from Jesus’ point of view, thus the title Jesus Calling. It is Sarah’s fervent prayer that our Savior may bless readers, and now young readers, with His presence and His peace in ever deeper measure. 30

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It’s your



It’s a big deal moving to high school. At 11 or 12, students are used to the secure environment of their school, where all their friends are close by. Now they are about to set foot into a much bigger, unfamiliar place where there are lots of teenage kids rushing about. It’s Your Move! is a vital tool in helping students during an important time of change, but the effects last much longer than the weeks in between leaving one school and starting another. Each book costs $3.50 or you can order a pack of 10 for only $25.

$3.50 For more information or to purchase one of these books please go to or freephone us at 0508 423 836

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PO Box 760, Wellington 6140 0508 423 836 He rama tau kupu ki oku wae Your word is a lamp to my feet, Psalm 119:105 SUNZ is a member of the Scripture Union International Family

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