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What do you think of the way SUNZ does Bible engagement?
On pages 8-9 in this magazine you read about how we do Bible engagement here at SUNZ. You also read on pages 10-11 about a very short example of Bible engagement from our recent leadership development weekend ‘Beyond Experience’. See some of the reflections and responses from some ‘Beyond Experience’ participants regarding our style of Bible engagement.
I enjoyed the subtle but constant [Bible] engagement throughout the weekend.
Going through Mary’s story was really good, great that it was straight from the bible. I also appreciated going one person and having a theme, not jumping around through different people/books.
I thought that the Bible engagement was great in general over the weekend, especially in the workshops and Mary Magdalene talks.
I personally think we had the right amount of Bible engagement; it wasn’t too much or too little. I liked how it was a leadership weekend but then had Christian elements to it too.
It felt very natural and not tacked on. Just right! Always enjoy how SUNZ incorporates scripture.
I enjoyed Annette’s talks and how they were scripture based. I liked the style of Bible engagement that Annette used.
The active effort to engage with the Bible was real good. Often I’ve found at other Christian events they involve Jesus but can skip reading from the word and focusing on scripture itself.
I liked the references to scripture in the workshops. It was clear the leaders have strong biblical knowledge and a passion for sharing the word. The morning sessions on Mary were a great place to start and thoroughly enjoyed how this character in the Bible was discussed.
Great. I really loved it all. It really resonated with me.